BACKGROUND Pressure ulcers are associated with severe impairment for the patients and high economic load. With this study we wanted to gain more insight to the skin perfusion dynamics due to external loading. Furthermore, we evaluated the effect of different types of pressure relief mattresses. METHODS A total of 25 healthy volunteers were enrolled in the study. Perfusion dynamics of the sacral and the heel area were assessed using the O2C-device, which combines a laser light, to determine blood flow, and white light to determine the relative amount of hemoglobin. Three mattresses were evaluated compared to a hard surface: a standard hospital foam mattress bed, a visco-elastic foam mattress, and an air-fluidized bed. RESULTS In the heel area, only the air-fluidized bed was able to maintain the blood circulation (mean blood flow of 13.6 ± 6 versus 3.9 ± 3 AU and mean relative amount of hemoglobin of 44.0 ± 14 versus 32.7 ± 12 AU.) In the sacral area, all used mattresses revealed an improvement of blood circulation compared to the hard surface. CONCLUSION The results of this study form a more precise pattern of perfusion changes due to external loading on various pressure relief mattresses. This knowledge may reduce the incidence of pressure ulcers and may be an influencing factor in pressure relief mattress selection.
STUDY OBJECTIVE To determine the effectiveness of an esophageal doppler device to non-invasively detect experimental pseudo-electromechanical dissociation (pseudo-EMD). DESIGN Prospective, controlled, laboratory investigation using an asphyxial canine cardiac arrest model and a newly-developed esophageal flat-flow probe doppler unit. INTERVENTIONS Mongrel dogs (20) were instrumented for hemodynamic monitoring. The esophageal doppler probe was placed in the distal esophagus of each animal. Electromechanical dissociation (EMD) was induced by clamping the endotracheal tube. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS A period of pseudo-EMD was defined as the time where cardiac contractility was present, measured by a micromanometer tipped thoracic aortic catheter, without concurrent femoral pulses by palpation. The pseudo-EMD period could be produced consistently in all 20 animals. The characteristic doppler flow sounds were easily heard using the esophageal device in all animals. The time from endotracheal tube clamping until loss of femoral pulses was 622 +/- 96 s; until loss of radial artery doppler signals was 616 +/- 92 s; until loss of esophageal doppler signals was 728 +/- 88 s; and until loss of aortic fluctuations by thoracic aortic catheter was 728 +/- 82 s. The times to loss of esophageal doppler sounds and loss of aortic fluctuations were not significantly different. However, they were significantly longer than the time to loss of femoral pulses (P < 0.02). CONCLUSIONS The canine asphyxial EMD model can be used for short experimental studies of pseudo-EMD. Pseudo-EMD can be consistently and non-invasively detected with this esophageal doppler device. The device is as reliable as a micromanometer tipped aortic arch catheter in detecting pseudo-EMD. The doppler device could potentially be useful in improving recognition of near cardiac arrest in pre-hospital and emergency department settings. Further research on the utility of this device in other models of low-flow states should be performed.
We used real-time LDI to study regional variations in microcirculatory perfusion in healthy candidates to establish a new methodology for global perfusion body mapping that is based on intra-individual perfusion index ratios. Our study included 74 (37 female) healthy volunteers aged between 22 and 30 years (mean 24.49). Imaging was performed using a recent microcirculation-imaging camera (EasyLDI) for different body regions of each volunteer. The perfusion values were reported in Arbitrary Perfusion Units (APU). The relative perfusion indexes for each candidate's body region were then obtained by normalization with the perfusion value of the forehead. Basic parameters such as weight, height, and blood pressure were also measured and analyzed. The highest mean perfusion value was reported in the forehead area (259.21APU). Mean perfusion in the measured parts of the body correlated positively with mean forehead value, while there was no significant correlation between forehead blood perfusion values and room temperature, BMI, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure (p=0.420, 0.623, 0.488, 0.099, respectively). Analysis of the data showed that perfusion indexes were not significantly different between male and female volunteers except for the ventral upper arm area (p=.001). LDI is a non-invasive, fast technique that opens several avenues for clinical applications. The mean perfusion indexes are useful in clinical practice for monitoring patients before and after surgical interventions. Perfusion values can be predicted for different body parts for patients only by taking the forehead perfusion value and using the perfusion index ratios to obtain expected normative perfusion values.
