68 resultados para Paulaharju, Jenny
Einleitung Im deutschsprachigen Raum besteht ein hoher Anteil an sportlich inaktiven und in Sportvereinen unterrepräsentierten Migrantinnen (Burrmann et al., 2015; Lamprecht et al., 2014). Migrantinnen ist der Zugang zu Sportaktivitäten häufig erschwert aufgrund von Diskriminierung, Konflikten und Grenzziehungen. Häufig wurde das Potenzial der Integration in den Sport bzw. Sozialisation zum Sport von Migrantinnen in (ethnischen) Sportvereinen und im Schulsport untersucht. Hingegen ist zur Integration in den Sport in interkulturellen Vereinen wenig bekannt. Basierend auf dem theoretischen Ansatz Boundary Work (Lamont & Molnár, 2002) wurden geschlechtsbezogene und ethnische Grenzziehungsprozesse hinsichtlich der Sportpartizipation von Migrantinnen in einem interkulturellen Verein sowie vereinsbezogene Möglichkeiten, welche die Integration in den Sport fördern, untersucht. Methode Es wurden halbstrukturierte Interviews mit acht Migrantinnen und zwei Leiterinnen eines interkulturellen Vereins in der Schweiz sowie eine Gruppendiskussion mit sechs Migrantinnen durchgeführt. Die Datenauswertung erfolgte mittels qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse und dokumentarischer Methode. Ergebnisse Die Resultate indizieren vielfältige, verschränkte, sich überlagernde und durchlässige Grenzen, die das Geschlecht und die Ethnizität allgemein betreffen. Im Speziellen wirken migrations- und lebensphasenspezifisch geprägte Haltungen gegenüber „mütterlichen“ Verpflichtungen, sprachlichen- und beruflichen Ausbildungspflichten sowie Praktiken der Körperverhüllung. Die jeweilige Struktur der Grenzverschränkungen wirkt z.T. mehrfach restriktiv. Zur Überwindung der Grenzen bietet der Verein z.B. professionelle Mitarbeiterinnen; Kinderbetreuung; niederschwellige, kosten- und zeitgünstige Sportangebote exklusiv für Frauen; und eine wohlwollende Atmosphäre mit gleichberechtigtem Zusammensein. Diskussion Interkulturelle Vereine können den Zugang zu Sportangeboten für Migrantinnen erleichtern und die Integration in den Sport bzw. die Sozialisation zum Sport fördern. Der auf Grenzziehung fokussierte theoretische Ansatz und die vorliegenden Resultate eröffnen neue Forschungsperspektiven im Bereich Sport und Sozialisation sowie Integration.
PURPOSE The safe clinical implementation of pencil beam scanning (PBS) proton therapy for lung tumors is complicated by the delivery uncertainties caused by breathing motion. The purpose of this feasibility study was to investigate whether a voluntary breath-hold technique could limit the delivery uncertainties resulting from interfractional motion. METHODS AND MATERIALS Data from 15 patients with peripheral lung tumors previously treated with stereotactic radiation therapy were included in this study. The patients had 1 computed tomographic (CT) scan in voluntary breath-hold acquired before treatment and 3 scans during the treatment course. PBS proton treatment plans with 2 fields (2F) and 3 fields (3F), respectively, were calculated based on the planning CT scan and subsequently recalculated on the 3 repeated CT scans. Recalculated plans were considered robust if the V95% (volume receiving ≥95% of the prescribed dose) of the gross target volume (GTV) was within 5% of what was expected from the planning CT data throughout the simulated treatment. RESULTS A total of 14/15 simulated treatments for both 2F and 3F met the robustness criteria. Reduced V95% was associated with baseline shifts (2F, P=.056; 3F, P=.008) and tumor size (2F, P=.025; 3F, P=.025). Smaller tumors with large baseline shifts were also at risk for reduced V95% (interaction term baseline/size: 2F, P=.005; 3F, P=.002). CONCLUSIONS The breath-hold approach is a realistic clinical option for treating lung tumors with PBS proton therapy. Potential risk factors for reduced V95% are small targets in combination with large baseline shifts. On the basis of these results, the baseline shift of the tumor should be monitored (eg, through image guided therapy), and appropriate measures should be taken accordingly. The intrafractional motion needs to be investigated to confirm that the breath-hold approach is robust.
