76 resultados para Model animals


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BACKGROUND: We developed a canine model of acute atopic dermatitis to evaluate the potential of compounds to treat pruritus and skin lesions induced in Dermatophagoides farinae (Df)-sensitized dogs. HYPOTHESIS/OBJECTIVES: The aim was to investigate the effectiveness of long-term recording activity monitors to assess pruritus induced by allergen challenges. ANIMALS: Thirty-two Df-sensitized laboratory dogs. METHODS: In two blinded crossover studies, 28 Df-sensitized dogs were challenged on 3 days with a Df slurry applied to clipped abdominal skin. Dogs were treated with a positive control (prednisolone 1 mg/kg once daily for 5 days, starting 1 day before challenge) or left untreated; all were fitted with activity monitors. To confirm pruritus, a parallel study with four dogs was conducted, filming the dogs before and during challenge and assessing the film for pruritic behaviour. RESULTS: The activity of dogs treated with prednisolone was significantly lower between 00.00 and 03.00 h and between 03.00 and 06.00 h compared with untreated dogs (repeated-measures ANCOVA; P < 0.0001). To determine whether the recorded night-time activity corresponded to pruritic manifestations, we compared activity monitor and video recordings of four dogs for two periods (16.30-20.30 and 24.00-03.00 h) before and during a Df challenge. The correlation between night-time activity monitor activity and observed pruritic behaviour was highly significant (test of correlation coefficient versus zero: r = 0.57, P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Determination of night-time activity with activity monitors after allergen challenge appears to be an objective and practical way to assess pruritus in this experimental model of canine atopic dermatitis.


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The potential and adaptive flexibility of population dynamic P-systems (PDP) to study population dynamics suggests that they may be suitable for modelling complex fluvial ecosystems, characterized by a composition of dynamic habitats with many variables that interact simultaneously. Using as a model a reservoir occupied by the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha, we designed a computational model based on P systems to study the population dynamics of larvae, in order to evaluate management actions to control or eradicate this invasive species. The population dynamics of this species was simulated under different scenarios ranging from the absence of water flow change to a weekly variation with different flow rates, to the actual hydrodynamic situation of an intermediate flow rate. Our results show that PDP models can be very useful tools to model complex, partially desynchronized, processes that work in parallel. This allows the study of complex hydroecological processes such as the one presented, where reproductive cycles, temperature and water dynamics are involved in the desynchronization of the population dynamics both, within areas and among them. The results obtained may be useful in the management of other reservoirs with similar hydrodynamic situations in which the presence of this invasive species has been documented.


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BACKGROUND: The understanding of molecular mechanisms leading to poor prognosis in pancreatic cancer may help develop treatment options. N-myc downstream-regulated gene-1 (NDRG1) has been correlated to better prognosis in pancreatic cancer. Therefore, we thought to analyze how the loss of NDRG1 affects progression in an orthotopic xenograft animal model of recurrence. METHODS: Capan-1 cells were silenced for NDRG1 (C(sil)) or transfected with scrambled shRNA (C(scr)) and compared for anchorage-dependent and anchorage-independent growth, invasion and tube formation in vitro. In an orthotopic xenograft model of recurrence tumors were grown in the pancreatic tail. The effect of NDRG1 silencing was evaluated on tumor size and metastasis. RESULTS: The silencing of NDRG1 in Capan-1 cells leads to more aggressive tumor growth and metastasis. We found faster cell growth, double count of invaded cells and 1.8-fold increase in tube formation in vitro. In vivo local tumors were 5.9-fold larger (p = 0.006) and the number of metastases was higher in animals with tumors silenced for NDRG1 primarily (3 vs. 1.1; p = 0.005) and at recurrence (3.3 vs. 0.9; p = 0.015). CONCLUSION: NDRG1 may be an interesting therapeutic target as its silencing in human pancreatic cancer cells leads to a phenotype with more aggressive tumor growth and metastasis.


