105 resultados para GINGIVAL


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BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to systematically review the diagnostic criteria, indications, and need for treatment of ankyloglossia (tongue-tie), as well as the various treatment options for patients in different age groups. METHODS: The MEDLINE databases and the Cochrane Library were searched according to well-defined criteria, resulting in 64 included articles. The evidence regarding the classifications of tongue-tie, epidemiologic data, inheritance, breastfeeding problems, impaired tongue mobility, speech disorders, malocclusion, gingival recessions, therapy, and complications due to surgery was analyzed in detail. RESULTS: Different classifications for ankyloglossia have been proposed but not uniformly accepted. Breastfeeding problems in neonates could be associated with a tongue-tie, but not enough controlled trials have been performed to identify an ideal treatment option. In children and adults with ankyloglossia, limitations in tongue mobility are present, but the individual degree of discomfort, as well as the severity of an associated speech problem, are subjective and difficult to categorize. There is no evidence supporting the development of gingival recessions because of ankyloglossia. Frenotomy, frenectomy, and frenuloplasty are the main surgical treatment options to release/remove an ankyloglossia. Because of the limited evidence available, no specific surgical method can be favored. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of an accepted definition and classification of ankyloglossia makes comparisons between studies almost impossible. Because almost no controlled prospective trials for surgical interventions in patients with tongue-ties are present in the literature, no conclusive suggestions regarding the method of choice can be made. It also remains controversial which tongue-ties need to be surgically removed and which can be left to observation.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to review the Chinese-language medical and dental literature from 1982 to 2008 on oral manifestations (OMs) of patients with HIV/AIDS for introducing the spectrum of OMs of the patients in China. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All data were extracted from 18 references which had used diagnostic criteria for HIV/AIDS. Four of the references had used the EC-Clearinghouse classification for oral lesions in HIV infection. The feasible overall rate and 95% confidence interval (95%CI) of the data on OMs were calculated. RESULTS: Risk group analysis revealed that, of 203 patients, 64.3% were men and 35.7% were women (age range, 5 months to 64 years; mean age in three studies, 34.0, 34.3, and 36.1 years). Of these patients, 22.2% were infected by sexual contacts, 11.8% by intravenous drug use (IDU), 59.6% by blood or its products, 2.9% by mother to child transmission, and 3.4% were unclear. In 203 patients, oral candidiasis (OC) was the most common lesion (66%, 95%CI = 59.48-72.52%), followed by herpes simplex (HS) (22.2%, 95%CI = 16.48-27.92%), ulcerative stomatitis (14.8%, 95%CI = 9.92-19.68%), salivary gland disease (11.3%, 95%CI = 6.94-15.66%), oral hairy leukoplakia (OHL) (9.8%, 95%CI = 5.71-13.89%), necrotizing gingivitis (5.9%, 95%CI = 2.66-9.14%), Kaposi's sarcoma (2.9%, 95%CI = 0.59-5.21%), other malignant tumors (2.9%, 95%CI = 0.59-5.21%), and linear gingival erythema (2.0%, 95%CI = 0.07-3.93%). CONCLUSIONS: The spectrum of OMs reported from China is similar to that described in the international literature. Present data are useful to supplement international resources of HIV/AIDS research.


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BACKGROUND: Peri-implantitis is a frequent finding in patients with dental implants. The present study compared two non-surgical mechanical debridement methods of peri-implantitis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-seven subjects (mean age 61.5; S.D+/-12.4), with one implant each, demonstrating peri-implantitis were randomized, and those treated either with titanium hand-instruments or with an ultrasonic device were enrolled. Data were obtained before treatment, and at 1, 3, and 6 months. Parametric and non-parametric statistics were used. RESULTS: Thirty-one subjects completed the study. The mean bone loss at implants in both groups was 1.5 mm (SD +/-1.2 mm). No group differences for plaque or gingival indices were found at any time point. Baseline and 6-month mean probing pocket depths (PPD) at implants were 5.1 and 4.9 mm (p=0.30) in both groups. Plaque scores at treated implants decreased from 73% to 53% (p<0.01). Bleeding scores also decreased (p<0.01), with no group differences. No differences in the total bacterial counts were found over time. Higher total bacterial counts were found immediately after treatment (p<0.01) and at 1 week for ultrasonic-treated implants (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: No group differences were found in the treatment outcomes. While plaque and bleeding scores improved, no effects on PPD were identified.


