78 resultados para recombinant viruses
We investigated the protective potential of recombinant his-tagged antigens recNcMIC1, recNcMIC3 and recNcROP2, applied either as single vaccines or as vaccine combinations, in BALB/c mouse models for cerebral and fetal infection. Subsequently, mice were mated and challenged by i.p. inoculation of 2 x 10(6)Neospora caninum tachyzoites at day 7 of pregnancy. The mortality and morbidity of adult mice (non-pregnant and dams) and of the newborn pups was studied for a period of 40 days following birth. Vaccination of non-pregnant mice with recNcROP2 or combinations of recNcROP2 with recNcMIC antigens significantly reduced the numbers of mice suffering from clinical signs, and morbidity was completely prevented with the combination of all three antigens. Of the dams, the groups receiving either recNcROP2 alone or the combination of all three antigens did not exhibit any morbidity, the groups receiving ROP2 mixed with either MIC1 or MIC3 exhibited reduced numbers of deaths, and in the infection control group and the adjuvant group 50% and 43% of mice, respectively, succumbed to disease. For pups, the highest survival rates were noted for the groups receiving recNcROP2 (50%) and recNcROP2/NcMIC1/NcMIC3 (35%), while in the infection- and adjuvant- control groups all pups died, the latest at days 25 and 30, respectively. Quantification of parasite DNA by N. caninum-specific real-time PCR revealed consistently lower parasite burdens in brain tissue of pups from vaccinated groups compared with the controls. However, dense granule antigen 2 (GRA2) real-time reverse transcriptase-PCR on brain tissue of surviving pups (applied here to detect viable parasites) demonstrated that only the pups from the group vaccinated with all three antigens in combination appeared free of viable tachyzoites, while in all other groups viable parasites were still present. Serological analysis of humoral (total IgG, IgG1 and IgG2a) and serum cytokine (IL-4 and IFN-gamma) responses showed that this effect was associated with a Th-2-biased immune response, with a clearly elevated IL-4/IFN-gamma ratio in the mice receiving all three antigens in combination. In conclusion, a mixture of recombinant antigens representing important secretory micronemal and rhoptry proteins leads to a significant protection against vertical transmission of N. caninum in mice.
Adhesion is the first step in the pathogenesis of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infections. The genes encoding the most prevalent adhesion factors CFA/I, CS3 and CS6 were cloned into Vibrio cholerae strain CVD 103-HgR and expression of fimbriae was investigated in wildtype and recombinant strains by transmission electron microscopy in conjunction with immunolabelling and negative staining. Negative staining was effective in revealing CFA/I and CS3, but not CS6. Although morphology of fimbriae differed between wildtype and recombinant strains, corresponding surface antigens were recognized by specific antibodies. The present study provides evidence that ETEC-specific fimbriae can adequately be expressed in an attenuated V. cholerae vaccine strain and that immunoelectron microscopy is a critical tool to validate the surface expression of antigens in view of their possible suitability for recombinant vaccines.
Diarrhoea caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) requires adhesion of microorganisms to enterocytes. Hence, a promising approach to immunoprophylaxis is to elicit antibodies against colonisation factor antigens (CFAs). Genes encoding the most prevalent ETEC-specific surface antigens were cloned into Vibrio cholerae and Salmonella vaccine strains. Expression of surface antigens was assessed by electron-microscopy. Whereas negative staining was effective in revealing CFA/I and CS3, but not CS6, immunolabelling allowed identification of all surface antigens examined. The V. cholerae vaccine strain CVD103 did not express ETEC-specific colonisation factors, whereas CVD103-HgR expressed CS3 only. However, expression of both CFA/I and CS3 was demonstrated in Salmonella Ty21a.
Whereas a primary role of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) in local bone remodelling and articular inflammation has been well established, the effect of prolonged systemic administration of this cytokine on total skeletal Ca, somatic growth and joint tissue has not yet been investigated.
