58 resultados para meaning in life


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People are increasingly in search for meaning in their work and private life. They want to increase their self-awareness and reach personal fulfillment. People who are not able to cope with life‘s challenges often suffer from burnout, anxiety and depression. Consequently, the construct of calling becomes more and more important in the occupational context because of its positive consequences regarding numerous work (e.g. organizational commitment) and non-work-related outcomes (e.g. depression, life satisfaction) for individuals as well as for organizations. Building on first promising findings, the aim of the following chapter is to investigate the association of experiencing a calling in one‘s job and burnout (here defined as psychological phenomenon of prolonged exhaustion and disengagement at work, cf., Maslach, Schaufeli, & Leiter, 2001). Our findings suggest that experiencing one‘s work as a calling is negatively related to burnout. Especially with regard to the sub-dimension of disengagement, experiencing a calling turned out to be a protective factor. Further, the burnout sub-dimension of disengagement mediated the relationship between the experience of a calling and job satisfaction. Implications for further research and health-related preventive strategies are discussed.


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When kept in barren and restrictive cages, animals frequently develop stereotypic behaviour patterns that are characterized by high repetition rates, conspicuous invariance and an apparent lack of function. Although millions of animals are affected, the underlying causes and mechanisms are still unclear. Growing evidence suggests that cage-induced stereotypies may reflect pathological dysfunction within basal ganglia circuitry expressed by perseverative behaviour. In order to assess whether variation in stereotypy performance and variation in perseverative behaviour may have a common cause in ICR CD-1 mice, we assessed the effects of environmental enrichment on both phenomena. We raised 48 female ICR CD-1 mice in standard or enriched cages from three weeks to either 6 or 11 months of age and measured stereotypy level in the home cage and perseveration on an extinction task. We further examined whether enriched rearing conditions (early enrichment) protect mice from the developing stereotypies later in life and whether stereotypies developed in barren cages would persist in an enriched environment (late enrichment) by transferring standard mice to enriched cages and vice versa for 14 weeks after completion of the extinction task. We found no evidence for a causal relation between stereotypy and perseveration in mice. However, transfer to enriched cages reduced stereotypy levels significantly both at 6 and 11 months of age indicating that stereotypies had not become established yet. Finally, we found that removing enrichments at both ages did not induce higher stereotypy levels, thereby confirming earlier reports of a neuroprotective effect of early enrichment.


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1. Predation is a prime force of natural selection. Vulnerability to predation is typically highest early in life, hence effective antipredator defences should work already shortly after birth. Such early defences may be innate, transmitted through non-genetic parental effects or acquired by own early experience. 2. To understand potential joint effects of these sources of antipredator defences on pheno- typic expression, they should be manipulated within the same experiment. We investigated innate, parental and individual experience effects within a single experiment. Females of the African cichlid Simochromis pleurospilus were exposed to the offspring predator Ctenochromis horei or a benign species until spawning. Eggs and larvae were hand-reared, and larvae were then exposed to odour cues signalling the presence or absence of predators in a split-brood design. 3. Shortly after independence of maternal care, S. pleurospilus undergo a habitat shift from a deeper, adult habitat to a shallow juvenile habitat, a phase where young are thought to be par- ticularly exposed to predation risk. Thus, maternal effects induced by offspring predators pres- ent in the adult habitat should take effect mainly shortly after independence, whereas own experience and innate antipredator responses should shape behaviour and life history of S. pleurospilus during the later juvenile period. 4. We found that the manipulated environmental components independently affected different offspring traits. (i) Offspring of predator-exposed mothers grew faster during the first month of life and were thus larger at termination of maternal care, when the young migrate from the adult to the juvenile habitat. (ii) The offspring’s own experience shortly after hatching exerted lasting effects on predator avoidance behaviour. (iii) Finally, our results suggest that S. pleuro- spilus possess a genetically inherited ability to distinguish dangerous from benign species. 5. In S. pleurospilus, maternal effects were limited to a short but critical time window, when young undergo a niche shift. Instead, own environmental sampling of predation risk combined with an innate predisposition to correctly identify predators appears to prepare the young best for the environment, in which they grow up as juveniles.


