100 resultados para natural killer cell receptor


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The spondylarthritides (SpA), including ankylosing spondylitis (AS), psoriatic arthritis (PsA), reactive arthritis, and arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease, cause chronic inflammation of the large peripheral and axial joints, eyes, skin, ileum, and colon. Genetic studies reveal common candidate genes for AS, PsA, and Crohn's disease, including IL23R, IL12B, STAT3, and CARD9, all of which are associated with interleukin-23 (IL-23) signaling downstream of the dectin 1 β-glucan receptor. In autoimmune-prone SKG mice with mutated ZAP-70, which attenuates T cell receptor signaling and increases the autoreactivity of T cells in the peripheral repertoire, IL-17-dependent inflammatory arthritis developed after dectin 1-mediated fungal infection. This study was undertaken to determine whether SKG mice injected with 1,3-β-glucan (curdlan) develop evidence of SpA, and the relationship of innate and adaptive autoimmunity to this process.


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Recent publications have shown that certain human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles are strongly associated with hypersensitivity to particular drugs. As HLA molecules are a critical element in T-cell stimulation, it is no surprise that particular HLA alleles have a direct functional role in the pathogenesis of drug hypersensitivity. In this context, a direct interaction of the relevant drug with HLA molecules as described by the p-i concept appears to be more relevant than presentation of hapten-modified peptides. In some HLA-associated drug hypersensitivity reactions, the presence of a risk allele is a necessary but incomplete factor for disease development. In carbamazepine and HLA-B*15:02, certain T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoires are required for immune activation. This additional requirement may be one of the 'missing links' in explaining why most individuals carrying this allele can tolerate the drug. In contrast, abacavir generates polyclonal T-cell response by interacting specifically with HLA-B*57:01 molecules. T cell stimulation may be due to presentation of abacavir or of altered peptides. While the presence of HLA-B*58:01 allele substantially increases the risk of allopurinol hypersensitivity, it is not an absolute requirement, suggesting that other factors also play an important role. In summary, drug hypersensitivity is the end result of a drug interaction with certain HLA molecules and TCRs, the sum of which determines whether the ensuing immune response is going to be harmful or not.


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Recent advances in the identification of susceptibility genes and environmental exposures provide broad support for a post-infectious autoimmune basis for narcolepsy/hypocretin (orexin) deficiency. We genotyped loci associated with other autoimmune and inflammatory diseases in 1,886 individuals with hypocretin-deficient narcolepsy and 10,421 controls, all of European ancestry, using a custom genotyping array (ImmunoChip). Three loci located outside the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) region on chromosome 6 were significantly associated with disease risk. In addition to a strong signal in the T cell receptor alpha (TRA@), variants in two additional narcolepsy loci, Cathepsin H (CTSH) and Tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily member 4 (TNFSF4, also called OX40L), attained genome-wide significance. These findings underline the importance of antigen presentation by HLA Class II to T cells in the pathophysiology of this autoimmune disease.


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Drug-induced interstitial nephritis can be caused by a plethora of drugs and is characterized by a sudden impairment of renal function, mild proteinuria, and sterile pyuria. For investigation of the possible pathomechanism of this disease, drug-specific T cells were analyzed, their function was characterized, and these in vitro findings were correlated to histopathologic changes that were observed in kidney biopsy specimens. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from three patients showed a proliferative response to only one of the administered drugs, namely flucloxacillin, penicillin G, and disulfiram, respectively. The in vitro analysis of the flucloxacillin-reactive cells showed an oligoclonal immune response with an outgrowth of T cells bearing the T cell receptor Vbeta9 and Vbeta21.3. Moreover, flucloxacillin-specific T cell clones could be generated from peripheral blood, they expressed CD4 and the alphabeta-T cell receptor, and showed a heterogeneous cytokine secretion pattern with no clear commitment to either a Th1- or Th2-type response. The immunohistochemistry of kidney biopsies of these patients revealed cell infiltrations that consisted mostly of T cells (CD4+ and/or CD8+). An augmented presence of IL-5, eosinophils, neutrophils, CD68+ cells, and IL-12 was observed. In agreement with negative cytotoxicity assays, no cytotoxicity-related molecules such as Fas and perforin were detected by immunohistochemistry. The data indicate that drug-specific T cells are activated locally and orchestrate a local inflammation via secretion of various cytokines, the type of which depends on the cytokine pattern secreted and which probably is responsible for the renal damage.


