115 resultados para unintended pregnancy


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Infections in pregnancy may complicate its course and harm the fetus or newborn after vertical transmission. Treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria is mandatory in pregnant women given the high risk of secondary pyelonephritis. Intraamniotic infection usually arises by the ascending route and is associated with premature rupture of membranes. Vaginal infections promote preterm labour or premature rupture of membranes and may be transmitted to the child during labour. They must therefore be treated although they often cause little discomfort to the pregnant woman. Systemic infections due to viral, protozoal and bacterial pathogens may be transmitted transplacentally and cause embryopathies, fetopathies or neonatal infections. Depending on the responsible agent the negative impact on the course of pregnancy and on the fetus' or neonate's health can be prevented or reduced by prophylactic or therapeutic interventions.


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Whereas the perinatal transmission rate with untreated HIV positive women is around 30%, the results of Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group in 1994 showed a reduction by nearly 70% with Zidovudin chemoprophylaxis. The transmission rate can even be reduced to under 2%, if a cesarean section before onset of labour and before premature rupture of membranes is done in addition. An individualized, optimal antiretroviral combination therapy, ideally introduced in the second trimenon (in special cases even already in the first trimenon), is of great importance. As a further strategy of prevention of perinatal transmission, intravenous Zidovudin chemoprophylaxis should be given in addition to the mother during labour and to the newborn during the first six weeks of life. Besides very few exceptions, long-term data after intrauterine administration of antiretroviral therapy do not show any teratogen or other long term consequences to date. The situation in developing countries is very critical with still high transmission rates because of the lack of antiretroviral therapy due to logistical reasons and costs and the need of breastfeeding. For these reasons, more and more feasible short protocols are developed with at least fifty percent reduction of neonatal transmission rates.


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We prospectively investigated urinary iodine concentration (UIC) in pregnant women and in female, non-pregnant controls in the canton of Berne, Switzerland, in 1992. Mean UIC of pregnant women [205 +/- 151 microg iodine/g creatinine (microg l/g Cr); no. = 153] steadily decreased from the first (236 +/- 180 microg l/g Cr; no. = 31) to the third trimester (183 +/- 111 microg l/g Cr, p < 0.0001; no. = 66) and differed significantly from that of the control group (91 +/- 37 microg l/g Cr, p < 0.0001; no. = 119). UIC increased 2.6-fold from levels indicating mild iodine deficiency in controls to the first trimester, demonstrating that high UIC during early gestation does not necessarily reflect a sufficient iodine supply to the overall population. Pregnancy is accompanied by important alterations in the regulation of thyroid function and iodine metabolism. Increased renal iodine clearance during pregnancy may explain increased UIC during early gestation, whereas increased thyroidal iodine clearance as well as the iodine shift from the maternal circulation to the growing fetal-placental unit, which both tend to lower the circulating serum levels of inorganic iodide, probably are the causes of the continuous decrease of UIC over the course of pregnancy. Mean UIC in our control group, as well as in one parallel and several consecutive investigations in the same region in the 1990s, was found to be below the actually recommended threshold, indicating a new tendency towards mild to moderate iodine deficiency. As salt is the main source of dietary iodine in Switzerland, its iodine concentration was therefore increased nationwide in 1998 for the fourth time, following increases in 1922, 1965 and 1980.


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We report a case of a 34-year-old woman who had a left anterior wall myocardial infarction develop in the first trimester of pregnancy. Despite urgent and successful revascularization, she demonstrated persistent segmental wall motion abnormalities by transthoracic echocardiography. To manage this patient safely through pregnancy with a better definition of myocardium at risk, a cardiac magnetic resonance examination was performed. This identified a large territory of acutely edematous myocardium in addition to providing accurate volumetric measurements of left ventricular size and function. Because of her gravid state, gadolinium was not administered nor was it required to delineate the region of myocardium at risk.


