58 resultados para evidence-based treatments
Screening people without symptoms of disease is an attractive idea. Screening allows early detection of disease or elevated risk of disease, and has the potential for improved treatment and reduction of mortality. The list of future screening opportunities is set to grow because of the refinement of screening techniques, the increasing frequency of degenerative and chronic diseases, and the steadily growing body of evidence on genetic predispositions for various diseases. But how should we decide on the diseases for which screening should be done and on recommendations for how it should be implemented? We use the examples of prostate cancer and genetic screening to show the importance of considering screening as an ongoing population-based intervention with beneficial and harmful effects, and not simply the use of a test. Assessing whether screening should be recommended and implemented for any named disease is therefore a multi-dimensional task in health technology assessment. There are several countries that already use established processes and criteria to assess the appropriateness of screening. We argue that the Swiss healthcare system needs a nationwide screening commission mandated to conduct appropriate evidence-based evaluation of the impact of proposed screening interventions, to issue evidence-based recommendations, and to monitor the performance of screening programmes introduced. Without explicit processes there is a danger that beneficial screening programmes could be neglected and that ineffective, and potentially harmful, screening procedures could be introduced.
A multimodal approach is state-of-the art for effective treatment of functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGD) like irritable bowel syndrome and functional dyspepsia. Based on the now established view that the pathogenesis of FGD is multicausal, evidence-based therapeutic options comprise education about the nature of the disorder, dietary modifications, relaxation techniques, behavioral changes, and pharmacological treatments. These therapies are variously combined depending on the severity of the FGD and the individual needs of the patient. Our overview portrays the options for the therapy of FGD and proposes that these are best provided by an interdisciplinary team of primary care physicians, gastroenterologists, and psychosomatic medicine specialists.
To identify reasons for ordering computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA), to identify the frequency of reasons for CTPA reflecting defensive behavior and evidence-based behavior, and to identify the impact of defensive medicine and of training about diagnosing pulmonary embolism (PE) on positive results of CTPA.
In recent decades there has been a marked decline in most ortolan bunting Emberiza hortulana populations in temperate Europe, with many regional populations now extinct or on the brink of extinction. In contrast, Mediterranean and, as far as we know, eastern European popula-tions seem to have remained relatively stable. The causes of decline remain unclear but include: habitat loss and degradation, and related reduction in prey availability; climate change on the breeding grounds; altered population dynamics; illegal captures during migration; and environmental change in wintering areas. We review the current knowledge of the biology of the ortolan bunting and discuss the proposed causes of decline in relation to the different population trends in temperate and Mediterranean Europe. We suggest new avenues of research to identify the factors limiting ortolan bunting populations. The main evidence-based conservation measure that is likely to enhance habitat quality is the creation of patches of bare ground to produce sparsely vegetated foraging grounds in invertebrate-rich grassy habitats close to breeding areas.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the virological outcome of patients with undetectable human immunodeficiency (HI) viremia switched to tenofovir (TDF)-containing nucleosideonly (NUKE-only) treatments and to investigate the factors influencing the physicians' decision for application of a nonestablished therapy. METHOD: Patients' characteristics and history were taken from the cohort database. To study the decision-making process, questionnaires were sent to all treating physicians. RESULTS: 49 patients were changed to TDF-containing NUKE-only treatment and 46 had a follow-up measurement of HI viremia. Virological failure occurred in 16 (35%) patients. Virological failure was associated with previous mono or dual therapy and with a regimen including didanosine or abacavir. No failure occurred in 15 patients without these predisposing factors. The main reasons for change to TDF-containing NUKE-only treatment were side effects and presumed favorable toxicity profile. The rationale behind this decision was mainly analogy to the zidovudine/lamivudine/abacavir maintenance therapy. CONCLUSION: TDF-containing NUKE-only treatment is associated with high early failure rates in patients with previous nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor mono or dual therapy and in drug combinations containing didanosine or abacavir but not in patients without these predisposing factors. In HIV medicine, treatment strategies that are not evidence-based are followed by a minority of experienced physicians and are driven by patients' needs, mainly to minimize treatment side effects.
