54 resultados para SCS


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The amino-keto tautomer of supersonic jet-cooled cytosine undergoes intersystem crossing (ISC) from the v = 0 and low-lying vibronic levels of its S1(¹ππ*) state. We investigate these ISC rates experimentally and theoretically as a function of S1 state vibrational excess energy Eexc. The S1 vibronic levels are pumped with a ~5 ns UV laser, the S1 and triplet state ion signals are separated by prompt or delayed ionization with a second UV laser pulse. After correcting the raw ISC yields for the relative S1 and T1ionization cross sections, we obtain energy dependent ISC quantum yields Q corr ISC =1% –5%. These are combined with previously measured vibronic state-specific decay rates, giving ISC rates kISC = 0.4–1.5 ⋅ 10⁹ s⁻¹, the corresponding S1⇝S0internal conversion (IC) rates are 30–100 times larger. Theoretical ISC rates are computed using SCS-CC2 methods, which predict rapid ISC from the S1; v = 0 state with kISC = 3 ⋅ 10⁹ s⁻¹ to the T1(³ππ*) triplet state. The surprisingly high rate of this El Sayed-forbidden transition is caused by a substantial admixture of ¹nOπ* character into the S1(¹ππ*) wave function at its non-planar minimum geometry. The combination of experiment and theory implies that (1) below Eexc = 550 cm⁻¹ in the S1 state, S1⇝S0internal conversion dominates the nonradiative decay with kIC ≥ 2 ⋅ 10¹⁰ s⁻¹, (2) the calculated S1⇝T1 (¹ππ*⇝³ππ*) ISC rate is in good agreement with experiment, (3) being El-Sayed forbidden, the S1⇝T1 ISC is moderately fast (kISC = 3 ⋅ 10⁹ s⁻¹), and not ultrafast, as claimed by other calculations, and (4) at Eexc ~ 550 cm⁻¹ the IC rate increases by ~50 times, probably by accessing the lowest conical intersection (the C5-twist CI) and thereby effectively switching off the ISC decay channels.


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The S0 ↔ S1 spectra of the mild charge-transfer (CT) complexes perylene·tetrachloroethene (P·4ClE) and perylene·(tetrachloroethene)2 (P·(4ClE)2) are investigated by two-color resonant two-photon ionization (2C-R2PI) and dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy in supersonic jets. The S0 → S1 vibrationless transitions of P·4ClE and P·(4ClE)2 are shifted by δν = −451 and −858 cm–1 relative to perylene, translating to excited-state dissociation energy increases of 5.4 and 10.3 kJ/mol, respectively. The red shift is ∼30% larger than that of perylene·trans-1,2-dichloroethene; therefore, the increase in chlorination increases the excited-state stabilization and CT character of the interaction, but the electronic excitation remains largely confined to the perylene moiety. The 2C-R2PI and fluorescence spectra of P·4ClE exhibit strong progressions in the perylene intramolecular twist (1au) vibration (42 cm–1 in S0 and 55 cm–1 in S1), signaling that perylene deforms along its twist coordinate upon electronic excitation. The intermolecular stretching (Tz) and internal rotation (Rc) vibrations are weak; therefore, the P·4ClE intermolecular potential energy surface (IPES) changes little during the S0 ↔ S1 transition. The minimum-energy structures and inter- and intramolecular vibrational frequencies of P·4ClE and P·(4ClE)2 are calculated with the dispersion-corrected density functional theory (DFT) methods B97-D3, ωB97X-D, M06, and M06-2X and the spin-consistent-scaled (SCS) variant of the approximate second-order coupled-cluster method, SCS-CC2. All methods predict the global minima to be π-stacked centered coplanar structures with the long axis of tetrachloroethene rotated by τ ≈ 60° relative to the perylene long axis. The calculated binding energies are in the range of −D0 = 28–35 kJ/mol. A second minimum is predicted with τ ≈ 25°, with ∼1 kJ/mol smaller binding energy. Although both monomers are achiral, both the P·4ClE and P·(4ClE)2 complexes are chiral. The best agreement for adiabatic excitation energies and vibrational frequencies is observed for the ωB97X-D and M06-2X DFT methods.


