72 resultados para Compactness Compensated


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BACKGROUND & AIMS The safety and efficacy of the interferon-free combination of faldaprevir (NS3/A4 protease inhibitor), deleobuvir (BI 207127, non-nucleoside polymerase inhibitor), and ribavirin in treatment-naïve patients chronically infected with HCV genotype-1 was explored. METHODS SOUND-C3 was a multicenter, open-label Phase 2b study. Treatment-naïve patients chronically infected with HCV genotype-1a (IL28B CC genotype only; n = 12) and genotype-1b (n = 20) were assigned to 16 weeks of treatment with faldaprevir 120 mg once daily, deleobuvir 600 mg twice daily, and weight-based ribavirin. Patients with compensated liver disease, including cirrhosis, were eligible for inclusion in this study. The primary endpoint was sustained virological response 12 weeks after completion of therapy. RESULTS Sustained virological response rates 12 weeks after completion of therapy were 17% and 95% in patients infected with HCV genotype-1a and genotype-1b respectively. All four patients with cirrhosis achieved sustained virological response 12 weeks after completion of therapy. The most frequently reported adverse events of at least moderate intensity were anaemia (16%), nausea, vomiting and fatigue (9% each). Three (9%) patients discontinued because of adverse events. CONCLUSIONS The interferon-free regimen of faldaprevir, deleobuvir and ribavirin was efficacious in patients infected with genotype-1b and generally well tolerated.


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Despite an increased scientific interest in the relatively new phenomenon of large-scale land acquisition (LSLA), data on the implementation of such projects and their impacts on the heterogeneous group of project-affected people are still sparse and superficial. Our ethnographic in-depth research on a Swiss-based bioenergy project in Sierra Leone generates well-documented data and provides insights into gendered access to land and wage employment. In the area where the project is located, customary land tenure applies. Thereby, women are structurally discriminated since they are not entitled to own land. However, user rights grant women and non-landowning men access to land and associated resources. Following the investing development banks’ guidelines, the company considered the local customary law when implementing its project. Nevertheless, the company only consulted and compensated landowners although women and non-landowning men could previously benefit from acquired land as well. Moreover, the company’s policy to enhance employment possibilities for women is barely implemented, and only few local women are hired. In order to cope with the transformed situation some women and non-landowning men continue to engage in subsistence farming on a reduced area of land. Others are involved in informal petty-trade or cooking food for the labourers whereby they subsidize the capitalist production of the company. In one village, women resisted additional land takes of the company. Acting within the framework of a specific power constellation on community level and simultaneously accommodating their claims within policy paradigms on transnational level, they were able to force a landowner to refuse leasing land to the company.


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Missense mutations in ATP2A1 gene, encoding SERCA1 protein, cause a muscle disorder designed as congenital pseudomyotonia (PMT) in Chianina and Romagnola cattle or congenital muscular dystonia1 (CMD1) in Belgian Blue cattle. Although PMT is not life-threatening, CMD1 affected calves usually die within a few weeks of age as a result of respiratory complication. We have recently described a muscular disorder in a double muscle Dutch Improved Red and White cross-breed calf. Mutation analysis revealed an ATP2A1 mutation identical to that described in CMD1, even though clinical phenotype was quite similar to that of PMT. Here, we provide evidence for a deficiency of mutated SERCA1 in PMT affected muscles of Dutch Improved Red and White calf, but not of its mRNA. The reduced expression of SERCA1 is selective and not compensated by the SERCA2 isoform. By contrast, pathological muscles are characterized by a broad distribution of mitochondrial markers in all fiber types, not related to intrinsic features of double muscle phenotype and by an increased expression of sarcolemmal calcium extrusion pump. Calcium removal mechanisms, operating in muscle fibers as compensatory response aimed at lowering excessive cytoplasmic calcium concentration caused by SERCA1 deficiency, could explain the difference in severity of clinical signs.


