52 resultados para Stereo matching


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We present a novel stereo-to-multiview video conversion method for glasses-free multiview displays. Different from previous stereo-to-multiview approaches, our mapping algorithm utilizes the limited depth range of autostereoscopic displays optimally and strives to preserve the scene's artistic composition and perceived depth even under strong depth compression. We first present an investigation of how perceived image quality relates to spatial frequency and disparity. The outcome of this study is utilized in a two-step mapping algorithm, where we (i) compress the scene depth using a non-linear global function to the depth range of an autostereoscopic display and (ii) enhance the depth gradients of salient objects to restore the perceived depth and salient scene structure. Finally, an adapted image domain warping algorithm is proposed to generate the multiview output, which enables overall disparity range extension.


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In this work we solve the uncalibrated photometric stereo problem with lights placed near the scene. We investigate different image formation models and find the one that best fits our observations. Although the devised model is more complex than its far-light counterpart, we show that under a global linear ambiguity the reconstruction is possible up to a rotation and scaling, which can be easily fixed. We also propose a solution for reconstructing the normal map, the albedo, the light positions and the light intensities of a scene given only a sequence of near-light images. This is done in an alternating minimization framework which first estimates both the normals and the albedo, and then the light positions and intensities. We validate our method on real world experiments and show that a near-light model leads to a significant improvement in the surface reconstruction compared to the classic distant illumination case.


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This thesis covers a broad part of the field of computational photography, including video stabilization and image warping techniques, introductions to light field photography and the conversion of monocular images and videos into stereoscopic 3D content. We present a user assisted technique for stereoscopic 3D conversion from 2D images. Our approach exploits the geometric structure of perspective images including vanishing points. We allow a user to indicate lines, planes, and vanishing points in the input image, and directly employ these as guides of an image warp that produces a stereo image pair. Our method is most suitable for scenes with large scale structures such as buildings and is able to skip the step of constructing a depth map. Further, we propose a method to acquire 3D light fields using a hand-held camera, and describe several computational photography applications facilitated by our approach. As the input we take an image sequence from a camera translating along an approximately linear path with limited camera rotations. Users can acquire such data easily in a few seconds by moving a hand-held camera. We convert the input into a regularly sampled 3D light field by resampling and aligning them in the spatio-temporal domain. We also present a novel technique for high-quality disparity estimation from light fields. Finally, we show applications including digital refocusing and synthetic aperture blur, foreground removal, selective colorization, and others.


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We analyzed more than 200 OSIRIS NAC images with a pixel scale of 0.9-2.4 m/pixel of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P) that have been acquired from onboard the Rosetta spacecraft in August and September 2014 using stereo-photogrammetric methods (SPG). We derived improved spacecraft position and pointing data for the OSIRIS images and a high-resolution shape model that consists of about 16 million facets (2 m horizontal sampling) and a typical vertical accuracy at the decimeter scale. From this model, we derive a volume for the northern hemisphere of 9.35 km(3) +/- 0.1 km(3). With the assumption of a homogeneous density distribution and taking into account the current uncertainty of the position of the comet's center-of-mass, we extrapolated this value to an overall volume of 18.7 km(3) +/- 1.2 km(3), and, with a current best estimate of 1.0 X 10(13) kg for the mass, we derive a bulk density of 535 kg/m(3) +/- 35 kg/m(3). Furthermore, we used SPG methods to analyze the rotational elements of 67P. The rotational period for August and September 2014 was determined to be 12.4041 +/- 0.0004 h. For the orientation of the rotational axis (z-axis of the body-fixed reference frame) we derived a precession model with a half-cone angle of 0.14 degrees, a cone center position at 69.54 degrees/64.11 degrees (RA/Dec J2000 equatorial coordinates), and a precession period of 10.7 days. For the definition of zero longitude (x-axis orientation), we finally selected the boulder-like Cheops feature on the big lobe of 67P and fixed its spherical coordinates to 142.35 degrees right-hand-rule eastern longitude and -0.28 degrees latitude. This completes the definition of the new Cheops reference frame for 67P. Finally, we defined cartographic mapping standards for common use and combined analyses of scientific results that have been obtained not only within the OSIRIS team, but also within other groups of the Rosetta mission.