Depression ist die häufigste psychische Erkrankung, aber nur ein geringer Anteil der Betroffenen erhält eine angemessene Behandlung. Internetbasierte Interventionen stellen eine vielversprechende Ergänzung zu traditionellen Behandlungsformen dar, denn über das Internet können breite Bevölkerungsschichten mit wenig Aufwand erreicht werden. Die vorliegende Übersicht stellt den aktuellen Forschungsstand zu internetbasierten Interventionen bei Depressionen dar. Mehrere randomisierte kontrollierte Studien, Metaanalysen und Reviews legen nahe, dass mit strukturierten internetbasierten Interventionen, die regelmäßige Kontakte mit Therapeuten beinhalten (z.B. geleitete Selbsthilfeansätze, E-Mail- oder Chat-Therapien), Effekte erzielt werden können, die mit den Effekten von traditionellen Psychotherapien vergleichbar sind. Ungeleitete Selbsthilfeprogramme sind typischerweise mit hohen Abbrecherquoten und geringeren Effekten verbunden. Die zukünftige Forschung sollte sich vermehrt mit der Frage beschäftigen, wie internetbasierte Interventionen bei Depressionen optimal in die psychosoziale Versorgung integriert werden können. Mögliche Einsatzbereiche und die Einbettung internetbasierter Interventionen in das Versorgungssystem werden dargestellt und diskutiert.
Traditionally, desertification research has focused on degradation assessments, whereas prevention and mitigation strategies have not sufficiently been emphasised, although the concept of sustainable land management (SLM) is increasingly being acknowledged. SLM strategies are interventions at the local to regional scale aiming at increasing productivity, protecting the natural resource base, and improving livelihoods. The global WOCAT initiative and its partners have developed harmonized frameworks to compile, evaluate and analyse the impact of SLM practices around the globe. Recent studies within the EU research project DESIRE developed a methodological framework that combines a collective learning and decision-making approach with use of best practices from the WOCAT database. In-depth assessment of 30 technologies and 8 approaches from 17 desertification sites enabled an evaluation of how SLM addresses prevalent dryland threats such as water scarcity, soil and vegetation degradation, low production, climate change, resource use conflicts and migration. Among the impacts attributed to the documented technologies, those mentioned most were diversified and enhanced production and better management of water and soil degradation, whether through water harvesting, improving soil moisture, or reducing runoff. Water harvesting offers under-exploited opportunities for the drylands and the predominantly rainfed farming systems of the developing world. Recently compiled guidelines introduce the concepts behind water harvesting and propose a harmonised classification system, followed by an assessment of suitability, adoption and up-scaling of practices. Case studies go from large-scale floodwater spreading that make alluvial plains cultivable, to systems that boost cereal production in small farms, as well as practices that collect and store water from household compounds. Once contextualized and set in appropriate institutional frameworks, they can form part of an overall adaptation strategy for land users. More field research is needed to reinforce expert assessments of SLM impacts and provide the necessary evidence-based rationale for investing in SLM. This includes developing methods to quantify and value ecosystem services, both on-site and off-site, and assess the resilience of SLM practices, as currently aimed at within the new EU CASCADE project.
Tocolysis is an important treatment in the improvement of outcome in preterm labor and preterm birth, provided that its use follows clear evidence-based recommendations. In this expert opinion, the most recent evidence about efficacy and side effects of different tocolytics is being reviewed and evidence-based recommendation about diagnosis and treatment of preterm labor is given. Further aspects such as progesterone administration or antibiotic treatment for the prevention of preterm birth are included. Our review demonstrates that an individualized choice of different tocolytics and additional treatments is necessary to improve short- and long-term neonatal outcome in preterm labor and preterm birth.