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Drug-induced hypersensitivity reactions have been explained by the hapten concept, according to which a small chemical compound is too small to be recognized by the immune system. Only after covalently binding to an endogenous protein the immune system reacts to this so called hapten-carrier complex, as the larger molecule (protein) is modified, and thus immunogenic for B and T cells. Consequently, a B and T cell immune response might develop to the drug with very heterogeneous clinical manifestations. In recent years, however, evidence has become stronger that not all drugs need to bind covalently to the MHC-peptide complex in order to trigger an immune response. Rather, some drugs may bind directly and reversibly to immune receptors like the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) or the T cell receptor (TCR), thereby stimulating the cells similar to a pharmacological activation of other receptors. This concept has been termed pharmacological interaction with immune receptors the (p-i) concept. While the exact mechanism is still a matter of debate, non-covalent drug presentation clearly leads to the activation of drug-specific T cells as documented for various drugs (lidocaine, sulfamethoxazole (SMX), lamotrigine, carbamazepine, p-phenylendiamine, etc.). In some patients with drug hypersensitivity, such a response may occur within hours even upon the first exposure to the drug. Thus, the reaction to the drug may not be due to a classical, primary response, but rather be mediated by stimulating existing, pre-activated, peptide-specific T cells that are cross specific for the drug. In this way, certain drugs may circumvent the checkpoints for immune activation imposed by the classical antigen processing and presentation mechanisms, which may help to explain the peculiar nature of many drug hypersensitivity reactions.


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Imatinib mesylate (imatinib) is a potent inhibitor of defined tyrosine kinases (TKs) and is effective in the treatment of malignancies characterized by constitutive activation of these TKs such as chronic myeloid leukemia and gastrointestinal stromal tumors. TKs also play an important role in T-cell receptor (TCR) signal transduction. Inhibitory as well as stimulating effects of imatinib on T cells and dendritic cells have been described. Here, we analyzed the effects of imatinib treatment on antiviral immune responses in vivo. Primary cytotoxic T-cell (CTL) responses were not impaired in imatinib-treated mice after infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) or after immunization with a tumor cell line expressing LCMV glycoprotein (LCMV-GP). Similarly, neutralizing antibody responses to vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) were not affected. In contrast, secondary expansion of LCMV-specific memory CTLs was reduced in vitro and in vivo, resulting in impaired protection against reinfection. In addition, imatinib treatment delayed the onset of diabetes in a CTL-induced diabetes model. In summary, imatinib treatment in vivo selectively inhibits the expansion of antigen-experienced memory CTLs without affecting primary T- or B-cell responses. Therefore, imatinib may be efficacious in the suppression of CTL-mediated immunopathology in autoimmune diseases without the risk of acquiring viral infections.


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Drug-induced hypersensitivity reactions are instructive examples of immune reactions against low molecular weight compounds. Classically, such reactions have been explained by the hapten concept, according to which the small antigen covalently modifies an endogenous protein; recent studies show strong associations of several HLA molecules with hypersensitivity. In recent years, however, evidence has become stronger that not all drugs need to bind covalently to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-peptide complex in order to trigger an immune response. Rather, some drugs may bind reversibly to the MHC or possibly to the T-cell receptor (TCR), eliciting immune reactions akin to the pharmacological activation of other receptors. While the exact mechanism is still a matter of debate, noncovalent drug presentation clearly leads to the activation of drug-specific T cells. In some patients with hypersensitivity, such a response may occur within hours of even the first exposure to the drug. Thus, the reaction to the drug may not be the result of a classical, primary response but rather be mediated by existing, preactivated T cells that display cross-reactivity for the drug and have additional (peptide) specificity as well. In this way, certain drugs may circumvent the checkpoints for immune activation imposed by the classical antigen processing and presentation mechanisms, which may help to explain the idiosyncratic nature of many drug hypersensitivity reactions.


