610 resultados para Carlander-Reutenfelt, Torsten
Introduction: International and national sports federations as well as their member organisations (usually sports clubs) are key actors within the sports system and have a wide range of relationships outside the sports system (e.g. with the state, sponsors, and the media). They are currently facing major challenges such as growing competition in top-‐level sports, democratisation of sports with “sports for all” and sports as the answer to social problems (integration, education, health, unemployment, etc.). In this context, professionalising sports organisations seems to be an appropriate strategy to face these challenges and solve current problems. This has led to a profound organisational change, particularly within sports federations, characterised by the strengthening of institutional management (managerialism) and the implementation of efficiency-‐based management instruments and paid staff. In this context the questions arise how sports organisations professionalise and what consequences this may have. Theoretical framework: The goal of our presentation is to review the international literature and develop an appropriate concept of professionalisation in sport federations. Our multi-‐level approach based on social theory of action integrates the current concepts and perspectives for analysing professionalisation in sports federations. We specify the framework for the following research perspectives: (1) forms, (2) causes and mechanisms, (3) consequences and (4) dynamics, and discuss the reciprocal relations between sports federations and their member organisations in this context. When analysing these different research perspectives, it is important to select or elaborate appropriate theoretical concepts to match the general multi-‐level framework Discussion: The elaborated multi-‐level framework for analysing professionalisation in sports federations is able to integrate most of the existing theoretical concepts and therefore, the broad range of endogenous as well as exogenous factors that might influence the professionalisation of sports organisations. Based on the theoretical framework, we can identify several consequences for the methodological design of studies intending to analyse the different perspectives of professionalisation in sports organisations: Data have to be collected on the different levels. Not only the forms of professionalisation and relevant structures of the organisations should be taken into account but also important characteristics of the environment (macro level) as well as members or member organisations, particularly key actors who might play a crucial role in gaining an understanding of professionalisation processes in sports organisations. In order to carry out a complex organisational research design, it seems necessary to focus on case studies – an approach that has become increasingly important in organisational research. Different strategies and methods of data collection have to be used within the case studies (e.g. interviews with experts within the organisations, questionnaire for selected people in the organisation, document analysis). Therefore, qualitative and quantitative research strategies have to be combined.
Synopsis: Sport organisations are facing multiple challenges originating from an increasingly complex and dynamic environment in general, and from internal changes in particular. Our study seeks to reveal and analyse the causes for professionalization processes in international sport federations, the forms resulting from it, as well as related consequences. Abstract: AIM OF ABSTRACT/PAPER - RESEARCH QUESTION Sport organisations are facing multiple challenges originating from an increasingly complex and dynamic environment in general, and from internal changes in particular. In this context, professionalization seems to have been adopted by sport organisations as an appropriate strategy to respond to pressures such as becoming more “business-like”. The ongoing study seeks to reveal and analyse the internal and external causes for professionalization processes in international sport federations, the forms resulting from it (e.g. organisational, managerial, economic) as well as related consequences on objectives, values, governance methods, performance management or again rationalisation. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND/LITERATURE REVIEW Studies on sport as specific non-profit sector mainly focus on the prospect of the “professionalization of individuals” (Thibault, Slack & Hinings, 1991), often within sport clubs (Thiel, Meier & Cachay, 2006) and national sport federations (Seippel, 2002) or on organisational change (Griginov & Sandanski, 2008; Slack & Hinings, 1987, 1992; Slack, 1985, 2001), thus leaving broader analysis on governance, management and professionalization in sport organisations an unaccomplished task. In order to further current research on above-mentioned topics, our intention is to analyse causes, forms and consequences of professionalisation processes in international sport federations. The social theory of action (Coleman, 1986; Esser, 1993) has been defined as appropriate theoretical framework, deriving in the following a multi-level framework for the analysis of sport organisations (Nagel, 2007). In light of the multi-level framework, sport federations are conceptualised as corporative actors whose objectives are defined and implemented with regard to the interests of member organisations (Heinemann, 2004) and/or other pressure groups. In order to understand social acting and social structures (Giddens 1984) of sport federations, two levels are in the focus of our analysis: the macro level examining the environment at large (political, social, economic systems etc.) and the meso level (Esser, 1999) examining organisational structures, actions and decisions of the federation’s headquarter as well as member organisations. METHODOLOGY, RESEARCH DESIGN AND DATA ANALYSIS The multi-level framework mentioned seeks to gather and analyse information on causes, forms and consequences of