71 resultados para Postnatal distress
It has been shown that glucocorticoids accelerate lung development by limiting alveolar formation resulting from a premature maturation of the alveolar septa. Based on these data, the aim of the present work was to analyze the influence of dexamethasone on cell cycle control mechanisms during postnatal lung development. Cell proliferation is regulated by a network of signaling pathways that converge to the key regulator of cell cycle machinery: the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) system. The activity of the various cyclin/CDK complexes can be modulated by the levels of the cyclins and their CDKs, and by expression of specific CDK inhibitors (CKIs). In the present study, newborn rats were given a 4-d treatment with dexamethasone (0.1-0.01 microg/g body weight dexamethasone sodium phosphate daily on d 1-4), or saline. Morphologically, the treatment caused a significant thinning of the septa and an acceleration of lung maturation on d 4. Study of cyclin/CDK system at d 1-36 documented a transient down-regulation of cyclin/CDK complex activities at d 4 in the dexamethasone-treated animals. Analysis of the mechanisms involved suggested a role for the CKIs p21CIP1 and p27KIP1. Indeed, we observed an increase in p21CIP1 and p27KIP1 protein levels on d 4 in the dexamethasone-treated animals. By contrast, no variations in either cyclin and CDK expression, or cyclin/CDK complex formation could be documented. We conclude that glucocorticoids may accelerate lung maturation by influencing cell cycle control mechanisms, mainly through impairment of G1 cyclin/CDK complex activation.
The rat lung undergoes the phase of maturation of the alveolar septa and of the parenchymal microvascular network mainly during the third postnatal week. Speculating that programmed cell death may contribute to the thinning of the alveolar septa, we searched for the presence of DNA fragmentation in rat lungs between postnatal days 6 and 36 using the TUNEL procedure. The number of positive nuclei was compared at different days. We observed an 8-fold increase of programmed cell death toward the end of the third week as compared to the days before and after this time point. The precise timing of the appearance of the peak depended on the size of the litter. Double-labeling for DNA fragmentation (TUNEL) and for type I and type II epithelial cells (antibodies E11 and MNF-116), as well as morphologic studies at electron microscopic level, revealed that during the peak of programmed cell death mainly fibroblasts and type II epithelial cells were dying. While both dying cell types were TUNEL-positive, nuclear fragments and apoptotic bodies were exclusively observed in the dying fibroblasts. We conclude that programmed cell death is involved in the structural maturation of the lung by reducing the number of fibroblasts and type II epithelial cells in the third postnatal week. We observed that the dying fibroblasts are cleared by neighboring fibroblasts in a later stage of apoptosis, and we hypothesize that type II epithelial cells are cleared by alveolar macrophages in early stages of the programmed cell death process.
OBJECTIVE: Assessment and treatment of psychological distress in cancer patients was recognized as a major challenge. The role of spouses, caregivers, and significant others became of salient importance not only because of their supportive functions but also in respect to their own burden. The purpose of this study was to assess the amount of distress in a mixed sample of cancer patients and their partners and to explore the dyadic interdependence. METHODS: An initial sample of 154 dyads was recruited, and distress questionnaires (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Symptom Checklist 9-Item Short Version and 12-Item Short Form Health Survey) were assessed over four time points. Linear mixed models and actor-partner interdependence models were applied. RESULTS: A significant proportion of patients and their partners (up to 40%) reported high levels of anxiety, depression, psychological distress, and low quality of life over the course of the investigation. Mixed model analyses revealed that higher risks for clinical relevant anxiety and depression in couples exist for female patients and especially for female partners. Although psychological strain decreased over time, the risk for elevated distress in female partners remained. Modeling patient-partner interdependence over time stratified by patients' gender revealed specific effects: a moderate correlation between distress in patients and partners, and a transmission of distress from male patients to their female partners. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide empirical support for gender-specific transmission of distress in dyads coping with cancer. This should be considered as an important starting point for planning systemic psycho-oncological interventions and conceptualizing further research.
