110 resultados para Sesquiterpene dimer


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OBJECTIVE: Acute mental stress elicits blood hypercoagulability. Following a transactional stress model, we investigated whether individuals who anticipate stress as more threatening, challenging, and as exceeding their coping skills show greater stress reactivity of the coagulation activation marker D-dimer, indicating fibrin generation in plasma. METHODS: Forty-seven men (mean age 44 +/- 14 years; mean blood pressure [MBP] 101 +/- 12 mm Hg; mean body mass index [BMI] 26 +/- 3 kg/m(2)) completed the Primary Appraisal Secondary Appraisal (PASA) scale before undergoing the Trier Social Stress Test (combination of mock job interview and mental arithmetic task). Heart rate, blood pressure, plasma catecholamines, and D-dimer levels were measured before and after stress, and during recovery up to 60 minutes poststress. RESULTS: Hemodynamic measures, catecholamines, and D-dimer changed across all time points (p values <.001). The PASA "Stress Index" (integrated measure of transactional stress perception) correlated with total D-dimer area under the curve (AUC) between rest and 60 minutes poststress (r = 0.30, p = .050) and with D-dimer change from rest to immediately poststress (r = 0.29, p = .046). Primary appraisal (combined "threat" and "challenge") correlated with total D-dimer AUC (r = 0.37, p = .017), D-dimer stress change (r = 0.41, p = .004), and D-dimer recovery (r = 0.32, p = .042). "Challenge" correlated more strongly with D-dimer stress change than "threat" (p = .020). Primary appraisal (DeltaR(2) = 0.098, beta = 0.37, p = .019), and particularly its subscale "challenge" (DeltaR(2) = 0.138, beta = 0.40, p = .005), predicted D-dimer stress change independently of age, BP, BMI, and catecholamine change. CONCLUSIONS: Anticipatory cognitive appraisal determined the extent of coagulation activation to and recovery from stress in men. Particularly individuals who anticipated the stressor as more challenging and also more threatening had a greater fibrin stress response.


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BACKGROUND: Systemic hypertension confers a hypercoagulable state. We hypothesized that resting mean blood pressure (MBP) interacts with stress hormones in predicting coagulation activity at rest and with acute mental stress. METHODS: We measured plasma clotting factor VII activity (FVII:C), FVIII:C, fibrinogen, D-dimer, epinephrine and norepinephrine, and saliva cortisol in 42 otherwise healthy normotensive and hypertensive medication-free men (mean age 43 +/- 14 years) at rest, immediately after stress, and twice during 60 min of recovery from stress. RESULTS: At rest, the MBP-by-epinephrine interaction predicted FVII:C (beta = -0.33, P < 0.04) and D-dimer (beta = 0.26, P < 0.05), and the MBP-by-cortisol interaction predicted D-dimer (beta = 0.43, P = 0.001), all independent of age and body mass index (BMI). Resting norepinephrine predicted fibrinogen (beta = 0.42, P < 0.01) and D-dimer (beta = 0.37, P < 0.03), both independent of MBP. MBP predicted FVIII:C change from rest to immediately post-stress independent of epinephrine (beta = -0.37, P < 0.03) and norepinephrine (beta = -0.38, P < 0.02). Cortisol change predicted FVIII:C change (beta = -0.30, P < 0.05) independent of age, BMI and MBP. Integrated norepinephrine change from rest to recovery (area under the curve, AUC) predicted D-dimer AUC (beta = 0.34, P = 0.04) independent of MBP. The MBP-by-epinephrine AUC interaction predicted FVII:C AUC (beta = 0.28) and fibrinogen AUC (beta = -0.30), and the MBP-by-norepinephrine AUC interaction predicted FVIII:C AUC (beta = -0.28), all with borderline significance (Ps < 0.09) and independent of age and BMI. CONCLUSIONS: MBP significantly altered the association between stress hormones and coagulation activity at rest and, with borderline significance, across the entire stress and recovery interval. Independent of MBP, catecholamines were associated with procoagulant effects and cortisol reactivity dampened the acute procoagulant stress response.