Transcranial Doppler-guided deairing of a pediatric ventricular assist device: experience with twins
We report the intraoperative courses of 2 consecutive Berlin Heart Excor® Pediatric Ventricular Assist Device implantations, in which transcranial Doppler ultrasonography helped to detect macroscopically undetected residual air bubbles captured in the pump after air removal had been correctly performed according to manufacturer's specifications. Our experience with these cases suggests that a beat-to beat deairing maneuver guided by transcranial Doppler is a useful strategy for reducing cerebral exposure to perioperative gaseous microembolism.
Objectives The aim of this study was to quantify potential differences in count, frequency and pattern of high-intensity transient signals (HITS) during transapical transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TA-TAVI), by comparing the Symetis Acurate TA (SA) with the balloon-expandable Edwards Sapien XT (ES) system. Background Recently, the Symetis Acurate TA revalving system has been introduced for TA-TAVI. The Symetis Acurate TA aortic bioprosthesis is self-expanding and is deployed by a specific two-step implantation technique. Whether this novel method increases the load of intraprocedural emboli, detected by transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD) as HITS, or not is not clear. Methods Twenty-two patients (n = 11 in each study arm, median logistic EuroScore 20%, median STS score 7%) displayed continuous TCD signals of good quality throughout the entire TA-TAVI procedure and were included in the final analysis. Data are presented as median with interquartile ranges. Results No significant differences were detected in total procedural or interval-related HITS load (SA: 303 [200; 594], ES: 499 [285; 941]; p = 0.16). With both devices, HITS peaked during prosthesis deployment (PD), whereas significantly fewer HITS occurred during instrumentation (SA: p = 0.002; ES: <0.001) or post-implantation PI (SA: p = 0.007; ES: <0.001). PD-associated HITS amounted to almost half of the total HITS load. One patient suffered new disabling stroke at 30 days. Thirty-day mortality amounted to 13.6% (3 of 22 patients). Conclusions Simplified transapical delivery using the self-expanding SA device does not increase HITS, despite of a two-step deployment technique with more interactions with the native aortic valve, when compared to the balloon-expandable ES valve. The similarity in HITS count, frequency and pattern with the two systems suggests a common mechanism for the release of cerebral microemboli.
Navigation of deep space probes is most commonly operated using the spacecraft Doppler tracking technique. Orbital parameters are determined from a series of repeated measurements of the frequency shift of a microwave carrier over a given integration time. Currently, both ESA and NASA operate antennas at several sites around the world to ensure the tracking of deep space probes. Just a small number of software packages are nowadays used to process Doppler observations. The Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB) has recently started the development of Doppler data processing capabilities within the Bernese GNSS Software. This software has been extensively used for Precise Orbit Determination of Earth orbiting satellites using GPS data collected by on-board receivers and for subsequent determination of the Earth gravity field. In this paper, we present the currently achieved status of the Doppler data modeling and orbit determination capabilities in the Bernese GNSS Software using GRAIL data. In particular we will focus on the implemented orbit determination procedure used for the combined analysis of Doppler and intersatellite Ka-band data. We show that even at this earlier stage of the development we can achieve an accuracy of few mHz on two-way S-band Doppler observation and of 2 µm/s on KBRR data from the GRAIL primary mission phase.
PURPOSE Despite different existing methods, monitoring of free muscle transfer is still challenging. In the current study we evaluated our clinical setting regarding monitoring of such tissues, using a recent microcirculation-imaging camera (EasyLDI) as an additional tool for detection of perfusion incompetency. PATIENTS AND METHODS This study was performed on seven patients with soft tissue defect, who underwent reconstruction with free gracilis muscle. Beside standard monitoring protocol (clinical assessment, temperature strips, and surface Doppler), hourly EasyLDI monitoring was performed for 48 hours. Thereby a baseline value (raised flap but connected to its vascular bundle) and an ischaemia perfusion value (completely resected flap) were measured at the same point. RESULTS The mean age of the patients, mean baseline value, ischaemia value perfusion were 48.00 ± 13.42 years, 49.31 ± 17.33 arbitrary perfusion units (APU), 9.87 ± 4.22 APU, respectively. The LDI measured values in six free muscle transfers were compatible with hourly standard monitoring protocol, and normalized LDI values significantly increased during time (P < 0.001, r = 0.412). One of the flaps required a return to theatre 17 hours after the operation, where an unsalvageable flap loss was detected. All normalized LDI values of this flap were under the ischaemia perfusion level and the trend was significantly descending during time (P < 0.001, r = -0.870). CONCLUSION Due to the capability of early detection of perfusion incompetency, LDI may be recommended as an additional post-operative monitoring device for free muscle flaps, for early detection of suspected failing flaps and for validation of other methods.
