104 resultados para ventral mesenchymal pad


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) provide an important source of pluripotent cells for musculoskeletal tissue repair. This study examined the impact of MSC implantation on cartilage healing characteristics in a large animal model. Twelve full-thickness 15-mm cartilage lesions in the femoropatellar articulations of six young mature horses were repaired by injection of a self-polymerizing autogenous fibrin vehicle containing mesenchymal stem cells, or autogenous fibrin alone in control joints. Arthroscopic second look and defect biopsy was obtained at 30 days, and all animals were euthanized 8 months after repair. Cartilage repair tissue and surrounding cartilage were assessed by histology, histochemistry, collagen type I and type II immunohistochemistry, collagen type II in situ hybridization, and matrix biochemical assays. Arthroscopic scores for MSC-implanted defects were significantly improved at the 30-day arthroscopic assessment. Biopsy showed MSC-implanted defects contained increased fibrous tissue with several defects containing predominantly type II collagen. Long-term assessment revealed repair tissue filled grafted and control lesions at 8 months, with no significant difference between stem cell-treated and control defects. Collagen type II and proteoglycan content in MSC-implanted and control defects were similar. Mesenchymal stem cell grafts improved the early healing response, but did not significantly enhance the long-term histologic appearance or biochemical composition of full-thickness cartilage lesions.


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OBJECTIVE: In a recent study, we demonstrated that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from the synovial membranes of bovine shoulder joints could differentiate into chondrocytes when cultured in alginate. The purpose of the present study was to establish the conditions under which synovial MSCs derived from aging human donors can be induced to undergo chondrogenic differentiation using the same alginate system. METHODS: MSCs were obtained by digesting the knee-joint synovial membranes of osteoarthritic human donors (aged 59-76 years), and expanded in monolayer cultures. The cells were then seeded at a numerical density of 4x10(6)/ml within discs of 2% alginate, which were cultured in serum-containing or serum-free medium (the latter being supplemented with 1% insulin, transferrin, selenium (ITS). The chondrogenic differentiation capacity of the cells was tested by exposing them to the morphogens transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1), TGF-beta2, TGF-beta3, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) and BMP-7, as well as to the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone. The relative mRNA levels of collagen types I and II, of aggrecan and of Sox9 were determined quantitatively by the real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The extracellular deposition of proteoglycans was evaluated histologically after staining with Toluidine Blue, and that of type-II collagen by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: BMP-2 induced the chondrogenic differentiation of human synovial MSCs in a dose-dependent manner. The response elicited by BMP-7 was comparable. Both of these agents were more potent than TGF-beta1. A higher level of BMP-2-induced chondrogenic differentiation was achieved in the absence than in the presence of serum. In the presence of dexamethasone, the BMP-2-induced expression of mRNAs for aggrecan and type-II collagen was suppressed; the weaker TGF-beta1-induced expression of these chondrogenic markers was not obviously affected. CONCLUSIONS: We have demonstrated that synovial MSCs derived from the knee joints of aging human donors possess chondrogenic potential. Under serum-free culturing conditions and in the absence of dexamethasone, BMP-2 and BMP-7 were the most potent inducers of this transformation process.


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Ventral mesencephalic (VM) precursor cells are of interest in the search for transplantable dopaminergic neurons for cell therapy in Parkinson's disease (PD). In the present study we investigated the survival and functional capacity of in vitro expanded, primary VM precursor cells after intrastriatal grafting to a rat model of PD. Embryonic day 12 rat VM tissue was mechanically dissociated and cultured for 4 or 8 days in vitro (DIV) in the presence of FGF2 (20 ng/ml), FGF8 (20 ng/ml) or without mitogens (control). Cells were thereafter differentiated for 6 DIV by mitogen withdrawal and addition of serum. After differentiation, significantly more tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH-ir), dopamine-producing neurons were found in FGF2- and FGF8-expanded cultures compared to controls. Moreover, expansion for 4 DIV resulted in significantly more TH-ir cells than expansion for 8 DIV both for FGF2 (2.4 fold; P<0.001) and FGF8 (3.8 fold; P<0.001) treated cultures. The functional potential of the expanded cells (4 DIV) was examined after grafting into striatum of aged 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats. Amphetamine-induced rotations performed 3, 6 and 9 weeks postgrafting revealed that grafts of FGF2-expanded cells induced a significantly faster and better functional recovery than grafts of FGF8-expanded cells or control cells (P<0.05 for both). Grafts of FGF2-expanded cells also contained significantly more TH-ir cells than grafts of FGF8-expanded cells (P<0.05) or control cells (P<0.01). In conclusion, FGF2-mediated pregrafting expansion of primary VM precursor cells considerably improves dopaminergic cell survival and functional restoration in a rat model of PD.


