175 resultados para Honecker, Erich


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The auditory cortex is anatomically segregated into a central core and a peripheral belt region, which exhibit differences in preference to bandpassed noise and in temporal patterns of response to acoustic stimuli. While it has been shown that visual stimuli can modify response magnitude in auditory cortex, little is known about differential patterns of multisensory interactions in core and belt. Here, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging and examined the influence of a short visual stimulus presented prior to acoustic stimulation on the spatial pattern of blood oxygen level-dependent signal response in auditory cortex. Consistent with crossmodal inhibition, the light produced a suppression of signal response in a cortical region corresponding to the core. In the surrounding areas corresponding to the belt regions, however, we found an inverse modulation with an increasing signal in centrifugal direction. Our data suggest that crossmodal effects are differentially modulated according to the hierarchical core-belt organization of auditory cortex.


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Auditory neuroscience has not tapped fMRI's full potential because of acoustic scanner noise emitted by the gradient switches of conventional echoplanar fMRI sequences. The scanner noise is pulsed, and auditory cortex is particularly sensitive to pulsed sounds. Current fMRI approaches to avoid stimulus-noise interactions are temporally inefficient. Since the sustained BOLD response to pulsed sounds decreases with repetition rate and becomes minimal with unpulsed sounds, we developed an fMRI sequence emitting continuous rather than pulsed gradient sound by implementing a novel quasi-continuous gradient switch pattern. Compared to conventional fMRI, continuous-sound fMRI reduced auditory cortex BOLD baseline and increased BOLD amplitude with graded sound stimuli, short sound events, and sounds as complex as orchestra music with preserved temporal resolution. Response in subcortical auditory nuclei was enhanced, but not the response to light in visual cortex. Finally, tonotopic mapping using continuous-sound fMRI demonstrates that enhanced functional signal-to-noise in BOLD response translates into improved spatial separability of specific sound representations.


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Triggered event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging requires sparse intervals of temporally resolved functional data acquisitions, whose initiation corresponds to the occurrence of an event, typically an epileptic spike in the electroencephalographic trace. However, conventional fMRI time series are greatly affected by non-steady-state magnetization effects, which obscure initial blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signals. Here, conventional echo-planar imaging and a post-processing solution based on principal component analysis were employed to remove the dominant eigenimages of the time series, to filter out the global signal changes induced by magnetization decay and to recover BOLD signals starting with the first functional volume. This approach was compared with a physical solution using radiofrequency preparation, which nullifies magnetization effects. As an application of the method, the detectability of the initial transient BOLD response in the auditory cortex, which is elicited by the onset of acoustic scanner noise, was used to demonstrate that post-processing-based removal of magnetization effects allows to detect brain activity patterns identical with those obtained using the radiofrequency preparation. Using the auditory responses as an ideal experimental model of triggered brain activity, our results suggest that reducing the initial magnetization effects by removing a few principal components from fMRI data may be potentially useful in the analysis of triggered event-related echo-planar time series. The implications of this study are discussed with special caution to remaining technical limitations and the additional neurophysiological issues of the triggered acquisition.


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There is a great need for animal models of osteoporosis and sheep are a suitable large animal that meets most requirements. Since it is known that bone mass in humans responds to seasonal changes, this study investigated natural bone metabolism in sheep in order to better define the sheep as a model for osteoporosis. Bone mineral density (BMD), trabecular structure, biochemical markers of bone formation and resorption and estrogen were analysed over a period of 18 months. The lowest BMDs, measured by peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT), were observed during winter. Thereafter, a 5.1% increase in BMD was observed during spring and summer (P<0.05). Bone resorption markers showed a variable pattern, with higher values in spring compared to autumn (P<0.001). The physiological estrus phase during autumn was detected by serum estrogen levels. The findings show that it is necessary to take seasonal variations into account if sheep are used to establish an animal model for osteoporosis.


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Human subjects overestimate the change of rising intensity sounds compared with falling intensity sounds. Rising sound intensity has therefore been proposed to be an intrinsic warning cue. In order to test this hypothesis, we presented rising, falling, and constant intensity sounds to healthy humans and gathered psychophysiological and behavioral responses. Brain activity was measured using event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging. We found that rising compared with falling sound intensity facilitates autonomic orienting reflex and phasic alertness to auditory targets. Rising intensity sounds produced neural activity in the amygdala, which was accompanied by activity in intraparietal sulcus, superior temporal sulcus, and temporal plane. Our results indicate that rising sound intensity is an elementary warning cue eliciting adaptive responses by recruiting attentional and physiological resources. Regions involved in cross-modal integration were activated by rising sound intensity, while the right-hemisphere phasic alertness network could not be supported by this study.


