98 resultados para output feedback
Intrinsic activity and positive feedback in motor circuits in organotypic spinal cord slice cultures
The purpose of this study was to compare the validity and output of the biaxial ActiGraph GT1M and the triaxial GT3X (ActiGraph, LLC, Pensacola, FL, USA)accelerometer in 5- to 9-year-old children. Thirty-two children wore the two monitors while their energy expenditure was measured with indirect calorimetry. They performed four locomotor and four play activities in an exercise laboratory and were further measured during 12 minutes of a sports lesson. Validity evidence in relation to indirect calorimetry was examined with linear regression equations applied to the laboratory data. During the sports lessons predicted energy expenditure according to the regression equations was compared to measured energy expenditure with the Wilcoxon-signed rank test and the Spearman correlation. To compare the output, agreement between counts of the two monitors during the laboratory activities was assessed with Bland-Altman plots. The evidence of validity was similar for both monitors. Agreement between the output of the two monitors was good for vertical counts (mean bias = −14 ± 22 counts) but not for horizontal counts (−17 ± 32 counts). The current results indicate that the two accelerometer models are able to estimate energy expenditure of a range of physical activities equally well in young children. However, they show output differences for movement in the horizontal direction.
In vielen Situationen bekommen Personen beim Lernen neuer Aufgaben in einer ersten Phase Feedback, doch in einer zweiten Phase arbeiten sie ohne Feedback. Bislang gibt es einige Befunde zu der Auswirkung eines Feedbacks auf die unmittelbare Leistung, nicht jedoch auf die mittelfristige Leistung in einer Phase ohne Feedback. Es ist zu erwarten, dass die Form der Leistungsmotivation hier eine entscheidende Rolle spielt. Für Personen, die das Ziel haben, besser zu sein als andere, kann ein negatives Feedback eine Bedrohung des Selbstwertes darstellen und daher demotivieren. Mittelfristig sollte jedoch die Bedrohung des Selbstwertes abnehmen. Daher ist zu erwarten, dass Feedback mittelfristig die Leistung steigert. Für Personen, die das Ziel haben, ihre Kenntnisse zu verbessern, stellt ein negatives Feedback keine Bedrohung des Selbstwertes da. Daher sollte sich Feedback anfänglich positiv auf die Leistung auswirken. Diese Personen lieben jedoch das Gefühl, sich Kenntnisse selbst zu erarbeitet zu haben. Feedback verdirbt den Spass am selbstständigen Explorieren und Lösungen finden. Feedback sollte daher - nach einer anfänglichen Leistungssteigerung- mittelfristig zu einer Verringerung der Leistung führen. Wir zeigen in einer Studie in der Tangram Puzzles gelöst wurden, dass beide Prozesse stattfinden.
Bone-anchored hearing implants (BAHI) are routinely used to alleviate the effects of the acoustic head shadow in single-sided sensorineural deafness (SSD). In this study, the influence of the directional microphone setting and the maximum power output of the BAHI sound processor on speech understanding in noise in a laboratory setting were investigated. Eight adult BAHI users with SSD participated in this pilot study. Speech understanding in noise was measured using a new Slovak speech-in-noise test in two different spatial settings, either with noise coming from the front and noise from the side of the BAHI (S90N0) or vice versa (S0N90). In both spatial settings, speech understanding was measured without a BAHI, with a Baha BP100 in omnidirectional mode, with a BP100 in directional mode, with a BP110 power in omnidirectional and with a BP110 power in directional mode. In spatial setting S90N0, speech understanding in noise with either sound processor and in either directional mode was improved by 2.2-2.8 dB (p = 0.004-0.016). In spatial setting S0N90, speech understanding in noise was reduced by either BAHI, but was significantly better by 1.0-1.8 dB, if the directional microphone system was activated (p = 0.046), when compared to the omnidirectional setting. With the limited number of subjects in this study, no statistically significant differences were found between the two sound processors.