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INTRODUCTION: Recent findings suggest that articular cartilage contains mesenchymal progenitor cells. The aim of this study was to examine the distribution of stem cell markers (Notch-1, Stro-1 and VCAM-1) and of molecules that modulate progenitor differentiation (Notch-1 and Sox9) in normal adult human articular cartilage and in osteoarthritis (OA) cartilage. METHODS: Expression of the markers was analyzed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and flow cytometry. Hoechst 33342 dye was used to identify and sort the cartilage side population (SP). Multilineage differentiation assays including chondrogenesis, osteogenesis and adipogenesis were performed on SP and non-SP (NSP) cells. RESULTS: A surprisingly high number (>45%) of cells were positive for Notch-1, Stro-1 and VCAM-1 throughout normal cartilage. Expression of these markers was higher in the superficial zone (SZ) of normal cartilage as compared to the middle zone (MZ) and deep zone (DZ). Non-fibrillated OA cartilage SZ showed reduced Notch-1 and Sox9 staining frequency, while Notch-1, Stro-1 and VCAM-1 positive cells were increased in the MZ. Most cells in OA clusters were positive for each molecule tested. The frequency of SP cells in cartilage was 0.14 +/- 0.05% and no difference was found between normal and OA. SP cells displayed chondrogenic and osteogenic but not adipogenic differentiation potential. CONCLUSIONS: These results show a surprisingly high number of cells that express putative progenitor cell markers in human cartilage. In contrast, the percentage of SP cells is much lower and within the range of expected stem cell frequency. Thus, markers such as Notch-1, Stro-1 or VCAM-1 may not be useful to identify progenitors in cartilage. Instead, their increased expression in OA cartilage implicates involvement in the abnormal cell activation and differentiation process characteristic of OA.


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Free-floating roller tube cultures of human fetal (embryonic age 6-10 weeks post-conception) and rat fetal (embryonic day 13) ventral mesencephalon were prepared. After 7-15 days in vitro, the mesencephalic tissue cultures were transplanted into the striatum of adult rats that had received unilateral injections of 6-hydroxydopamine into the nigrostriatal bundle 3-5 weeks prior to transplantation. Graft survival was assessed in tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-immunostained serial sections of the grafted brains up to post-transplantation week 4 for the human fetal xenografts and post-transplantation week 11 for the rat fetal allografts. D-amphetamine-induced rotation was monitored up to 10 weeks after transplantation in the allografted animals and compared with that of lesioned-only control animals. All transplanted animals showed large, viable grafts containing TH-immunoreactive (ir) neurons. The density of TH-ir neurons in the human fetal xenografts and in rat fetal allografts was similar. A significant amelioration of the amphetamine-induced rotation was observed in the animals that received cultured tissue allografts. These results promote the feasibility of in vitro maintenance of fetal human and rat nigral tissue prior to transplantation using the free-floating roller tube technique.


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Transplantation of fetal dopaminergic (DA) neurons offers an experimental therapy for Parkinson's disease (PD). The low availability and the poor survival and integration of transplanted cells in the host brain are major obstacles in this approach. Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is a potent neurotrophic factor with growth- and survival-promoting capabilities for developing DA neurons. In the present study, we examined whether pretreatment of ventral mesencephalic (VM) free-floating roller tube (FFRT) cultures with GDNF would improve graft survival and function. For that purpose organotypic cultures of E14 rat VM were grown for 2, 4 or 8 days in the absence (control) or presence of GDNF [10 ng/ml] and transplanted into the striatum of 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats. While all groups of rats showed a significant reduction in d-amphetamine-induced rotations at 6 weeks posttransplantation a significantly improved graft function was observed only in the days in vitro (DIV) 4 GDNF pretreated group compared to the control group. In addition, no statistical significant differences between groups were found in the number of surviving tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH-ir) neurons assessed at 9 weeks posttransplantation. However, a tendency for higher TH-ir fiber outgrowth from the transplants in the GDNF pretreated groups as compared to corresponding controls was observed. Furthermore, GDNF pretreatment showed a tendency for a higher number of GIRK2 positive neurons in the grafts. In sum, our findings demonstrate that GDNF pretreatment was not disadvantageous for transplants of embryonic rat VM with the FFRT culture technique but only marginally improved graft survival and function.


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The lack of effective therapies for end-stage lung disease validates the need for stem cell-based therapeutic approaches as alternative treatment options. In contrast with exogenous stem cell sources, the use of resident progenitor cells is advantageous considering the fact that the lung milieu is an ideal and familiar environment, thereby promoting the engraftment and differentiation of transplanted cells. Recent studies have shown the presence of multipotent 'mesenchymal stem cells' in the adult lung. The majority of these reports are, however, limited to animal models, and to date, there has been no report of a similar cell population in adult human lung parenchyma. Here, we show the identification of a population of primary human lung parenchyma (pHLP) mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) derived from intraoperative normal lung parenchyma biopsies. Surface and intracellular immunophenotyping by flow cytometry revealed that cultures do not contain alveolar type I epithelial cells or Clara cells, and are devoid of the following hematopoietic markers: CD34, CD45 and CXCR4. Cells show an expression pattern of surface antigens characteristic of MSCs, including CD73, CD166, CD105, CD90 and STRO-1. As per bone marrow MSCs, our pHLP cells have the ability to differentiate along the adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic mesodermal lineages when cultured in the appropriate conditions. In addition, when placed in small airway growth media, pHLP cell cultures depict the expression of aquaporin 5 and Clara cell secretory protein, which is identified with that of alveolar type I epithelial cells and Clara cells, respectively, thereby exhibiting the capacity to potentially differentiate into airway epithelial cells. Further investigation of these resident cells may elucidate a therapeutic cell population capable of lung repair and/or regeneration.