68 resultados para Object manipulation


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A common form of violence investigated in legal medicine is blunt trauma caused by striking with different objects. The injuries and medical consequences have been widely examined, whereas the forces and especially the energies acting on impact have rarely been analyzed. This study focuses on how the impact energy of different striking objects depends on their characteristics. A total of 1170 measurements of horizontal strikes against a static and relatively heavy pendulum have been acquired with 13 volunteers. The main focus was laid on how the weight, the length, and the center of mass of the different striking objects influenced the striking energy. The results show average impact energies in the range of 67.3 up to 311.5 J for men with an optimum weight of about 1.3 kg with its center of mass in the far end quarter for a 1-m-long striking object. The average values for women range from 30 to 202.6 J, with an optimum weight between 1.65 and 2.2 kg and similar settings for the center of mass as the men. Also, the impact energies are getting higher with shorter object lengths and reach a maximum at a length of about 0.3 to 0.4 m. The male volunteers' impact energy was on average by 84.2 % higher than the values of the female volunteers, where the impact masses were very similar and the impact velocities played the key role.


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Until today, most of the documentation of forensic relevant medical findings is limited to traditional 2D photography, 2D conventional radiographs, sketches and verbal description. There are still some limitations of the classic documentation in forensic science especially if a 3D documentation is necessary. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate new 3D real data based geo-metric technology approaches. This paper present approaches to a 3D geo-metric documentation of injuries on the body surface and internal injuries in the living and deceased cases. Using modern imaging methods such as photogrammetry, optical surface and radiological CT/MRI scanning in combination it could be demonstrated that a real, full 3D data based individual documentation of the body surface and internal structures is possible in a non-invasive and non-destructive manner. Using the data merging/fusing and animation possibilities, it is possible to answer reconstructive questions of the dynamic development of patterned injuries (morphologic imprints) and to evaluate the possibility, that they are matchable or linkable to suspected injury-causing instruments. For the first time, to our knowledge, the method of optical and radiological 3D scanning was used to document the forensic relevant injuries of human body in combination with vehicle damages. By this complementary documentation approach, individual forensic real data based analysis and animation were possible linking body injuries to vehicle deformations or damages. These data allow conclusions to be drawn for automobile accident research, optimization of vehicle safety (pedestrian and passenger) and for further development of crash dummies. Real 3D data based documentation opens a new horizon for scientific reconstruction and animation by bringing added value and a real quality improvement in forensic science.


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While Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) has evolved as an ideal tool to study surface chemistry at the atomic scale, the identification of adsorbed species is often not straightforward. This paper describes a way to reliably identify H2O, CO and O2 on the TiO2 anatase (101) surface with STM. These molecules are of a key importance in the surface chemistry of this and many other (photo-) catalytic materials. They exhibit a wide variety of contrasts in STM images, depending on the tip condition. With clean, metallic tips the molecules appear very similar, i.e., as bright, dimer-like features located in the proximity of surface Ti5c atoms. However, each species exhibits a specific response to the electric field applied by the STM tip. It is shown that this tip–adsorbate interaction can be used to reliably ascertain the identity of such species. The tip–adsorbate interactions, together with comparison of experimental and calculated STM images, are used to analyse and revisit the assignments of molecular adsorbed species reported in recent studies.


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Introduction: In team sports the ability to use peripheral vision is essential to track a number of players and the ball. By using eye-tracking devices it was found that players either use fixations and saccades to process information on the pitch or use smooth pursuit eye movements (SPEM) to keep track of single objects (Schütz, Braun, & Gegenfurtner, 2011). However, it is assumed that peripheral vision can be used best when the gaze is stable while it is unknown whether motion changes can be equally well detected when SPEM are used especially because contrast sensitivity is reduced during SPEM (Schütz, Delipetkose, Braun, Kerzel, & Gegenfurtner, 2007). Therefore, peripheral motion change detection will be examined by contrasting a fixation condition with a SPEM condition. Methods: 13 participants (7 male, 6 female) were presented with a visual display consisting of 15 white and 1 red square. Participants were instructed to follow the red square with their eyes and press a button as soon as a white square begins to move. White square movements occurred either when the red square was still (fixation condition) or moving in a circular manner with 6 °/s (pursuit condition). The to-be-detected white square movements varied in eccentricity (4 °, 8 °, 16 °) and speed (1 °/s, 2 °/s, 4 °/s) while movement time of white squares was constant at 500 ms. 180 events should be detected in total. A Vicon-integrated eye-tracking system and a button press (1000 Hz) was used to control for eye-movements and measure detection rates and response times. Response times (ms) and missed detections (%) were measured as dependent variables and analysed with a 2 (manipulation) x 3 (eccentricity) x 3 (speed) ANOVA with repeated measures on all factors. Results: Significant response time effects were found for manipulation, F(1,12) = 224.31, p < .01, ηp2 = .95, eccentricity, F(2,24) = 56.43; p < .01, ηp2 = .83, and the interaction between the two factors, F(2,24) = 64.43; p < .01, ηp2 = .84. Response times increased as a function of eccentricity for SPEM only and were overall higher than in the fixation condition. Results further showed missed events effects for manipulation, F(1,12) = 37.14; p < .01, ηp2 = .76, eccentricity, F(2,24) = 44.90; p < .01, ηp2 = .79, the interaction between the two factors, F(2,24) = 39.52; p < .01, ηp2 = .77 and the three-way interaction manipulation x eccentricity x speed, F(2,24) = 3.01; p = .03, ηp2 = .20. While less than 2% of events were missed on average in the fixation condition as well as at 4° and 8° eccentricity in the SPEM condition, missed events increased for SPEM at 16 ° eccentricity with significantly more missed events in the 4 °/s speed condition (1 °/s: M = 34.69, SD = 20.52; 2 °/s: M = 33.34, SD = 19.40; 4 °/s: M = 39.67, SD = 19.40). Discussion: It could be shown that using SPEM impairs the ability to detect peripheral motion changes at the far periphery and that fixations not only help to detect these motion changes but also to respond faster. Due to high temporal constraints especially in team sports like soccer or basketball, fast reaction are necessary for successful anticipation and decision making. Thus, it is advised to anchor gaze at a specific location if peripheral changes (e.g. movements of other players) that require a motor response have to be detected. In contrast, SPEM should only be used if a single object, like the ball in cricket or baseball, is necessary for a successful motor response. References: Schütz, A. C., Braun, D. I., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2011). Eye movements and perception: A selective review. Journal of Vision, 11, 1-30. Schütz, A. C., Delipetkose, E., Braun, D. I., Kerzel, D., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2007). Temporal contrast sensitivity during smooth pursuit eye movements. Journal of Vision, 7, 1-15.


