69 resultados para Sanitary Reform
Federal Reform, Political Deadlock, and Member State Response – The Case of Swiss Health Care Policy
Die Universitäten in Deutschland und der Schweiz haben in den letzten zehn Jahren eine Reihe von Reformen und Veränderungen erlebt. Insbesondere die Bologna-Reform, aber auch die gestiegenen Studierendenzahlen werden dabei mit einer Reihe von nachteiligen Konsequenzen in Verbindung gebracht. In diesem Beitrag untersuchen wir die Frage, inwiefern sich die auf das Studium bezogenen Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen der Studierenden nach der Bologna-Reform verändert haben. Unsere Datenbasis sind zwei umfangreiche Befragungen, die 2001 und 2012 an der Universität Bern durchgeführt wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die soziodemographische Zusammensetzung der Studierenden zwar deutlich verändert hat. Der zeitliche Aufwand für das Studium, die Leistungsmotivation der Studierenden, die Erwerbspartizipation oder der berichtete Zeitdruck haben aber in den letzten zehn Jahren wider Erwarten keine wesentlichen Veränderungen erfahren. Allerdings verfolgen heute mehr Studierende das Ziel, eine gute soziale Position und ein höheres Einkommen zu erreichen. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Ergebnisse erscheint eine Reform der Reform nicht zwingend erforderlich zu sein.
In 2004 the Swiss people accepted a new equalization scheme and a new distribution of competences between the federal state and the cantons. It was argued that the reform was successful because of the capacity of veto-players to overcome their interests and adopt a ‘problem-solving’ interaction mode. We propose a different interpretation and argue that distributive issues and the accommodation of actors' interests crucially mattered. We identify three mechanisms that contribute to a successful reform, i.e. package-deals, side-payments and the downsizing of the reform. Our in-depth, mainly qualitative study of both the content of the reform and related decision-making process supports the pertinence of these strategies for the explanation of the successful reform of Swiss federalism.
In December 2013, the European Union (EU) enacted the reformed Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for 2014–2020, allocating almost 40% of the EU's budget and influencing management of half of its terrestrial area. Many EU politicians are announcing the new CAP as “greener,” but the new environmental prescriptions are so diluted that they are unlikely to benefit biodiversity. Individual Member States (MSs), however, can still use flexibility granted by the new CAP to design national plans to protect farmland habitats and species and to ensure long-term provision of ecosystem services
Assessing and managing risks relating to the consumption of food stuffs for humans and to the environment has been one of the most complex legal issues in WTO law, ever since the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures was adopted at the end of the Uruguay Round and entered into force in 1995. The problem was expounded in a number of cases. Panels and the Appellate Body adopted different philosophies in interpreting the agreement and the basic concept of risk assessment as defined in Annex A para. 4 of the Agreement. Risk assessment entails fundamental question on law and science. Different interpretations reflect different underlying perceptions of science and its relationship to the law. The present thesis supported by the Swiss National Research Foundation undertakes an in-depth analysis of these underlying perceptions. The author expounds the essence and differences of positivism and relativism in philosophy and natural sciences. He clarifies the relationship of fundamental concepts such as risk, hazards and probability. This investigation is a remarkable effort on the part of lawyer keen to learn more about the fundamentals based upon which the law – often unconsciously – is operated by the legal profession and the trade community. Based upon these insights, he turns to a critical assessment of jurisprudence both of panels and the Appellate Body. Extensively referring and discussing the literature, he deconstructs findings and decisions in light of implied and assumed underlying philosophies and perceptions as to the relationship of law and science, in particular in the field of food standards. Finding that both positivism and relativism does not provide adequate answers, the author turns critical rationalism and applies the methodologies of falsification developed by Karl R. Popper. Critical rationalism allows combining discourse in science and law and helps preparing the ground for a new approach to risk assessment and risk management. Linking the problem to the doctrine of multilevel governance the author develops a theory allocating risk assessment to international for a while leaving the matter of risk management to national and democratically accountable government. While the author throughout the thesis questions the possibility of separating risk assessment and risk management, the thesis offers new avenues which may assist in structuring a complex and difficult problem