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BACKGROUND Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) occurs in up to 10% of pregnancies and is considered as a major risk to develop various diseases in adulthood, such as cardiovascular diseases, insulin resistance, hypertension or end stage kidney disease. Several IUGR models have been developed in order to understand the biological processes linked to fetal growth retardation, most of them being rat or mouse models and nutritional models. In order to reproduce altered placental flow, surgical models have also been developed, and among them bilateral uterine ligation has been frequently used. Nevertheless, this model has never been developed in the mouse, although murine tools display multiple advantages for biological research. The aim of this work was therefore to develop a mouse model of bilateral uterine ligation as a surgical model of IUGR. RESULTS In this report, we describe the set up and experimental data obtained from three different protocols (P1, P2, P3) of bilateral uterine vessel ligation in the mouse. Ligation was either performed at the cervical end of each uterine horn (P1) or at the central part of each uterine horn (P2 and P3). Time of surgery was E16 (P1), E17 (P2) or E16.5 (P3). Mortality, maternal weight and abortion parameters were recorded, as well as placentas weights, fetal resorption, viability, fetal weight and size. Results showed that P1 in test animals led to IUGR but was also accompanied with high mortality rate of mothers (50%), low viability of fetuses (8%) and high resorption rate (25%). P2 and P3 improved most of these parameters (decreased mortality and improved pregnancy outcomes; improved fetal viability to 90% and 27%, respectively) nevertheless P2 was not associated to IUGR contrary to P3. Thus P3 experimental conditions enable IUGR with better pregnancy and fetuses outcomes parameters that allow its use in experimental studies. CONCLUSIONS Our results show that bilateral uterine artery ligation according to the protocol we have developed and validated can be used as a surgical mouse model of IUGR.


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Retinal vein occlusion is a leading cause of visual impairment. Experimental models of this condition based on laser photocoagulation of retinal veins have been described and extensively exploited in mammals and larger rodents such as the rat. However, few reports exist on the use of this paradigm in the mouse. The objective of this study was to investigate a model of branch and central retinal vein occlusion in the mouse and characterize in vivo longitudinal retinal morphology alterations using spectral domain optical coherence tomography. Retinal veins were experimentally occluded using laser photocoagulation after intravenous application of Rose Bengal, a photo-activator dye enhancing thrombus formation. Depending on the number of veins occluded, variable amounts of capillary dropout were seen on fluorescein angiography. Vascular endothelial growth factor levels were markedly elevated early and peaked at day one. Retinal thickness measurements with spectral domain optical coherence tomography showed significant swelling (p<0.001) compared to baseline, followed by gradual thinning plateauing two weeks after the experimental intervention (p<0.001). Histological findings at day seven correlated with spectral domain optical coherence tomography imaging. The inner layers were predominantly affected by degeneration with the outer nuclear layer and the photoreceptor outer segments largely preserved. The application of this retinal vein occlusion model in the mouse carries several advantages over its use in other larger species, such as access to a vast range of genetically modified animals. Retinal changes after experimental retinal vein occlusion in this mouse model can be non-invasively quantified by spectral domain optical coherence tomography, and may be used to monitor effects of potential therapeutic interventions.


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Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a heritable connective tissue disease characterized by bone fragility and increased risk of fractures. Up to now, mutations in at least 18 genes have been associated with dominant and recessive forms of OI that affect the production or post-translational processing of procollagen or alter bone homeostasis. Among those, SERPINH1 encoding heat shock protein 47 (HSP47), a chaperone exclusive for collagen folding in the ER, was identified to cause a severe form of OI in dachshunds (L326P) as well as in humans (one single case with a L78P mutation). To elucidate the disease mechanism underlying OI in the dog model, we applied a range of biochemical assays to mutant and control skin fibroblasts as well as on bone samples. These experiments revealed that type I collagen synthesized by mutant cells had decreased electrophoretic mobility. Procollagen was retained intracellularly with concomitant dilation of ER cisternae and activation of the ER stress response markers GRP78 and phospho-eIF2α, thus suggesting a defect in procollagen processing. In line with the migration shift detected on SDS-PAGE of cell culture collagen, extracts of bone collagen from the OI dog showed a similar mobility shift, and on tandem mass spectrometry, the chains were post-translationally overmodified. The bone collagen had a higher content of pyridinoline than control dog bone. We conclude that the SERPINH1 mutation in this naturally occurring model of OI impairs how HSP47 acts as a chaperone in the ER. This results in abnormal post-translational modification and cross-linking of the bone collagen.


