91 resultados para Abortion, spontaneous


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Global complexity of 47-channel resting electroencephalogram (EEG) of healthy young volunteers was studied after intake of a single dose of a nootropic drug (piracetam, Nootropil® UCB Pharma) in 12 healthy volunteers. Four treatment levels were used: 2.4, 4.8, 9.6 g piracetam and placebo. Brain electric activity was assessed through Global Dimensional Complexity and Global Omega-Complexity as quantitative measures of the complexity of the trajectory of multichannel EEG in state space. After oral ingestion (1–1.5 h), both measures showed significant decreases from placebo to 2.4 g piracetam. In addition, Global Dimensional Complexity showed a significant return to placebo values at 9.6 g piracetam. The results indicate that a single dose of piracetam dose-dependently affects the spontaneous EEG in normal volunteers, showing effects at the lowest treatment level. The decreased EEG complexity is interpreted as increased cooperativity of brain functional processes.


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Prompted reports of recall of spontaneous, conscious experiences were collected in a no-input, no-task, no-response paradigm (30 random prompts to each of 13 healthy volunteers). The mentation reports were classified into visual imagery and abstract thought. Spontaneous 19-channel brain electric activity (EEG) was continuously recorded, viewed as series of momentary spatial distributions (maps) of the brain electric field and segmented into microstates, i.e. into time segments characterized by quasi-stable landscapes of potential distribution maps which showed varying durations in the sub-second range. Microstate segmentation used a data-driven strategy. Different microstates, i.e. different brain electric landscapes must have been generated by activity of different neural assemblies and therefore are hypothesized to constitute different functions. The two types of reported experiences were associated with significantly different microstates (mean duration 121 ms) immediately preceding the prompts; these microstates showed, across subjects, for abstract thought (compared to visual imagery) a shift of the electric gravity center to the left and a clockwise rotation of the field axis. Contrariwise, the microstates 2 s before the prompt did not differ between the two types of experiences. The results support the hypothesis that different microstates of the brain as recognized in its electric field implement different conscious, reportable mind states, i.e. different classes (types) of thoughts (mentations); thus, the microstates might be candidates for the `atoms of thought'.


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This report describes the occurrence of renal papillary cystic adenomas and adenocarcinomas in oscars Astronotus ocellatus Cuvier, 1829. Samples from 5 oscars with abdominal swelling were collected between 1996 and 2004 and compared to a published case from the USA. Macroscopically, all cases revealed a large, well-demarcated, greyish-brown nodular mass in a retroperitoneal position within the body cavity, and originating from the posterior kidney. Histologically, these neoplasms were composed of epithelial cells, which were arranged in papillary cystic tubular structures and partly covered by cilia. In this study, microscopic and ultrastructural examination confirmed that the origin of the neoplasm was the proximal tubules of the kidney.


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After a short-term fever, complex regional pain syndrome, characterized by hyperalgesia, intermittent swelling, erythema and cyanosis of both feet, was diagnosed in a female veterinarian. The woman was infected with Bartonella koehlerae and she was also Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii seroreactive. Having failed other treatments, symptoms resolved following initiation of antibiotics.


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Malaria parasite detoxifies free haem, released as a result of haemoglobin digestion, by converting it into an stable, crystalline, black brown pigment known as 'malaria pigment' or 'haemozoin'. Earlier studies have demonstrated the involvement of a parasite-specific enzyme 'haem polymerase' in the formation of haemozoin. However, recently it has been proposed that the polymerization of haem may be a spontaneous process that could take place by incubation of haematin with carboxylic acids (pH 4.2-5.0) even without presence of any parasitic or biological component (FEBS Letters, 352, 54-57 (1994). Here we report that no spontaneous haem polymerization occurs at physiological conditions and the product described in the study mentioned above is not haemozoin/beta-haematin (haem polymer) as characterized by us on the basis of solubility characteristics and thin layer chromatography. The infra-red spectroscopic analysis of the product formed though exhibits the bands corresponding to formation of iron-carboxylate bond, similar to that in haemozoin/beta-haematin, but was identified as haem-acid adduct. Thus polymerization of haem may not occur spontaneously under the reaction conditions corresponding to food vacuoles of the malarial parasite, the physiological site of haemozoin formation.


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We study the phase diagram of the two-dimensional N = 1 Wess-Zumino model using Wilson fermions and the fermion loop formulation. We give a complete non-perturbative determination of the ground state structure in the continuum and infinite volume limit. We also present a determination of the particle spectrum in the supersymmetric phase, in the supersymmetry broken phase and across the supersymmetry breaking phase transition. In the supersymmetry broken phase we observe the emergence of the Goldstino particle.


