104 resultados para subspace mapping


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Cytogenetic mapping of the arctic fox and the Chinese raccoon dog were performed using a set of canine probes derived from the Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) library. Altogether, 10 BAC clones containing sequences of selected genes (PAX3, HBB, ATP2A2, TECTA, PIT1, ABCA4, ESR2, TPH1, HTR2A, MAOA) and microsatellites were mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments to chromosomes of the canids studied. At present, the cytogenetic map on the arctic fox and Chinese raccoon dog consists of 45 loci each. Chromosomal localization of the BAC clones was in agreement with data obtained by earlier independent comparative chromosome painting. However, two events of telomere-to-centromere inversions were tentatively identified while compared with assignments in the dog karyotype.


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PURPOSE: To perform baseline T(2) mapping of the hips of healthy volunteers, focusing on topographic variation, because no detailed study has involved hips. T(2) mapping is a quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique that evaluates cartilage matrix components. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Hips of 12 healthy adults (six men and six women; mean age = 29.5 +/- 4.9 years) were studied with a 3.0-Tesla MRI system. T(2) measurement in the oblique-coronal plane used a multi-spin-echo (MSE) sequence. Femoral cartilage was divided into 12 radial sections; acetabular cartilage was divided into six radial sections, and each section was divided into two layers representing the superficial and deep halves of the cartilage. T(2) of these sections and layers were measured. RESULTS: Femoral cartilage T(2) was the shortest (-20 degrees to 20 degrees and -10 degrees to 10 degrees , superficial and deep layers), with an increase near the magic angle (54.7 degrees ). Acetabular cartilage T(2) in both layers was shorter in the periphery than the other parts, especially at 20 degrees to 30 degrees . There were no significant differences in T(2) between right and left hips or between men and women. CONCLUSION: Topographic variation exists in hip cartilage T(2) in young, healthy adults. These findings should be taken into account when T(2) mapping is applied to patients with degenerative cartilage. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2007;26:165-171. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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PURPOSE: To characterize the phenotype and map the locus responsible for autosomal recessive inherited ovine microphthalmia (OMO) in sheep. METHODS: Microphthalmia-affected lambs and their available relatives were collected in a field, and experimental matings were performed to obtain affected and normal lambs for detailed necropsy and histologic examinations. The matings resulted in 18 sheep families with 48 cases of microphthalmia. A comparative candidate gene approach was used to map the disease locus within the sheep genome. Initially, 27 loci responsible for the microphthalmia-anophthalmia phenotypes in humans or mice were selected to test for comparative linkage. Fifty flanking markers that were predicted from comparative genomic analysis to be closely linked to these genes were tested for linkage to the disease locus. After observation of statistical evidence for linkage, a confirmatory fine mapping strategy was applied by further genotyping of 43 microsatellites. RESULTS: The clinical and pathologic examinations showed slightly variable expressivity of isolated bilateral microphthalmia. The anterior eye chamber was small or absent, and a white mass admixed with cystic spaces extended from the papilla to the anterior eye chamber, while no recognizable vitreous body or lens was found within the affected eyes. Significant linkage to a single candidate region was identified at sheep chromosome 23. Fine mapping and haplotype analysis assigned the candidate region to a critical interval of 12.4 cM. This ovine chromosome segment encompasses an ancestral chromosomal breakpoint corresponding to two orthologue segments of human chromosomes 18, short and long arms. For the examined animals, we excluded the complete coding region and adjacent intronic regions of ovine TGIF1 to harbor disease-causing mutations. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first genetic localization for hereditary ovine isolated microphthalmia. It seems unlikely that a mutation in the TGIF1 gene is responsible for this disorder. The studied sheep represent a valuable large animal model for similar human ocular phenotypes.