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We investigated the protein expression of gelatinases [matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and -9] and collagenases (MMP-8 and -13) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from patients with bacterial (BM, n = 17) and aseptic (AM, n = 14) meningitis. In both, MMP-8 and -9 were increased in 100% of patients, whereas MMP-13 was detectable in 53% and 82% respectively. Three patients with clinical signs of meningitis, without CSF pleocytosis, scored positive for all three MMPs. MMP-8 appeared in two isoforms, granulocyte-type [polymorphonuclear cell (PMN)] and fibroblast/macrophage (F/M) MMP-8. Analysis of kinetic changes from serial lumbar punctures showed that these MMPs are independently regulated, and correlate only partly with CSF cytosis or levels of the endogenous inhibitor, tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1. In vitro, T cells, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and granulocytes (PMN) release MMP-8 and -9, whereas MMP-13 could be found only in the former two cell types. Using models of exogenous (n-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe, T cell receptor cross-linking) and host-derived stimuli (interleukin-2), the kinetics and the release of the MMP-8, -9 and -13 showed strong variation between these immune cells and suggest release from preformed stocks. In addition, MMP-9 is also synthesized de novo in PBMCs and T cells. In conclusion, invading immune cells contribute only partially to MMPs in CSF during meningitis, and parenchymal cells are an equally relevant source. In this context, in patients with clinical signs of meningitis, but without CSF pleocytosis, MMPs seem to be a highly sensitive marker for intrathecal inflammation. The present data support the concept that broad-spectrum enzyme inhibition targeting gelatinases and collagenases is a potential strategy for adjunctive therapy in infectious meningitis.


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Larval infection with Echinococcus multilocularis starts with the intrahepatic postoncospheral development of a metacestode that-at its mature stage-consists of an inner germinal and an outer laminated layer (GL ; LL). In certain cases, an appropriate host immune response may inhibit parasite proliferation. Several lines of evidence obtained in vivo and in vitro indicate the important bio-protective role of the LL. For instance, the LL has been proposed to protect the GL from nitric oxide produced by periparasitic macrophages and dendritic cells, and also to prevent immune recognition by surrounding T cells. On the other hand, the high periparasitic NO production by peritoneal exsudate cells contributes to periparasitic immunosuppression, explaining why iNOS deficienct mice exhibit a significantly lower susceptibility towards experimental infection. The intense periparasitic granulomatous infiltration indicates a strong host-parasite interaction, and the involvement of cellular immunity in control of the metacestode growth kinetics is strongly suggested by experiments carried out in T cell deficient mouse strains. Carbohydrate components of the LL, such as Em2(G11) and Em492, as well as other parasite metabolites yield immunomodulatory effects that allow the parasite to survive in the host. I.e., the IgG response to the Em2(G11)-antigen takes place independently of alpha-beta+CD4+T cells, and in the absence of interactions between CD40 and CD40 ligand. Such parasite molecules also interfere with antigen presentation and cell activation, leading to a mixed Th1/Th2-type response at the later stage of infection. Furthermore, Em492 and other (not yet published) purified parasite metabolites suppress ConA and antigen-stimulated splenocyte proliferation. Infected mouse macrophages (AE-MØ) as antigen presenting cells (APC) exhibited a reduced ability to present a conventional antigen (chicken ovalbumin, C-Ova) to specific responder lymph node T cells when compared to normal MØ. As AE-MØ fully maintain their capacity to appropriately process antigens, a failure in T cell receptor occupancy by antigen-Ia complex or/and altered co-stimulatory signals can be excluded. Studying the status of accessory molecules implicated in T cell stimulation by MØ, it could be shown that B7-1 (CD80) and B7-2 (CD86) remained unchanged, whereas CD40 was down-regulated and CD54 (=ICAM-1) slightly up-regulated. FACS analysis of peritoneal cells revealed a decrease in the percentage of CD4+ and CD8+T cells in AE-infected mice. Taken together the obstructed presenting-activity of AE-MØ appeared to trigger an unresponsiveness of T cells leading to the suppression of their clonal expansion during the chronic phase of AE infection. Interesting information on the parasite survival strategy and potential can be obtained upon in vitro and in vivo treatment. Hence, we provided very innovative results by showing that nitazoxanide, and now also, respectively, new modified compounds may represent a useful alternative to albendazole. In the context of chemotherapeutical repression of parasite growth, we searched also for parasite molecules, whose expression levels correlate with the viability and growth activity of E. multilocularis metacestode. Expression levels of 14-3-3 and II/3-10, relatively quantified by realtime reverse transcription-PCR using a housekeeping gene beta-actin, were studied in permissive nu/nu and in low-permissive wild type BALB/c mice. At 2 months p.i., the transcription level of 14-3-3 was significantly higher in parasites actively proliferating in nu/nu mice compared to parasites moderately growing in wild type mice. Immunoblotting experiments confirmed at the protein level that 14-3-3 was over-expressed in parasites derived from nu/nu mice at 2 months p.i. In vitro-treatment of E. multilocularis with an anti-echinococcal drug nitazoxanide for a period of 8 days resulted in a significant decrease of both 14-3-3 and II/3-10 transcription levels,