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PLACENTAL GLUCOSE TRANSPORTER (GLUT)-1 REGULATION IN PREECLAMPSIA Camilla Marini a,b, Benjamin P. Lüscher a,b, Marianne J€orger-Messerli a,b, Ruth Sager a,b, Xiao Huang c, Jürg Gertsch c, Matthias A. Hediger c, Christiane Albrecht c, Marc U. Baumann a,c, Daniel V. Surbek a,c a Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, Switzerland; b Department of Clinical Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, Switzerland; c Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, Switzerland Objectives: Glucose is a primary energy source for the fetus. The absence of significant gluconeogenesis in the fetus means that the fetal up-take of this vital nutrient is dependent on maternal supply and subsequent transplacental transport. Altered expression and/or function of placental transporters may affect the intrauterine environment and could compromise fetal and mother well-being. We speculated that pre-eclampsia (PE) impairs the placental glucose transport system. Methods: Placentae were obtained after elective caesarean sections following normal pregnancies and pre-eclamptic pregnancies. Syncytial basal membrane (BM) and apical microvillus membrane (MVM) fractions were prepared using differential ultra-centrifugation and magnesium precipitation. Protein expression was assessed by western blot analysis. mRNA levels in whole villous tissue lysate were quantified by real-time PCR. To assess glucose transport activity a radiolabeled substrate up-take assay and a transepithelial transport model using primary cytotrophoblasts were established. Results: GLUT1 mRNA expression was not changed in PE when compared to control, whereas protein expression was significantly down-regulated. Glucose up-take into syncytial microvesicles was reduced in PE compared to control. In a transepithelial transport model, phloretinmediated inhibition of GLUT1 at the apical side of primary cytotrophoblasts showed a 44% of reduction of transepithelial glucose transport at IC50. Conclusions: GLUT1 is down-regulated on protein and functional level in PE compared to control. Altering glucose transport activity by inhibition of apical GLUT-1 indicates that transplacental glucose transport might be regulated on the apical side of the syncytiotrophoblast. These results might help to understand better the regulation of GLUT1 transporter and maybe in future to develop preventive strategies to modulate the fetal programming and thereby reduce the incidence of disease for both the mother and her child later in life.


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Fetal serum cholesterol and lipoprotein concentrations differ between preterm and term born neonates. An imbalance of the flow of cholesterol from the sites of synthesis or efflux from cells of peripheral organs to the liver, the reverse cholesterol transport (RCT), is linked to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Preterm delivery is a risk factor for the development of CVD. Thus, we hypothesized that RCT is affected by a diminished cholesterol acceptor capacity in preterm as compared to term fetuses. Cholesterol efflux assays were performed in RAW264.7, HepG2, and HUVEC cell lines. In the presence and absence of ABC transporter overexpression by TO-901317, umbilical cord sera of preterm and term born neonates (n = 28 in both groups) were added. Lipid components including high density lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), apolipoprotein A1, and apolipoprotein E were measured and related to fractional cholesterol efflux values. We found overall, fractional cholesterol efflux to remain constant between the study groups, and over gestational ages at delivery, respectively. However, correlation analysis revealed cholesterol efflux values to be predominantly related to HDL concentration at term, while in preterm neonates, cholesterol efflux was mainly associated with LDL In conclusion cholesterol acceptor capacity during fetal development is kept in a steady state with different mechanisms and lipid fractions involved at distinct stages during the second half of fetal development. However, RCT mechanisms in preterm neonates seem not to be involved in the development of CVD later in life suggesting rather changes in the lipoprotein pattern causative.


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Metabolomics as the study of the entire set of metabolites of a given organism is an important frontier in life sciences. As a tool that captures the ‘front end’ of cellular machineries, metabolomics is particularly suited to investigate biotic interactions, including for instance the interplay between plants and insects. In this review, we discuss the opportunities and challenges of metabolomics to study plant–herbivore interactions. We first present a brief overview of the typical analytical workflows used in metabolomics and their associated issues, in particular those related to metabolome coverage and compound identification. Second, recent advances in the field of plant–herbivore relationships that are promoted by non-targeted approaches are reviewed, with examples ranging from classical herbivore resistance patterns to plant-mediated interactions across different spatial scales and volatile-mediated tritrophic interactions. Through general considerations and the discussion of a few selected case studies, our review highlights the potential and challenges of metabolomics as a research approach to understand biological interfaces.