During postnatal growth the parenchymal septa of rat lung undergo an impressive restructuring. While immature septa are thick and contain two capillary layers, mature septa are slender and contain a single microvascular network. Using the Mercox casting technique and scanning electron microscopy, we investigated the mode and the timing of the transformation of the pulmonary capillary bed. During the third postnatal week the parenchymal septa rapidly mature to match adult morphology. Even in adult lungs, however, remnants of the immature status are present: A capillary bilayer is regularly found at the base and the tip of the septa. Our observations support the concept that reduction of intervening tissue, partial fusion of the two capillary networks, and preferential growth lead to the mature vascular arrangement. The fact that true mature interalveolar septa show a denser capillary network than alveolar walls abutting onto pleura, bronchi, or larger vessels is consonant with the fusion theory. Towards the nonparenchyma, the capillary network surrounding every airspace had no counterpart to fuse with. From quantitative data it can be calculated that owing to lung growth, mesh size should increase more than four times between birth and adult age. The adult lung network, however, is denser than the one in young animals. This means that new meshes must be added during growth. We propose that small holes observed in sheet-like regions of the microvasculature enlarge to form new capillary meshes. With this mechanism of in-itself or intussusceptional growth, sprouting of individual capillary segments to increase network size is no longer needed.
This contribution deals with psychological vulnerability resulting from marital breakup after a long-term relationship. Despite the existing vast body of consolidated knowledge on divorce and psychological adaptation, there are still several controversies concerning the vulnerabilizing impact of marital breakup. One major issue refers to the question of whether vulnerability after marital breakup is a temporary crisis or rather a chronic strain. In this chapter we want to present two possible methodological options to tackle this question: First, comparing a sample of almost 1000 middle-aged persons, who were married on average 19 years, and who experienced a marital split within the last 5 years (4 time groups), with a group of age-matched married controls with regard to various indicators of psychological vulnerability (such as depression and hopelessness). Second, comparing within the divorced group the most vulnerable individuals (in terms of depression, hopelessness, life satisfaction) with those who were the least affected, regarding intra-personal resources (personality, resilience), divorce circumstances, post-divorce situation, and socio-economic resources. The study results underline the vulnerabilizing impact of marital breakup, but at the same time they reveal individual differences in psychological adaptation especially due to personality, new partnership, economic resources, and last but not least due to time. Furthermore our data strongly suggest that there is not a generalized psychological vulnerability after marital breakup, but that the emotional dimensions such as depression or feelings of not overcoming the loss are more affected than the more cognitive ones such as life satisfaction.
Reelin is an extracellular matrix glycoprotein expressed in different nerve cell populations in the developing, early postnatal and adult central nervous system. During histogenesis of the neocortex and hippocampus, reelin is present in Cajal-Retzius cells and other early neurons and contributes to correct layering of these regions. During early postnatal life, pioneer neurons disappear and reelin expression establishes in a subpopulation of cortical and hippocampal GABAergic interneurons, where it is maintained throughout adult life. We studied the developmental distribution pattern of reelin in dissociated cultures obtained from the early postnatal hippocampus to verify whether or not such a maturation phenomenon is maintained in vitro. Reelin is expressed both in Cajal-Retzius cells and multipolar and pyramidal neurons in younger cultures. The density of reelin-positive Cajal-Retzius cells dropped drastically by about 84% in 4-week-old cultures. Multipolar and pyramidal neurons containing reelin represented 12% of the total cell population in younger cultures and decreased by about 25% after 3 to 4 weeks of cultivation. Their density was significantly lower in cultures of the same age treated with glutamate receptor antagonists. These reelin-positive multipolar and pyramidal neurons were heterogeneous, including a larger amount of non-GABAergic, and 30-40% of GABAergic neurons. Cells double labeled for reelin and the GABA synthesizing enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase represented about 4% of the total neuron population in culture and their density remained constant with age. It is thus possible that the decrease in the total reelin population may selectively be of importance to the larger non-GABAergic fraction of reelin cells. This study shows that reelin-expressing neurons are maintained in dissociated cultures of the neonatal hippocampus and their distribution and age-dependent changes in density resemble those of the early postnatal hippocampus in vivo.
OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to describe the (a) symptom experience of women with vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia and vulvar cancer (vulvar neoplasia) during the first week after hospital discharge, and (b) associations between age, type of disease, stage of disease, the extent of surgical treatment and symptom experience. METHODS This cross-sectional study was conducted in eight hospitals in Germany and Switzerland (Clinical Trial ID: NCT01300663). Symptom experience after surgical treatment in women with vulvar neoplasia was measured with our newly developed WOMAN-PRO instrument. Outpatients (n=65) rated 31 items. We used descriptive statistics and regression analysis. RESULTS The average number of symptoms reported per patient was 20.2 (SD 5.77) with a range of 5 to 31 symptoms. The three most prevalent wound-related symptoms were 'swelling' (n=56), 'drainage' (n=54) and 'pain' (n=52). The three most prevalent difficulties in daily life were 'sitting' (n=63), 'wearing clothes' (n=56) and 'carrying out my daily activities' (n=51). 'Tiredness' (n=62), 'insecurity' (n=54) and 'feeling that my body has changed' (n=50) were the three most prevalent psychosocial symptoms/issues. The most distressing symptoms were 'sitting' (Mean 2.03, SD 0.88), 'open spot (e.g. opening of skin or suture)' (Mean 1.91, SD 0.93), and 'carrying out my daily activities' (Mean 1.86, SD 0.87), which were on average reported as 'quite a bit' distressing. Negative associations were found between psychosocial symptom experience and age. CONCLUSIONS WOMAN-PRO data showed a high symptom prevalence and distress, call for a comprehensive symptom assessment, and may allow identification of relevant areas in symptom management.