BACKGROUND Lack of evidence-based data causes significant variation among surgeons concerning the depth of wide excision for primary cutaneous melanomas. OBJECTIVES To evaluate the clinical effect of excision of the deep fascia in melanomas thicker than 2 mm on patient outcome. METHODS We performed a retrospective cohort review (1996-2012) of patients with melanomas thicker than 2 mm. Included patients underwent excision with a 1-cm margin. Data collected included the patients' sex, age, tumour location, tumour type, Breslow depth and presence of ulceration. Local recurrences, locoregional and distant metastases, and disease-free and overall survival were compared between the fascia-excised and the fascia-preserved groups. RESULTS Out of 2182 patients with malignant melanomas, 213 melanomas thicker than 2 mm, with a median follow-up of 1547 days, were included. The mean age of the patients was 62·6 years and the mean Breslow depth was 4·2 mm. Analysis of data for death attributable to melanoma (P = 0·72), local recurrence (P = 0·71), and locoregional (P = 0·87) and distant metastases (P = 0·34) were not significantly different between the study groups. Furthermore, Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analysis of both groups showed no evidence of significant difference regarding disease-free [P = 0·35; hazard ratio (HR) 1·25; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0·79-1·97] and overall survival (P = 0·63; HR 1·18; 95% CI 0·61-2·27). CONCLUSIONS We believe that excision of the deep fascia does not improve the outcome of melanomas thicker than 2 mm.
BACKGROUND & AIMS Pegylated interferon-based treatment is still the backbone of current hepatitis C therapy and is associated with bone marrow suppression and an increased risk of infections. The aim of this retrospective cohort study was to assess the risk of infections during interferon-based treatment among patients with chronic HCV infection and advanced hepatic fibrosis and its relation to treatment-induced neutropenia. METHODS This cohort study included all consecutive patients with chronic HCV infection and biopsy-proven bridging fibrosis or cirrhosis (Ishak 4-6) who started treatment between 1990 and 2003 in five large hepatology units in Europe and Canada. Neutrophil counts between 500/μL-749/μL and below 500/μL were considered as moderate and severe neutropenia, respectively. RESULTS This study included 723 interferon-based treatments, administered to 490 patients. In total, 113 infections were reported during 88 (12%) treatments, of which 24 (21%) were considered severe. Only one patient was found to have moderate neutropenia and three patients were found to have severe neutropenia at the visit before the infection. Three hundred and twelve (99.7%) visits with moderate neutropenia and 44 (93.6%) visits with severe neutropenia were not followed by an infection. Multivariable analysis showed that cirrhosis (OR 2.85, 95%CI 1.38-5.90, p=0.005) and severe neutropenia at the previous visit (OR 5.42, 95%CI 1.34-22.0, p=0.018) were associated with the occurrence of infection, while moderate neutropenia was not. Among a subgroup of patients treated with PegIFN, severe neutropenia was not significantly associated (OR 1.63, 95%CI 0.19-14.2, p=0.660). CONCLUSIONS In this large cohort of patients with bridging fibrosis and cirrhosis, infections during interferon-based therapy were generally mild. Severe interferon-induced neutropenia rarely occurred, but was associated with on-treatment infection. Moderate neutropenia was not associated with infection, suggesting that current dose reduction guidelines might be too strict.
Although research on direct-democratic campaigns in Switzerland has intensified in the last decade, detailed information on the use of evidence in campaigns is still lacking. Our research aims to contribute both to research on direct democracy and to research on evidence-based policy making, by analyzing how evaluation results are used in directdemocratic campaigns. In this conceptual paper, the formulation of our hypothesis is based on a model of evaluation influence that traces the different uses of evaluation results in the process of a direct-democratic campaign. We assume that the policy analytical capacity of individual members in parliament, government and administration in the (pre)-parliamentary process fosters the use of evidence in campaigns. In the course of the campaign, symbolic use of evaluation in the form of justification, persuasion or mobilization prevails. We assume that the media is an important player in making transparent how political actors use evidence to support their positions. Evidence itself often remains ambiguous and uncertain, and evaluations are influenced by the values of the evaluator. To be able to make the right decisions, therefore, citizens should learn about possible interpretations in argumentative processes. For us, the context of direct democracy in Switzerland provides the setting for such a discourse that, besides evidence, brings up different opinions, values and beliefs.