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The parasitic protozoon Trypanosoma brucei is often considered as one of the earliest branching eukaryotes that have mitochondria capable of oxidative phosphorylation. Its protein import systems are therefore of great interest. Recently, it was shown that the outer mitochondrial membrane protein translocase is of similar complexity yet different composition than in other eukaryotes (1). In the inner membrane however, only a single orthologue of the pore forming Tim17/22/23 protein family was identified and termed TbTim17. Based on this finding it has been suggested that, instead of separate TIM22 and TIM23 complexes as in other eukaryotes, trypanosomes may have a single multifunctional translocase of the inner mitochondrial membrane (TIM) of reduced complexity. To elucidate the composition of the trypanosomal TIM complex we performed co-immunoprecipitations (CoIP) of epitope-tagged TbTim17 in combination with SILAC-based quantitative mass spectrometry. This led to the identification of 22 highly enriched TbTim17-interacting proteins. We tagged two of the top-scoring proteins for reciprocal CoIP analyses and recovered a set of ten proteins that are highly enriched in all three CoIPs. These proteins are excellent candidates for core subunits of the trypanosomal TIM complex. Eight of them were present in the previously determined inner membrane proteome and four show homology to small Tim chaperones. Three candidates, a novel trypanosomatid-specific 42 kDa protein, termed Tim42, and two putative orthologues of probably inactive rhomboid proteases were chosen for further analysis. All three proteins are essential in both life cycle stages and in a cell line that can grow in the absence of mitochondrial DNA. Additionally, their ablation by RNAi results in a strong protein import defect both in vivo and in vitro. Blue native PAGE reveals that Tim42, like TbTim17 is present in a high molecular weight complex. Moreover, ablation of either Tim42 or TbTim17 leads to a destabilization of the complex containing the other protein, suggesting a tight interaction of the two proteins. In summary our study shows that unlike anticipated trypanosomes have a highly complex TIM translocase that has extensively been redesigned. We have characterized three novel TIM subunits that have never been associated with mitochondrial protein import before. Two of them belong to the rhomboid protease family, a member of which recently has been implicated in the ERAD translocation system. Our study provides insight into mitochondrial evolution over large phylogenetic distances and suggests an exciting analogy between protein translocation systems of mitochondria and the ER.


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Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) predispose the offspring to vascular dysfunction, arterial hypertension, and hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. Recently, cardiac remodeling and dysfunction during fetal and early postnatal life have been reported in offspring of ART, but it is not known whether these cardiac alterations persist later in life and whether confounding factors contribute to this problem. We, therefore, assessed cardiac function and pulmonary artery pressure by echocardiography in 54 healthy children conceived by ART (mean age 11.5 ± 2.4 yr) and 54 age-matched (12.2 ± 2.3 yr) and sex-matched control children. Because ART is often associated with low birth weight and prematurity, two potential confounders associated with cardiac dysfunction, only singletons born with normal birth weight at term were studied. Moreover, because cardiac remodeling in infants conceived by ART was observed in utero, a situation associated with increased right heart load, we also assessed cardiac function during high-altitude exposure, a condition associated with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension-induced right ventricular overload. We found that, while at low altitude cardiac morphometry and function was not different between children conceived by ART and control children, under the stressful conditions of high-altitude-induced pressure overload and hypoxia, larger right ventricular end-diastolic area and diastolic dysfunction (evidenced by lower E-wave tissue Doppler velocity and A-wave tissue Doppler velocity of the lateral tricuspid annulus) were detectable in children and adolescents conceived by ART. In conclusion, right ventricular dysfunction persists in children and adolescents conceived by ART. These cardiac alterations appear to be related to ART per se rather than to low birth weight or prematurity.


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The first objective of this study was to determine normative digital X-ray radiogrammetry (DXR) values, based on original digital images, in a pediatric population (aged 6-18 years). The second aim was to compare these reference data with patients suffering from distal radius fractures, whereas both cohorts originated from the same geographical region and were evaluated using the same technical parameters as well as inclusion and exclusion criteria. DXR-BMD and DXR-MCI of the metacarpal bones II-IV were assessed on standardized digital hand radiographs, without printing or scanning procedures. DXR parameters were estimated separately by gender and among six age groups; values in the fracture group were compared to age- and gender-matched normative data using Student's t tests and Z scores. In the reference cohort (150 boys, 138 girls), gender differences were found in bone mineral density (DXR-BMD), with higher values for girls from 11 to 14 years and for boys from 15 to 18 years (p < 0.05). Girls had higher normative metacarpal index (DXR-MCI) values than boys, with significant differences at 11-14 years (p < 0.05). In the case-control investigation, the fracture group (95 boys, 69 girls) presented lower DXR-BMD at 15-18 years in boys and 13-16 years in girls vs. the reference cohort (p < 0.05); DXR-MCI was lower at 11-18 years in boys and 11-16 years in girls (p < 0.05). Mean Z scores in the fracture group for DXR-BMD were -0.42 (boys) and -0.46 (girls), and for DXR-MCI were -0.51 (boys) and -0.53 (girls). These findings indicate that the fully digital DXR technique can be accurately applied in pediatric populations ≥ 6 years of age. The lower DXR-BMD and DXR-MCI values in the fracture group suggest promising early identification of individuals with increased fracture risk, without the need for additional radiation exposure, enabling the initiation of prevention strategies to possibly reduce the incidence of osteoporosis later in life.