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OBJECTIVE: TCL1, MTCP1 and TCL1b are three members of a new family of oncogenes that are expressed in T cell leukemias of ataxia telangiectasia patients (T-PLL, T-CLL). TCL1 is located at 14q32.1 and activated by juxtaposition to the alpha/delta-locus at 14q11 or beta-locus at 7q35 of the T cell receptor during the reciprocal translocations t(14;14)(q11;q32), t(7;14)(q35;q32), or inversion inv(14)(q11;q32). TCL1 encodes a predominantly cytoplasmic protein of 114 aa (14 kD) of unknown function. Recent studies suggest that TCL1 promotes cell survival rather than stimulating cell proliferation, as previously proposed. METHODS: In an attempt to clarify the contexts in which TCL1 is expressed, we investigated TCL1 expression in 114 lymphoma and leukemia patients by Northern blot, RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: TCL1 expression is restricted to lymphoid cells, and is found in neoplastic (T and B cell neoplasms, and Hodgkin's disease) and nonneoplastic proliferations (reactive lesions). Out of 114 cases, 18 neoplasms of myeloid and 4 cases of epithelial origin were TCL1-negative. In lesions of the lymphoid system, both low- and high-grade lymphomas were found to express TCL1. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that TCL1 expression especially in high-grade B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas might interfere with B cell differentiation and promote the transition from low- to high-grade lymphoma.


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We identified English-language publications on hypersensitivity reactions to xenobiotics through the PubMed database, using the search terms drug and/or xenobiotic, hypersensitivity reaction, mechanism, and immune mediated. We analyzed articles pertaining to the mechanism and the role of T cells. Immune hypersensitivity reactions to drugs are mediated predominantly by IgE antibodies or T cells. The mechanism of IgE-mediated reactions is well investigated, but the mechanisms of T-cell-mediated drug hypersensitivity are not well understood. The literature describes 2 concepts: the hapten/prohapten concept and the concept of pharmacological interactions of drugs with immune receptors. In T-cell-mediated allergic drug reactions, the specificity of the T-cell receptor that is stimulated by the drug may often be directed to a cross-reactive major histocompatibility complex-peptide compound. Thus, previous contact with the causative drug is not obligatory, and an immune mechanism should be considered as the cause of hypersensitivity, even in reactions that occur on primary exposure. Indeed, immune-mediated reactions to xenobiotics in patients without prior exposure to the agent have been described recently for radiocontrast media and neuromuscular blocking agents. Thus, the "allergenic" potential of a drug under development should be evaluated not only by screening its haptenlike characteristics but also by assessing its direct immunostimulatory potential.


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Acute vascular rejection represents a formidable barrier to clinical xenotransplantation and it is known that this type of rejection can also be initiated by xenoreactive antibodies that have limited complement-activating ability. Using a sophisticated mouse model, a recent study has provided in vivo evidence for the existence of an IgG(1)-mediated vascular rejection, which uniquely depends on both the activation of complement and interactions with FcgammaRIII on natural killer (NK) cells.