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In summary, the management of women diagnosed with leukaemia in pregnancy needs an interdisciplinary approach, including a careful oncological work-up as well as close monitoring of the pregnancy until delivery and beyond. Patients with acute leukaemias normally must receive anti-leukaemic treatment at full dosage prior to delivery, except for selected women diagnosed very close to term. Treatment should be avoided in the first trimester. The prognosis of pregnant women with acute leukaemia corresponds to that of an age-matched and diagnosis-matched non-pregnant cohort of patients, provided appropriate treatment is given. If given as of the second trimester, the typical chemotherapy regimes used for acute leukaemias imply acceptable acute toxicities to the fetus, with a somewhat increased risk of premature birth or developmental retardation, but no clear evidence of late sequelae in children and adolescents who were exposed to cytostatic agents whilst in utero. In chronic leukaemias and MDS, treatment may often be delayed until after delivery. In CML targeted therapy with imatinib mesylate is safe as of the second trimester, and possibly even before. Obstetric care and monitoring of women with leukaemia are essential throughout the pregnancy to ensure the best possible outcome for mother and child.


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Post-natal exposure to air pollution is associated with diminished lung growth during school age. The current authors aimed to determine whether pre-natal exposure to air pollution is associated with lung function changes in the newborn. In a prospective birth cohort of 241 healthy term-born neonates, tidal breathing, lung volume, ventilation inhomogeneity and exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) were measured during unsedated sleep at age 5 weeks. Maternal exposure to particles with a 50% cut-off aerodynamic diameter of 10 microm (PM(10)), nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)) and ozone (O(3)), and distance to major roads were estimated during pregnancy. The association between these exposures and lung function was assessed using linear regression. Minute ventilation was higher in infants with higher pre-natal PM(10) exposure (24.9 mL x min(-1) per microg x m(-3) PM(10)). The eNO was increased in infants with higher pre-natal NO(2) exposure (0.98 ppb per microg x m(-3) NO(2)). Post-natal exposure to air pollution did not modify these findings. No association was found for pre-natal exposure to O(3) and lung function parameters. The present results suggest that pre-natal exposure to air pollution might be associated with higher respiratory need and airway inflammation in newborns. Such alterations during early lung development may be important regarding long-term respiratory morbidity.


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BACKGROUND: Novel antidepressant drugs are increasingly used by women of child bearing age. However, potentially harmful effects on fetus and newborn remain unknown. METHODS: Case report and literature review. RESULTS: We present preterm twins whose mother was treated with venlafaxine, a nonselective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, throughout pregnancy until delivery. The twins developed neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis. CONCLUSION: The question whether there might be a correlation between maternal serotonin reuptake inhibitor therapy and neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis is discussed.


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Pituitary tissue is rarely to be found among the constituents of ovarian teratomas (dermoid cysts). In some exceptional cases, however, such ectopic pituitary anlagen may even give rise to secondary organ-specific pathologies. Akin to those of the pituitary in its natural location, these tend to be adenomas. We describe a unique example of lymphocytic hypophysitis incidentally encountered in a mature left ovarian teratoma from a 30-year-old woman in the 19th week of pregnancy. Amidst various fully differentiated derivatives of all three embryonic layers, the cyst wall also included a miniature replica of the anterior pituitary lobe 0.5 cm in diameter. While a full set of adenohypophyseal hormone-producing cell types could be identified, there was characteristic pregnancy-related hyperplasia of lactotrophs. This was further overlaid by prominent mononuclear inflammation, including infiltration by T lymphocytes, follicular aggregates of B cells, and attendant destruction of parenchyma. There was no significant inflammatory reaction elsewhere. Discounting the non-standard location, the ensemble of the clinical setting and histology were felt to be indistinguishable from the classical paradigm of lymphocytic hypophysitis complicating pregnancy. To date, lymphocytic thyroiditis is the sole form of organ-specific inflammatory process within an ovarian teratoma on record. By analogy, we hypothesize that this ectopic manifestation of immune-mediated inflammation of pituitary parenchyma may possibly be read as a preclinical sentinel lesion of lymphocytic hypophysitis.


