144 resultados para Lung Diseases, Interstitial -- diagnosis


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High altitude constitutes an exciting natural laboratory for medical research. While initially, the aim of high-altitude research was to understand the adaptation of the organism to hypoxia and find treatments for altitude-related diseases, over the past decade or so, the scope of this research has broadened considerably. Two important observations led to the foundation for the broadening of the scientific scope of high-altitude research. First, high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) represents a unique model which allows studying fundamental mechanisms of pulmonary hypertension and lung edema in humans. Secondly, the ambient hypoxia associated with high-altitude exposure facilitates the detection of pulmonary and systemic vascular dysfunction at an early stage. Here, we review studies that, by capitalizing on these observations, have led to the description of novel mechanisms underpinning lung edema and pulmonary hypertension and to the first direct demonstration of fetal programming of vascular dysfunction in humans.


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Mucormycosis is an emerging cause of infectious morbidity and mortality in patients with hematologic malignancies. However, there are no recommendations to guide diagnosis and management. The European Conference on Infections in Leukemia assigned experts in hematology and infectious diseases to develop evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of mucormycosis. The guidelines were developed using the evidence criteria set forth by the American Infectious Diseases Society and the key recommendations are summarized here. In the absence of validated biomarkers, the diagnosis of mucormycosis relies on histology and/or detection of the organism by culture from involved sites with identification of the isolate at the species level (no grading). Antifungal chemotherapy, control of the underlying predisposing condition, and surgery are the cornerstones of management (level A II). Options for first-line chemotherapy of mucormycosis include liposomal amphotericin B and amphotericin B lipid complex (level B II). Posaconazole and combination therapy of liposomal amphotericin B or amphotericin B lipid complex with caspofungin are the options for second line-treatment (level B II). Surgery is recommended for rhinocerebral and skin and soft tissue disease (level A II). Reversal of underlying risk factors (diabetes control, reversal of neutropenia, discontinuation/taper of glucocorticosteroids, reduction of immunosuppressants, discontinuation of deferroxamine) is important in the treatment of mucormycosis (level A II). The duration of antifungal chemotherapy is not defined but guided by the resolution of all associated symptoms and findings (no grading). Maintenance therapy/secondary prophylaxis must be considered in persistently immunocompromised patients (no grading).


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OBJECTIVES: To merge clinical information from partly overlapping medical record databases of the Small Animal Teaching Hospital of the Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Berne. To describe the frequencies and localisations of neurological diseases in dogs, as well as their age, gender, breed and geographical distributions. METHODS: In this retrospective study, a new database, with specific variables and a diagnosis key list 'VITAMIN D', was created and defined. A total of 4497 dogs (average of 375 per year) with a well-documented neurological disease were included in the study. A key list for the diagnoses was developed and applied to either the presumptive or the clinical and neurohistopathological diagnosis, with a serial number, a code for localisation and a code for differential diagnoses. RESULTS: Approximately 1159 dogs (26 per cent) had a neurohistopathological diagnosis confirmed, 1431 (32 per cent) had a clinical diagnosis confirmed and 1491 (33 per cent) had a presumptive diagnosis. The most frequent breeds were mixed-breed dogs (577 of 4497, 13 per cent), followed by German shepherd dogs (466 of 4497, 10 per cent). The most common localisations were the forebrain (908 of 4497, 20 per cent) and the spinal cord at the thoracolumbar area (840 of 4497, 19 per cent). Most dogs were diagnosed with degenerative diseases (38 per cent), followed by inflammatory/infectious diseases (14 per cent). The highest number of submissions originated from geographic regions around the referral hospital and from regions with higher human population densities. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: By defining closed-list fields and allocating all data to the corresponding fields, a standardised database that can be used for further studies was generated. The analysis of this study gives examples of the possible uses of a standardised database.


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BACKGROUND: Direct assessment of the effect of postural changes on interstitial fluid pressure (IFP) in the human skin under physiological conditions is important for the understanding of mechanisms involved in diseases resulting in lower limb edema. Previous techniques to measure IFP had limitations of being invasive, and acute measurements were not possible. Here we describe the effect of postural changes on IFP in the skin of the foot using the minimally invasive servonulling technique. RESULTS: Measurements were performed in 12 healthy subjects. IFP (means +/- SD) was significantly higher in the sitting (5.1 +/- 2.9 mm Hg) than in the supine position (-0.3 +/- 3.6 mm Hg, p = 0.04) when measured in the sitting position first. The difference between the sitting and the supine position was not significant when measurements were taken in the supine position first [from 1.0 +/- 4.3 (supine) to 3.6 +/- 6.7 mm Hg (sitting), p = 0.46]. Spontaneous low-frequency pressure fluctuations occurred in 58% of the recordings during sitting, which was almost twice as frequent as in the supine position (33%; p = 0.001), while no effects on lymphatic capillary network extension were observed (p = 0.12). CONCLUSION: Using the servonulling micropressure system, postural effects on IFP can be directly assessed. IFP is higher in the sitting position, but differences are influenced by the time in the upright position.