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Congenital pseudomyotonia in Chianina cattle is a muscle function disorder very similar to that of Brody disease in humans. Mutations in the human ATP2A1 gene, encoding SERCA1, cause Brody myopathy. The analysis of the collected Chianina pedigree data suggested monogenic autosomal recessive inheritance and revealed that all 17 affected individuals traced back to a single founder. A deficiency of SERCA1 function in skeletal muscle of pseudomyotonia affected Chianina cattle was observed as SERCA1 activity in affected animals was decreased by about 70%. Linkage analysis showed that the mutation was located in the ATP2A1 gene region on BTA25 and subsequent mutation analysis of the ATP2A1 exons revealed a perfectly associated missense mutation in exon 6 (c.491G>A) leading to a p.Arg164His substitution. Arg164 represents a functionally important and strongly conserved residue of SERCA1. This study provides a suitable large animal model for human Brody disease.


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G(M1)-gangliosidosis is a lysosomal storage disorder caused by a deficiency of ss-galactosidase activity. Human GM1-gangliosidosis has been classified into three forms according to the age of clinical onset and specific biochemical parameters. In the present study, a canine model for type II late infantile human GM1-gangliosidosis was investigated 'in vitro' in detail. For a better understanding of the molecular pathogenesis underlying G(M1)-gangliosidosis the study focused on the analysis of the molecular events and subsequent intracellular protein trafficking of beta-galactosidase. In the canine model the genetic defect results in exclusion or inclusion of exon 15 in the mRNA transcripts and to translation of two mutant precursor proteins. Intracellular localization, processing and enzymatic activity of these mutant proteins were investigated. The obtained results suggested that the beta-galactosidase C-terminus encoded by exons 15 and 16 is necessary for correct C-terminal proteolytic processing and enzyme activity but does not affect the correct routing to the lysosomes. Both mutant protein precursors are enzymatically inactive, but are transported to the lysosomes clearly indicating that the amino acid sequences encoded by exons 15 and 16 are necessary for correct folding and association with protective protein/cathepsin A, whereas the routing to the lysosomes is not influenced. Thus, the investigated canine model is an appropriate animal model for the human late infantile form and represents a versatile system to test gene therapeutic approaches for human and canine G(M1)-gangliosidosis.


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Recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) is a common and potentially debilitating lower airway disease in horses, which shares many similarities with human asthma. In susceptible horses RAO exacerbation is caused by environmental allergens and irritants present in hay dust. The objective of this study was the identification of genes and pathways involved in the pathology of RAO by global transcriptome analyses in stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). We performed RNA-seq on PBMCs derived from 40 RAO affected and 45 control horses belonging to three cohorts of Warmblood horses: two half-sib families and one group of unrelated horses. PBMCs were stimulated with hay dust extract, lipopolysaccharides, a recombinant parasite antigen, or left unstimulated. The total dataset consisted of 561 individual samples. We detected significant differences in the expression profiles between RAO and control horses. Differential expression (DE) was most marked upon stimulation with hay dust extract. An important novel finding was a strong upregulation of CXCL13 together with many genes involved in cell cycle regulation in stimulated samples from RAO affected horses, in addition to changes in the expression of several HIF-1 transcription factor target genes. The RAO condition alters systemic changes observed as differential expression profiles of PBMCs. Those changes also depended on the cohort and stimulation of the samples and were dominated by genes involved in immune cell trafficking, development, and cell cycle regulation. Our findings indicate an important role of CXCL13, likely macrophage or Th17 derived, and the cell cycle regulator CDC20 in the immune response in RAO.


