133 resultados para kidney allograft


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Animal studies suggest that renal tissue hypoxia plays an important role in the development of renal damage in hypertension and renal diseases, yet human data were scarce due to the lack of noninvasive methods. Over the last decade, blood oxygenation level-dependent magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD-MRI), detecting deoxyhemoglobin in hypoxic renal tissue, has become a powerful tool to assess kidney oxygenation noninvasively in humans. This paper provides an overview of BOLD-MRI studies performed in patients suffering from essential hypertension or chronic kidney disease (CKD). In line with animal studies, acute changes in cortical and medullary oxygenation have been observed after the administration of medication (furosemide, blockers of the renin-angiotensin system) or alterations in sodium intake in these patient groups, underlining the important role of renal sodium handling in kidney oxygenation. In contrast, no BOLD-MRI studies have convincingly demonstrated that renal oxygenation is chronically reduced in essential hypertension or in CKD or chronically altered after long-term medication intake. More studies are required to clarify this discrepancy and to further unravel the role of renal oxygenation in the development and progression of essential hypertension and CKD in humans.


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Smoking remains a major public health problem. It is associated with a considerable number of deaths in the world's population. Smoking is just like high blood pressure, an independent predictor of progression to any primary renal disease and renal transplant patients. It seems that smoking cessation slows the progression of kidney disease in smokers. The literature data are sometimes contradictory about it because of some methodological weaknesses. However, experimental models highlight the harmful effects of tobacco by hemodynamic and non-hemodynamic factors. The conclusion is that a major effort should be further produced by the nephrology community to motivate our patients to stop smoking.


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INTRODUCTION: Sepsis may impair mitochondrial utilization of oxygen. Since hepatic dysfunction is a hallmark of sepsis, we hypothesized that the liver is more susceptible to mitochondrial dysfunction than the peripheral tissues, such as the skeletal muscle. We studied the effect of prolonged endotoxin infusion on liver, muscle and kidney mitochondrial respiration and on hepatosplanchnic oxygen transport and microcirculation in pigs. METHODS: 20 anesthetized pigs were randomized to receive endotoxin or saline infusion for 24 hours. Muscle, liver and kidney mitochondrial respiration was assessed. Cardiac output (thermodilution), carotid, superior mesenteric and kidney arterial, portal venous (ultrasound Doppler) and microcirculatory blood flow (laser Doppler) were measured, and systemic and regional oxygen transport and lactate exchange were calculated. RESULTS: Endotoxin infusion induced hyperdynamic shock and impaired the glutamate- and succinate-dependent mitochondrial respiratory control ratio (RCR) in the liver (glutamate: endotoxemia: median [range] 2.8 [2.3-3.8] vs. controls: 5.3 [3.8-7.0]; p<0.001; succinate: endotoxemia: 2.9 [1.9-4.3] vs. controls: 3.9 [2.6-6.3] p=0.003). While the ADP:O ratio was reduced with both substrates, maximal ATP production was impaired only in the succinate-dependent respiration. Hepatic oxygen consumption and extraction, and liver surface laser Doppler blood flow remained unchanged. Glutamate-dependent respiration in the muscle and kidney was unaffected. CONCLUSIONS: Endotoxemia reduces the efficiency of hepatic but neither skeletal muscle nor kidney mitochondrial respiration, independent of regional and microcirculatory blood flow changes.


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BACKGROUND: The prolonged effect of electroporation-mediated human interleukin-10 (hIL-10) overexpression in skeletal muscle under the control of the constitutional polyubiquitin C promoter (pUb hIL-10) on rat lung allograft rejection was evaluated. METHODS: Left lung allotransplantation was performed from Brown-Norway to Fischer-F344 rats. Either 2.5 mug pCIK hIL-10 (hIL-10/cytomegalovirus early promoter enhancer) alone (Group I/sacrifice Day 5 and II/sacrifice Day 10) or in combination with 2.5 mug pUb hIL-10 (hIL-10/UbC promoter; Group III/sacrifice Day 10) were injected into the tibialis anterior muscle of the recipient, followed by electroporation 24 hours before transplantation. Animals in Control Groups IV and V without gene transfer were euthanized on Day 5 and 10, respectively. All animals received a daily non-therapeutic dose of cyclosporine A (2.5 mg/kg). RESULTS: In Control Group IV, complete rejection (median A3B3) was noted on Day 5 with a Pao(2) of 43 +/- 9 mm Hg. In recipients of Control Group V, measurement of gas exchange on Day 10 and rejection grading was impossible because of complete destruction of the allograft. Group I animals on Day 5 (233 +/- 123 mm Hg; p = 0.02 vs Group IV) and Group II animals on Day 10 (150 +/- 139 mm Hg; p = 0.15 vs Group IV) demonstrated improved graft function. Graft function in Group III was further improved on Day 10 (299 +/- 123 mm Hg; p = 0.002 vs Group IV; p = 0.05 vs Group II; p = 0.36 vs Group I). Rejection was significantly reduced in Group III (median, A2B2) compared with Group II (median, A4B3; p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Interleukin-10 overexpression under control of the constitutive ubiquitin C promoter ameliorates acute rejection and preserves lung graft function for a prolonged time.