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The contribution of this article demonstrates how to identify context-aware types of e-Learning objects (eLOs) derived from the subject domains. This perspective is taken from an engineering point of view and is applied during requirements elicitation and analysis relating to present work in constructing an object-oriented (OO), dynamic, and adaptive model to build and deliver packaged e-Learning courses. Consequently, three preliminary subject domains are presented and, as a result, three primitive types of eLOs are posited. These types educed from the subject domains are of structural, conceptual, and granular nature. Structural objects are responsible for the course itself, conceptual objects incorporate adaptive and logical interoperability, while granular objects congregate granular assets. Their differences, interrelationships, and responsibilities are discussed. A major design challenge relates to adaptive behaviour. Future research addresses refinement on the subject domains and adaptive hypermedia systems.


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Specification consortia and standardization bodies concentrate on e-Learning objects to en-sure reusability of content. Learning objects may be collected in a library and used for deriv-ing course offerings that are customized to the needs of different learning communities. How-ever, customization of courses is possible only if the logical dependencies between the learn-ing objects are known. Metadata for describing object relationships have been proposed in several e-Learning specifications. This paper discusses the customization potential of e-Learning objects but also the pitfalls that exist if content is customized inappropriately.


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Figurentheater für ein erwachsenes Publikum findet vermehrt auch auf den institutionalisierten Bühnen des Sprech-, Tanz- und Musiktheaters statt. Diese Entwicklung steht symptomatisch für eine in allen Künsten beobachtbare Tendenz, Genre- und Formgrenzen zu öffnen. Mit der Auflösung strikter Grenzziehungen zwischen den Künsten sowie der Enthierarchisierung der Theatermittel in postdramatischen Formen werden mittlerweile verstärkt auch in Schauspielinszenierungen Puppen, die gleichberechtigt neben den menschlichen Darsteller_innen agieren, eingesetzt (z. B. Frankenstein, Regie: Philipp Stölzl, Theater Basel 2014; Die Brüder Löwenherz, Regie: Ingo Berk, Puppen: Mervyn Millar, Schauspielhaus Zürich 2014; Der Untergang des Hauses Usher, Regie und Puppen: Suse Wächter, Residenztheater München 2015; Merlin oder das wüste Land, Regie: Jan-Christoph Gockel, Puppen: Michael Pietsch, Schauspielhaus Graz 2015). Der seit etwa 20 Jahren beobachtbare massive Entwicklungsschub im west- und zentraleuropäischen Figurentheater ist eng verknüpft mit der Form der offenen Manipulation, bei der Puppenspieler_innen sichtbar die Spielfigur animieren. Inspiriert ist diese offene Spielweise vom traditionellen japanischen Figurentheater Bunraku, bei dem drei sichtbare Puppenspieler eine Figur animieren. Das Bühnengeschehen wird von einem am Seitenrand der Bühne platzierten Rezitator, welcher die Handlung erzählt und den Text aller Figuren spricht, sowie von einem Shamisen-Spieler begleitet. Während für Vertreter der historischen Avantgarde wie beispielsweise Edward Gordon Craig die Puppe aufgrund ihrer Kontrollierbarkeit als Schauspielerersatz von Interesse war, rückt im zeitgenössischen, offen manipulierenden Figurentheater der Fokus auf die Konfrontation von menschlichen Darsteller_innen und Kunstkörpern. Der Beitrag möchte das evidente Interesse der zeitgenössischen Theaterpraxis an der figurentheaterspezifischen Spielweise der offenen Manipulation zum Ausgangspunkt nehmen, um deren Potenzial zur Fragmentierung, Collagierung und Hybridisierung von Körperkonstruktionen und Körperdarstellungen sowie die damit einhergehenden Fragen nach Subjekt- versus Objektstatus zu untersuchen. Abschliessend soll der Frage nachgegangen werden, welche tradierten schauspieltheoretischen Setzungen mit Blick auf die Möglichkeiten der offenen Manipulation als theatrale Praktik im Sprechtheater einer Revision unterzogen werden müssen.