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OBJECTIVE: Pregnancy is associated with reduced disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and frequently with disease exacerbation after delivery. This study was undertaken to generate a systematic overview of the molecular mechanisms related to disease remission and postpartum reactivation. METHODS: Transcriptomes of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were generated from RA patients and healthy women by transcription profiling during the third trimester and 24 weeks after delivery. For functional interpretation, signatures of highly purified immune cells as well as Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway annotations were used as a reference. RESULTS: Only minor differences in gene expression in PBMCs during pregnancy were found between RA patients and controls. In contrast, RA postpartum profiles presented the most dominant changes. Systematic comparison with expression signatures of monocytes, T cells, and B cells in healthy donors revealed reduced lymphocyte and elevated monocyte gene activity during pregnancy in patients with RA and in controls. Monocyte activity decreased after delivery in controls but persisted in RA patients. Furthermore, analysis of 32 immunologically relevant cellular pathways demonstrated a significant additional activation of genes related to adhesion, migration, defense of pathogens, and cell activation, including Notch, phosphatidylinositol, mTOR, Wnt, and MAPK signaling, in RA patients postpartum. CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that innate immune functions play an important role in postpartum reactivation of arthritis. However, this may depend not only on the monocyte itself, but also on the recurrence of lymphocyte functions postpartum and thus on a critical interaction between both arms of the immune system.


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A consensus paper concerning the interaction of anti-rheumatic drugs and reproduction was published in 2006, representing data collected during the year 2004 and 2005. Because of an increasing use of biological agents in women of fertile age, the information was updated for the years 2006 and 2007. Experts disagree whether TNF-inhibitors should be stopped as soon as pregnancy is recognized or may be continued throughout pregnancy. Pregnancy experience with abatacept and rituximab is still too limited to prove their safety for the developing fetus. They must be withdrawn before a planned pregnancy. LEF has not been proven to be a human teratogen. Registries of transplant recipients have shown that cyclosporin (CsA) and tacrolimus do not increase the rate of congenital anomalies, whereas mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) clearly carries a risk for congenital anomalies. Prophylactic withdrawal of drugs before pregnancy is mandatory for abatacept, rituximab, LEF and MMF. Data remain insufficient for gonadal toxicity of immunosuppressive drugs in men and for excretion of these drugs in human breast milk.


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OBJECTIVE: The factors that induce remission of RA during pregnancy and the relapse occurring after delivery remain an enigma. In a previous study, we investigated gene-expression profiles of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in patients with RA and healthy women in late pregnancy and postpartum. Profiles of samples from both groups were similar in late pregnancy with elevated monocyte and decreased lymphocyte signatures. Postpartum, in RA PBMC the high level of monocyte transcripts persisted. Further increase was observed in adhesion, migration and signalling processes related to monocytes but also in lymphocytes despite similar clinical activity due to intensified drug treatment. This prompted us to investigate correlations between clinical parameters of disease activity and gene profiles. METHODS: Transcriptome data were correlated with RADAI, CRP, monocyte and lymphocyte counts. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway annotations, monocytes and lymphocytes signatures were used as reference information. RESULTS: Comparative analysis of PBMC expression profiles from RA patients during and after pregnancy with RADAI and CRP revealed a correlation of these disease activity parameters predominantly with monocyte transcripts. Genes related to cellular programs of adhesion, migration and response to infections were upregulated. Comparing clinically active and not-active RA patients postpartum revealed a cluster of 19 genes that could also identify active disease during pregnancy. CONCLUSION: The data suggest that an increase of the RADAI and an elevation of CRP is a consequence of molecular activation of monocytes. Furthermore, they indicate that molecular activation of T lymphocytes may remain clinically unrecognized postpartum. It is conceivable that a set of 19 genes may qualify as molecular disease activity marker.