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BACKGROUND: The procoagulant factor D-dimer has been shown to be associated with thrombus formation and degradation as seen with conditions such as myocardial infarction and unstable angina. Research has demonstrated that spousal dementia caregivers have elevated levels of D-dimer relative to their non-caregiving peers. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the relationship of basal level and laboratory stressor-induced concentration of D-dimer to severity of dementia in spousal care recipients. METHODS: Seventy-one elderly caregivers were compared with a comparison group of 37 non-caregivers (average age: 71 years). Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR), a global measure of dementia, was used to assess severity of spousal dementia. Plasma D-dimer was measured at baseline and in response to an acute speech stressor. RESULTS: Regression analysis revealed a significant positive association between severity of spousal dementia and caregiver D-dimer, both at baseline and in response to acute stress, while controlling for age. The model examined an exponential relationship, with D-dimer increasing progressively across the span of dementia stages. DISCUSSION: Dementia severity of the care recipient was associated with increasing hypercoagulability among elderly caregivers. Effect size estimates suggest that such D-dimer increases may have clinical implications, particularly among late-stage caregivers.


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We evaluated the score for disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) recently published by the International Society for Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) in a well-defined series of sepsis patients. Thirty-two patients suffering from severe sepsis and eight patients with septic shock were evaluated following the ISTH DIC score. Fibrin monomer and D-dimer were chosen as fibrin-related markers (FRM), respectively. DIC scores for nonsurvivors (n = 13) as well as for septic shock patients were higher (P < 0.04) compared with survivors and patients with severe sepsis, respectively. Using fibrin monomer and D-dimer, 30 and 25% of patients suffered from overt DIC. Overt DIC was associated with significantly elevated thrombin-antithrombin complexes and plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 levels as well as with significantly lower factor VII clotting activity. Patients with overt DIC had a significantly higher risk of death and of developing septic shock. Since more than 95% of the sepsis patients had elevated FRM, the DIC score was strongly dependent on prolongation of the prothrombin time and platelet counts. The ISTH DIC score is useful to identify patients with coagulation activation, predicting fatality and disease severity. It mainly depends on the prolongation of the prothrombin time and platelet counts.


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Since 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3HAA), an oxidation product of tryptophan metabolism, is a powerful radical scavenger [Christen, S., Peterhans, E., ; Stocker, R. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87, 2506], its reaction with peroxyl radicals was investigated further. Exposure to aqueous peroxyl radicals generated at constant rate under air from the thermolabile radical initiator 2,2'-azobis[2-amid-inopropane] hydrochloride (AAPH) resulted in rapid consumption of 3HAA with initial accumulation of its cyclic dimer, cinnabarinic acid (CA). The initial rate of formation of the phenoxazinone CA accounted for approximately 75% of the initial rate of oxidation of 3HAA, taking into account that 2 mol of 3HAA are required to form 1 mol of CA. Consumption of 3HAA under anaerobic conditions (where alkyl radicals are produced from AAPH) was considerably slower and did not result in detectable formation of CA. Addition of superoxide dismutase enhanced autoxidation of 3HAA as well as the initial rates of peroxyl radical-induced oxidation of 3HAA and formation of CA by approximately 40-50%, whereas inclusion of xanthine/xanthine oxidase decreased the rate of oxidation of 3HAA by approximately 50% and inhibited formation of CA almost completely, suggesting that superoxide anion radical (O2.-) was formed and reacted with reaction intermediate(s) to curtail formation of CA. Formation of CA was also observed when 3HAA was added to performed compound I of horseradish peroxidase (HRPO) or catalytic amounts of either HRPO, myeloperoxidase, or bovine liver catalase together with glucose/glucose oxidase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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A convenient and rapid method for the simultaneous determination by HPLC of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid and the dimer derived by its oxidation, cinnabarinic acid, is described. Buffers or biological samples containing these two Trp metabolites were acidified to pH 2.0 and extracted with ethyl acetate with recoveries of 96.5 +/- 0.5 and 93.4 +/- 3.7% for 3-hydroxyanthranilic and cinnabarinic acid, respectively. The two compounds were separated on a reversed-phase (C18) column combined with ion-pair chromatography and detected photometrically or electrochemically. The method was applied successfully to biological systems in which formation of either 3-hydroxyanthranilic or cinnabarinic acid had been described previously. Thus, interferon-gamma-treated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells formed and released significant amounts of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid into the culture medium and mouse liver nuclear fraction possessed high "cinnabarinic acid synthase" activity. In contrast, addition of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid to human erythrocytes resulted in only marginal formation of cinnabarinic acid. We conclude that the method described is specific, sensitive, and suitable for the detection of the two Trp metabolites in biological systems.