BACKGROUND Port-wine stains (PWS) are malformations of capillaries in 0.3% of newborn children. The treatment of choice is by pulsed dye LASER (PDL), and requires several sessions. The efficacy of this treatment is at present evaluated on the basis of clinical inspection and of digital photographs taken throughout the treatment. LASER-Doppler imaging (LDI) is a noninvasive method of imaging the perfusion of the tissues by the microcirculatory system (capillaries). The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that LDI allows a quantitative, numerical evaluation of the efficacy of the PDL treatment of PWS. METHOD The PDL sessions were organized according to the usual scheme, every other month, from September 1, 2012, to September 30, 2013. LDI imaging was performed at the start and at the conclusion of the PDL treatment, and simultaneously on healthy skin in order to obtain reference values. The results evidenced by LDI were analyzed according to the "Wilcoxon signed-rank" test before and after each session, and in the intervals between the three PDL treatment sessions. RESULTS Our prospective study is based on 20 new children. On average, the vascularization of the PWS was reduced by 56% after three laser sessions. Compared with healthy skin, initial vascularization of PWS was 62% higher than that of healthy skin at the start of treatment, and 6% higher after three sessions. During the 2 months between two sessions, vascularization of the capillary network increased by 27%. CONCLUSION This study shows that LDI can demonstrate and measure the efficacy of PDL treatment of PWS in children. The figures obtained when measuring the results by LDI corroborate the clinical assessments and may allow us to refine, and perhaps even modify, our present use of PDL and thus improve the efficacy of the treatment.
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) predispose the offspring to vascular dysfunction, arterial hypertension, and hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. Recently, cardiac remodeling and dysfunction during fetal and early postnatal life have been reported in offspring of ART, but it is not known whether these cardiac alterations persist later in life and whether confounding factors contribute to this problem. We, therefore, assessed cardiac function and pulmonary artery pressure by echocardiography in 54 healthy children conceived by ART (mean age 11.5 ± 2.4 yr) and 54 age-matched (12.2 ± 2.3 yr) and sex-matched control children. Because ART is often associated with low birth weight and prematurity, two potential confounders associated with cardiac dysfunction, only singletons born with normal birth weight at term were studied. Moreover, because cardiac remodeling in infants conceived by ART was observed in utero, a situation associated with increased right heart load, we also assessed cardiac function during high-altitude exposure, a condition associated with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension-induced right ventricular overload. We found that, while at low altitude cardiac morphometry and function was not different between children conceived by ART and control children, under the stressful conditions of high-altitude-induced pressure overload and hypoxia, larger right ventricular end-diastolic area and diastolic dysfunction (evidenced by lower E-wave tissue Doppler velocity and A-wave tissue Doppler velocity of the lateral tricuspid annulus) were detectable in children and adolescents conceived by ART. In conclusion, right ventricular dysfunction persists in children and adolescents conceived by ART. These cardiac alterations appear to be related to ART per se rather than to low birth weight or prematurity.
PURPOSE The aim of this present study was to evaluate the sonographic correlation between Doppler flow characteristics of the uterine arteries and tumor size in patients with cervical cancer, in order to establish a new potential marker to monitor treatment response. METHODS This was a retrospective cohort study of 25 patients who underwent a sonographic evaluation of Doppler flow characteristics of the uterine arteries before surgery or radiochemotherapy for early and locally advanced/advanced cervical cancer, respectively, was analyzed. The primary outcome was the correlation between Doppler flow characteristics of the uterine arteries and tumor size in patients with cervical cancer. RESULTS Median age was 49 (range 26-85) years, and mean tumor size was 40.8 ± 17 mm. A significant positive correlation was found between tumor diameter and the uterine artery end-diastolic velocity (r = 0.47, p < 0.05) as well as the peak systolic velocity (r = 0.41, p < 0.05). No correlation was found between tumor size and the pulsatility index or resistance index. CONCLUSIONS In cervical cancer, uterine artery velocity parameters are associated with tumor size. This finding could become particularly useful in the follow-up of locally advanced cervical cancer patients undergoing radiochemotherapy or in corroborating the selection of women with more possibility of a high response rate during neoadjuvant chemotherapy before surgery.