professionalization processes in sport federations. It is applied in a twofold approach: first an exploratory study based on nine semi-structured interviews with experts from umbrella sport organisations (IOC, WADA, ASOIF, AIOWF, etc.) as well as the analysis of related documents, relevant reports (IOC report 2000 on governance reform, Agenda 2020, etc.) and important moments of change in the Olympic Movement (Olympic revenue share, IOC evaluation criteria, etc.); and secondly several case studies. Whereas the exploratory study seeks more the causes for professionalization on an external, internal and headquarter level as depicted in the literature, the case studies rather focus on forms and consequences. Applying our conceptual framework, the analysis of forms is built around three dimensions: 1) Individuals (persons and positions), 2) Processes, structures (formalisation, specialisation), 3) Activities (strategic planning). With regard to consequences, we centre our attention on expectations of and relationships with stakeholders (e.g. cooperation with business partners), structure, culture and processes (e.g. governance models, performance), and expectations of and relationships with member organisations (e.g. centralisation vs. regionalisation). For the case studies, a mixed-method approach is applied to collect relevant data: questionnaires for rather quantitative data, interviews for rather qualitative data, as well as document and observatory analysis. RESULTS, DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS/CONCLUSIONS With regard to causes of professionalization processes, we analyse the content of three different levels: 1. the external level, where the main pressure derives from financial resources (stakeholders, benefactors) and important turning points (scandals, media pressure, IOC requirements for Olympic sports); 2. the internal level, where pressure from member organisations turned out to be less decisive than assumed (little involvement of member organisations in decision-making); 3. the headquarter level, where specific economic models (World Cups, other international circuits, World Championships), and organisational structures (decision-making procedures, values, leadership) trigger or hinder a federation’s professionalization process. Based on our first analysis, an outline for an economic model is suggested, distinguishing four categories of IFs: “money-generating IFs” being rather based on commercialisation and strategic alliances; “classical Olympic IFs” being rather reactive and dependent on Olympic revenue; “classical non-Olympic IFs” being rather independent of the Olympic Movement; and “money-receiving IFs” being dependent on benefactors and having strong traditions and values. The results regarding forms and consequences will be outlined in the presentation. The first results from the two pilot studies will allow us to refine our conceptual framework for subsequent case studies, thus extending our data collection and developing fundamental conclusions. References: Bayle, E., & Robinson, L. (2007). A framework for understanding the performance of national governing bodies of sport. European Sport Management Quarterly, 7, 249–268 Chantelat, P. (2001). La professionnalisation des organisations sportives: Nouveaux débats, nouveaux enjeux [Professionalisation of sport organisations]. Paris: L’Harmattan. Dowling, M., Edwards, J., & Washington, M. (2014). Understanding the concept of professionalization in sport management research. Sport Management Review. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.smr.2014.02.003 Ferkins, L. & Shilbury, D. (2012). Good Boards Are Strategic: What Does That Mean for Sport Governance? Journal of Sport Management, 26, 67-80. Thibault, L., Slack, T., & Hinings, B. (1991). Professionalism, structures and systems: The impact of professional staff on voluntary sport organizations. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 26, 83–97.
Young peoples’ sport activity differs considerably depending on the linguistic region in Switzerland (Lamprecht, Fischer, & Stamm, 2014). This appears to be based on cultural as well as on structural differences. The question then arises how differing structural conditions in communes (e.g. sport facilities, significance of the municipal promotion of sport) across different linguistic regions of Switzerland cause variation in sport behaviour. Based on the theory of social action (Coleman, 1990), it is assumed that individual behaviour is not only determined by individual but also by structural and socio - cultural factors in which a person is socially embedded . In 33 municipalities of the German and French speaking region of Switzerland, multilevel data was gathered analysing possible influences of structural factors on sports behaviour. Using an online survey, 15 to 30 year old inhabitants (N=3677) were questi oned about their sports participation, as well as their perception of sport - related structural characteristics in their commune. To collect information about communes’ sport facilities, sport providers as well as representatives of the municipal administra tion were interviewed and document analyses were conducted. Representatives of the municipal administration attach more importance to sport promotion in the German speaking than in French - speaking municipalities. Young people living in the French speaking commune are less satisfied with the sport facilities (F(1,3266)=31.31, p<.01) and they are less physically active than their German - speaking counterparts (Chi2(1,N=3537)=22.51, p<.05). These first findings show the impact of structural conditions in commun es on sport participation of adolescents and young people. However, further multilevel analyses will be conducted for a better understanding of correlations between structural conditions and different sports behaviour of young people. References Coleman, J. S. (1990). Foundations of social theory. Cambridge, MA: Belknap. Lamprecht, M., Fischer, A. & Stamm, H. (2014). Sport Schweiz 2014. Sportaktivität und Sportinteresse der Schweizer Bevölkerung. Magglingen: BASPO.