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BACKGROUND: It has been suggested that changes in blood coagulation and fibrinolysis might explain the observed association between depression and coronary artery disease (CAD). So far, only a few coagulation factors have been investigated in this regard, and the results were not consistent. DESIGN: The aim of our study was to analyse a broad range of coagulation and fibrinolytic factors, with emphasis on factors directly involved in clot formation and degradation or reflecting coagulation activation, in patients with CAD and controls without CAD, as assessed by coronary angiography, who also underwent a diagnostic procedure for depression. METHODS: We screened 306 patients with CAD and controls without CAD for depression using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and Allgemeine Depressions Skala-L questionnaires. In participants with positive screening result, diagnosis of major depression was confirmed or excluded by a structured interview. We analysed the following coagulation and fibrinolytic factors: fibrinogen, prothrombin fragment F1+2, factor XIII A-subunit, factor XIII B-subunit, tissue plasminogen activator, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, thrombin-activable fibrinolysis inhibitor, and D-dimer. RESULTS: We did not observe significant associations between depression and CAD, nor between depression and cardiovascular risk factors. Coagulation and fibrinolytic factors showed no differences between patients with CAD and controls, but they were associated with several cardiovascular risk factors. Depression was not associated with coagulation and fibrinolytic factors. No associations were found either when both CAD and depression were taken into account. CONCLUSION: Our study gives no evidence that there is a significant relation among depression, CAD, and blood coagulation and fibrinolysis.


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Therapeutic intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) preparations contain antibodies reflecting the cumulative antigen experience of the donor population. IVIg contains variable amounts of monomeric and dimeric IgG, but there is little information available on their comparative antibody specificities. We have isolated highly purified fractions of monomeric and dimeric IgG by size-exclusion chromatography. Following treatment of all fractions at pH4, analyses by immunodot and immunocytology on human cell lines showed a preferential recognition of autoantigens in the dimeric IgG fraction. Investigation of the HEp-2 cytoplasmic proteome by 2D-PAGE, Western blot, and subsequent identification of IVIg reactive spots by mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) showed that IVIg recognized only a restricted set of the total proteins. Similar experiments showed that more antigens were recognized by the dimeric IgG fraction, especially when the dissociated dimer fraction was used, as compared to its monomeric counterpart. These observations are consistent with idiotype-anti-idiotype masking of auto-specific Abs in the dimeric fraction of IVIg.


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Many preanalytical variables affect the results of coagulation assays. A possible way to control some of them would be to accept blood specimens shipped in the original collection tube. The aim of our study was to investigate the stability of coagulation assays in citrated whole blood transported at ambient temperature for up to two days after specimen collection. Blood samples from 59 patients who attended our haematology outpatient ward for thrombophilia screening were transported at ambient temperature (outdoor during the day, indoor overnight) for following periods of time: <1 hour, 4-6, 8-12, 24-28 and 48-52 hours prior to centrifugation and plasma-freezing. The following coagulation tests were performed: PT, aPTT, fibrinogen, FII:C, FV:C, FVII:C, FVIII:C, FIX:C, FX:C, FXI:C, VWF:RCo, VWF:Ag, AT, PC activity, total and free PS antigen, modified APC-sensitivity-ratio, thrombin-antithrombin-complex and D-dimer. Clinically significant changes, defined as a percentage change of more than 10% from the initial value, were observed for FV:C, FVIII:C and total PS antigen starting at 24-28 hours, and for PT, aPTT and FVII:C at 48-52 hours. No statistically significant differences were seen for fibrinogen, antithrombin, or thrombin-antithrombin complexes (Friedman repeated measures analysis of variance). The present data suggest that the use of whole blood samples transported at ambient temperature may be an acceptable means of delivering specimens for coagulation analysis. With the exception of factor V and VIII coagulant activity, and total PS antigen all investigated parameters can be measured 24-28 hours after specimen collection without observing clinically relevant changes.


