108 resultados para Frobisher, Martin, Sir, approximately 1535-1594.


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OBJECTIVE To assess macular hole surgery in patients with end-stage choroideremia with regard to anatomic closure and visual outcome. DESIGN Retrospective, interventional case series. PARTICIPANTS Thirty adult male patients with a diagnosis of advanced choroideremia were reviewed and underwent spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) as part of the screening process for a gene therapy clinical trial. From within that cohort, 3 were identified as having a full-thickness macular hole (FTMH). METHODS A 23-gauge pars plana vitrectomy was performed with peeling of the inner limiting membrane and gas tamponade. Preoperative best-corrected visual acuity ranged from perception of light to 6/24. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Prevalence of FTMH in advanced choroideremia, morphologic phenotype characteristics of FTMH in OCT, pre- and postoperative best-corrected visual acuity, and closure rate after surgery. RESULTS The prevalence of FTMH in advanced choroideremia in our cohort was 10%. One hole was associated with significant macular schisis, presumed to be attributable to degeneration of outer retinal layers. Anatomic closure was achieved in all 3 patients and confirmed with spectral domain OCT. Gas tamponade lasted approximately twice as long as might be expected compared with standard FTMH surgery. Objective visual acuity did not improve; however, perceived vision improved in all patients. CONCLUSIONS Although FTMH in choroideremia is a rare finding, it could potentially mask central progression of the disease. Regular screening may help to diagnose holes at an earlier stage when the visual prognosis after surgery may be better. Standard macular hole surgery seems to be effective in gaining anatomic closure, which would be significant for patients who subsequently require macula detachment for subretinal gene therapy. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S) The authors have no proprietary or commercial interest in any of the materials discussed in this article.


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Abstract Claystones are considered worldwide as barrier materials for nuclear waste repositories. In the Mont Terri underground research laboratory (URL), a nearly 4-year diffusion and retention (DR) experiment has been performed in Opalinus Clay. It aimed at (1) obtaining data at larger space and time scales than in laboratory experiments and (2) under relevant in situ conditions with respect to pore water chemistry and mechanical stress, (3) quantifying the anisotropy of in situ diffusion, and (4) exploring possible effects of a borehole-disturbed zone. The experiment included two tracer injection intervals in a borehole perpendicular to bedding, through which traced artificial pore water (APW) was circulated, and a pressure monitoring interval. The APW was spiked with neutral tracers (HTO, HDO, H2O-18), anions (Br, I, SeO4), and cations (Na-22, Ba-133, Sr-85, Cs-137, Co-60, Eu-152, stable Cs, and stable Eu). Most tracers were added at the beginning, some were added at a later stage. The hydraulic pressure in the injection intervals was adjusted according to the measured value in the pressure monitoring interval to ensure transport by diffusion only. Concentration time-series in the APW within the borehole intervals were obtained, as well as 2D concentration distributions in the rock at the end of the experiment after overcoring and subsampling which resulted in �250 samples and �1300 analyses. As expected, HTO diffused the furthest into the rock, followed by the anions (Br, I, SeO4) and by the cationic sorbing tracers (Na-22, Ba-133, Cs, Cs-137, Co-60, Eu-152). The diffusion of SeO4 was slower than that of Br or I, approximately proportional to the ratio of their diffusion coefficients in water. Ba-133 diffused only into �0.1 m during the �4 a. Stable Cs, added at a higher concentration than Cs-137, diffused further into the rock than Cs-137, consistent with a non-linear sorption behavior. The rock properties (e.g., water contents) were rather homogeneous at the centimeter scale, with no evidence of a borehole-disturbed zone. In situ anisotropy ratios for diffusion, derived for the first time directly from field data, are larger for HTO and Na-22 (�5) than for anions (�3�4 for Br and I). The lower ionic strength of the pore water at this location (�0.22 M) as compared to locations of earlier experiments in the Mont Terri URL (�0.39 M) had no notable effect on the anion accessible pore fraction for Cl, Br, and I: the value of 0.55 is within the range of earlier data. Detailed transport simulations involving different codes will be presented in a companion paper.


