57 resultados para project environment
Annual project report. Project description, budget, impact, achievement of objectives and outputs, and appraisal by Management Team.
Annual project report. Project description, budget, impact, achievement of objectives and outputs, and appraisal by Management Team.
Annual project report. Project description, budget, impact, achievement of objectives and outputs, and appraisal by Management Team.
Annual project report. Project summary, list of outputs, follow-up activities, appraisal by Management Team and budget
Annual project report. Project description, budget, impact, achievement of objectives and outputs, and appraisal by Management Team.
Annual project report. Project description, budget, impact, achievement of objectives and outputs, and appraisal by Management Team.
Annual project report. Project description, budget, impact, achievement of objectives and outputs, and appraisal by Management Team.
Annual project report. Project description, budget, impact, achievement of objectives and outputs, and appraisal by Management Team.
Annual project report. Project description, budget, impact, achievement of objectives and outputs, and appraisal by Management Team.
Annual project report. Project description, budget, impact, achievement of objectives and outputs, and appraisal by Management Team.
Land systems are the result of human interactions with the natural environment. Understanding the drivers, state, trends and impacts of different land systems on social and natural processes helps to reveal how changes in the land system affect the functioning of the socio-ecological system as a whole and the tradeoff these changes may represent. The Global Land Project has led advances by synthesizing land systems research across different scales and providing concepts to further understand the feedbacks between social-and environmental systems, between urban and rural environments and between distant world regions. Land system science has moved from a focus on observation of change and understanding the drivers of these changes to a focus on using this understanding to design sustainable transformations through stakeholder engagement and through the concept of land governance. As land use can be seen as the largest geo-engineering project in which mankind has engaged, land system science can act as a platform for integration of insights from different disciplines and for translation of knowledge into action.
SOLUTIONS (2013 to 2018) is a European Union Seventh Framework Programme Project (EU-FP7). The project aims to deliver a conceptual framework to support the evidence-based development of environmental policies with regard to water quality. SOLUTIONS will develop the tools for the identification, prioritisation and assessment of those water contaminants that may pose a risk to ecosystems and human health. To this end, a new generation of chemical and effect-based monitoring tools is developed and integrated with a full set of exposure, effect and risk assessment models. SOLUTIONS attempts to address legacy, present and future contamination by integrating monitoring and modelling based approaches with scenarios on future developments in society, economy and technology and thus in contamination. The project follows a solutions-oriented approach by addressing major problems of water and chemicals management and by assessing abatement options. SOLUTIONS takes advantage of the access to the infrastructure necessary to investigate the large basins of the Danube and Rhine as well as relevant Mediterranean basins as case studies, and puts major efforts on stakeholder dialogue and support. Particularly, the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) working groups, International River Commissions, and water works associations are directly supported with consistent guidance for the early detection, identification, prioritisation, and abatement of chemicals in the water cycle. SOLUTIONS will give a specific emphasis on concepts and tools for the impact and risk assessment of complex mixtures of emerging pollutants, their metabolites and transformation products. Analytical and effect-based screening tools will be applied together with ecological assessment tools for the identification of toxicants and their impacts. The SOLUTIONS approach is expected to provide transparent and evidence-based candidates or River Basin Specific Pollutants in the case study basins and to assist future review of priority pollutants under the WFD as well as potential abatement options.