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NH···π hydrogen bonds occur frequently between the amino acid side groups in proteins and peptides. Data-mining studies of protein crystals find that ~80% of the T-shaped histidine···aromatic contacts are CH···π, and only ~20% are NH···π interactions. We investigated the infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) spectra of the supersonic-jet-cooled imidazole·benzene (Im·Bz) complex as a model for the NH···π interaction between histidine and phenylalanine. Ground- and excited-state dispersion-corrected density functional calculations and correlated methods (SCS-MP2 and SCS-CC2) predict that Im·Bz has a Cs-symmetric T-shaped minimum-energy structure with an NH···π hydrogen bond to the Bz ring; the NH bond is tilted 12° away from the Bz C₆ axis. IR depletion spectra support the T-shaped geometry: The NH stretch vibrational fundamental is red shifted by −73 cm⁻¹ relative to that of bare imidazole at 3518 cm⁻¹, indicating a moderately strong NH···π interaction. While the Sₒ(A1g) → S₁(B₂u) origin of benzene at 38 086 cm⁻¹ is forbidden in the gas phase, Im·Bz exhibits a moderately intense Sₒ → S₁ origin, which appears via the D₆h → Cs symmetry lowering of Bz by its interaction with imidazole. The NH···π ground-state hydrogen bond is strong, De=22.7 kJ/mol (1899 cm⁻¹). The combination of gas-phase UV and IR spectra confirms the theoretical predictions that the optimum Im·Bz geometry is T shaped and NH···π hydrogen bonded. We find no experimental evidence for a CH···π hydrogen-bonded ground-state isomer of Im·Bz. The optimum NH···π geometry of the Im·Bz complex is very different from the majority of the histidine·aromatic contact geometries found in protein database analyses, implying that the CH···π contacts observed in these searches do not arise from favorable binding interactions but merely from protein side-chain folding and crystal-packing constraints. The UV and IR spectra of the imidazole·(benzene)₂ cluster are observed via fragmentation into the Im·Bz+ mass channel. The spectra of Im·Bz and Im·Bz₂ are cleanly separable by IR hole burning. The UV spectrum of Im·Bz₂ exhibits two 000 bands corresponding to the Sₒ → S₁ excitations of the two inequivalent benzenes, which are symmetrically shifted by −86/+88 cm⁻¹ relative to the 000 band of benzene.


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We observe the weak S 0 → S 2 transitions of the T-shaped benzene dimers (Bz)2 and (Bz-d 6)2 about 250 cm−1 and 220 cm−1 above their respective S 0 → S 1 electronic origins using two-color resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy. Spin-component scaled (SCS) second-order approximate coupled-cluster (CC2) calculations predict that for the tipped T-shaped geometry, the S 0 → S 2 electronic oscillator strength f el (S 2) is ∼10 times smaller than f el (S 1) and the S 2 state lies ∼240 cm−1 above S 1, in excellent agreement with experiment. The S 0 → S 1 (ππ ∗) transition is mainly localized on the “stem” benzene, with a minor stem → cap charge-transfer contribution; the S 0 → S 2 transition is mainly localized on the “cap” benzene. The orbitals, electronic oscillator strengths f el (S 1) and f el (S 2), and transition frequencies depend strongly on the tipping angle ω between the two Bz moieties. The SCS-CC2 calculated S 1 and S 2 excitation energies at different T-shaped, stacked-parallel and parallel-displaced stationary points of the (Bz)2 ground-state surface allow to construct approximate S 1 and S 2 potential energy surfaces and reveal their relation to the “excimer” states at the stacked-parallel geometry. The f el (S 1) and f el (S 2) transition dipole moments at the C 2v -symmetric T-shape, parallel-displaced and stacked-parallel geometries are either zero or ∼10 times smaller than at the tipped T-shaped geometry. This unusual property of the S 0 → S 1 and S 0 → S 2 transition-dipole moment surfaces of (Bz)2 restricts its observation by electronic spectroscopy to the tipped and tilted T-shaped geometries; the other ground-state geometries are impossible or extremely difficult to observe. The S 0 → S 1/S 2 spectra of (Bz)2 are compared to those of imidazole ⋅ (Bz)2, which has a rigid triangular structure with a tilted (Bz)2 subunit. The S 0 → S 1/ S 2 transitions of imidazole-(benzene)2 lie at similar energies as those of (Bz)2, confirming our assignment of the (Bz)2 S 0 → S 2 transition.


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Spiders, like all arthropods, exclusively rely on an innate immune system localized in the hemocytes to protect against pathogen invasion. In the hemocytes of the wandering spider Cupiennius salei (C. salei), defensin expression was found to be constitutive. Defensins belong to the group of antimicrobial peptides, which appear in most taxonomic groups, and play an essential role in innate immunity. It has further been reported that during the primary immune answer of C. salei, the peptide content of hemocytes changes markedly, which may indicate the release of defensins from the hemocytes. However, no data on the peptide levels in C. salei hemolymph has so far been published. Formerly, the involvement in the primary immune answer was considered the only function of defensins. However, recent findings strongly suggest that the importance of defensins goes far beyond. There is evidence for defensins contributing to the adaptive immune response, to angiogenesis, and furthermore to tissue repair, i.e. to a variety of essential processes in living organisms. To date, only very little is known about the identity of C. salei defensins and their detailed mode of action. The goal of the work presented herein is the identification of hitherto unknown C. salei defensins in hemocytes and the hemolymph. Moreover, the levels of defensin expression under differential conditions are compared by the means of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).