Ensuring sustainable use of natural resources is crucial for maintaining the basis for our livelihoods. With threats from climate change, disputes over water, biodiversity loss, competing claims on land, and migration increasing worldwide, the demands for sustainable land management (SLM) practices will only increase in the future. For years already, various national and international organizations (GOs, NGOs, donors, research institutes, etc.) have been working on alternative forms of land management. And numerous land users worldwide – especially small farmers – have been testing, adapting, and refining new and better ways of managing land. All too often, however, the resulting SLM knowledge has not been sufficiently evaluated, documented and shared. Among other things, this has often prevented valuable SLM knowledge from being channelled into evidence-based decision-making processes. Indeed, proper knowledge management is crucial for SLM to reach its full potential. Since more than 20 years, the international WOCAT network documents and promotes SLM through its global platform. As a whole, the WOCAT methodology comprises tools for documenting, evaluating, and assessing the impact of SLM practices, as well as for knowledge sharing, analysis and use for decision support in the field, at the planning level, and in scaling up identified good practices. In early 2014, WOCAT’s growth and ongoing improvement culminated in its being officially recognized by the UNCCD as the primary recommended database for SLM best practices. Over the years, the WOCAT network confirmed that SLM helps to prevent desertification, to increase biodiversity, enhance food security and to make people less vulnerable to the effects of climate variability and change. In addi- tion, it plays an important role in mitigating climate change through improving soil organic matter and increasing vegetation cover. In-depth assessments of SLM practices from desertification sites enabled an evaluation of how SLM addresses prevalent dryland threats. The impacts mentioned most were diversified and enhanced production and better management of water and soil degradation, whether through water harvesting, improving soil moisture, or reducing runoff. Among others, favourable local-scale cost-benefit relationships of SLM practices play a crucial role in their adoption. An economic analysis from the WOCAT database showed that land users perceive a large majority of the technologies as having benefits that outweigh costs in the long term. The high investment costs associated with some practices may constitute a barrier to adoption, however, where appropriate, short-term support for land users can help to promote these practices. The increased global concerns on climate change, disaster risks and food security redirect attention to, and trigger more funds for SLM. To provide the necessary evidence-based rationale for investing in SLM and to reinforce expert and land users assessments of SLM impacts, more field research using inter- and transdisciplinary approaches is needed. This includes developing methods to quantify and value ecosystem services, both on-site and off-site, and assess the resilience of SLM practices, as currently aimed at within the EU FP7 projects CASCADE and RECARE.
Background: The efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for the treatment of depressive disorders has been demonstrated in many randomized controlled trials (RCTs). This study investigated whether for CBT similar effects can be expected under routine care conditions when the patients are comparable to those examined in RCTs. Method: N=574 CBT patients from an outpatient clinic were stepwise matched to the patients undergoing CBT in the National Institute of Mental Health Treatment of Depression Collaborative Research Program (TDCRP). First, the exclusion criteria of the RCT were applied to the naturalistic sample of the outpatient clinic. Second, propensity score matching (PSM) was used to adjust the remaining naturalistic sample on the basis of baseline covariate distributions. Matched samples were then compared regarding treatment effects using effect sizes, average treatment effect on the treated (ATT) and recovery rates. Results: CBT in the adjusted naturalistic subsample was as effective as in the RCT. However, treatments lasted significantly longer under routine care conditions. Limitations: The samples included only a limited amount of common predictor variables and stemmed from different countries. There might be additional covariates, which could potentially further improve the matching between the samples. Conclusions: CBT for depression in clinical practice might be equally effective as manual-based treatments in RCTs when they are applied to comparable patients. The fact that similar effects under routine conditions were reached with more sessions, however, points to the potential to optimize treatments in clinical practice with respect to their efficiency.