613 resultados para knowledge systems


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Analyzing how software engineers use the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is essential to better understanding how engineers carry out their daily tasks. Spotter is a code search engine for the Pharo programming language. Since its inception, Spotter has been rapidly and broadly adopted within the Pharo community. However, little is known about how practitioners employ Spotter to search and navigate within the Pharo code base. This paper evaluates how software engineers use Spotter in practice. To achieve this, we remotely gather user actions called events. These events are then visually rendered using an adequate navigation tool chain. Sequences of events are represented using a visual alphabet. We found a number of usage patterns and identified underused Spotter features. Such findings are essential for improving Spotter.


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Blind Deconvolution consists in the estimation of a sharp image and a blur kernel from an observed blurry image. Because the blur model admits several solutions it is necessary to devise an image prior that favors the true blur kernel and sharp image. Many successful image priors enforce the sparsity of the sharp image gradients. Ideally the L0 “norm” is the best choice for promoting sparsity, but because it is computationally intractable, some methods have used a logarithmic approximation. In this work we also study a logarithmic image prior. We show empirically how well the prior suits the blind deconvolution problem. Our analysis confirms experimentally the hypothesis that a prior should not necessarily model natural image statistics to correctly estimate the blur kernel. Furthermore, we show that a simple Maximum a Posteriori formulation is enough to achieve state of the art results. To minimize such formulation we devise two iterative minimization algorithms that cope with the non-convexity of the logarithmic prior: one obtained via the primal-dual approach and one via majorization-minimization.


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We propose a weakly supervised method to arrange images of a given category based on the relative pose between the camera and the object in the scene. Relative poses are points on a sphere centered at the object in a given canonical pose, which we call object viewpoints. Our method builds a graph on this sphere by assigning images with similar viewpoint to the same node and by connecting nodes if they are related by a small rotation. The key idea is to exploit a large unlabeled dataset to validate the likelihood of dominant 3D planes of the object geometry. A number of 3D plane hypotheses are evaluated by applying small 3D rotations to each hypothesis and by measuring how well the deformed images match other images in the dataset. Correct hypotheses will result in deformed images that correspond to plausible views of the object, and thus will likely match well other images in the same category. The identified 3D planes are then used to compute affinities between images related by a change of viewpoint. We then use the affinities to build a view graph via a greedy method and the maximum spanning tree.


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In this paper we propose a solution to blind deconvolution of a scene with two layers (foreground/background). We show that the reconstruction of the support of these two layers from a single image of a conventional camera is not possible. As a solution we propose to use a light field camera. We demonstrate that a single light field image captured with a Lytro camera can be successfully deblurred. More specifically, we consider the case of space-varying motion blur, where the blur magnitude depends on the depth changes in the scene. Our method employs a layered model that handles occlusions and partial transparencies due to both motion blur and out of focus blur of the plenoptic camera. We reconstruct each layer support, the corresponding sharp textures, and motion blurs via an optimization scheme. The performance of our algorithm is demonstrated on synthetic as well as real light field images.


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Architectural decisions are often encoded in the form of constraints and guidelines. Non-functional requirements can be ensured by checking the conformance of the implementation against this kind of invariant. Conformance checking is often a costly and error-prone process that involves the use of multiple tools, differing in effectiveness, complexity and scope of applicability. To reduce the overall effort entailed by this activity, we propose a novel approach that supports verification of human- readable declarative rules through the use of adapted off-the-shelf tools. Our approach consists of a rule specification DSL, called Dicto, and a tool coordination framework, called Probo. The approach has been implemented in a soon to be evaluated prototype.


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Software erosion can be controlled by periodically checking for consistency between the de facto architecture and its theoretical counterpart. Studies show that this process is often not automated and that developers still rely heavily on manual reviews, despite the availability of a large number of tools. This is partially due to the high cost involved in setting up and maintaining tool-specific and incompatible test specifications that replicate otherwise documented invariants. To reduce this cost, our approach consists in unifying the functionality provided by existing tools under the umbrella of a common business-readable DSL. By using a declarative language, we are able to write tool-agnostic rules that are simple enough to be understood by non-technical stakeholders and, at the same time, can be interpreted as a rigorous specification for checking architecture conformance


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Software architecture erodes over time and needs to be constantly monitored to be kept consistent with its original intended design. Consistency is rarely monitored using automated techniques. The cost associated to such an activity is typically not considered proportional to its benefits. To improve this situation, we propose Dicto, a uniform DSL for specifying architectural invariants. This language is designed to reduce the cost of consistency checking by offering a framework in which existing validation tools can be matched to newly-defined language constructs. In this paper we discuss how such a DSL can be qualitatively and qualitatively evaluated in practice.


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Object inspectors are an essential category of tools that allow developers to comprehend the run-time of object-oriented systems. Traditional object inspectors favor a generic view that focuses on the low-level details of the state of single objects. Based on 16 interviews with software developers and a follow-up survey with 62 respondents we identified a need for object inspectors that support different high-level ways to visualize and explore objects, depending on both the object and the current developer need. We propose the Moldable Inspector, a novel inspector model that enables developers to adapt the inspection workflow to suit their immediate needs by making the inspection context explicit, providing multiple interchangeable domain-specific views for each object, and supporting a workflow that groups together multiple levels of connected objects. We show that the Moldable Inspector can address multiple kinds of development needs involving a wide range of objects.