The shift from host-centric to information-centric networking (ICN) promises seamless communication in mobile networks. However, most existing works either consider well-connected networks with high node density or introduce modifications to {ICN} message processing for delay-tolerant Networking (DTN). In this work, we present agent-based content retrieval, which provides information-centric {DTN} support as an application module without modifications to {ICN} message processing. This enables flexible interoperability in changing environments. If no content source can be found via wireless multi-hop routing, requesters may exploit the mobility of neighbor nodes (called agents) by delegating content retrieval to them. Agents that receive a delegation and move closer to content sources can retrieve data and return it back to requesters. We show that agent-based content retrieval may be even more efficient in scenarios where multi-hop communication is possible. Furthermore, we show that broadcast communication may not be necessarily the best option since dynamic unicast requests have little overhead and can better exploit short contact times between nodes (no broadcast delays required for duplicate suppression).
Abstract Information-centric networking (ICN) offers new perspectives on mobile ad-hoc communication because routing is based on names but not on endpoint identifiers. Since every content object has a unique name and is signed, authentic content can be stored and cached by any node. If connectivity to a content source breaks, it is not necessarily required to build a new path to the same source but content can also be retrieved from a closer node that provides the same content copy. For example, in case of collisions, retransmissions do not need to be performed over the entire path but due to caching only over the link where the collision occurred. Furthermore, multiple requests can be aggregated to improve scalability of wireless multi-hop communication. In this work, we base our investigations on Content-Centric Networking (CCN), which is a popular {ICN} architecture. While related works in wireless {CCN} communication are based on broadcast communication exclusively, we show that this is not needed for efficient mobile ad-hoc communication. With Dynamic Unicast requesters can build unicast paths to content sources after they have been identified via broadcast. We have implemented Dynamic Unicast in CCNx, which provides a reference implementation of the {CCN} concepts, and performed extensive evaluations in diverse mobile scenarios using NS3-DCE, the direct code execution framework for the {NS3} network simulator. Our evaluations show that Dynamic Unicast can result in more efficient communication than broadcast communication, but still supports all {CCN} advantages such as caching, scalability and implicit content discovery.
Indoor positioning has attracted considerable attention for decades due to the increasing demands for location based services. In the past years, although numerous methods have been proposed for indoor positioning, it is still challenging to find a convincing solution that combines high positioning accuracy and ease of deployment. Radio-based indoor positioning has emerged as a dominant method due to its ubiquitousness, especially for WiFi. RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) has been investigated in the area of indoor positioning for decades. However, it is prone to multipath propagation and hence fingerprinting has become the most commonly used method for indoor positioning using RSSI. The drawback of fingerprinting is that it requires intensive labour efforts to calibrate the radio map prior to experiments, which makes the deployment of the positioning system very time consuming. Using time information as another way for radio-based indoor positioning is challenged by time synchronization among anchor nodes and timestamp accuracy. Besides radio-based positioning methods, intensive research has been conducted to make use of inertial sensors for indoor tracking due to the fast developments of smartphones. However, these methods are normally prone to accumulative errors and might not be available for some applications, such as passive positioning. This thesis focuses on network-based indoor positioning and tracking systems, mainly for passive positioning, which does not require the participation of targets in the positioning process. To achieve high positioning accuracy, we work on some information of radio signals from physical-layer processing, such as timestamps and channel information. The contributions in this thesis can be divided into two parts: time-based positioning and channel information based positioning. First, for time-based indoor positioning (especially for narrow-band signals), we address challenges for compensating synchronization offsets among anchor nodes, designing timestamps with high resolution, and developing accurate positioning methods. Second, we work on range-based positioning methods with channel information to passively locate and track WiFi targets. Targeting less efforts for deployment, we work on range-based methods, which require much less calibration efforts than fingerprinting. By designing some novel enhanced methods for both ranging and positioning (including trilateration for stationary targets and particle filter for mobile targets), we are able to locate WiFi targets with high accuracy solely relying on radio signals and our proposed enhanced particle filter significantly outperforms the other commonly used range-based positioning algorithms, e.g., a traditional particle filter, extended Kalman filter and trilateration algorithms. In addition to using radio signals for passive positioning, we propose a second enhanced particle filter for active positioning to fuse inertial sensor and channel information to track indoor targets, which achieves higher tracking accuracy than tracking methods solely relying on either radio signals or inertial sensors.
OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to compare crestal bone-level changes, soft tissue parameters and implant success and survival between small-diameter implants made of titanium/zirconium (TiZr) alloy or of Grade IV titanium (Ti) in edentulous mandibles restored with removable overdentures. MATERIALS AND METHODS This was a randomized, controlled, double-blind, split-mouth multicenter clinical trial. Patients with edentulous mandibles received two Straumann bone-level implants (diameter 3.3 mm), one of Ti Grade IV (control) and one of TiZr (test), in the interforaminal region. Implants were loaded after 6-8 weeks and removable Locator-retained overdentures were placed within 2 weeks of loading. Modified plaque and sulcus bleeding indices, radiographic bone level, and implant survival and success were evaluated up to 36 months. RESULTS Of 91 treated patients, 75 completed the three-year follow-up. Three implants were lost (two control and one test implant). The survival rates were 98.7% and 97.3%, and the mean marginal bone level change was -0.78 ± 0.75 and -0.60 ± 0.71 mm for TiZr and Ti Grade IV implants. Most patients had a plaque score of 0 or 1 (54% for test and 51.7% for control), and a sulcus bleeding score of 0 (46.1% for test and 44.9% for control). No significant differences were found between the two implant types for bone-level change, soft tissue parameters, survival and success. CONCLUSIONS After 36 months, similar outcomes were found between Ti Grade IV and TiZr implants. The results confirm that the results seen at 12 months continue over time.
Occurring for the first time in 1986 in the United Kingdom, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), the so-called “mad-cow disease”, has had unprecedented consequences in veterinary public health. The implementation of drastic measures, including the ban of meat-and-bone-meal from livestock feed and the removal of specified risk materials from the food chain has eventually resulted in a significant decline of the epidemic. The disease was long thought to be caused by a single agent, but since the introduction of immunochemical diagnostic techniques, evidence of a phenotypic variation of BSE has emerged. Reviewing the literature available on the subject, this paper briefly summarizes the current knowledge about these atypical forms of BSE and discusses the consequences of their occurrence for disease control measures.
Listeria (L.) monocytogenes is widely distributed in the environment, but also has the ability to cause serious invasive disease in ruminants and humans. This review provides an overview of listeriosis in ruminants and discusses our insufficient understanding of reservoirs and possible cycling ofL. monocytogenes between animal and human hosts, food and the environment. It indicates gaps in our knowledge of the role of genetic subtypes in L. monocytogenes ecology and virulence as well as risk factors, in vivo diagnostics and pathogenesis of listeriosis in ruminants. Filling these gaps will contribute to improving the control of L. monocytogenes and enhancing disease prevention. As the prevalence of listeriosis in ruminants in Switzerland is likely to be underestimated, propositions concerning improvement options for surveillance of listeriosis in ruminants are provided.
With a boom in the usage of mobile devices for traffic-heavy applications, mobile networks struggle to deliver good performance while saving resources to support more users and save on costs. In this paper, we propose enhanced strategies for the preemptive migration of content stored in Information-Centric Networking caches at the edge of LTE mobile networks. With such strategies, the concept of content following the users interested in it becomes a reality and content within caches is more optimized towards the requests of nearby users. Results show that the strategies are feasible, efficient and, when compared to default caching strategies, ensure that content is delivered faster to end users while using bandwidth and storage resources more efficiently at the core of the network.