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The recommended dose (bolus 0.4 mg/kg followed by 0.15 mg/kg per hour) of lepirudin, a direct thrombin inhibitor licensed for treatment of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), is too high. Starting in 2001, we omitted the bolus and reduced maintenance dose by at least one-third. Analyzing 53 HIT patients treated between January 2001 and February 2007, we observed that therapeutic anticoagulation intensity already 4 hours after lepirudin start had been reached with the following initial lepirudin doses (median): 0.078 mg/kg per hour [creatinine clearance (CrCl) more than 60 mL/min], 0.040 mg/kg per hour (CrCl 30-60 mL/min), and 0.013 mg/kg per hour (CrCl < 30 mL/min). The efficacy of this treatment was documented by increasing platelets and decreasing D-dimers. Based on this experience, we derived a lepirudin dosing regimen, which was prospectively evaluated treating 15 HIT patients between March 2007 and February 2008. We show that omitting the initial lepirudin bolus and administering 0.08 mg/kg per hour in patients with CrCl more than 60 mL/min, 0.04 mg/kg per hour in patients with CrCl 30-60 mL/min, and 0.01 to 0.02 mg/kg per hour in those with CrCl less than 30 mL/min is efficacious and safe, as documented by increasing platelet counts, decreasing D-dimer levels, and rare thrombotic (1 of 46) and major bleeding (4 of 46) complications.


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BACKGROUND: The surfactant proteins B (SP-B) and C (SP-C) are important for the stability and function of the alveolar surfactant film. Their involvement and down-regulation in inflammatory processes has recently been proposed, but their level during neutrophilic human airway diseases are not yet known. METHODS: We used 1D-electrophoresis and Western blotting to determine the concentrations and molecular forms of SP-B and SP-C in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of children with different inflammatory airway diseases. 21 children with cystic fibrosis, 15 with chronic bronchitis and 14 with pneumonia were included and compared to 14 healthy control children. RESULTS: SP-B was detected in BAL of all 64 patients, whereas SP-C was found in BAL of all but 3 children; those three BAL fluids had more than 80% neutrophils, and in two patients, who were re-lavaged later, SP-C was then present and the neutrophil count was lower. SP-B was mainly present as a dimer, SP-C as a monomer. For both qualitative and quantitative measures of SP-C and SP-B, no significant differences were observed between the four evaluated patient groups. CONCLUSION: Concentration or molecular form of SP-B and SP-C is not altered in BAL of children with different acute and chronic inflammatory lung diseases. We conclude that there is no down-regulation of SP-B and SP-C at the protein level in inflammatory processes of neutrophilic airway disease.


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OBJECTIVE: Numerous studies have reported the technical aspects and results of surgical and/or endovascular treatment of cranial dural arteriovenous fistulae (cDAVF) and spinal dural arteriovenous fistulae (sDAVF). Only a few of them have addressed the question of thrombophilic conditions, which may be relevant as pathogenetic factors or can increase the risk for venous thromboembolic events. Therefore, the objective of this study is to compare thrombophilic risk factors in patients with cDAVF and sDAVF with no history of trauma. METHODS: A total of 43 patients (25 with cDAVF and 18 with sDAVF) were included in this study. Blood samples were analyzed for G20210A mutation of the prothrombin gene and factor V Leiden mutation. In all patients, prothrombin time, international normalized ratio, fibrinogen, antithrombin, protein C and S activity, von Willebrand factor antigen, ristocetin cofactor activity, D-dimer, coagulation factor VIII activity, and tissue factor pathway inhibitor were determined. Screening was performed for the occurrence of lupus antiphospholipid and cardiolipin antibodies. RESULTS: The prevalence of G20210A mutation of the prothrombin gene was significantly higher in patients with cDAVF (n = 6) compared with patients with sDAVF (n = 0; P < 0.05, Fisher's exact test). A factor V Leiden mutation was found in 3 patients with sDAVF and in 1 patient with cDAVF (P = 0.29, Fisher's exact test). No significant difference was found for other parameters, except for fibrinogen, but decreased protein C activity was more frequent in patients with cDAVF compared with patients with sDAVF (4 versus 1). Decreased protein S activity was encountered in 3 patients (2 with sDAVF and 1 with cDAVF). Cardiolipin antibodies were found in 2 patients with cDAVF but in none with sDAVF, whereas only 1 patient with sDAVF had lupus antiphospholipid antibodies. CONCLUSION: In both groups of patients with dural arteriovenous fistulae, genetic thrombophilic abnormalities occurred in a higher percentage than in the general population. The differences of the genetic abnormalities may be involved in different pathophysiological mechanism(s) in the development of these distinct neurovascular entities.


