51 resultados para heterogeneous nucleation


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After major volcanic eruptions the enhanced aerosol causes ozone changes due to greater heterogeneous chemistry on the particle surfaces (HET-AER) and from dynamical effects related to the radiative heating of the lower stratosphere (RAD-DYN). We carry out a series of experiments with an atmosphere–ocean–chemistry–climate model to assess how these two processes change stratospheric ozone and Northern Hemispheric (NH) polar vortex dynamics. Ensemble simulations are performed under present day and preindustrial conditions, and with aerosol forcings representative of different eruption strength, to investigate changes in the response behaviour. We show that the halogen component of the HET-AER effect dominates under present-day conditions with a global reduction of ozone (−21 DU for the strongest eruption) particularly at high latitudes, whereas the HET-AER effect increases stratospheric ozone due to N2O5 hydrolysis in a preindustrial atmosphere (maximum anomalies +4 DU). The halogen-induced ozone changes in the present-day atmosphere offset part of the strengthening of the NH polar vortex during mid-winter (reduction of up to −16 m s-1 in January) and slightly amplify the dynamical changes in the polar stratosphere in late winter (+11 m s-1 in March). The RAD-DYN mechanism leads to positive column ozone anomalies which are reduced in a present-day atmosphere by amplified polar ozone depletion (maximum anomalies +12 and +18 DU for present day and preindustrial, respectively). For preindustrial conditions, the ozone response is consequently dominated by RAD-DYN processes, while under present-day conditions, HET-AER effects dominate. The dynamical response of the stratosphere is dominated by the RAD-DYN mechanism showing an intensification of the NH polar vortex in winter (up to +10 m s-1 in January). Ozone changes due to the RAD-DYN mechanism slightly reduce the response of the polar vortex after the eruption under present-day conditions.


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Although genetic diversity is one of the key components of biodiversity, its drivers are still not fully understood. While it is known that genetic diversity is affected both by environmental parameters as well as habitat history, these factors are not often tested together. Therefore, we analyzed 14 microsatellite loci in Abax parallelepipedus, a flightless, forest dwelling ground beetle, from 88 plots in two study regions in Germany. We modeled the effects of historical and environmental variables on allelic richness, and found for one of the regions, the Schorfheide-Chorin, a significant effect of the depth of the litter layer, which is a main component of habitat quality, and of the sampling effort, which serves as an inverse proxy for local population size. For the other region, the Schwäbische Alb, none of the potential drivers showed a significant effect on allelic richness. We conclude that the genetic diversity in our study species is being driven by current local population sizes via environmental variables and not by historical processes in the studied regions. This is also supported by lack of genetic differentiation between local populations sampled from ancient and from recent woodlands. We suggest that the potential effects of former fragmentation and recolonization processes have been mitigated by the large and stable local populations of Abax parallelepipedus in combination with the proximity of the ancient and recent woodlands in the studied landscapes.


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For a hundred years semi-natural species-rich meadow vegetation has been described from various areas of Switzerland. The first description dates from 1892 by Stebler and Schröter. In the present study, relevés of 65 semi-natural mesophilous meadow associations and communities reported by 26 authors, which were collected throughout the century, are summarized. An increasing number of descriptions dating from the 1980s and 1990s is included. A numerical classification of these 65 types resulted in four main groups of meadow-types. When compared with the existing literature of alliances a high correlation is found with the Polygono-Trisetion Br.-Bl. et R. Tx. ex Marshall 1947, the Arrhenatherion W. Koch 1926, the Agrostio-Festucion Puscaru et al. 1956, the Mesobromion Br.-Bl. et Moor 1938 em. Oberdorfer 1957, and with the Chrysopogonetum W. Koch 1943. The Agrostio-Festucion is characteristic for the montane belt in southern Switzerland and was until recently poorly known. This alliance is discussed in detail. Some classifications of meadow types by the original authors had to be rearranged for the present purpose. The present classification coincides well with the one Stebler and Schröter gave in 1892. Today, after a century of intensive changes in land use, their four main types are still valid.


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Plane strain simple shearing of norcamphor (C7H10O) in a see-through deformation rig to a shear strain of γ = 10.5 at a homologous temperature of Th = 0.81 yields a microfabric similar to that of quartz in amphibolite facies mylonite. Synkinematic analysis of the norcamphor microfabric reveals that the development of a steady-state texture is linked to changes in the relative activities of several grain-scale mechanisms. Three stages of textural and microstructural evolution are distinguished: (1) rotation and shearing of the intracrystalline glide planes are accommodated by localized deformation along three sets of anastomozing microshears. A symmetrical c-axis girdle reflects localized pure shear extension along the main microshear set (Sa) oblique to the bulk shear zone boundary (abbreviated as SZB); (2) progressive rotation of the microshears into parallelism with the SZB increases the component of simple shear on the Sa microshears. Grain-boundary migration recrystallization favours the survival of grains with slip systems oriented for easy glide. This is associated with a textural transition towards two stable c-axis point maxima whose skeletal outline is oblique with respect to the Sa microshears and the SZB; and (3) at high shear strains (γ > 8), the microstructure, texture and mechanism assemblage are strain invariant, but strain continues to partition into rotating sets of microshears. Steady state is therefore a dynamic, heterogeneous condition involving the cyclic nucleation, growth and consumption of grains.