47 resultados para Wilt, Joshua
A Review of Premature Termination in Psychotherapy: Strategies for Engaging Clients and Improving Outcomes by Joshua K. Swift and Roger P. Greenberg Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 2015. 212 pp, ISBN 978-1-4338-1801- 1. $69.95 http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0038612 Premature Termination in Psychotherapy: Strategies for Engaging Clients and Improving Outcomes is one of the very best examples of the new generation of psychotherapy development. Based on rigorous research findings and a deep look into the preexisting literature, this book presents practical guidelines to understand premature termination and provides evidence-based strategies for how to engage patients in treatment. It will especially be a highlight for practitioners who are interested in a broad insight of the overall empirical literature. For graduate students in clinical and counseling psychology, this book might be an excellent prototype for how to bring rigorous quantitative research and convenient practice examples together.
Small, cool planets represent the typical end-products of planetary formation. Studying the architectures of these systems, measuring planet masses and radii, and observing these planets' atmospheres during transit directly informs theories of planet assembly, migration, and evolution. Here we report the discovery of three small planets orbiting a bright (K-s = 8.6 mag) M0 dwarf using data collected as part of K2, the new ecliptic survey using the repurposed Kepler spacecraft. Stellar spectroscopy and K2 photometry indicate that the system hosts three transiting planets with radii 1.5-2.1 R-circle plus, straddling the transition region between rocky and increasingly volatile-dominated compositions. With orbital periods of 10-45 days the planets receive just 1.5-10x the flux incident on Earth, making these some of the coolest small planets known orbiting a nearby star; planet d is located near the inner edge of the system's habitable zone. The bright, low-mass star makes this system an excellent laboratory to determine the planets' masses via Doppler spectroscopy and to constrain their atmospheric compositions via transit spectroscopy. This discovery demonstrates the ability of K2 and future space-based transit searches to find many fascinating objects of interest.