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Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) preparations are derived from pooled plasma from up to 60,000 healthy human donors and reflect the immunologic experience of the donor population. IVIg contains monomeric and dimeric IgG populations which are in a dynamic equilibrium depending on concentration, pH, temperature, donor pool size, time and stabilizers added in order to keep the portion of dimeric IgG below a certain level. In the present study, monomeric and dimeric fractions were isolated by size exclusion chromatography. The dimeric fractions, however, showed a dynamic instability and tended to dissociate. Both dimeric and monomeric IgG fractions were acid treated (pH 4) in order to dissociate the dimeric IgG. Western-blot analysis identified a sub-population of SDS resistant IgG dimers. Furthermore, the reactivities of the fractions were tested against a panel of self- and exo-antigens. There was a marked increase in activity of the dimeric compared to the monomeric IgG fraction against various intracellular self-antigens. Our data indicates that the increased reactivities of pH 4-treated fractions can mainly be attributed to dimer dissociation, as pH 4-treated monomers do not show significantly increased activities against a range of antigens.


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Aggretin is a C-type lectin purified from Calloselasma rhodostoma snake venom. It is a potent activator of platelets, resulting in a collagen-like response by binding and clustering platelet receptor CLEC-2. We present here the crystal structure of aggretin at 1.7 A which reveals a unique tetrameric quaternary structure. The two alphabeta heterodimers are arranged through 2-fold rotational symmetry, resulting in an antiparallel side-by-side arrangement. Aggretin thus presents two ligand binding sites on one surface and can therefore cluster ligands in a manner reminiscent of convulxin and flavocetin. To examine the molecular basis of the interaction with CLEC-2, we used a molecular modeling approach of docking the aggretin alphabeta structure with the CLEC-2 N-terminal domain (CLEC-2N). This model positions the CLEC-2N structure face down in the "saddle"-shaped binding site which lies between the aggretin alpha and beta lectin-like domains. A 2-fold rotation of this complex to generate the aggretin tetramer reveals dimer contacts for CLEC-2N which bring the N- and C-termini into the proximity of each other, and a series of contacts involving two interlocking beta-strands close to the N-terminus are described. A comparison with homologous lectin-like domains from the immunoreceptor family reveals a similar but not identical dimerization mode, suggesting this structure may represent the clustered form of CLEC-2 capable of signaling across the platelet membrane.


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Elevated levels of inflammatory biomarkers are associated with the pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases and are predictors of cardiovascular events. The objective of this study was to determine the unique contributions of metabolic factors as predictors of inflammation (C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (IL-6)), adhesion (soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1)), and coagulation (D-dimer) in healthy younger-aged adults. Participants were 83 women and 92 men (mean age 30.04 years, s.d. +/- 4.8, range 22-39) of normal weight to moderate obese weight (mean BMI 24.4 kg/m(2), s.d. +/- 3.35, range 17-32). The primary data analytical approaches included Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression. Circulating levels of CRP, IL-6, sICAM-1, and D-dimer were determined in plasma. Higher levels of CRP were independently associated with higher BMI, a greater waist-to-hip ratio, female gender, and higher triglycerides (P < 0.001). Higher IL-6 levels were independently associated with a greater waist-to-hip ratio (P < 0.01). Higher levels of sICAM-1 were independently associated with higher BMI, higher triglycerides, and lower insulin resistance (P < 0.001). Higher D-dimer levels were independently associated with higher BMI and being female (P < 0.001). Having a higher BMI was most consistently associated with elevated biomarkers of inflammation, adhesion, and coagulation in this sample of healthy younger-aged adults, although female gender, insulin resistance, and lipid levels were also related to the biomarkers. The findings provide insight into the adverse cardiovascular risk associated with elevated body weight in younger adults.