The synergism/antagonism between interleukin (IL)-1beta and parathyroid hormone (PTH) has been the subject of in vitro and in vivo work, but a possible direct action of the cytokine on PTH release has not been reported. We have investigated the effect of a continuous infusion of human recombinant IL-1beta (rIL-1beta) on circulating PTH during a 14-day period in 7-week-old female rats. This time interval was chosen in order to exclude initial hypercalcemia and to enable data collection under steady-state conditions. Five groups of 20 animals each had miniosmotic pumps (Alzet 2002, 200 microl) implanted subcutaneously and primed to release either distilled water (controls) or 100, 500, 1,000 and 2, 000 ng/24 h of rIL-1beta. Blood was drawn on days 1 and 14 for PTH, corticosterone and Ca2+ determinations. Adequate biological activity of the infused rIL-1beta was supported by elevated rectal temperature records and significant elevations of plasma corticosterone on day 14. The 100-ng dose had no effect but 500-2, 000 ng rIL-1beta/24 h significantly reduced plasma PTH in a dose-dependent manner down to 54% of basal value (20.4 +/- 1.1 vs. 15.3 +/- 1.4 pg/ml for 500 ng, p < 0.005; 20.5 +/- 1.3 vs 12.3 +/- 1.1 for 1,000 ng, p < 0.001, and 19.5 +/- 2.0 vs. 10.6 +/- 1.1 pg/ml for 2,000 ng, p < 0.0008). Despite these findings, no differences in blood Ca2+ could be detected between treated animals and controls. The following conclusions can be inferred from the foregoing: Systemic administration of rIL-1beta to rats induced a dose-dependent fall in circulating PTH without altering calcemia, calling into question the biological relevance of the former finding. Although the recorded PTH depression may indeed not have been severe enough to cause hypocalcemia, it can be hypothesized that osteoclast activation by rIL-1beta would enhance bone mineral release into the pool compensating for depressed PTH activity.
Botulinum neurotoxins, predominantly serotypes C and D, cause equine botulism through forage poisoning. The C-terminal part of the heavy chain of botulinum neurotoxin types C and D (HcBoNT/C and D) was expressed in Escherichia coli and evaluated as a recombinant mono- and bivalent vaccine in twelve horses in comparison to a commercially available toxoid vaccine. A three-dose subcutaneous immunization of adult horses elicited robust serum antibody response in an ELISA using the immunogen as a capture antigen. Immune sera showed dose-dependent high potency in neutralizing specifically the active BoNT/C and D in the mouse protection assay. The aluminium hydroxide based mono- and bivalent recombinant HcBoNT/C and D vaccines were characterized by good compatibility and the ability to elicit protective antibody titers similar or superior to the commercially available toxoid vaccine.
We synthesized recombinant Echinococcus granulosus protoscolex recP29 antigen to be preliminarily assessed by ELISA and immunoblotting. RecP29-serology was carried out on 54 young patients with cystic echinococcosis (CE). Patients were classified into either cured (CCE) (n=40) or non-cured (NCCE) (n=14) CE patients. RecP29 ELISA showed a gradual decrease of antibody concentrations in all CCE cases that were initially (before treatment) seropositive to this antigen (25 out of 40) or that seroconverted following treatment. A complete seronegativity was reached within 3 years post-surgery in all of these cases. Conventional HCF ELISA yielded seronegativity in only 10% of initially recP29-seropositive CCE patients (P=0.086). Likewise, recP29 immunoblotting yielded seronegativity in 93% of 29 out of 40 initially recP29-immunoblot-positive CCE patients after 3 years follow-up, compared with 72% in the HCF immunoblotting (P=0.060). Eleven out of 14 NCCE patients were initially positive by recP29 ELISA, and 10 out of these maintained a marked anti-recP29 antibody reactivity until the endpoint of the follow-up period. All 14 NCCE cases were initially seropositive by recP29 immunoblotting, and 13 cases remained seropositive until the end of the study. Thus, recombinant P29 protein appears prognostically useful for monitoring those post-surgical CE cases with an initial seropositivity to this marker.
Insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) in horses represents an immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated hypersensitivity to salivary antigens from biting midges (Culicoides spp.). The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the performances of IgE ELISAs using recombinant Culicoides spp. Obsoletus group salivary gland antigens or crude whole body extracts ('ObsWBE'), C. nubeculosus recombinant proteins (Culn1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10) and Obsoletus group recombinant proteins (Culo1 and 2). IgE levels were measured in plasma of 343 Warmblood horses classified as IBH-affected (n=167) and IBH-unaffected (n=176) according to the owners' descriptions. IBH-affected horses were subdivided based on the severity of their clinical signs at sampling and whether or not their IBH history was considered to be classical. The accuracies of the tests increased when clinical signs at sampling were more pronounced or when the IBH history could be considered as classical. A combination of IgE levels against the three best performing Culicoides spp. recombinant proteins (Culn4, Culo1 and Culo2) and ObsWBE resulted in the best performing test. When IBH-affected horses showing a classical history of the disease and severe clinical signs were compared with IBH-unaffected horses, the Youden's index at the optimal cut-off for the three tests in combination was 0.67. This optimal cut-off had a sensitivity of 70%, a specificity of 97% and a total accuracy of 92%. The performance of the IgE ELISA was affected by the severity of IBH clinical signs at sampling and was improved when IgE levels against several recombinant proteins were combined.
In this study, mice were vaccinated intranasally with recombinant N. caninum protein disulphide isomerase (NcPDI) emulsified in cholera toxin (CT) or cholera toxin subunit B (CTB) from Vibrio cholerae. The effects of vaccination were assessed in the murine nonpregnant model and the foetal infection model, respectively. In the nonpregnant mice, previous results were confirmed, in that intranasal vaccination with recNcPDI in CT was highly protective, and low cerebral parasite loads were noted upon real-time PCR analysis. Protection was accompanied by an IgG1-biased anti-NcPDI response upon infection and significantly increased expression of Th2 (IL-4/IL-10) and IL-17 transcripts in spleen compared with corresponding values in mice treated with CT only. However, vaccination with recNcPDI in CT did not induce significant protection in dams and their offspring. In the dams, increased splenic Th1 (IFN-γ/IL-12) and Th17 mRNA expressions was detected. No protection was noted in the groups vaccinated with recNcPDI emulsified in CTB. Thus, vaccination with recNcPDI in CT in nonpregnant mice followed by challenge infection induced a protective Th2-biased immune response, while in the pregnant mouse model, the same vaccine formulation resulted in a Th1-biased inflammatory response and failed to protect dams and their progeny.
The thiazolide nitazoxanide (2-acetolyloxy-N-(5-nitro 2-thiazolyl) benzamide; NTZ) is composed of a nitrothiazole- ring and a salicylic acid moiety, which are linked together through an amide bond. NTZ exhibits a broad spectrum of activities against a wide range of helminths, protozoa, enteric bacteria, and viruses infecting animals and humans. Since the first synthesis of the drug, a number of derivatives of NTZ have been produced, which are collectively named thiazolides. These are modified versions of NTZ, which include the replacement of the nitro group with bromo-, chloro-, or other functional groups, and the differential positioning of methyl- and methoxy-groups on the salicylate ring. The presence of a nitro group seems to be the prerequisite for activities against anaerobic or microaerophilic parasites and bacteria. Intracellular parasites and viruses, however, are susceptible to non-nitro-thiazolides with equal or higher effectiveness. Moreover, nitro- and bromo-thiazolides are effective against proliferating mammalian cells. Biochemical and genetic approaches have allowed the identification of respective targets and the molecular basis of resistance formation. Collectively, these studies strongly suggest that NTZ and other thiazolides exhibit multiple mechanisms of action. In microaerophilic bacteria and parasites, the reduction of the nitro group into a toxic intermediate turns out to be the key factor. In proliferating mammalian cells, however, bromo- and nitro-thiazolides trigger apoptosis, which may also explain their activities against intracellular pathogens. The mode of action against helminths may be similar to mammalian cells but has still not been elucidated.