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The conflict between nature-orientated conservation and man-orientated rural development is examined, along with the degree to which ecological research contributes to mountain development, and whether conservation areas can be protected from being areas of natural resources ultimately to be used by man in life-threatening need. A high mountain national park in Ethiopia is taken as an example within UNESCO's concept of Biosphere Reserves. The main finding is that conservation without development will fail, and therefore the focus is more on the area surrounding a national park than on the park itself. A buffer zone must be developed as an economically stable and socially secure area for man, so that his needs do not drive him to exploit the last natural resource area in his vicinity. Simen is a World Heritage Site for future generations. Man and nature, development and conservation, belong together in this unique mountain area.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW Hypertension in pregnancy contributes substantially to perinatal mortality and morbidity of both the mother and her child. High blood pressure is mainly responsible for this adverse outcome, in particular when associated with preeclampsia. Although preeclampsia is nowadays a well-known clinical-obstetrical entity, and screening for this complication has been part of routine care during pregnancy for nearly 100 years, its cause is still enigmatic. RECENT FINDINGS Profound changes of the demographic development of our society, the worldwide rising prevalence of obesity and metabolic disorders, and progress in reproductive medicine will inevitably modify the prevalence of many medical problems in pregnancy. Complications such as gestational diabetes mellitus, chronic hypertension, and preeclampsia will rise and an interdisciplinary approach is necessary to handle these women during pregnancy and also after delivery. Indeed, it is now well established that these women and their offspring born large or small-for-gestational age are at increased risk for severe cardiovascular and metabolic complications later in life. SUMMARY Knowledge of the pregnancy course is not only important for an obstetrician but also increasingly inevitable for the general practitioner. Recognition, classification, and adequate management of hypertensive pregnancy disorders and associated complications may considerably reduce perinatal death and morbidity.


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Nowadays, many people retain their natural teeth until late in life as a result of the large success of preventive strategies. However, there is still a very high prevalence of edentulism especially in elderly patients and many of these patients are provided with inadequate dental prostheses. In addition, many elderly citizens suffer from systemic diseases leading to increased drug prescription with age. This may have direct or indirect negative effects on the health and integrity of oral tissues like teeth, mucosa or muscles. There is growing evidence that a close interaction between the general medical condition and oral health exists. From a dental point of view, the chewing ability and capacity and its interaction with the nutritional status seem to be especially important. For example, complete denture wearers present a significant oral disability, which often leads to a gradual deterioration of their individual dietary habits. The improvement of maximum bite force and chewing efficiency may be an important prerequisite for an adequate nutrition. Those functional parameters can often be improved by providing functional dental prostheses or by stabilizing complete dentures with endosseous implants. Nevertheless, an improvement of the nutritional status can only be achieved through a close collaboration with dieticians or clinical nutritionists.


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INTRODUCTION Known genetic variants with reference to preeclampsia only explain a proportion of the heritable contribution to the development of this condition. The association between preeclampsia and the risk of cardiovascular disease later in life has encouraged the study of genetic variants important in thrombosis and vascular inflammation also in relation to preeclampsia. The von Willebrand factor-cleaving protease, ADAMTS13, plays an important role in micro vascular thrombosis, and partial deficiencies of this enzyme have been observed in association with cardiovascular disease and preeclampsia. However, it remains unknown whether decreased ADAMTS13 levels represent a cause or an effect of the event in placental and cardiovascular disease. METHODS We studied the distribution of three functional genetic variants of ADAMTS13, c.1852C>G (rs28647808), c.4143_4144dupA (rs387906343), and c.3178C>T (rs142572218) in women with preeclampsia and their controls in a nested case-control study from the second Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT2). We also studied the association between ADAMTS13 activity and preeclampsia, in serum samples procured unrelated in time of the preeclamptic pregnancy. RESULTS No differences were observed in genotype, allele or haplotype frequencies of the different ADAMTS13 variants when comparing cases and controls, and no association to preeclampsia was found with lower levels of ADAMTS13 activity. CONCLUSION Our findings indicate that ADAMTS13 variants and ADAMTS13 activity do not contribute to an increased risk of preeclampsia in the general population.