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Cancer is one of the most severe and widespread diseases and an ideal treatment has not yet been found. In the last decades, cisplatinum was commonly applied in cancer therapy with very good results. However, serious side effects and resistant tumors necessitated the development of new antineoplastic agents, such as metallocenes dihalides. These are metal-based compounds exhibiting two cyclopentadienyl ligands and a cis-dihalide motif. They resemble the cis-chloro configuration of cisplatinum, which propounds a similar mode of action. Metallocenes comprising one of the transition metals titanium, molybdenum, vanadium, niobium, and zirconium as the metal center have been shown to be effective against several cancer cell lines. Evidence for the accumulation of metallocenes in the nucleus implied that DNA is one of the major targets. Although several studies reported adduct formation of metallocenes with nuclear DNA, as yet substantial information about the general binding pattern and the binding to higher-order structures is lacking. Mass spectrometry can fill this gap as it constitutes a powerful technique to investigate the formation of organometallic adducts. Presented data demonstrate that the two agents titanocene dichloride and molybdenocene dichloride bind to single-stranded DNA and RNA. Distinct fragment ions formed upon collision-induced dissociation help to unravel preferential binding sites within the oligonucleotides. Moreover, adducts with duplexes and quadruplexes shed light on the molecular mechanism of action.


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Antisense oligonucleotides are medical agents for the treatment of genetic diseases that are designed to interact specifically with mRNA. This interaction either induces enzymatic degradation of the targeted RNA or modifies processing pathways, e.g. by inducing alternative splicing of the pre-mRNA. The latter mechanism applies to the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy with a sugar-modified DNA analogue called tricyclo-DNA (tcDNA). In tcDNA the ribose sugar-moiety is extended to a three-membered ring system, which augments the binding affinity and the selectivity of the antisense oligonucleotide for its target. The advent of chemically modified nucleic acids for antisense therapy presents a challenge to diagnostic tools, which must be able to cope with a variety of structural analogues. Mass spectrometry meets this demand for non-enzyme based sequencing methods ideally, because the technique is largely unaffected by structural modifications of the analyte. Sequence coverage of a fully modified tcDNA 15mer can be obtained in a single tandem mass spectrometric experiment. Beyond sequencing experiments, tandem mass spectrometry was applied to elucidate the gas-phase structure and stability of tcDNA:DNA and tcDNA:RNA hybrid duplexes. Most remarkable is the formation of truncated duplexes upon collision-induced dissociation of these structures. Our data suggest that the cleavage site within the duplex is directed by the modified sugar-moiety. Moreover, the formation of truncated duplexes manifests the exceptional stability of the hybrid duplexes in the gas-phase. This stability arises from the modified sugar-moiety, which locks the tcDNA single strand into a conformation that is similar to RNA in A-form duplexes. The conformational particularity of tcDNA in the gas-phase was confirmed by ion mobility-mass spectrometry experiments on tcDNA, DNA, and RNA.


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Current techniques for three-dimensional correction of the chin in patients with mandibular retrusion may increase mentolabial fold depth, but have limited effect on the lips. The authors present a single surgical technique to support the mentolabial fold and improve labial competence. The visor osteotomy is performed from canine to canine. The bone fragment pedicled to the lingual periosteum is coronally mobilized and fixed in the new position. Preserved vascularization is supposed to minimize the amount of bone resorbed. Visor osteotomy of the anterior mandible may improve the existing treatments for micrognathia by creating an aesthetic mentolabial fold and a competent lip seal.


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BACKGROUND Little information is yet available on zirconia-based prostheses supported by implants. PURPOSE To evaluate technical problems and failures of implant-supported zirconia-based prostheses with exclusive screw-retention. MATERIAL AND METHODS Consecutive patients received screw-retained zirconia-based prostheses supported by implants and were followed over a time period of 5 years. The implant placement and prosthetic rehabilitation were performed in one clinical setting, and all patients participated in the maintenance program. The treatment comprised single crowns (SCs) and fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) of three to 12 units. Screw-retention of the CAD/CAM-fabricated SCs and FDPs was performed with direct connection at the implant level. The primary outcome was the complete failure of zirconia-based prostheses; outcome measures were fracture of the framework or extensive chipping resulting in the need for refabrication. A life table analysis was performed, the cumulative survival rate (CSR) calculated, and a Kaplan-Meier curve drawn. RESULTS Two hundred and ninety-four implants supported 156 zirconia-based prostheses in 95 patients (52 men, 43 women, average age 59.1 ± 11.7 years). Sixty-five SCs and 91 FDPs were identified, comprising a total of 441 units. Fractures of the zirconia framework and extensive chipping resulted in refabrication of nine prostheses. Nearly all the prostheses (94.2%) remained in situ during the observation period. The 5-year CSR was 90.5%, and 41 prostheses (14 SCs, 27 FDPs) comprising 113 units survived for an observation time of more than 5 years. Six SCs exhibited screw loosening, and polishing of minor chipping was required for five prostheses. CONCLUSIONS This study shows that zirconia-based implant-supported fixed prostheses exhibit satisfactory treatment outcomes and that screw-retention directly at the implant level is feasible.