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The aim of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for osteochondrosis (OC) and palmar/plantar osseous fragments (POF) in fetlock joints in a whole-genome scan of 219 South German Coldblood horses. Symptoms of OC and POF were checked by radiography in 117 South German Coldblood horses at a mean age of 17 months. The radiographic examination comprised the fetlock and hock joints of all limbs. The genome scan included 157 polymorphic microsatellite markers. All microsatellite markers were equally spaced over the 31 autosomes and the X chromosome, with an average distance of 17.7 cM and a mean polymorphism information content (PIC) of 63%. Sixteen chromosomes harbouring putative QTL regions were further investigated by genotyping the animals with 93 additional markers. QTL that had chromosome-wide significance by non-parametric Z-means and LOD scores were found on 10 chromosomes. This included seven QTL for fetlock OC and one QTL on ECA18 associated with hock OC and fetlock OC. Significant QTL for POF in fetlock joints were located on equine chromosomes 1, 4, 8, 12 and 18. This genome scan is an important step towards the identification of genes responsible for OC in horses.


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The physical localization of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene was performed on donkey chromosomes. Bacterial artificial chromosome DNA containing the equine EGFR gene was used to map this gene by fluorescent in situ hybridization on donkey metaphase chromosomes. The gene was mapped on donkey 1q21.1 region.


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The cause of porcine congenital progressive ataxia and spastic paresis (CPA) is unknown. This severe neuropathy manifests shortly after birth and is lethal. The disease is inherited as a single autosomal recessive allele, designated cpa. In a previous study, we demonstrated close linkage of cpa to microsatellite SW902 on porcine chromosome 3 (SSC3), which corresponds syntenically to human chromosome 2. This latter chromosome contains ion channel genes (Ca(2+), K(+) and Na(+)), a cholinergic receptor gene and the spastin (SPG4) gene, which cause human epilepsy and ataxia when mutated. We mapped porcine CACNB4, KCNJ3, SCN2A and CHRNA1 to SSC15 and SPG4 to SSC3 with the INRA-Minnesota porcine radiation hybrid panel (IMpRH) and we sequenced the entire open reading frames of CACNB4 and SPG4 without finding any differences between healthy and affected piglets. An anti-epileptic drug treatment with ethosuximide did not change the severity of the disease, and pigs with CPA did not exhibit the corticospinal tract axonal degeneration found in humans suffering from hereditary spastic paraplegia, which is associated with mutations in SPG4. For all these reasons, the hypothesis that CACNB4, CHRNA1, KCNJ3, SCN2A or SPG4 are identical with the CPA gene was rejected.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to establish an MRI classification system for intervertebral disks using axial T2 mapping, with a special focus on evaluating early degenerative intervertebral disks. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-nine healthy volunteers (19 men, 10 women; age range, 20-44 years; mean age, 31.8 years) were studied, and axial T2 mapping was performed for the L3-L4, L4-L5, and L5-S1 intervertebral disks. Grading was performed using three classification systems for degenerative disks: our system using axial T2 mapping and two other conventional classification systems that focused on the signal intensity of the nucleus pulposus or the structural morphology in sagittal T2-weighted MR images. We analyzed the relationship between T2, which is known to correlate with change in composition of intervertebral disks, and degenerative grade determined using the three classification systems. RESULTS: With axial T2 mapping, differences in T2 between grades I and II were smaller and those between grades II and III, and between grades III and IV, were larger than those with the other grading systems. The ratio of intervertebral disks classified as grade I was higher with the conventional classification systems than that with axial T2 mapping. In contrast, the ratio of intervertebral disks classified as grade II or III was higher with axial T2 mapping than that with the conventional classification systems. CONCLUSION: Axial T2 mapping provides a more T2-based classification. The new system may be able to detect early degenerative changes before the conventional classification systems can.