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Despite the introduction of new immunosuppressive agents, a steady decline of functioning renal allografts after living donation is observed. Thus nonpharmacological strategies to prevent graft loss have to be reconsidered, including donor-specific transfusions (DST). We introduced a cyclosporine-based DST protocol for renal allograft recipients from living-related/unrelated donation. From 1993 to 2003, 200 ml of whole blood, or the respective mononuclear cells from the potential living donor were administered twice to all of our 61 recipient candidates. The transplanted subjects were compared with three groups of patients without DST from the Collaborative Transplant Study (Heidelberg, Germany) during a 6-year period. Six patients were sensitized without delay for a subsequent cadaveric kidney. DST patients had less often treatment for rejection and graft survival was superior compared with subjects from the other Swiss transplant centers (n = 513) or from Western Europe (n = 7024). To diminish the probability that superior results reflect patient selection rather than effects of DST, a 'matched-pair' analysis controlling for relevant factors of transplant outcome was performed. Again, this analysis indicated that recipients with DST had better outcome. Thus, our observation suggests that DST improve the outcome of living kidney transplants even when modern immunosuppressive drugs are prescribed.


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Marfan's syndrome is caused by mutations in the extracellular matrix protein fibrillin-1 with aortic aneurysm and dissection being its most life-threatening manifestations. Kidney transplantation from donors with Marfan's syndrome has never been reported in the literature, possibly because of reticences due to the underlying connective tissue disease. Here, we report two patients with end-stage renal disease, transplanted with the kidneys from a donor with Marfan's syndrome who died of aortic dissection and cerebral hemorrhage. After delayed graft function in both recipients, renal function normalized with no renovascular complications and negative proteinuria for 6 years in one patient and 2 years in the other patient, who died from an ischemic cerebrovascular insult. Kidneys from organ donors with Marfan's syndrome might be suitable for transplantation.


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Nephrolithiasis is a disease with a high and even rising incidence. It has a high morbidity, generates high costs and has a high recurrence rate. Urinalysis is of importance especially in recurrent stone formers. It allows the identification and quantification of risk factors and the establishment of individual risk profiles. Based on these individual risk profiles, rational therapy for metaphylaxis of kidney stones lowers stone recurrence rates significantly. This review article aims to give a focussed overview of the most important risk factors for kidney stones and reasonable urine tests for evaluation of recurrent kidney stone formers.


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Coxsackie B viruses types 1-6 (CVB1-6) occur worldwide and cause a broad spectrum of diseases, including myocarditis and aseptic meningitis. Although renal damage due to CVB has been suspected since the 1950s, these agents are only rarely searched for in today's clinical nephrological practice. Nevertheless, CVB can infect mesangial cells. Furthermore, infections with these viruses lead to a histological picture resembling mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis and IgA-nephropathy in mice. In the present article, we provide an overview of this largely neglected topic, and of the slowly and steadily increasing evidence suggesting a link between coxsackieviral infections and kidney diseases.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to review the diagnosis on MRI and radiography of 24 renal transplant recipients with hip pain suspicious for avascular necrosis and to investigate whether there is an association between kidney transplant patients with end-stage renal disease and symptomatic gluteus minimus and medius tendon abnormality. CONCLUSION: Symptomatic gluteus minimus and medius tendon lesions and abnormalities can occur in renal allograft recipients. The MRI findings of this entity allow an alternative diagnosis in this patient population.


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Primary renal tumors are rare neoplasms in nonhuman primates. This report describes a mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of the kidney (MESTK) in a 14.5-year-old female ringtail lemur. The well-demarcated, solid, and cystic mass was located in the pelvis of the left kidney and consisted histologically of both epithelial and mesenchymal components. The mesenchymal cells were arranged in fascicles around cysts lined by a well-differentiated epithelium. Neither the mesenchymal nor the epithelial parts showed significant nuclear atypia or mitotic figures. To our knowledge, only 1 similar case, classified as adenoleiomyofibromatous hamartoma, has been reported in a ringtail lemur. In humans this tumor affects predominantly perimenopausal women and can express estrogen and progesterone receptors. However, neither estrogen nor progesterone receptors could be identified by immunohistochemistry in the tumor of the present ringtail lemur. Therefore, a hormonal mechanism could not be demonstrated in this case.


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The prevalence of incidentally discovered lesions within the pituitary (pituitary incidentalomas) is about 10%. The most common form of sellar mass are clinically nonfunctioning adenomas (less than 10 mm); functioning adenomas, however, are rare. Incidentally discovered pituitary microadenomas causing growth hormone hypersecretion are uncommon. In addition, the association of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease with acromegaly is exceptional and has not yet been reported to our knowledge.


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It has been established that successful pancreas transplantation in Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients results in normal but exaggerated phasic glucose-induced insulin secretion, normal intravenous glucose disappearance rates, improved glucose recovery from insulin-induced hypoglycaemia, improved glucagon secretion during insulin-induced hypoglycaemia, but no alterations in pancreatic polypeptide responses to hypoglycaemia. However, previous reports have not segregated the data in terms of the length of time following successful transplantation and very little prospective data collected over time in individual patients has been published. This article reports that in general there are no significant differences in the level of improvement when comparing responses as early as three months post-operatively up to as long as two years post-operatively when examining the data cross-sectionally in patients who have successfully maintained their allografts. Moreover, this remarkable constancy in pancreatic islet function is also seen in a smaller group of patients who have been examined prospectively at various intervals post-operatively. It is concluded that successful pancreas transplantation results in remarkable improvements in Alpha and Beta cell but not PP cell function that are maintained for at least one to two years.