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BACKGROUND: Gingivitis has been linked to adverse pregnancy outcome (APO). Bacterial vaginosis (BV) has been associated with APO. We assessed if bacterial counts in BV is associated with gingivitis suggesting a systemic infectious susceptibilty. METHODS: Vaginal samples were collected from 180 women (mean age 29.4 years, SD +/- 6.8, range: 18 to 46), and at least six months after delivery, and assessed by semi-quantitative DNA-DNA checkerboard hybridization assay (74 bacterial species). BV was defined by Gram stain (Nugent criteria). Gingivitis was defined as bleeding on probing at >or= 20% of tooth sites. RESULTS: A Nugent score of 0-3 (normal vaginal microflora) was found in 83 women (46.1%), and a score of > 7 (BV) in 49 women (27.2%). Gingivitis was diagnosed in 114 women (63.3%). Women with a diagnosis of BV were more likely to have gingivitis (p = 0.01). Independent of gingival conditions, vaginal bacterial counts were higher (p < 0.001) for 38/74 species in BV+ in comparison to BV- women. Counts of four lactobacilli species were higher in BV- women (p < 0.001). Independent of BV diagnosis, women with gingivitis had higher counts of Prevotella bivia (p < 0.001), and Prevotella disiens (p < 0.001). P. bivia, P. disiens, M. curtisii and M. mulieris (all at the p < 0.01 level) were found at higher levels in the BV+/G+ group than in the BV+/G- group. The sum of bacterial load (74 species) was higher in the BV+/G+ group than in the BV+/G- group (p < 0.05). The highest odds ratio for the presence of bacteria in vaginal samples (> 1.0 x 104 cells) and a diagnosis of gingivitis was 3.9 for P. bivia (95% CI 1.5-5.7, p < 0.001) and 3.6 for P. disiens (95%CI: 1.8-7.5, p < 0.001), and a diagnosis of BV for P. bivia (odds ratio: 5.3, 95%CI: 2.6 to 10.4, p < 0.001) and P. disiens (odds ratio: 4.4, 95% CI: 2.2 to 8.8, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Higher vaginal bacterial counts can be found in women with BV and gingivitis in comparison to women with BV but not gingivitis. P. bivia and P. disiens may be of specific significance in a relationship between vaginal and gingival infections.


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BACKGROUND: Periodontal therapy using the combination of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and different grafting materials has been suggested as a modality to enhance the outcome of regenerative surgery. In most clinical studies, a barrier membrane was used to cover the defects, and thus, the effects of PRP may have been masked by the effects of the barrier. The data from controlled clinical studies evaluating the effect of regenerative therapy using various grafting materials with or without PRP are still limited. The purpose of this study was to clinically compare the healing of intrabony defects treated with either a combination of an anorganic bovine bone mineral (ABBM) and PRP to those obtained with ABBM alone. METHODS: Thirty patients with advanced chronic periodontal disease and displaying one intrabony defect were randomly treated with PRP + ABBM or ABBM alone. The following clinical parameters were evaluated at baseline and 1 year after treatment: plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), bleeding on probing (BOP), probing depth (PD), gingival recession (GR), and clinical attachment level (CAL). The primary outcome variable was CAL. RESULTS: No statistical significant differences in any of the investigated parameters between the two groups were observed at baseline. Healing was uneventful in all patients. In the PRP + ABBM group, mean PD decreased from 8.6 +/- 1.8 mm to 3.4 +/- 1.4 mm (P <0.001) and mean CAL changed from 9.9 +/- 1.7 mm to 5.3 +/- 1.8 mm (P <0.001). In the ABBM group, mean PD decreased from 8.5 +/- 2.0 mm to 3.2 +/- 1.3 mm (P <0.001) and mean CAL changed from 9.6 +/- 1.9 mm to 4.9 +/- 1.5 mm (P <0.001). CAL gains >or=3 mm were measured in 80% (12 of 15 defects) of cases treated with PRP + ABBM and in 87% (13 of 15 defects) of cases treated with ABBM alone. No statistically significant differences in any of the investigated parameters were observed between the two groups at the 1-year reevaluation. CONCLUSIONS: Within the limits of the present study, it can be concluded that 1) at 1 year after regenerative surgery with PRP + ABBM and ABBM alone, significant PD reductions and CAL gains were found, and 2) the use of PRP failed to improve the results obtained with ABBM alone.