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A water desaturation zone develops around a tunnel in water-saturated rock when the evaporative water loss at the rock surface is larger than the water flow from the surrounding saturated region of restricted permeability. We describe the methods with which such water desaturation processes in rock materials can be quantified. The water retention characteristic theta(psi) of crystalline rock samples was determined with a pressure membrane apparatus. The negative water potential, identical to the capillary pressure, psi, below the tensiometric range (psi < -0.1 MPa) can be measured with thermocouple psychrometers (TP), and the volumetric water contents, theta, by means of time domain reflectometry (TDR). These standard methods were adapted for measuring the water status in a macroscopically unfissured granodiorite with a total porosity of approximately 0.01. The measured water retention curve of granodiorite samples from the Grimsel test site (central Switzerland) exhibits a shape which is typical for bimodal pore size distributions. The measured bimodality is probably an artifact of a large surface ratio of solid/voids. The thermocouples were installed without a metallic screen using the cavity drilled into the granodiorite as a measuring chamber. The water potentials observed in a cylindrical granodiorite monolith ranged between -0.1 and -3.0 MPa; those near the wall in a ventilated tunnel between -0.1 and -2.2 MPa. Two types of three-rod TDR Probes were used, one as a depth probe inserted into the rock, the other as a surface probe using three copper stripes attached to the surface for detecting water content changes in the rock-to-air boundary. The TDR signal was smoothed with a low-pass filter, and the signal length determined based on the first derivative of the trace. Despite the low porosity of crystalline rock these standard methods are applicable to describe the unsaturated zone in solid rock and may also be used in other consolidated materials such as concrete.


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BACKGROUND Randomized control trials (RCTs) stopped early for benefit (truncated RCTs) are increasingly common and, on average, overestimate the relative magnitude of benefit by approximately 30%. Investigators stop trials early when they consider it is no longer ethical to enroll patients in a control group. The goal of this systematic review is to determine how investigators of ongoing or planned RCTs respond to the publication of a truncated RCT addressing a similar question. METHODS/DESIGN We will conduct systematic reviews to update the searches of 210 truncated RCTs to identify similar trials ongoing at the time of publication, or started subsequently, to the truncated trials ('subsequent RCTs'). Reviewers will determine in duplicate the similarity between the truncated and subsequent trials. We will analyze the epidemiology, distribution, and predictors of subsequent RCTs. We will also contact authors of subsequent trials to determine reasons for beginning, continuing, or prematurely discontinuing their own trials, and the extent to which they rely on the estimates from truncated trials. DISCUSSION To the extent that investigators begin or continue subsequent trials they implicitly disagree with the decision to stop the truncated RCT because of an ethical mandate to administer the experimental treatment. The results of this study will help guide future decisions about when to stop RCTs early for benefit.


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Bacterial meningitis is a severe inflammatory disease of the central nervous system and is characterized by massive infiltration of granulocytes into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). To assess the role of NADPH oxidase-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) in pneumococcal meningitis, mice deficient in either the gp91 subunit (essential for functioning of the phagocyte enzyme) or the p47 subunit (essential for functioning of homologous enzymes in nonphagocytic cells) were intracisternally infected with live Streptococcus pneumoniae, and defined disease parameters were measured during the acute stage of infection. While none of the parameters measured (including CSF bacterial titers) were significantly different in gp91(-/-) and wild-type mice, the infection in p47(-/-) mice was associated with significantly increased inflammation of the subarachnoid and ventricular space, disruption of the blood-brain barrier, and the presence of interleukin-1 beta, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and matrix metalloproteinase 9 in the cortex. These changes were associated with approximately 10-fold-higher CSF bacterial titers in p47(-/-) mice than in wild-type mice (P < 0.001). In contrast to infection with live bacteria, the inflammatory response, including CSF leukocytosis, was significantly attenuated in p47(-/-) mice (but not gp91(-/-) mice) challenged with a fixed number of heat-inactivated pneumococci. Impairment of the host defense appeared to be responsible for the higher bacterial titers in p47(-/-) mice. Therefore, these results indicate that ROS generated by a gp91-independent NADPH oxidase(s) are important for establishing an adequate inflammatory response to pneumococcal CSF infection.