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Habituelle Aborte Ein Spontanabort ereignet sich bei etwa 15 % aller klinisch festgestellten Schwangerschaften. Vom betroffenen Paar wird er ausnahmslos als äußerst traumatisch erlebt. Insbesondere gilt dies beim habituellen Abort (≥ 3 Aborte in Folge), der etwa 1 % der Schwangerschaften betrifft. In der Hoffnung, weitere Aborte zu verhindern, werden entsprechend große Anstrengungen unternommen, die jeweilige Ursache zu eruieren. Gerinnungsphysiologische Einflüsse Pathophysiologisch spielen nebst organischen und zytogenetischen Anomalien beim Fetus vermutlich auch gerinnungsphysiologische Einflüsse eine ursächliche Rolle, insbesondere erworbene und hereditäre prokoagulatorische Störungen. Diese können das im Rahmen der Schwangerschaft schon physiologisch erhöhte Gerinnungspotenzial zusätzlich verstärken und damit die Blutversorgung des Fetus potenziell behindern, was mit der Gefahr seiner Abstoßung einhergeht. Thrombophilie Auch wenn der diesbezügliche Beweis im Einzelfall schwierig zu erbringen ist, erscheint eine ungünstige Beeinflussung des Abortrisikos durch erworbene und hereditäre Thrombophilien plausibel. Daraus ergibt sich unschwer die Folgerung oder Hoffnung, dass antiaggregatorische und antikoagulatorische Maßnahmen eine günstige Wirkung haben könnten. Der vorliegende Beitrag geht auf die bekannten sowie teils auch nur vermuteten pathophysiologischen Mechanismen und die sich daraus ergebenden therapeutischen bzw. präventiven Möglichkeiten ein.


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We study the tuning curve of entangled photons generated by type-0 spontaneous parametric down-conversion in a periodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate crystal. We demonstrate the X-shaped spatiotemporal structure of the spectrum by means of measurements and numerical simulations. Experiments for different pump waists, crystal temperatures, and crystal lengths are in good agreement with numerical simulations.


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Spontaneous contractions of the fetal airways are a well recognized but poorly characterized phenomenon. In the present study spontaneous narrowing of the airways was analyzed in freshly isolated lungs from early to late gestation in fetal pigs and rabbits and in cultured fetal mouse lungs. Propagating waves of contraction traveling proximal to distal were observed in fresh lungs throughout gestation which displaced the lung liquid along the lumen. In the pseudoglandular and canalicular stages (fetal pigs) the frequency ranged from 2.3 to 3.3 contractions/min with a 39 to 46% maximum reduction of lumen diameter. In the saccular stage (rabbit) the frequency was 10 to 12/min with a narrowing of approximately 30%. In the organ cultures the waves of narrowing started at the trachea in whole lungs, or at the main bronchus in lobes (5.2 +/- 1.5 contractions/min, 22 +/- 8% reduction of lumen diameter), and as they proceeded distally along the epithelial tubes the luminal liquid was shifted toward the terminal tubules, which expanded the endbuds. As the tubules relaxed the flow of liquid was reversed. Thus the behavior of airway smooth muscle in the fetal lung is phasic in type (like gastrointestinal muscle) in contrast to that in postnatal lung, where it is tonic. An intraluminal positive pressure of 2.33 +/- 0.77 cm H(2)O was recorded in rabbit fetal trachea. It is proposed that the active tone of the smooth muscle maintains the positive intraluminal pressure and acts as a stimulus to lung growth via the force exerted across the airway wall and adjacent parenchyma. The expansion of the compliant endbuds by the fluid shifts at the airway tip may promote their growth into the surrounding mesenchyme.


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Pai syndrome is a rare congenital disorder characterized by cutaneous polyps of the face, pericallosal lipoma and median cleft lip. We report on a newborn girl with a variant of Pai syndrome presenting with all typical findings except a median cleft. In addition, fetal sonography and MRI showed the unique intrauterine evolution of a cephalocele into an atretic cephalocele.


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We study the phase diagram of the two-dimensional N=1 Wess-Zumino model on the lattice using Wilson fermions and the fermion loop formulation. We give a complete nonperturbative determination of the ground state structure in the continuum and infinite volume limit. We also present a determination of the particle spectrum in the supersymmetric phase, in the supersymmetry broken phase and across the supersymmetry breaking phase transition. In the supersymmetry broken phase, we observe the emergence of the Goldstino particle.


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Abortion in ruminants is a major cause of economic loss worldwide, and the management and control of outbreaks is important in limiting their spread, and in preventing zoonotic infections. Given that rapid and accurate laboratory diagnosis is central to controlling abortion outbreaks, the submission of tissue samples to laboratories offering the most appropriate tests is essential. Direct antigen and/or DNA detection methods are the currently preferred methods of reaching an aetiological diagnosis, and ideally these results are confirmed by the demonstration of corresponding macroscopic and/or histopathological lesions in the fetus and/or the placenta. However, the costs of laboratory examinations may be considerable and, even under optimal conditions, the percentage of aetiological diagnoses reached can be relatively low. This review focuses on the most commonly occurring and important abortifacient pathogens of ruminant species in Europe highlighting their epizootic and zoonotic potential. The performance characteristics of the various diagnostic methods used, including their specific advantages and limitations, are discussed.