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PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to report the radiographical prevalence of overhanging fillings in a group of Swiss Army recruits in 2006 and to relate the dimensions of the overhangs to clinical parameters. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 626 Swiss Army recruits were examined for their periodontal conditions, prevalence of caries, and stomatological and functional aspects of the masticatory system and halitosis. In particular, the present report deals with the presence or the absence of fillings, the presence or the absence of overhangs and their relation to clinical and radiographic parameters. RESULTS: A total of 16,198 interdental sites were evaluated on bitewing radiographs. Of these sites, 15,516 (95.8%) were sound and 682 (4.2%) were filled. Amalgam restorations were found in 94.1% and resin composite fillings in 5.9% of the sites. Of these 682 sites, 96 (14.1%) yielded overhanging margins of various sizes. This low prevalence of fillings represents not only a substantial reduction when compared with a similar Swiss Army study (Lang et al, 1988), but also an improvement in the quality of dental care delivery to young Swiss males. Plaque Index and Gingival Index increased statistically significantly with the presence of fillings, when compared with healthy non-filled sites. Clinical parameters that were significantly associated with the presence of overhangs included clinical attachment loss. Moreover, between 1985 and 2006 the prevalence of fillings was significantly reduced from 20.0% to 4.2% of all surfaces. Furthermore, the marginal fit of the fillings improved from 33.0% with overhangs to 14.1%. CONCLUSIONS: A significant improvement was observed in the periodontal and dental conditions of young Swiss males that was shown to have taken place within the previous two decades. From 1985 to 2006, the prevalence of fillings was reduced fourfold and that of overhanging margins twofold, documenting an improvement in the quality of restorative dentistry.


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Oral jewelry is popular. One of the most widely spread types are so-called tooth diamonds made of composite materials which are applied to the teeth with an adhesive. Note that parents are required to sign a release form for under-aged patients in Switzerland. Tooth cap grills and gold teeth are considered status symbols within the Hip-Hop fashion scene. However, tooth ornaments favour the accumulation of plaque and can diminish the ability to articulate. With respect to jewelry in oral soft tissue especially tongue and lip piercings are of significance to dentists. Besides the systemic complications, which are mostly caused by a lack of hygiene or the failure of noting medical contraindications by the piercer, local complications occur frequently. After surgery, pain, swelling, infections as well as hemorrhages or hematomas can be observed. Long-term effects can be problematic: gingival recession can be discernes mainly in the case of lip piercings the loss of hard tooth substance in the case of tongue piercings. Because of that, conservation therapies can become indespensable. Patients wearing dental jewelry have to be aware of risks of tooth damage, and they regularly have to undergo dental check-ups. Information campaigns--for dentists as well as patients--are necessary.