Roughly 90% of the gas-exchange surface is formed by alveolarization of the lungs. To the best of our knowledge, the formation of new alveoli has been followed in rats only by means of morphological description or interpretation of semiquantitative data until now. Therefore, we estimated the number of alveoli in rat lungs between postnatal days 4 and 60 by unambiguously counting the alveolar openings. We observed a bulk formation of new alveoli between days 4 and 21 (17.4 times increase from 0.8 to 14.3 millions) and a second phase of continued alveolarization between days 21 and 60 (1.3 times increase to 19.3 million). The (number weighted) mean volume of the alveoli decreases during the phase of bulk alveolarization from ∼593,000 μm(3) at day 4 to ∼141,000 μm(3) at day 21, but increases again to ∼298,000 μm(3) at day 60. We conclude that the "bulk alveolarization" correlates with the mechanism of classical alveolarization (alveolarization before the microvascular maturation is completed) and that the "continued alveolarization" follows three proposed mechanisms of late alveolarization (alveolarization after microvascular maturation). The biphasic pattern is more evident for the increase in alveolar number than for the formation of new alveolar septa (estimated as the length of the free septal edge). Furthermore, a striking negative correlation between the estimated alveolar size and published data on retention of nanoparticles was detected.
Pai syndrome is a rare congenital disorder characterized by cutaneous polyps of the face, pericallosal lipoma and median cleft lip. We report on a newborn girl with a variant of Pai syndrome presenting with all typical findings except a median cleft. In addition, fetal sonography and MRI showed the unique intrauterine evolution of a cephalocele into an atretic cephalocele.
OBJECTIVE Cyclic recruitment and derecruitment of atelectasis can occur during mechanical ventilation, especially in injured lungs. Experimentally, cyclic recruitment and derecruitment can be quantified by respiration-dependent changes in PaO2 (ΔPaO2), reflecting the varying intrapulmonary shunt fraction within the respiratory cycle. This study investigated the effect of inspiration to expiration ratio upon ΔPaO2 and Horowitz index. DESIGN Prospective randomized study. SETTING Laboratory investigation. SUBJECTS Piglets, average weight 30 ± 2 kg. INTERVENTIONS At respiratory rate 6 breaths/min, end-inspiratory pressure (Pendinsp) 40 cm H2O, positive end-expiratory pressure 5 cm H2O, and FIO2 1.0, measurements were performed at randomly set inspiration to expiration ratios during baseline healthy and mild surfactant depletion injury. Lung damage was titrated by repetitive surfactant washout to induce maximal cyclic recruitment and derecruitment as measured by multifrequency phase fluorimetry. Regional ventilation distribution was evaluated by electrical impedance tomography. Step changes in airway pressure from 5 to 40 cm H2O and vice versa were performed after lavage to calculate PO2-based recruitment and derecruitment time constants (TAU). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS In baseline healthy, cyclic recruitment and derecruitment could not be provoked, whereas in model acute respiratory distress syndrome, the highest ΔPaO2 were routinely detected at an inspiration to expiration ratio of 1:4 (range, 52-277 torr [6.9-36.9 kPa]). Shorter expiration time reduced cyclic recruitment and derecruitment significantly (158 ± 85 torr [21.1 ± 11.3 kPa] [inspiration to expiration ratio, 1:4]; 25 ± 12 torr [3.3 ± 1.6 kPa] [inspiration to expiration ratio, 4:1]; p < 0.0001), whereas the PaO2/FIO2 ratio increased (267 ± 50 [inspiration to expiration ratio, 1:4]; 424 ± 53 [inspiration to expiration ratio, 4:1]; p < 0.0001). Correspondingly, regional ventilation redistributed toward dependent lung regions (p < 0.0001). Recruitment was much faster (TAU: fast 1.6 s [78%]; slow 9.2 s) than derecruitment (TAU: fast 3.1 s [87%]; slow 17.7 s) (p = 0.0078). CONCLUSIONS Inverse ratio ventilation minimizes cyclic recruitment and derecruitment of atelectasis in an experimental model of surfactant-depleted pigs. Time constants for recruitment and derecruitment, and regional ventilation distribution, reflect these findings and highlight the time dependency of cyclic recruitment and derecruitment.