Mastitis-Metritis-Agalactia (MMA), also known as postpartum dysgalactia syndrome (PPDS) is the most important disease complex in sows after birth. The present study compared 30 MMA problem herds (over 12% of farrowing sows affected) with 30 control farms (less than 10% of farrowing sows affected) to identify risk factors and treatment incidence. Important risk factors identified were in gilts the integration into the herd after the first farrowing, in gestating sows firm fecal consistency as well as in lactating sows soiled troughs, a low flow rate (<2 liters per minute) in drinking nipples and a high prevalence of lameness. The treatment incidence was also significantly different between the two groups. The MMA prevalence could be reduced through optimization of husbandry, feeding and management, which could essentially diminish the use of antibiotics.
Mannan-binding lectin-associated serine protease-1 (MASP-1), a protein of the complement lectin pathway, resembles thrombin in terms of structural features and substrate specificity. Due to its interplay with several coagulation factors, it has the ability to induce fibrin clot formation independent of the usual coagulation activation pathways. We have recently shown that MASP-1 activates prothrombin and identified arginine (R) 155, R271, and R393 as potential cleavage sites. FXa cleaves R320 instead of R393, and thrombin cleaves R155 and R284 in prothrombin. Here we have used three arginine-to-glutamine mutants of prothrombin, R271Q, R320Q, R393Q and the serine-to-alanine active site mutant S525A to investigate in detail the mechanism of MASP-1 mediated prothrombin activation. Prothrombin wildtype and mutants were digested with MASP-1 and the cleavage products were analysed by SDS-PAGE and N-terminal sequencing. A functional clotting assay was performed by thrombelastography. We have found that MASP-1 activates prothrombin via two simultaneous pathways, either cleaving at R271 or R393 first. Both pathways result in the formation of several active alternative thrombin species. Functional studies confirmed that both R393 and R320 are required for prothrombin activation by MASP-1, whereas R155 is not considered to be an important cleavage site in this process. In conclusion, we have described for the first time a detailed model of prothrombin activation by MASP-1.
Alveolar echinococcosis, caused by the tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis, is one of the most severe parasitic diseases in humans and represents one of the 17 neglected diseases prioritised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2012. Considering the major medical and veterinary importance of this parasite, the phylogeny of the genus Echinococcus is of considerable importance; yet, despite numerous efforts with both mitochondrial and nuclear data, it has remained unresolved. The genus is clearly complex, and this is one of the reasons for the incomplete understanding of its taxonomy. Although taxonomic studies have recognised E. multilocularis as a separate entity from the Echinococcus granulosus complex and other members of the genus, it would be premature to draw firm conclusions about the taxonomy of the genus before the phylogeny of the whole genus is fully resolved. The recent sequencing of E. multilocularis and E. granulosus genomes opens new possibilities for performing in-depth phylogenetic analyses. In addition, whole genome data provide the possibility of inferring phylogenies based on a large number of functional genes, i.e. genes that trace the evolutionary history of adaptation in E. multilocularis and other members of the genus. Moreover, genomic data open new avenues for studying the molecular epidemiology of E. multilocularis: genotyping studies with larger panels of genetic markers allow the genetic diversity and spatial dynamics of parasites to be evaluated with greater precision. There is an urgent need for international coordination of genotyping of E. multilocularis isolates from animals and human patients. This could be fundamental for a better understanding of the transmission of alveolar echinococcosis and for designing efficient healthcare strategies.
The first annual report of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support (IMACS) registry provides global data on 5,942 patients from 31 countries. This initial report focuses on patient demographics, survival, device types, adverse events, competing outcomes, and a risk factor analysis.