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OBJECTIVE To systematically review the current literature on the maxillary midline frenum and associated conditions and complications, as well as the recommended treatment options. METHOD AND MATERIALS A detailed MEDLINE database search was carried out to provide evidence about the epidemiology, associated pathologies, and treatment options regarding the maxillary frenum. Of the 206 initially identified articles, 48 met the inclusion criteria. RESULTS The maxillary frenum is highly associated with a number of syndromes and developmental abnormalities. A hypertrophic frenum may be involved in the etiology of the midline diastema. There is also a tendency by orthodontists to suggest posttreatment removal of the frenum (frenectomy). Studies on the cause of gingival recession due to the maxillary frenum are inconclusive. An injured frenum in combination with other traumas and doubtful history might point to child abuse. The involvement of hyperplastic frena in the pathogenesis of peri-implant diseases remains uncertain. There seems to be a clinical interest regarding lasers for surgery for treatment of maxillary frena. The superiority of laser treatment in relation to conventional surgical methods has not yet been demonstrated in the literature. CONCLUSION A maxillary frenum is a clinical symptom in numerous syndromic conditions and plays a role in the development of the median midline diastema. Nevertheless, the contribution to gingival recession and peri-implant diseases in the region of the maxillary incisors is rather controversial. Laser techniques are reported as the method of choice for the surgical removal of frena; however, this needs to be substantiated by appropriate prospective controlled studies.


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Gingipains are cysteine proteases that represent major virulence factors of the periodontopathogenic bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis. Gingipains are reported to degrade extracellular matrix (ECM) of periodontal tissues, leading to tissue destruction and apoptosis. The exact mechanism is not known, however. Fibronectin and tenascin-C are pericellular ECM glycoproteins present in periodontal tissues. Whereas fibronectin mediates fibroblast adhesion, tenascin-C binds to fibronectin and inhibits its cell-spreading activity. Using purified proteins in vitro, we asked whether fibronectin and tenascin-C are cleaved by gingipains at clinically relevant concentrations, and how fragmentation by the bacterial proteases affects their biological activity in cell adhesion. Fibronectin was cleaved into distinct fragments by all three gingipains; however, only arginine-specific HRgpA and RgpB but not lysine-specific Kgp destroyed its cell-spreading activity. This result was confirmed with recombinant cell-binding domain of fibronectin. Of the two major tenascin-C splice variants, the large but not the small was a substrate for gingipains, indicating that cleavage occurred primarily in the alternatively spliced domain. Surprisingly, cleavage of large tenascin-C variant by all three gingipains generated fragments with increased anti-adhesive activity towards intact fibronectin. Fibronectin and tenascin-C fragments were detected in gingival crevicular fluid of a subset of periodontitis patients. We conclude that cleavage by gingipains directly affects the biological activity of both fibronectin and tenascin-C in a manner that might lead to increased cell detachment and loss during periodontal disease.