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Edges are important cues defining coherent auditory objects. As a model of auditory edges, sound on- and offset are particularly suitable to study their neural underpinnings because they contrast a specific physical input against no physical input. Change from silence to sound, that is onset, has extensively been studied and elicits transient neural responses bilaterally in auditory cortex. However, neural activity associated with sound onset is not only related to edge detection but also to novel afferent inputs. Edges at the change from sound to silence, that is offset, are not confounded by novel physical input and thus allow to examine neural activity associated with sound edges per se. In the first experiment, we used silent acquisition functional magnetic resonance imaging and found that the offset of pulsed sound activates planum temporale, superior temporal sulcus and planum polare of the right hemisphere. In the planum temporale and the superior temporal sulcus, offset response amplitudes were related to the pulse repetition rate of the preceding stimulation. In the second experiment, we found that these offset-responsive regions were also activated by single sound pulses, onset of sound pulse sequences and single sound pulse omissions within sound pulse sequences. However, they were not active during sustained sound presentation. Thus, our data show that circumscribed areas in right temporal cortex are specifically involved in identifying auditory edges. This operation is crucial for translating acoustic signal time series into coherent auditory objects.


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CONTEXT: A characteristic feature of borderline personality disorder (BPD) is self-injurious behavior in conjunction with stress-induced reduction of pain perception. Reduced pain sensitivity has been experimentally confirmed in patients with BPD, but the neural correlates of antinociceptive mechanisms in BPD are unknown. We predicted that heat stimuli in patients with BPD would activate brain areas concerned with cognitive and emotional evaluation of pain. OBJECTIVE: To assess the psychophysical properties and neural correlates of altered pain processing in patients with BPD. DESIGN: Case-control study. SETTING: A university hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Twelve women with BPD and self-injurious behavior and 12 age-matched control subjects. INTERVENTIONS: Psychophysical assessment and blood oxygen level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging during heat stimulation with fixed-temperature heat stimuli and individual-temperature stimuli adjusted for equal subjective pain in all the participants. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Blood oxygen level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging signal changes during heat pain stimulation. RESULTS: Patients with BPD had higher pain thresholds and smaller overall volumes of activity than controls in response to identical heat stimuli. When the stimulus temperature was individually adjusted for equal subjective pain level, overall volumes of activity were similar, although regional patterns differed significantly. Patient response was greater in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and smaller in the posterior parietal cortex. Pain also produced neural deactivation in the perigenual anterior cingulate gyrus and the amygdala in patients with BPD. CONCLUSION: The interaction between increased pain-induced response in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and deactivation in the anterior cingulate and the amygdala is associated with an antinociceptive mechanism in patients with BPD.


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BACKGROUND: It is well known that there are specific peripheral activation patterns associated with the emotional valence of sounds. However, it is unclear how these effects adapt over time. The personality traits influencing these processes are also not clear. Anxiety disorders influence the autonomic activation related to emotional processing. However, personality anxiety traits have never been studied in the context of affective auditory stimuli. METHODS: Heart rate, skin conductance, zygomatic muscle activity and subjective rating of emotional valence and arousal were recorded in healthy subjects during the presentation of pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral sounds. Recordings were repeated 1 week later to examine possible time-dependent changes related to habituation and sensitization processes. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: There was not a generalized habituation or sensitization process related to the repeated presentation of affective sounds, but rather, specific adaptation processes for each physiological measure. These observations are consistent with previous studies performed with affective pictures and simple tones. Thus, the measures of skin conductance activity showed the strongest changes over time, including habituation during the first presentation session and sensitization at the end of the second presentation session, whereas the facial electromyographic activity habituated only for the neutral stimuli and the heart rate did not habituate at all. Finally, we showed that the measure of personality trait anxiety influenced the orienting reaction to affective sounds, but not the adaptation processes related to the repeated presentation of these sounds.


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Spatial independent component analysis (sICA) of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) time series can generate meaningful activation maps and associated descriptive signals, which are useful to evaluate datasets of the entire brain or selected portions of it. Besides computational implications, variations in the input dataset combined with the multivariate nature of ICA may lead to different spatial or temporal readouts of brain activation phenomena. By reducing and increasing a volume of interest (VOI), we applied sICA to different datasets from real activation experiments with multislice acquisition and single or multiple sensory-motor task-induced blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signal sources with different spatial and temporal structure. Using receiver operating characteristics (ROC) methodology for accuracy evaluation and multiple regression analysis as benchmark, we compared sICA decompositions of reduced and increased VOI fMRI time-series containing auditory, motor and hemifield visual activation occurring separately or simultaneously in time. Both approaches yielded valid results; however, the results of the increased VOI approach were spatially more accurate compared to the results of the decreased VOI approach. This is consistent with the capability of sICA to take advantage of extended samples of statistical observations and suggests that sICA is more powerful with extended rather than reduced VOI datasets to delineate brain activity.