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PURPOSE: To review the evidence implicating the deregulation of cyclin D1 in the pathogenesis of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and to discuss the opportunities for targeted clinical intervention. METHODS: Data published until June 2006 are summarized, and previously unpublished results from our own research are included. RESULTS: In normal cells, cyclin D1 complexes with and activates cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) and acts as a transcriptional regulator. The protein is frequently overexpressed in a wide range of cancers, sometimes coincident with CCND1 (cyclin D1) gene amplification (5-20% of tumours). A low level of somatic mutations have been seen in certain tumours. CCND1 is amplified in NSCLC and cyclin D1 is frequently overexpressed in tumours and pre-invasive bronchial lesions, generally from one parental allele. Mutation analyses revealed a frequent CCND1 gene polymorphism (A870G) that modulates alternative splicing and allows expression of an alternative cyclin D1 transcript (transcript cyclin D1b). The encoded cyclin D1b protein lacks a specific phosphorylation site required for nuclear export. Genotype has been correlated with the risk and/or severity of disease or drug response across a range of malignancies, including lung cancer. Together, these findings suggest a strong pathological role for cyclin D1 deregulation in bronchial neoplasia. CONCLUSION: Current data indicate that cyclin D1 overexpression is not a consequence of, but rather a pivotal element in the process of malignant transformation in the lung and other tissues. This understanding may open new avenues for lung cancer diagnosis, treatment and prevention.


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PURPOSE: The cyclin D1 (CCND1) A870G gene polymorphism is linked to the outcome in patients with resectable non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Here, we investigated the impact of this polymorphism on smoking-induced cancer risk and clinical outcome in patients with NSCLC stages I-IV. METHODS: CCND1 A870G genotype was determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (RFLP) of DNA extracted from blood. The study included 244 NSCLC patients and 187 healthy control subjects. RESULTS: Patient characteristics were: 70% male, 77% smokers, 43% adenocarcinoma, and 27% squamous cell carcinoma. Eighty-one percent of the patients had stages III-IV disease. Median age at diagnosis was 60 years and median survival was 13 months. Genotype frequencies of patients and controls both conformed to the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. The GG genotype significantly correlated with a history of heavy smoking (>or=40 py, P=0.02), and patients with this genotype had a significantly higher cigarette consumption than patients with AA/AG genotypes (P=0.007). The GG genotype also significantly correlated with tumor response or stabilization after a platinum-based first-line chemotherapy (P=0.04). Survival analysis revealed no significant differences among the genotypes. CONCLUSION: Evidence was obtained that the CCND1 A870G gene polymorphism modulates smoking-induced lung cancer risk. Further studies are required to explore the underlying molecular mechanisms and to test the value of this gene polymorphism as a predictor for platinum-sensitivity in NSCLC patients.


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Companion animals are increasingly brought along by their owners to foreign countries. Thus, small animal travel medicine is becoming more important. The field includes both prophylaxis and metaphylaxis against various infectious diseases, as well as their diagnosis and treatment. Dogs returning from Southern Europe, but also from more tropical regions, may be infected with exotic pathogens. In addition, imported pedigree or working dogs, and especially stray dogs imported through welfare organisations, are at high risk.The present overview summarises the clinical and practical aspects of exotic parasitic diseases that may affect such dogs, and the risk of such diseases becoming autochthonously transmitted in Switzerland. Furthermore, the zoonotic potential of these infections will be considered.


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BACKGROUND: Cyclic recruitment during mechanical ventilation contributes to ventilator associated lung injury. Two different pathomechanisms in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) are currently discussed: alveolar collapse vs persistent flooding of small airways and alveoli. We compare two different ARDS animal models by computed tomography (CT) to describe different recruitment and derecruitment mechanisms at different airway pressures: (i) lavage-ARDS, favouring alveolar collapse by surfactant depletion; and (ii) oleic acid ARDS, favouring alveolar flooding by capillary leakage. METHODS: In 12 pigs [25 (1) kg], ARDS was randomly induced, either by saline lung lavage or oleic acid (OA) injection, and 3 animals served as controls. A respiratory breathhold manoeuvre without spontaneous breathing at different continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) was applied in random order (CPAP levels of 5, 10, 15, 30, 35 and 50 cm H(2)O) and spiral-CT scans of the total lung were acquired at each CPAP level (slice thickness=1 mm). In each spiral-CT the volume of total lung parenchyma, tissue, gas, non-aerated, well-aerated, poorly aerated, and over-aerated lung was calculated. RESULTS: In both ARDS models non-aerated lung volume decreased significantly from CPAP 5 to CPAP 50 [oleic acid lung injury (OAI): 346.9 (80.1) to 96.4 (48.8) ml, P<0.001; lavage-ARDS: 245 17.6) to 42.7 (4.8) ml, P<0.001]. In lavage-ARDS poorly aerated lung volume decreased at higher CPAP levels [232 (45.2) at CPAP 10 to 84 (19.4) ml at CPAP 50, P<0.001] whereas in OAI poorly aerated lung volume did not vary at different airway pressures. CONCLUSIONS: In both ARDS models well-aerated and non-aerated lung volume respond to different CPAP levels in a comparable fashion: Thus, a cyclical alveolar collapse seems to be part of the derecruitment process also in the OA-ARDS. In OA-ARDS, the increase in poorly aerated lung volume reflects the specific initial lesion, that is capillary leakage with interstitial and alveolar oedema.