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The loss of soluble brain antioxidants and protective effects of radical scavengers implicate reactive oxygen species in cortical neuronal injury caused by bacterial meningitis. However, the lack of significant oxidative damage in cortex [J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. 61 (2002) 605-613] suggests that cortical neuronal injury may not be due to excessive parenchymal oxidant production. To see whether this tissue region exhibits a prooxidant state in bacterial meningitis, we examined the state of the major cortical antioxidant defenses in infant rats infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae. Adenine nucleotides were co-determined to assess possible changes in energy metabolism. Arguing against heightened parenchymal oxidant production, the high NADPH/NADP(+) ratio ( approximately 3:1) and activities of the major antioxidant defense and pentose phosphate pathway enzymes remained unchanged at the time of fulminant meningitis. In contrast, cortical ATP, ADP and total adenine nucleotides were on average decreased by approximately 25%. However, energy depletion did not lead to a significant decrease in adenylate energy charge (AEC). ATP depletion was likely a consequence of metabolic degradation, since it correlated with both the loss of total adenine nucleotides and accumulation of purine degradation products. Furthermore, the loss of ATP and decrease in AEC correlated significantly with the extent of neuronal injury. These results strongly suggest that energy depletion rather than parenchymal oxidative damage is involved in the observed cortical neuronal injury.


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Der Beruf verlangt viel, die Kinder verlassen das Haus, die Eltern sterben. Die Psychologin Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello über eine besonders wechselhafte Lebensphase.


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BACKGROUND Vitamin D and the components of humoral immunity play important roles in human health. Older people have lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) serum levels than younger adults. We aimed to determine the levels of 25(OH)D serum concentrations in healthy senior citizens and to study their relationship to the levels of components of humoral immunity. METHODS A total of 1,470 healthy Swiss men and women, 60 years or older, were recruited for this study. A total of 179 subjects dropped out of the study because of elevated serum concentrations of C-reactive protein. Fasting blood sera were analyzed for 25(OH)D with the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and for parathyroid hormone (PTH), immunoglobulins and complement C4 and C3 concentrations with immunoassays. The percentage of participants in each of the four 25(OH)D deficiency groups--severely deficient (<10 ng/ml), deficient (10 to 20), insufficient (21 to 29 ng/ml) and normal (>=30 ng/ml)--were statistically compared. The relationship of the major components of the humoral system and age with 25(OH)D levels was also assessed. RESULTS About 66% of the subjects had insufficient levels of 25(OH)D. Normal levels of 25(OH)D were found in 26.1% of the subjects of which 21% were males and 30.5% were females (total study population). Severely deficient levels of 25(OH)D were found in 7.98% of the total study population. Low levels of 25(OH)D were positively associated with IgG2 (P = 0.01) and with C4 (P = 0.02), yet were inversely related to levels of IgG1 and IgA (P < 0.05) and C3 (P = 0.01). Serum levels of total IgA, IgG, IgG2 and IgG4 peaked together with 25(OH)D during late summer. CONCLUSIONS Approximately two-thirds of the healthy, older Swiss population presented with Vitamin D insufficiency. The incremental shift in IgA and C3 levels might not necessarily reflect a deranged humoral immune defense; however, given the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency, the importance of this condition in humoral immunity will be worth looking at more closely. This study supports the role of vitamin D in the competent immune system.


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Befindet sich die Religion auf dem Rückzug gegenüber der vordringenden Wissenschaft? Welche Theorien gibt es zur Verhältnisbestimmung von Wissenschaft und Religion und was ist ihre wirkliche Differenz? Martin Buber geht diesen Fragen in einem bis vor kurzem noch unveröffentlichten Zürcher Referat nach. Der Essay kommentiert die Bemühungen Bubers um eine Klärung dieser Verhältnisbestimmung und stellt sie in den Kontext der heute international geführten Diskussion über Wissenschaft und Religion.


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