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The aim of this randomized, controlled clinical study was to compare the short-term effects of nonsurgical periodontal therapy with the additional administration of systemic antibiotics (AB) and the same therapy with additional photodynamic therapy (PDT) in the treatment of patients with aggressive periodontitis (AP). Thirty-six patients with AP received full-mouth nonsurgical periodontal treatment (SRP) and were then randomly divided into two groups of 18 subjects each. Group AB received amoxicillin and metronidazole three times a day for 7 days. Group PDT received two applications of PDT on the day of SRP as well as at follow-up after 7 days. The following clinical parameters were measured at baseline and 3 months after therapy: plaque index (PLI), bleeding on probing (BOP), probing depth (PD), gingival recession (GR), and clinical attachment level (CAL). After 3 months, PD was significantly reduced in both groups (from 5.0±0.8 mm to 3.2±0.4 mm with AB, and 5.1±0.5 mm to 4.0±0.8 mm with PDT; both p<0.001), while AB revealed significantly lower values compared to PDT (p = 0.001). In both groups, GR was not significantly changed. CAL was significantly reduced in both groups (PDT: 5.7±0.8 mm to 4.7±1.1 mm; p=0.011; AB: 5.5±1.1 mm to 3.9±1.0 mm; p<0.001) and differed significantly between the groups (p=0.025). The number of residual pockets (PD ≥4 mm) and positive BOP was reduced by AB from 961 to 377, and by PDT from 628 to 394. Pockets with PD ≥7 mm were reduced by AB from 141 to 7, and by PDT from 137 to 61. After 3 months, both treatments led to statistically significant clinical improvements. The systemic administration of antibiotics, however, resulted in significantly higher reduction of PD and a lower number of deep pockets compared to PDT.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE Epidemiologic and clinical studies have indicated that diabetes is a risk factor for periodontal disease progression and healing. The aim of the present study was to evaluate short-term healing after enamel matrix derivative (EMD) application in combined supra/infrabony periodontal defects in diabetic rats. MATERIAL AND METHODS Thirty male Wistar rats were initially divided into two groups, one with streptozotocin-induced diabetes and another one with healthy (non-diabetic) animals. Bony defects were surgically created on the mesial root of the first maxillary molars. After root surface planing and EDTA conditioning, EMD was applied to the roots at one side of the maxillae, while those on the contralateral sides were left untreated. Animals were killed 3 wk after surgery, and block sections were prepared for histologic and histomorphometric analysis. RESULTS There was statistically significant more gingival recession in diabetic animals than in non-diabetic animals. The length of the junctional epithelium was significantly shorter in the EMD-treated sites in both diabetic and normoglycemic rats. Sulcus depth and length of supracrestal soft connective tissue showed no statistically significant differences between groups. In all animals, new bone formation was observed. Although new bone occurred more frequently in healthy animals, the extent of new bone was not significantly different between groups. In none of the teeth, a layer of new cementum was detectable. EMD had no influence on bone or cementum regeneration. Adverse reactions such as excessive inflammation due to bacterial root colonization, ankylosis and bone fractures were exclusively observed in diabetic animals, irrespective of EMD treatment. CONCLUSION Within the limits of the present study, it can be concluded that periodontal healing was impaired in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. EMD had no beneficial effects on new bone and cementum formation during short-term healing in this defect model and could not ameliorate the adverse effects in the systemically compromised animals.


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BACKGROUND The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the 10-year results following treatment of intrabony defects treated with an enamel matrix protein derivative (EMD) combined with either a natural bone mineral (NBM) or β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP). METHODS Twenty-two patients with advanced chronic periodontitis and displaying one deep intrabony defect were randomly treated with a combination of either EMD + NBM or EMD + β-TCP. Clinical evaluations were performed at baseline and at 1 and 10 years. The following parameters were evaluated: plaque index, bleeding on probing, probing depth, gingival recession, and clinical attachment level (CAL). The primary outcome variable was CAL. RESULTS The defects treated with EMD + NBM demonstrated a mean CAL change from 8.9 ± 1.5 mm to 5.3 ± 0.9 mm (P <0.001) and to 5.8 ± 1.1 mm (P <0.001) at 1 and 10 years, respectively. The sites treated with EMD + β-TCP showed a mean CAL change from 9.1 ± 1.6 mm to 5.4 ± 1.1 mm (P <0.001) at 1 year and 6.1 ± 1.4 mm (P <0.001) at 10 years. At 10 years two defects in the EMD + NBM group had lost 2 mm, whereas two other defects had lost 1 mm of the CAL gained at 1 year. In the EMD + β-TCP group three defects had lost 2 mm, whereas two other defects had lost 1 mm of the CAL gained at 1 year. Compared with baseline, at 10 years, a CAL gain of ≥3 mm was measured in 64% (i.e., seven of 11) of the defects in the EMD + NBM group and in 82% (i.e., nine of 11) of the defects in the EMD + β-TCP group. No statistically significant differences were found between the 1- and 10-year values in either of the two groups. Between the treatment groups, no statistically significant differences in any of the investigated parameters were observed at 1 and 10 years. CONCLUSION Within their limitations, the present findings indicate that the clinical improvements obtained with regenerative surgery using EMD + NBM or EMD + β-TCP can be maintained over a period of 10 years.