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One key hypothesis in the study of brain size evolution is the expensive tissue hypothesis; the idea that increased investment into the brain should be compensated by decreased investment into other costly organs, for instance the gut. Although the hypothesis is supported by both comparative and experimental evidence, little is known about the potential changes in energetic requirements or digestive traits following such evolutionary shifts in brain and gut size. Organisms may meet the greater metabolic requirements of larger brains despite smaller guts via increased food intake or better digestion. But increased investment in the brain may also hamper somatic growth. To test these hypotheses we here used guppy (Poecilia reticulata) brain size selection lines with a pronounced negative association between brain and gut size and investigated feeding propensity, digestive efficiency (DE), and juvenile growth rate. We did not find any difference in feeding propensity or DE between large- and small-brained individuals. Instead, we found that large-brained females had slower growth during the first 10 weeks after birth. Our study provides experimental support that investment into larger brains at the expense of gut tissue carries costs that are not necessarily compensated by a more efficient digestive system.


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Regular physical activity beneficially impacts the risk of onset and progression of several chronic diseases. However, research regarding the effects of exercising on chronic liver diseases is relatively recent. Most authors focused on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), in which increasing clinical and experimental data indicate that skeletal muscle cross-talking to the adipose tissue and the liver regulates intrahepatic fat storage. In this setting physical activity is considered required in combination with calories restriction to allow an effective decrease of intrahepatic lipid component, and despite that evidence is not conclusive, some studies suggest that vigorous activity might be more beneficial than moderate activity to improve NAFLD/NASH. Evidence regarding the effects of exercise on the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma is scarce; some epidemiological studies indicate a lower risk in patients regularly and vigorously exercising. In compensated cirrhosis exercise acutely increases portal pressure, but in longer term it has been proved safe and probably beneficial. Decreased aerobic capacity (VO2) correlates with mortality in patients with decompensated cirrhosis, who are almost invariably sarcopenic. In these patients VO2 is improved by physical activity, which might also reduce the risk of hepatic encephalopathy through an increase in skeletal muscle mass. In solid organ transplantation recipients exercise is able to improve lean mass, muscle strength and as a consequence, aerobic capacity. Few data exist in liver transplant recipients, in whom exercise should be object of future studies given its high potential of providing long-term beneficial effects. Despite evidence is far from complete, physical activity should be seen as an important part of the management of patients with liver disease in order to improve their clinical outcome. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND The diagnostic performance of biochemical scores and artificial neural network models for portal hypertension and cirrhosis is not well established. AIMS To assess diagnostic accuracy of six serum scores, artificial neural networks and liver stiffness measured by transient elastography, for diagnosing cirrhosis, clinically significant portal hypertension and oesophageal varices. METHODS 202 consecutive compensated patients requiring liver biopsy and hepatic venous pressure gradient measurement were included. Several serum tests (alone and combined into scores) and liver stiffness were measured. Artificial neural networks containing or not liver stiffness as input variable were also created. RESULTS The best non-invasive method for diagnosing cirrhosis, portal hypertension and oesophageal varices was liver stiffness (C-statistics=0.93, 0.94, and 0.90, respectively). Among serum tests/scores the best for diagnosing cirrhosis and portal hypertension and oesophageal varices were, respectively, Fibrosis-4, and Lok score. Artificial neural networks including liver stiffness had high diagnostic performance for cirrhosis, portal hypertension and oesophageal varices (accuracy>80%), but were not statistically superior to liver stiffness alone. CONCLUSIONS Liver stiffness was the best non-invasive method to assess the presence of cirrhosis, portal hypertension and oesophageal varices. The use of artificial neural networks integrating different non-invasive tests did not increase the diagnostic accuracy of liver stiffness alone.


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Early diagnosis of patients with compensated advanced chronic liver disease (cACLD) and portal hypertension is challenging in clinical practice. A growing amount of evidence regarding noninvasive diagnostic methods, and in particular liver stiffness measurement (LSM), suggests that these tools could be used in clinical practice and might potentially limit the use of invasive, reference diagnostic tools (HVPG measurement and endoscopy). Our panel aimed at better understanding the opinion of the Baveno faculty regarding the current practice and use of invasive and noninvasive methods in the field of screening and surveillance of varices; a specific questionnaire was electronically sent to all the faculty members. The results suggested that the experts agreed on the use of noninvasive methods to rule out/identify patients with cACLD. They also indicated that the persistence or removal of the causal agent which led to cirrhosis should guide the choice of using the shortest or the longest interval among those recommended for surveillance endoscopies. Finally, the use of noninvasive methods in these clinical scenarios was pointed out as a relevant field for future research.