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Understanding the run-time behaviour of object-oriented applications entails the comprehension of run-time objects. Traditional object inspectors favor generic views that focus on the low-level details of the state of single objects. While universally applicable, this generic approach does not take into account the varying needs of developers that could benefit from tailored views and exploration possibilities. GTInspector is a novel moldable object inspector that provides different high-level ways to visualize and explore objects, adapted to both the object and the current developer need.


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Understanding the run-time behavior of software systems can be a challenging activity. Debuggers are an essential category of tools used for this purpose as they give developers direct access to the running systems. Nevertheless, traditional debuggers rely on generic mechanisms to introspect and interact with the running systems, while developers reason about and formulate domain-specific questions using concepts and abstractions from their application domains. This mismatch creates an abstraction gap between the debugging needs and the debugging support leading to an inefficient and error-prone debugging effort, as developers need to recover concrete domain concepts using generic mechanisms. To reduce this gap, and increase the efficiency of the debugging process, we propose a framework for developing domain-specific debuggers, called the Moldable Debugger, that enables debugging at the level of the application domain. The Moldable Debugger is adapted to a domain by creating and combining domain-specific debugging operations with domain-specific debugging views, and adapts itself to a domain by selecting, at run time, appropriate debugging operations and views. To ensure the proposed model has practical applicability (i.e., can be used in practice to build real debuggers), we discuss, from both a performance and usability point of view, three implementation strategies. We further motivate the need for domain-specific debugging, identify a set of key requirements and show how our approach improves debugging by adapting the debugger to several domains.


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Developers commonly ask detailed and domain-specific questions about the software systems they are developing and maintaining. Integrated development environments (IDEs) form an essential category of tools for developing software that should support software engineering decision making. Unfortunately, rigid and generic IDEs that focus on low-level programming tasks, that promote code rather than data, and that suppress customization, offer limited support for informed decision making during software development. We propose to improve decision making within IDEs by moving from generic to context-aware IDEs through moldable tools. In this paper, we promote the idea of moldable tools, illustrate it with concrete examples, and discuss future research directions.


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When a project is realized in a globalized environment, multiple stakeholders from different organizations work on the same system. Depending on the stakeholders and their organizations, various (possibly overlapping) concerns are raised in the development of the system. In this context a Domain Specific Language (DSL) supports the work of a group of stakeholders who are responsible for addressing a specific set of concerns. This chapter identifies the open challenges arising from the coordination of globalized domain-specific languages. We identify two types of coordination: technical coordination and social coordination. After presenting an overview of the current state of the art, we discuss first the open challenges arising from the composition of multiple DSLs, and then the open challenges associated to the collaboration in a globalized environment.


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Abstract Imprecise manipulation of source code (semi-parsing) is useful for tasks such as robust parsing, error recovery, lexical analysis, and rapid development of parsers for data extraction. An island grammar precisely defines only a subset of a language syntax (islands), while the rest of the syntax (water) is defined imprecisely. Usually water is defined as the negation of islands. Albeit simple, such a definition of water is naive and impedes composition of islands. When developing an island grammar, sooner or later a language engineer has to create water tailored to each individual island. Such an approach is fragile, because water can change with any change of a grammar. It is time-consuming, because water is defined manually by an engineer and not automatically. Finally, an island surrounded by water cannot be reused because water has to be defined for every grammar individually. In this paper we propose a new technique of island parsing —- bounded seas. Bounded seas are composable, robust, reusable and easy to use because island-specific water is created automatically. Our work focuses on applications of island parsing to data extraction from source code. We have integrated bounded seas into a parser combinator framework as a demonstration of their composability and reusability.


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When analysing software metrics, users find that visualisation tools lack support for (1) the detection of patterns within metrics; and (2) enabling analysis of software corpora. In this paper we present Explora, a visualisation tool designed for the simultaneous analysis of multiple metrics of systems in software corpora. Explora incorporates a novel lightweight visualisation technique called PolyGrid that promotes the detection of graphical patterns. We present an example where we analyse the relation of subtype polymorphism with inheritance and invocation in corpora of Smalltalk and Java systems and find that (1) subtype polymorphism is more likely to be found in large hierarchies; (2) as class hierarchies grow horizontally, they also do so vertically; and (3) in polymorphic hierarchies the length of the name of the classes is orthogonal to the cardinality of the call sites.


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Subtype polymorphism is a cornerstone of object-oriented programming. By hiding variability in behavior behind a uniform interface, polymorphism decouples clients from providers and thus enables genericity, modularity and extensi- bility. At the same time, however, it scatters the implementation of the behavior over multiple classes thus potentially hampering program comprehension. The extent to which polymorphism is used in real programs and the impact of polymorphism on program comprehension are not very well understood. We report on a preliminary study of the prevalence of polymorphism in several hundred open source software systems written in Smalltalk, one of the oldest object-oriented programming languages, and in Java, one of the most widespread ones. Although a large portion of the call sites in these systems are polymorphic, a majority have a small number of potential candidates. Smalltalk uses polymorphism to a much greater extent than Java. We discuss how these findings can be used as input for more detailed studies in program comprehension and for better developer support in the IDE.