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Villous atrophy and increased numbers of intraepithelial T cells in duodenal biopsies represent a hallmark of coeliac disease. In the present study, an attempt has been made to define whether cytotoxic cell subsets are activated in situ in the affected mucosa of susceptible individuals early after ingestion of a gluten-containing diet. Duodenal biopsies from 11 patients with coeliac disease who repeatedly underwent endoscopic biopsy after ingestion of individually dosed amounts of gluten were used for immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. To identify the cell subsets expressing perforin mRNA and protein, in situ hybridization and FACS analyses were performed on cells isolated from fresh biopsies. Compared with normal mucosa, the number of intraepithelial lymphocytes containing perforin mRNA and protein increased significantly in tissue samples showing moderate or florid coeliac disease and closely paralleled the severity of morphological alteration, whereas the frequency of perforin-expressing lamina propria lymphocytes increased only moderately. Cells isolated from florid biopsies that expressed perforin mRNA and protein were preferentially T-cell receptor (TCR) alphabeta T cells. The increase in both the absolute number and the percentage of lymphocytes expressing perforin mRNA indicates in situ activation of lymphocytes within the epithelial compartment in florid coeliac disease upon ingestion of a gluten-containing diet in patients predisposed to coeliac disease.


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Thin and ultrathin cryosections of mouse cornea were labeled with affinity-purified antibodies directed against either laminin, its central segments (domain 1), the end of its long arm (domain 3), the end of one of its short arms (domain 4), nidogen, or low density heparan sulfate proteoglycan. All basement membrane proteins are detected by indirect immunofluorescence exclusively in the epithelial basement membrane, in Descemet's membrane, and in small amorphous plaques located in the stroma. Immunoelectron microscopy using the protein A-gold technique demonstrated laminin domain 1 and nidogen in a narrow segment of the lamina densa at the junction to the lamina lucida within the epithelial basement membrane. Domain 3 shows three preferred locations at both the cellular and stromal boundaries of the epithelial basement membrane and in its center. Domain 4 is located predominantly in the lamina lucida and the adjacent half of the lamina densa. The low density heparan sulfate proteoglycan is found all across the basement membrane showing a similar uniform distribution as with antibodies against the whole laminin molecule. In Descemet's membrane an even distribution was found with all these antibodies. It is concluded that within the epithelial basement membrane the center of the laminin molecule is located near the lamina densa/lamina lucida junction and that its long arm favors three major orientations. One is close to the cell surface indicating binding to a cell receptor, while the other two are directed to internal matrix structures. The apparent codistribution of laminin domain 1 and nidogen agrees with biochemical evidence that nidogen binds to this domain.


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Thin and ultrathin cryosections of mouse cornea were labeled with affinity-purified antibodies directed against either laminin, its central segments (domain 1), the end of its long arm (domain 3), the end of one of its short arms (domain 4), nidogen, or low density heparan sulfate proteoglycan. All basement membrane proteins are detected by indirect immunofluorescence exclusively in the epithelial basement membrane, in Descemet's membrane, and in small amorphous plaques located in the stroma. Immunoelectron microscopy using the protein A-gold technique demonstrated laminin domain 1 and nidogen in a narrow segment of the lamina densa at the junction to the lamina lucida within the epithelial basement membrane. Domain 3 shows three preferred locations at both the cellular and stromal boundaries of the epithelial basement membrane and in its center. Domain 4 is located predominantly in the lamina lucida and the adjacent half of the lamina densa. The low density heparan sulfate proteoglycan is found all across the basement membrane showing a similar uniform distribution as with antibodies against the whole laminin molecule. In Descemet's membrane an even distribution was found with all these antibodies. It is concluded that within the epithelial basement membrane the center of the laminin molecule is located near the lamina densa/lamina lucida junction and that its long arm favors three major orientations. One is close to the cell surface indicating binding to a cell receptor, while the other two are directed to internal matrix structures. The apparent codistribution of laminin domain 1 and nidogen agrees with biochemical evidence that nidogen binds to this domain.