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Peer-punishment is an important determinant of cooperation in human groups. It has been suggested that, at the proximate level of analysis, punitive preferences can explain why humans incur costs to punish their deviant peers. How punitive preferences could have evolved in humans is still not entirely understood. A possible explanation at the ultimate level of analysis comes from signaling theory. It has been argued that the punishment of defectors can be a type-separating signal of the punisher's cooperative intent. As a result, punishers are selected more often as interaction partners in social exchange and are partly compensated for the costs they incur when punishing defectors. A similar argument has been made with regard to acts of generosity. In a laboratory experiment, we investigate whether the punishment of a selfish division of money in a dictator game is a sign of trustworthiness and whether punishers are more trustworthy interaction partners in a trust game than non-punishers. We distinguish between second-party and third-party punishment and compare punitive acts with acts of generosity as signs of trustworthiness. We find that punishers are not more trustworthy than non-punishers and that punishers are not trusted more than non-punishers, both in the second-party and in the third-party punishment condition. To the contrary, second-party punishers are trusted less than their non-punishing counterparts. However, participants who choose a generous division of money are more trustworthy and are trusted more than participants who choose a selfish division or participants about whom no information is available. Our results suggest that, unlike for punitive acts, the signaling benefits of generosity are to be gained in social exchange.


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Expanding populations incur a mutation burden – the so-called expansion load. Previous studies of expansion load have focused on codominant mutations. An important consequence of this assumption is that expansion load stems exclusively from the accumulation of new mutations occurring in individuals living at the wave front. Using individual-based simulations, we study here the dynamics of standing genetic variation at the front of expansions, and its consequences on mean fitness if mutations are recessive. We find that deleterious genetic diversity is quickly lost at the front of the expansion, but the loss of deleterious mutations at some loci is compensated by an increase of their frequencies at other loci. The frequency of deleterious homozygotes therefore increases along the expansion axis, whereas the average number of deleterious mutations per individual remains nearly constant across the species range. This reveals two important differences to codominant models: (i) mean fitness at the front of the expansion drops much faster if mutations are recessive, and (ii) mutation load can increase during the expansion even if the total number of deleterious mutations per individual remains constant. We use our model to make predictions about the shape of the site frequency spectrum at the front of range expansion, and about correlations between heterozygosity and fitness in different parts of the species range. Importantly, these predictions provide opportunities to empirically validate our theoretical results. We discuss our findings in the light of recent results on the distribution of deleterious genetic variation across human populations and link them to empirical results on the correlation of heterozygosity and fitness found in many natural range expansions.