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BACKGROUND: Periodontitis has been identified as a potential risk factor in cardiovascular diseases. It is possible that the stimulation of host responses to oral infections may result in vascular damage and the inducement of blood clotting. The aim of this study was to assess the role of periodontal infection and bacterial burden as an explanatory variable to the activation of the inflammatory process leading to acute coronary syndrome (ACS). METHODS: A total of 161 consecutive surviving cases admitted with a diagnosis of ACS and 161 control subjects, matched with cases according to their gender, socioeconomic level, and smoking status, were studied. Serum white blood cell (WBC) counts, high- and low-density lipoprotein (HDL/LDL) levels, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsC-rp) levels, and clinical periodontal routine parameters were studied. The subgingival pathogens were assayed by the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method. RESULTS: Total oral bacterial load was higher in the subjects with ACS (mean difference: 17.4x10(5); SD: 10.8; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 4.2 to 17.4; P<0.001), and significant for 26 of 40 species including Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythensis, and Treponema denticola. Serum WBC counts, hsC-rp levels, Streptococcus intermedius, and Streptococcus sanguis, were explanatory factors to acute coronary syndrome status (Nagelkerke r2=0.49). CONCLUSION: The oral bacterial load of S. intermedius, S. sanguis, Streptococcus anginosus, T. forsythensis, T. denticola, and P. gingivalis may be concomitant risk factors in the development of ACS.


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Nephrocalcinosis is the result of a myriad of hereditary or acquired diseases in the calcium, phosphate or oxalate metabolism that lead to deposition of calcium containing precipitates within the kidney. Nephrocalcinosis and nephrolithiasis are pathophysiologically tightly related and often co-exist. In the case of recurrent nephrolithiasis, nephrocalcinosis has to be excluded. Stone analysis can yield important clues to the underlying disease process. The best way to diagnose nephrocalcinosis and an accompanying nephrolithiasis is by native computer tomography scans. Untreated, nephrocalcinosis will lead to a progressive decline in renal function and eventually to end stage renal disease. Thus, for each case, the underlying disease process has to be determined and a causative therapy initiated.


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The antioxidant properties of tryptophan and some of its oxidative metabolites were examined by measuring how efficiently they inhibited peroxyl radical-mediated oxidation of phosphatidylcholine liposomes and B-phycoerythrin. Low micromolar concentrations of 5-hydroxytryptophan, 3-hydroxykynurenine, xanthurenic acid, or 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid, but not their corresponding nonhydroxylated metabolic precursors, scavenged peroxyl radicals with high efficiency. In particular, 3-hydroxykynurenine and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid protected B-phycoerythrin from peroxyl radical-mediated oxidative damage more effectively than equimolar amounts of either ascorbate or Trolox (a water-soluble analog of vitamin E). Enzyme activities involved or related to oxidative tryptophan metabolism, as well as endogenous concentrations of tryptophan and its metabolites, were determined within tissues of mice suffering from acute viral pneumonia. Infection resulted in a 100-fold induction of pulmonary indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (EC as reported [Yoshida, R., Urade, Y., Tokuda, M. ; Hayaishi, O. (1979) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76, 4084-4086]. This was accompanied by a 16- and 3-fold increase in the levels of lung kynurenine and 3-hydroxykynurenine, respectively. In contrast, endogenous concentrations of tryptophan and xanthurenic acid did not increase and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid could not be detected. The activity of the superoxide anion (O2-.)-producing enzyme xanthine oxidase increased 3.5-fold during infection while that of the O2-.-removing superoxide dismutase decreased to 50% of control levels. These results plus the known requirement of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase for superoxide anion for catalytic activity suggest that viral pneumonia is accompanied by oxidative stress and that induction of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase may represent a local antioxidant defence against this and possibly other types of inflammatory diseases.


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Enophthalmos is a relatively frequent and misdiagnosed clinical sign in orbital diseases. The knowledge of the different etiologies of enophthalmos and its adequate management are important, because in some cases, it could be the first sign revealing a life-threatening disease. This article provides a comprehensive review of the pathophysiology, evaluation, and management of enophthalmos. The main etiologies, such as trauma, chronic maxillary atelectasis (silent sinus syndrome), breast cancer metastasis, and orbital varix, will be discussed. Its objective is to enable the reader to recognize, assess, and treat the spectrum of disorders causing enophthalmos.