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Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms and characterized by the destruction of the periodontium. Obese individuals have an increased risk of periodontitis, and elevated circulating levels of adipokines, such as nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT), may be a pathomechanistic link between both diseases. The aim of this in vitro study was to examine the regulation of periodontal ligament (PDL) cells by NAMPT and its production under inflammatory and infectious conditions. NAMPT caused a significant upregulation of 9 genes and downregulation of 3 genes, as analyzed by microarray analysis. Eight of these genes could be confirmed by real-time PCR: NAMPT induced a significant upregulation of EGR1, MMP-1, SYT7, ITPKA, CCL2, NTM, IGF2BP3, and NRP1. NAMPT also increased significantly the MMP-1 and CCL2 protein synthesis. NAMPT was significantly induced by interleukin-1 β and the periodontal microorganism P. gingivalis. NAMPT may contribute to periodontitis through upregulation of MMP-1 and CCL2 in PDL cells. Increased NAMPT levels, as found in obesity, may therefore represent a mechanism whereby obesity could confer an increased risk of periodontitis. Furthermore, microbial and inflammatory signals may enhance the NAMPT synthesis in PDL cells and thereby contribute to the increased gingival and serum levels of this adipokine, as found in periodontitis.


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OBJECTIVES Dentine hypersensitivity (DH) manifests as a transient but arresting oral pain. The incidence is thought to be rising, particularly in young adults, due to increases in consumption of healthy, yet erosive, diets. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of DH and relative importance of risk factors, in 18-35 year old Europeans. METHODS In 2011, 3187 adults were enrolled from general dental practices in France, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Finland, Latvia and Estonia. DH was clinically evaluated by cold air tooth stimulation, patient pain rating (yes/no), accompanied by investigator pain rating (Schiff 0-3). Erosive toothwear (BEWE index 0-3) and gingival recession (mm) were recorded. Patients completed a questionnaire regarding the nature of their DH, erosive dietary intake and toothbrushing habits. RESULTS 41.9% of patients reported pain on tooth stimulation and 56.8% scored ≥1 on Schiff scale for at least one tooth. Clinical elicited sensitivity was closely related to Schiff score and to a lesser degree, questionnaire reported sensitivity (26.8%), possibly reflecting the transient nature of the pain, alongside good coping mechanisms. Significant associations were found between clinically elicited DH and erosive toothwear and gingival recession. The questionnaire showed marked associations between DH and risk factors including heartburn/acid reflux, vomiting, sleeping medications, energy drinks, smoking and acid dietary intake. CONCLUSION Overall, the prevalence of DH was high compared to many published findings, with a strong, progressive relationship between DH and erosive toothwear, which is important to recognise for patient preventive therapies and clinical management of DH pain.


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OBJECTIVES The paper's aim is to review dentin hypersensitivity (DHS), discussing pain mechanisms and aetiology. MATERIALS AND METHODS Literature was reviewed using search engines with MESH terms, DH pain mechanisms and aetiology (including abrasion, erosion and periodontal disease). RESULTS The many hypotheses proposed for DHS attest to our lack of knowledge in understanding neurophysiologic mechanisms, the most widely accepted being the hydrodynamic theory. Dentin tubules must be patent from the oral environment to the pulp. Dentin exposure, usually at the cervical margin, is due to a variety of processes involving gingival recession or loss of enamel, predisposing factors being periodontal disease and treatment, limited alveolar bone, thin biotype, erosion and abrasion. CONCLUSIONS The current pain mechanism of DHS is thought to be the hydrodynamic theory. The initiation and progression of DHS are influenced by characteristics of the teeth and periodontium as well as the oral environment and external influences. Risk factors are numerous often acting synergistically and always influenced by individual susceptibility. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Whilst the pain mechanism of DHS is not well understood, clinicians need to be mindful of the aetiology and risk factors in order to manage patients' pain and expectations and prevent further dentin exposure with subsequent sensitivity.