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PURPOSE To reliably determine the amplitude of the transmit radiofrequency ( B1+) field in moving organs like the liver and heart, where most current techniques are usually not feasible. METHODS B1+ field measurement based on the Bloch-Siegert shift induced by a pair of Fermi pulses in a double-triggered modified Point RESolved Spectroscopy (PRESS) sequence with motion-compensated crusher gradients has been developed. Performance of the sequence was tested in moving phantoms and in muscle, liver, and heart of six healthy volunteers each, using different arrangements of transmit/receive coils. RESULTS B1+ determination in a moving phantom was almost independent of type and amplitude of the motion and agreed well with theory. In vivo, repeated measurements led to very small coefficients of variance (CV) if the amplitude of the Fermi pulse was chosen above an appropriate level (CV in muscle 0.6%, liver 1.6%, heart 2.3% with moderate amplitude of the Fermi pulses and 1.2% with stronger Fermi pulses). CONCLUSION The proposed sequence shows a very robust determination of B1+ in a single voxel even under challenging conditions (transmission with a surface coil or measurements in the heart without breath-hold). Magn Reson Med, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Cell-cell intercalation is used in several developmental processes to shape the normal body plan. There is no clear evidence that intercalation is involved in pathologies. Here we use the proto-oncogene myc to study a process analogous to early phase of tumour expansion: myc-induced cell competition. Cell competition is a conserved mechanism driving the elimination of slow-proliferating cells (so-called 'losers') by faster-proliferating neighbours (so-called 'winners') through apoptosis and is important in preventing developmental malformations and maintain tissue fitness. Here we show, using long-term live imaging of myc-driven competition in the Drosophila pupal notum and in the wing imaginal disc, that the probability of elimination of loser cells correlates with the surface of contact shared with winners. As such, modifying loser-winner interface morphology can modulate the strength of competition. We further show that elimination of loser clones requires winner-loser cell mixing through cell-cell intercalation. Cell mixing is driven by differential growth and the high tension at winner-winner interfaces relative to winner-loser and loser-loser interfaces, which leads to a preferential stabilization of winner-loser contacts and reduction of clone compactness over time. Differences in tension are generated by a relative difference in F-actin levels between loser and winner junctions, induced by differential levels of the membrane lipid phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate. Our results establish the first link between cell-cell intercalation induced by a proto-oncogene and how it promotes invasiveness and destruction of healthy tissues.


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In analogy to the [M(II)(bpy)(3)](2+) cations, where M(II) is a divalent transition-metal and bpy is 2,2'-bipyridine, the tris-chelated [M(III)(bpy)(3)](3+) cations, where M(III) is Cr(III) or Co(III), induce the crystallization of chiral, anionic three-dimensional (3D) coordination polymers of oxalate-bridged (&mgr;-ox) metal complexes with stoichiometries [M(II)(2)(ox)(3)](n)()(2)(n)()(-) or [M(I)M(III)(ox)(3)](n)()(2)(n)()(-). The tripositive charge is partially compensated by inclusion of additional complex anions like ClO(4)(-), BF(4)(-), or PF(6)(-) which are encapsulated in cubic shaped cavities formed by the bipyridine ligands of the cations. Thus, an elaborate structure of cationic and anionic species within a polymeric anionic network is realized. The compounds isolated and structurally characterized include [Cr(III)(bpy)(3)][ClO(4)] [NaCr(III)(ox)(3)] (1), [Cr(III)(bpy)(3)][ClO(4)][Mn(II)(2)(ox)(3)] (2), [Cr(III)(bpy)(3)][BF(4)] [Mn(II)(2)(ox)(3)] (3), [Co(III)(bpy)(3)][PF(6)][NaCr(III)(ox)(3)] (4). Crystal data: 1, cubic, P2(1)3, a = 15.523(4) Å, Z = 4; 2, cubic, P4(1)32, a = 15.564(3) Å, Z = 4; 3, cubic, P4(1)32, a = 15.553(3) Å, Z = 4; 4, cubic, P2(1)3, a = 15.515(3) Å, Z = 4. Furthermore, it seemed likely that 1,2-dithiooxalate (dto) could act as an alternative to the oxalate bridging ligand, and as a result the compound [Ni(II)(phen)(3)][NaCo(III)(dto)(3)].C(3)H(6)O (5) has successfully been isolated and structurally characterized. Crystal data: 5, orthorhombic, P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 16.238(4) Å, b = 16.225(4) Å, c = 18.371(5) Å, Z = 4. In addition, the photophysical properties of compound 1 have been investigated in detail. In single crystal absorption spectra of [Cr(III)(bpy)(3)][ClO(4)][NaCr(III)(ox)(3)] (1), the spin-flip transitions of both the [Cr(bpy)(3)](3+) and the [Cr(ox)(3)](3)(-) chromophores are observed and can be clearly distinguished. Irradiating into the spin-allowed (4)A(2) --> (4)T(2) absorption band of [Cr(ox)(3)](3)(-) results in intense luminescence from the (2)E state of [Cr(bpy)(3)](3+) as a result of rapid energy transfer processes.