49 resultados para minor ailment scheme


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This report is aimed at elucidating the effect of mannitol and cold treatments on P uptake and protein phosphorylation in Lemna minor plants. Duckweed p lants were incu bated in the presence of [32P]or [33P]Pi in half-strength phosphate deprived E-medium under constant light regime for 1.5 h. Total plant protein extracts (pellet and supernatant) were then prepared and subjected to IEF x SDS-PAGE. To analyse the effect of the stresses on P uptake and protein labelling, Lemna minor plants were preincubated with 0.1, 0.5 mol · L-1 mannitol and at 4°C respectively, for 4 hours, before adding labelled orthophosphate. The results show that the general protein phosphorylation (including LHCII) is related to the level of P uptake. Radioactive phosphate incorporation is stimulated by a low concentration of mannitol (0.1 mol · L-1) but reduced by 0.5 mol · L-1 mannitol and cold stress in planta. The labelling into proteins is affected neither when stresses were applied to the plants after incubation with labelled orthophosphate, nor after in vitro protein phosphorylation. This indicates that general protein kinase activities in vivo are strictly limited by P uptake. A marked accumulation of soluble hexoses (mainly sucrose, glucose, and fructose) is observed under imposed stress, suggesting that the inhibition of P uptake in response to hyperosmotic and cold stresses is mediated by sugar accumulation in situ. However, metabolisable sugars like glucose did not alter the entry of phosphate at concentrations of 0.5 mol · L-1, showing that the chemical nature of the osmoticum influences P uptake.


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The ratio of oxygen isotopes is a temperature proxy both in precipitation and in the calcite of lacustrine sediments. The very similar oxygen-isotope records from Greenland ice cores and European lake sediments during the Last Glacial Termination suggest that the drastic climatic changes occurred quasi-simultaneously on an extra-regional, probably hemispheric scale. In order to study temporal relations of the different parameters recorded in lake sediments, for example biotic response times to rapid climatic changes, a precise chronology is required. In unlaminated lake sediments there is not yet available a method to provide a high-resolution chronology, especially for periods with radiocarbon plateaux. Alternatively, an indirect time scale can be constructed by linking the lake stratigraphy with other well-dated climate records. New oxygen-isotope records from Gerzensee and Leysin, with an estimated sampling resolution of between 15 and 40 years, match the Greenlandic isotope record in many details. Under the assumption that the main variations in temperature and thus in oxygen isotopes occurred about simultaneously in Greenland and Switzerland, we have assigned a time scale to the lake sediments of Gerzensee and Leysin by wiggle-matching their stable-isotope records with those of Greenland ice cores, which are among the best dated climatic archives. We estimate a precision of 20 to 100 years during the Last Glacial Termination.


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Oxygen- and carbon-isotope ratios in the carbonate of benthic ostracodes (Pseudocandona marchica) and molluscs (Pisidium ssp.) were measured across the transitions bordering the Younger Dryas chronozone in littoral lacustrine cores from Gerzensee (Switzerland). The specific biogenic carbonate records confirm the major shifts already visible in the continuous bulk-carbonate oxygen-isotope record (δ18OCc). If corrected for their vital offsets, oxygen-isotope ratios of Pisidium and juvenile P. marchica, both formed in summer, are almost identical to δ18OCc. This bulk carbonate is mainly composed of encrustations of benthic macrophythes (Chara ssp.), also mainly produced during summer. Adult P. marchica, which calcify in winter, show consistently higher δ18O, larger shifts across both transitions, and short positive excursions compared with the summer forms, especially during early Preboreal. Despite such complexity, the δ18O of adult P. marchica probably reflects more accurately the variations of the δ18O of former lake water because, during winter, calcification temperatures are less variable and the water column isotopically uniform. The difference between normalised δ18O of calcite precipitated in winter to that formed in summer can be used to estimate the minimum difference between summer and winter water temperatures. In general, the results indicate warmer summers during the late Allerød and early Preboreal compared with the Younger Dryas. Altogether, the isotopic composition of lake water (δ18OL) and of the dissolved inorganic carbonate (δ13CDIC) reconstructed from adult Pseudocandona marchica, as well as the seasonal water temperature contrasts, indicate that the major shifts in the δ18O of local precipitation at Gerzensee were augmented by changes of the lake's water balance, with relatively higher evaporative loss occurring during the Allerød compared with the Younger Dryas. It is possible that during the early Preboreal the lake might even have been hydrologically closed for a short period. We speculate that such hydrologic changes reflect a combination of varying evapotranspiration and a rearrangement of groundwater recharge during those climatic shifts.