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OBJECTIVES Cerebral hypoxic-ischaemic injury following cardiac arrest is a devastating disease affecting thousands of patients each year. There is a complex interaction between post-resuscitation injury after whole-body ischaemia-reperfusion and cerebral damage which cannot be explored in in vitro systems only; there is a need for animal models. In this study, we describe and evaluate the feasibility and efficiency of our simple rodent cardiac arrest model. METHODS Ten wistar rats were subjected to 9 and 10 minutes of cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest was introduced with a mixture of the short-acting beta-blocking drug esmolol and potassium chloride. RESULTS All animals could be resuscitated within 1 minute, and survived until day 5.General health score and neurobehavioural testing indicated substantial impairment after cardiac arrest, without differences between groups. Histological examination of the hippocampus CA1 segment, the most vulnerable segment of the cerebrum, demonstrated extensive damage in the cresyl violet staining, as well as in the Fluoro-Jade B staining and in the Iba-1 staining, indicating recruitment of microglia after the hypoxic-ischaemic event. Again, there were no differences between the 9- and 10-minute cardiac arrest groups. DISCUSSION We were able to establish a simple and reproducible 9- and 10-minute rodent cardiac arrest models with a well-defined no-flow-time. Extensive damage can be found in the hippocampus CA1 segment. The lack of difference between 9- and 10-minute cardiac arrest time in the neuropsychological, the open field test and the histological evaluations is mainly due to the small sample size.


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The present study examined the impact of implant surface modifications on osseointegration in an osteoporotic rodent model. Sandblasted, acid-etched titanium implants were either used directly (control) or were further modified by surface conditioning with NaOH or by coating with one of the following active agents: collagen/chondroitin sulphate, simvastatin, or zoledronic acid. Control and modified implants were inserted into the proximal tibia of aged ovariectomised (OVX) osteoporotic rats (n = 32/group). In addition, aged oestrogen competent animals received either control or NaOH conditioned implants. Animals were sacrificed 2 and 4 weeks post-implantation. The excised tibiae were utilised for biomechanical and morphometric readouts (n = 8/group/readout). Biomechanical testing revealed at both time points dramatically reduced osseointegration in the tibia of oestrogen deprived osteoporotic animals compared to intact controls irrespective of NaOH exposure. Consistently, histomorphometric and microCT analyses demonstrated diminished bone-implant contact (BIC), peri-implant bone area (BA), bone volume/tissue volume (BV/TV) and bone-mineral density (BMD) in OVX animals. Surface coating with collagen/chondroitin sulphate had no detectable impact on osseointegration. Interestingly, statin coating resulted in a transient increase in BIC 2 weeks post-implantation; which, however, did not correspond to improvement of biomechanical readouts. Local exposure to zoledronic acid increased BIC, BA, BV/TV and BMD at 4 weeks. Yet this translated only into a non-significant improvement of biomechanical properties. In conclusion, this study presents a rodent model mimicking severely osteoporotic bone. Contrary to the other bioactive agents, locally released zoledronic acid had a positive impact on osseointegration albeit to a lesser extent than reported in less challenging models.


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AIMS To determine efficacy of a minimally invasive (MI) surgical approach using a human MI lumbar retractor for canine lumbosacral dorsal laminectomy and partial discectomy and to compare this technique to the standard open surgical (OS) approach. METHODS Lumbosacral dorsal laminectomy and partial discectomy was performed on 16 large-breed canine cadavers using either a standard OS (n=8) or MI (n=8) approach. Skin and fascial incision length, procedure time, and intraoperative complications were recorded. Postoperatively specimens were evaluated for laminectomy and discectomy dimensions, and visible damage to the cauda equina and exiting nerve roots. RESULTS Median length of skin and fascial incisions in the OS group were longer than in the MI group (p<0.001). Median laminectomy length was similar between both approaches (p=0.234) but width was greater for the MI than OS approach (p=0.002). Both approaches achieved similar partial discectomy width (p=0.279). Overall surgical time was longer for MI approaches compared to OS, with a median of 18.5 (min 15.5, max 21.8) minutes for MI compared to 14.6 (min 13.1, max 16.9) minutes for OS (p=0.001). CONCLUSIONS The MI approach reduced incision lengths while retaining comparable laminectomy and discectomy dimensions. For this in vitro model the MI approach required more time to complete, but this difference may not be relevant in clinical cases. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Dogs undergoing lumbosacral dorsal laminectomy are commonly large-breed dogs. The traditional open approach requires a large skin incision and soft tissue dissection, especially in overweight animals. A MI approach accomplishing the same surgical result while minimising soft tissue trauma could reduce post-operative pain and recovery time, and may lower wound-related complications. Clinical studies are needed to confirm postoperative benefit and assess operating times in vivo.