A genome-wide siRNA screen against host factors that affect the infection of Semliki Forest virus (SFV), a positive-strand (+)RNA virus, revealed that components of the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway restrict early, post-entry steps of the infection cycle. In HeLa cells and primary human fibroblasts, knockdown of UPF1, SMG5 and SMG7 leads to increased levels of viral proteins and RNA and to higher titers of released virus. The inhibitory effect of NMD was stronger when the efficiency of virus replication was impaired by mutations or deletions in the replicase proteins. Accordingly, impairing NMD resulted in a more than 20-fold increased production of these attenuated viruses. Our data suggest that intrinsic features of genomic and sub-genomic viral mRNAs, most likely the extended 3'-UTR length, make them susceptible to NMD. The fact that SFV replication is entirely cytoplasmic strongly suggests that degradation of the viral RNA occurs through the exon junction complex (EJC)-independent mode of NMD. Collectively, our findings uncover a new biological function for NMD as an intrinsic barrier to the translation of early viral proteins and the amplification of (+)RNA viruses in animal cells. Thus, in addition to its role in mRNA surveillance and post-transcriptional gene regulation, NMD also contributes to protect cells from RNA viruses.
Two recombinant Fasciola hepatica antigens, saposin-like protein-2 (recSAP2) and cathepsin L-1 (recCL1), were assessed individually and in combination in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) for the specific serodiagnosis of human fasciolosis in areas of low endemicity as encountered in Central Europe. Antibody detection was conducted using ProteinA/ProteinG (PAG) conjugated to alkaline phosphatase. Test characteristics as well as agreement with results from an ELISA using excretory-secretory products (FhES) from adult stage liver flukes was assessed by receiver operator characteristic (ROC) analysis, specificity, sensitivity, Youdens J and overall accuracy. Cross-reactivity was assessed using three different groups of serum samples from healthy individuals (n=20), patients with other parasitic infections (n=87) and patients with malignancies (n=121). The best combined diagnostic results for recombinant antigens were obtained using the recSAP2-ELISA (87% sensitivity, 99% specificity and 97% overall accuracy) employing the threshold (cut-off) to discriminate between positive and negative reactions that maximized Youdens J. The findings showed that recSAP2-ELISA can be used for the routine serodiagnosis of chronic fasciolosis in clinical laboratories; the use of the PAG-conjugate offers the opportunity to employ, for example, rabbit hyperimmune serum for the standardization of positive controls.
The polarization into M1 and M2 macrophages (MΦ) is essential to understand MΦ function. Consequently, the aim of this study was to determine the impact of IFN-γ (M1), IL-4 (M2) and IFN-β activation of MΦ on the susceptibility to genotype 1 and 2 porcine reproductive respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus (PRRSV) strains varying in virulence. To this end, monocyte-derived MΦ were generated by culture during 72h and polarization was induced for another 24h by addition of IFN-γ, IL-4 or IFN-β. MΦ were infected with a collection of PRRSV isolates belonging to genotype 1 and genotype 2. Undifferentiated and M2 MΦ were highly susceptible to all PRRSV isolates. In contrast, M1 and IFN-β activated MΦ were resistant to low pathogenic genotype 1 PRRSV but not or only partially to genotype 2 PRRSV strains. Interestingly, highly virulent PRRSV isolates of both genotypes showed particularly high levels of infection compared with the prototype viruses in both M1 and IFN-β-treated MΦ (P<0.05). This was seen at the level of nucleocapsid expression, viral titres and virus-induced cell death. In conclusion, by using IFN-γ and IFN-β stimulated MΦ it is possible to discriminate between PRRSV varying in genotype and virulence. Genotype 2 PRRSV strains are more efficient at escaping the intrinsic antiviral effects induced by type I and II IFNs. Our in vitro model will help to identify viral genetic elements responsible for virulence, an information important not only to understand PRRS pathogenesis but also for a rational vaccine design. Our results also suggest that monocyte-derived MΦ can be used as a PRRSV infection model instead of alveolar MΦ, avoiding the killing of pigs.