65 resultados para Rot lesion nematode


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Das Schweizer Kreuz hat als Zeichen ausserordentliche Qualitäten und ein enormes Potenzial. Seine Verwendung geht weit über den unmittelbaren Bereich von Staat und Nation hinaus. Die Publikation der Hochschule der Künste Bern HKB erschliesst dieses Phänomen mit illustrierten Beiträgen von Fachleuten aus verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Fachrichtungen. Für Nation, Staat, Politik und im Sport steht es als Symbol, im Kontext Wirtschaft ist es Teil von Logos, im Zusammenhang von Lifestyle und Zeitgeist tritt es als modisches Ornament auf. Das Schweizer Kreuz macht TrägerInnen und AbsenderInnen identifizierbar: Abstimmungsunterlagen als staatliche Dokumente, die Sportlerin als Mitglied des Nationalteams, den Inhaber eines Pas-ses oder einer Identitätskarte als Schweizer Bürger; Post oder SBB als schweizerische Dienstleister; die Besitzerin einer Tasche als Vertreterin einer Lifestyle-Gruppe oder Nachzüglerin eines sinkenden Trends; das Mineralwasser als natürliches, gesundes Produkt; eine Alu-Trinkflasche als flottes Qualitätsprodukt. Interdisziplinärer Zugang «Weiss auf Rot. Das Schweizer Kreuz zwischen nationaler Identität und Corporate Identity» ist eine Textsammlung, die entsprechend der Vielfältigkeit des Themas auch eine Vielfalt von Annäherungen an den Gegenstand bietet. Die 13 wissenschaftlichen Texte werden ergänzt durch fünf Interviews mit VertreterInnen aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Sportwissenschaft und Gestaltung, die in ihrem berufli-chen Alltag einen praktischen Bezug zum Schweizer Kreuz haben.


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An outbreak of foot rot occurred in the ibex colony "Vanil Noir" in Switzerland from May to December 2014. This article describes field observations and the analyses carried out on the limbs of 3 animals submitted for postmortem examination. Disease signs observed in the field included lameness, poor body condition and overgrown hooves. Macroscopic examination of selected limbs revealed severe lesions in all of them, including interdigital inflammation with ulceration and malodorous exudation. Histological changes were consistent with chronic laminitis with bone resorption, which was not detected at radiographical examination. Grocott-positive organisms compatible with Dichelobacternodosus were detected in the lesions. Samples collected from the lesions were positive by polymerase chain reaction for benign D. nodosus, which is typically associated with only mild lesions in domestic sheep. Whether D. nodosus is endemic in the colony or had previously been transmitted from sympatric domestic livestock is unclear. The unusual warm and humid weather conditions in 2014 may well have contributed to the outbreak.


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A 10-yr-old female Asian small-clawed otter (Aonyx cinerea) presented with a history of right forelimb lameness. Antebrachial radiographs revealed a Monteggia lesion, classified by cranial radial head luxation and distal diaphyseal ulnar fracture. Open reduction with placement of an ulnar-radial positional screw was performed. The lateral collateral ligament was reconstructed using suture anchored by a condylar screw and bone tunnel in the radius. Reduction and proper implant placement was confirmed on postoperative radiographs. The ulnar-radial positional screw was removed 6 wk postoperatively to allow proper supination and pronation. Limb function was greatly improved at this time; however, a mild lameness was still observed. At 7 mo postoperatively, the otter was ambulating lameness-free. Radiographs documented proper joint reduction and stable condylar screw. At 32 mo postoperatively, the otter continued to exhibit normal ambulation.


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Fetal antigen 1/delta-like 1 homologue (FA1/dlk1) belongs to the epidermal growth factor superfamily and is considered to be a non-canonical ligand for the Notch receptor. Interactions between Notch and its ligands are crucial for the development of various tissues. Moreover, FA1/dlk1 has been suggested as a potential supplementary marker of dopaminergic neurons. The present study aimed at investigating the distribution of FA1/dlk1-immunoreactive (-ir) cells in the early postnatal and adult midbrain as well as in the nigrostriatal system of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-lesioned hemiparkinsonian adult rats. FA1/dlk1-ir cells were predominantly distributed in the substantia nigra (SN) pars compacta (SNc) and in the ventral tegmental area. Interestingly, the expression of FA1/dlk1 significantly increased in tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-ir cells during early postnatal development. Co-localization and tracing studies demonstrated that FA1/dlk1-ir cells in the SNc were nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons, and unilateral 6-OHDA lesions resulted in loss of both FA1/dlk1-ir and TH-ir cells in the SNc. Surprisingly, increased numbers of FA1/dlk1-ir cells (by 70%) were detected in dopamine-depleted striata as compared to unlesioned controls. The higher number of FA1/dlk1-ir cells was likely not due to neurogenesis as colocalization studies for proliferation markers were negative. This suggests that FA1/dlk1 was up-regulated in intrinsic cells in response to the 6-OHDA-mediated loss of FA1/dlk1-expressing SNc dopaminergic neurons and/or due to the stab wound. Our findings hint to a significant role of FA1/dlk1 in the SNc during early postnatal development. The differential expression of FA1/dlk1 in the SNc and the striatum of dopamine-depleted rats could indicate a potential involvement of FA1/dlk1 in the cellular response to the degenerative processes.


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Permanent destruction of abnormal cardiac tissue responsible for cardiac arrhythmogenesis whilst avoiding collateral tissue injury forms the cornerstone of catheter ablation therapy. As the acceptance and performance of catheter ablation increases worldwide, limitations in current technology are becoming increasingly apparent in the treatment of complex arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation. This review will discuss the role of new technologies aimed to improve lesion formation with the ultimate goal of improving arrhythmia-free survival of patients undergoing catheter ablation of atrial arrhythmias.