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PURPOSE: To use magnetization transfer (MT) imaging in the visualization of healthy articular cartilage and cartilage repair tissue after different cartilage repair procedures, and to assess global as well as zonal values and compare the results to T2-relaxation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-four patients (17 after microfracture [MFX] and 17 after matrix-associated autologous cartilage transplantation [MACT]) were examined with 3T MRI. The MT ratio (MTR) was calculated from measurements with and without MT contrast. T2-values were evaluated using a multiecho, spin-echo approach. Global (full thickness of cartilage) and zonal (deep and superficial aspect) region-of-interest assessment of cartilage repair tissue and normal-appearing cartilage was performed. RESULTS: In patients after MFX and MACT, the global MTR of cartilage repair tissue was significantly lower compared to healthy cartilage. In contrast, using T2, cartilage repair tissue showed significantly lower T2 values only after MFX, whereas after MACT, global T2 values were comparable to healthy cartilage. For zonal evaluation, MTR and T2 showed a significant stratification within healthy cartilage, and T2 additionally within cartilage repair tissue after MACT. CONCLUSION: MT imaging is capable and sensitive in the detection of differences between healthy cartilage and areas of cartilage repair and might be an additional tool in biochemical cartilage imaging. For both MTR and T2 mapping, zonal assessment is desirable.


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INTRODUCTION: Ultra-high-field whole-body systems (7.0 T) have a high potential for future human in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In musculoskeletal MRI, biochemical imaging of articular cartilage may benefit, in particular. Delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) and T2 mapping have shown potential at 3.0 T. Although dGEMRIC, allows the determination of the glycosaminoglycan content of articular cartilage, T2 mapping is a promising tool for the evaluation of water and collagen content. In addition, the evaluation of zonal variation, based on tissue anisotropy, provides an indicator of the nature of cartilage ie, hyaline or hyaline-like articular cartilage.Thus, the aim of our study was to show the feasibility of in vivo dGEMRIC, and T2 and T2* relaxation measurements, at 7.0 T MRI; and to evaluate the potential of T2 and T2* measurements in an initial patient study after matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte transplantation (MACT) in the knee. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MRI was performed on a whole-body 7.0 T MR scanner using a dedicated circular polarization knee coil. The protocol consisted of an inversion recovery sequence for dGEMRIC, a multiecho spin-echo sequence for standard T2 mapping, a gradient-echo sequence for T2* mapping and a morphologic PD SPACE sequence. Twelve healthy volunteers (mean age, 26.7 +/- 3.4 years) and 4 patients (mean age, 38.0 +/- 14.0 years) were enrolled 29.5 +/- 15.1 months after MACT. For dGEMRIC, 5 healthy volunteers (mean age, 32.4 +/- 11.2 years) were included. T1 maps were calculated using a nonlinear, 2-parameter, least squares fit analysis. Using a region-of-interest analysis, mean cartilage relaxation rate was determined as T1 (0) for precontrast measurements and T1 (Gd) for postcontrast gadopentate dimeglumine [Gd-DTPA(2-)] measurements. T2 and T2* maps were obtained using a pixelwise, monoexponential, non-negative least squares fit analysis; region-of-interest analysis was carried out for deep and superficial cartilage aspects. Statistical evaluation was performed by analyses of variance. RESULTS: Mean T1 (dGEMRIC) values for healthy volunteers showed slightly different results for femoral [T1 (0): 1259 +/- 277 ms; T1 (Gd): 683 +/- 141 ms] compared with tibial cartilage [T1 (0): 1093 +/- 281 ms; T1 (Gd): 769 +/- 150 ms]. Global mean T2 relaxation for healthy volunteers showed comparable results for femoral (T2: 56.3 +/- 15.2 ms; T2*: 19.7 +/- 6.4 ms) and patellar (T2: 54.6 +/- 13.0 ms; T2*: 19.6 +/- 5.2 ms) cartilage, but lower values for tibial cartilage (T2: 43.6 +/- 8.5 ms; T2*: 16.6 +/- 5.6 ms). All healthy cartilage sites showed a significant increase from deep to superficial cartilage (P < 0.001). Within healthy cartilage sites in MACT patients, adequate values could be found for T2 (56.6 +/- 13.2 ms) and T2* (18.6 +/- 5.3 ms), which also showed a significant stratification. Within cartilage repair tissue, global mean values showed no difference, with 55.9 +/- 4.9 ms for T2 and 16.2 +/- 6.3 ms for T2*. However, zonal assessment showed only a slight and not significant increase from deep to superficial cartilage (T2: P = 0.174; T2*: P = 0.150). CONCLUSION: In vivo T1 dGEMRIC assessment in healthy cartilage, and T2 and T2* mapping in healthy and reparative articular cartilage, seems to be possible at 7.0 T MRI. For T2 and T2*, zonal variation of articular cartilage could also be evaluated at 7.0 T. This zonal assessment of deep and superficial cartilage aspects shows promising results for the differentiation of healthy and affected articular cartilage. In future studies, optimized protocol selection, and sophisticated coil technology, together with increased signal at ultra-high-field MRI, may lead to advanced biochemical cartilage imaging.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to correlate global T2 values of microfracture repair tissue (RT) with clinical outcome in the knee joint. METHODS: We assessed 24 patients treated with microfracture in the knee joint. Magnetic resonance (MR) examinations were performed on a 3T MR unit, T2 relaxation times were obtained with a multi-echo spin-echo technique. T2 maps were obtained using a pixel wise, mono-exponential non-negative least squares fit analysis. Slices covering the cartilage RT were selected and region of interest analysis was done. An individual T2 index was calculated with global mean T2 of the RT and global mean T2 of normal, hyaline cartilage. The Lysholm score and the International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) knee evaluation forms were used for the assessment of clinical outcome. Bivariate correlation analysis and a paired, two tailed t test were used for statistics. RESULTS: Global T2 values of the RT [mean 49.8ms, standards deviation (SD) 7.5] differed significantly (P<0.001) from global T2 values of normal, hyaline cartilage (mean 58.5ms, SD 7.0). The T2 index ranged from 61.3 to 101.5. We found the T2 index to correlate with outcome of the Lysholm score (r(s)=0.641, P<0.001) and the IKDC subjective knee evaluation form (r(s)=0.549, P=0.005), whereas there was no correlation with the IKDC knee form (r(s)=-0.284, P=0.179). CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that T2 mapping is sensitive to assess RT function and provides additional information to morphologic MRI in the monitoring of microfracture.