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OBJECTIVE: New routes for cell transplantation into the brain need to be explored as intracerebral or intrathecal applications have a high risk to cause damage to the central nervous system. It has been hypothesized that transnasally administrated cells bypass the blood-brain barrier and migrate along the olfactory neural route into the brain and cerebrospinal fluid. Our goal is to confirm this hypothesis by transnasally administrating Wharton’s Jelly mesenchymal stem cells (WJ-MSC) and neural progenitor cells (NPC) to perinatal rats in a model of hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. STUDY DESIGN: Four-day-old Wistar rat pups, previously brain-damaged by combined hypoxic-ischemic and inflammatory insult, either received WJ-MSC or green fluorescent protein-expressing NPC: The heads of the rat pups were immobilized and 3 ml drops containing the cells (50’000 cells/ml) were placed on one nostril allowing it to be snorted. This procedure was repeated twice, alternating right to left nostril with an interval of one minute between administrations. The rat pups received a total of 600’000 cells. Animals were sacrificed 24h, 48h or 7 days after the application of the cells. Fixed brains were collected, embedded in paraffin and sectioned. RESULTS: Transplanted cells were found in the layers of the olfactory bulb (OB), the cerebral cortex, thalamus and the hippocampus. The amount of cells was highest in the OB. Animals treated with transnasally delivered stem cells showed significantly decreased gliosis compared to untreated animals. CONCLUSION: Our data show that transnasal delivery of WJ-MSC and NPC to the newborn brain after perinatal brain damage is successful. The cells not only migrate the brain, but also decrease scar formation and improve neurogenesis. Therefore, the non-invasive intranasal delivery of stem cells to the brain may be the preferred method for stem cell treatment of perinatal brain damage and should be preferred in future clinical trials.


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Biodegradable magnesium plate/screw osteosynthesis systems were implanted on the frontal bone of adult miniature pigs. The chosen implant geometries were based on existing titanium systems used for the treatment of facial fractures. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vivo degradation and tissue response of the magnesium alloy WE43 with and without a plasma electrolytic surface coating. Of 14 animals, 6 received magnesium implants with surface modification (coated), 6 without surface modification (uncoated), and 2 titanium implants. Radiological examination of the skull was performed at 1, 4, and 8 weeks post-implantation. After euthanasia at 12 and 24 weeks, X-ray, computed tomography, and microfocus computed tomography analyses and histological and histomorphological examinations of the bone/implant blocks were performed. The results showed a good tolerance of the plate/screw system without wound healing disturbance. In the radiological examination, gas pocket formation was found mainly around the uncoated plates 4 weeks after surgery. The micro-CT and histological analyses showed significantly lower corrosion rates and increased bone density and bone implant contact area around the coated screws compared to the uncoated screws at both endpoints. This study shows promising results for the further development of coated magnesium implants for the osteosynthesis of the facial skeleton.


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The regenerative pathways during periosteal distraction osteogenesis may be influenced by the local environment composed by cells, growth factors, nutrition and mechanical load. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of two protocols of periosteal distraction on bone formation. Custom made distraction devices were surgically fixed onto the calvariae of 60 rabbits. After an initial healing period of 7 days, two groups of animals were submitted to distraction rates of 0.25 and 0.5 mm/24 h for 10 days, respectively. Six animals per group were sacrificed 10 (mid-distraction), 17 (end-distraction), 24 (1-week consolidation), 31 (2-week consolidation) and 77 days (2-month consolidation) after surgery. Newly formed bone was assessed by means of micro-CT and histologically. Expression of transcripts encoding tissue-specific genes (BMP-2, RUNX2, ACP5, SPARC, collagen I α1, collagen II α1 and SOX9) was analyzed by quantitative PCR. Two patterns of bone formation were observed, originating from the old bone surface in Group I and from the periosteum in Group II. Bone volume (BV) and bone mineral density (BMD) significantly increased up to the 2-month consolidation period within the groups (p < 0.05). Significantly more bone was observed in Group II compared to Group I at the 2-month consolidation period (p < 0.001). Expression of transcripts encoding osteogenic genes in bone depended on the time-point of observation (p < 0.05). Low level of transcripts reveals an indirect role of periosteum in the osteogenic process. Two protocols of periosteal distraction in the present model resulted in moderate differences in terms of bone formation.