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The objective of this study was to use advanced MR techniques to evaluate and compare cartilage repair tissue after matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte transplantation (MACT) in the patella and medial femoral condyle (MFC). Thirty-four patients treated with MACT underwent 3-T MRI of the knee. Patients were treated on either patella (n = 17) or MFC (n = 17) cartilage and were matched by age and postoperative interval. For morphological evaluation, the MR observation of cartilage repair tissue (MOCART) score was used, with a 3D-True-FISP sequence. For biochemical assessment, T2 mapping was prepared by using a multiecho spin-echo approach with particular attention to the cartilage zonal structure. Statistical evaluation was done by analyses of variance. The MOCART score showed no significant differences between the patella and MFC (p > or = 0.05). With regard to biochemical T2 relaxation, higher T2 values were found throughout the MFC (p < 0.05). The zonal increase in T2 values from deep to superficial was significant for control cartilage (p < 0.001) and cartilage repair tissue (p < 0.05), with an earlier onset in the repair tissue of the patella. The assessment of cartilage repair tissue of the patella and MFC afforded comparable morphological results, whereas biochemical T2 values showed differences, possibly due to dissimilar biomechanical loading conditions.


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The delayed Gadolinium Enhanced MRI of Cartilage (dGEMRIC) technique has shown promising results in pilot clinical studies of early osteoarthritis. Currently, its broader acceptance is limited by the long scan time and the need for postprocessing to calculate the T1 maps. A fast T1 mapping imaging technique based on two spoiled gradient echo images was implemented. In phantom studies, an appropriate flip angle combination optimized for center T1 of 756 to 955 ms yielded excellent agreement with T1 measured using the inversion recovery technique in the range of 200 to 900 ms, of interest in normal and diseased cartilage. In vivo validation was performed by serially imaging 26 hips using the inversion recovery and the Fast 2 angle T1 mapping techniques (center T1 756 ms). Excellent correlation with Pearson correlation coefficient R2 of 0.74 was seen and Bland-Altman plots demonstrated no systematic bias.