The Notch1 signaling pathway is essential for hematopoietic development. However, the effects of postnatal activation of Notch1 signaling on hematopoietic system is not yet fully understood. We previously generated ZEG‑IC‑Notch1 transgenic mice that have a floxed β‑geo/stop signal between a CMV promoter and intracellular domain of Notch1 (IC‑Notch1). Constitutively active IC‑Notch1 is silent until the introduction of Cre recombinase. In this study, endothelial/hematopoietic specific expression of IC‑Notch1 in double transgenic ZEG‑IC‑Notch1/Tie2‑Cre embryos induced embryonic lethality at E9.5 with defects in vascular system but not in hematopoietic system. Inducible IC‑Notch1 expression in adult mice was achieved by using tetracycline regulated Cre system. The ZEG‑IC‑Notch1/Tie2‑tTA/tet‑O‑Cre triple transgenic mice survived embryonic development when maintained on tetracycline. Post‑natal withdrawal of tetracycline induced expression of IC‑Notch1 transgene in hematopoietic cells of adult mice. The triple transgenic mice displayed extensive T‑cell infiltration in multiple organs and T‑cell malignancy of lymph nodes. In addition, the protein levels of p53 and alternative reading frame (ARF) were decreased in lymphoma‑like neoplasms from the triple transgenic mice while their mRNA expression remained unchanged, suggesting that IC‑Notch1 might repress ARF‑p53 pathway by a post‑transcriptional mechanism. This study demonstrated that activation of constitutive Notch1 signaling after embryonic development alters adult hematopoiesis and induces T‑cell malignancy.
BACKGROUND: Clinical disorders often share common symptoms and aetiological factors. Bifactor models acknowledge the role of an underlying general distress component and more specific sub-domains of psychopathology which specify the unique components of disorders over and above a general factor. METHODS: A bifactor model jointly calibrated data on subjective distress from The Mood and Feelings Questionnaire and the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale. The bifactor model encompassed a general distress factor, and specific factors for (a) hopelessness-suicidal ideation, (b) generalised worrying and (c) restlessness-fatigue at age 14 which were related to lifetime clinical diagnoses established by interviews at ages 14 (concurrent validity) and current diagnoses at 17 years (predictive validity) in a British population sample of 1159 adolescents. RESULTS: Diagnostic interviews confirmed the validity of a symptom-level bifactor model. The underlying general distress factor was a powerful but non-specific predictor of affective, anxiety and behaviour disorders. The specific factors for hopelessness-suicidal ideation and generalised worrying contributed to predictive specificity. Hopelessness-suicidal ideation predicted concurrent and future affective disorder; generalised worrying predicted concurrent and future anxiety, specifically concurrent generalised anxiety disorders. Generalised worrying was negatively associated with behaviour disorders. LIMITATIONS: The analyses of gender differences and the prediction of specific disorders was limited due to a low frequency of disorders other than depression. CONCLUSIONS: The bifactor model was able to differentiate concurrent and predict future clinical diagnoses. This can inform the development of targeted as well as non-specific interventions for prevention and treatment of different disorders.
In Switzerland, decreases in regular hospital treatment after birth are leading increasingly to mother and child being cared for at home by independent midwives. The research herein was carried out in order to understand the needs of mothers in their home once they leave the hospital and what this midwife provided care consists of. In 2008, eight women from central Switzerland were interviewed on two separate occasions after the birth of their child, and the interviews were analysed using content analysing techniques. Mothers explained that they wanted their baby and themselves to be well cared for. They needed rest and support for recuperation and wished to spend quality time with their new family. The midwifes assisted the mothers to fulfil their needs by counselling, by instructing and by giving information, but they rarely encouraged them to be together as a family. The relationship between midwife and mother turned out to be an important support. Mothers were satisfied if mutual trust was built and if the midwife perceived their needs, respected their autonomy and took the time to be with them. Midwives contribute to the basic well-being of families and support women with medical expertise and ongoing care. Furthermore families need support in general household issues so that new mothers can recover sufficiently.
OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to quantify loss to follow-up (LTFU) in HIV care after delivery and to identify risk factors for LTFU, and implications for HIV disease progression and subsequent pregnancies. METHODS We used data on pregnancies within the Swiss HIV Cohort Study from 1996 to 2011. A delayed clinical visit was defined as > 180 days and LTFU as no visit for > 365 days after delivery. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify risk factors for LTFU. RESULTS A total of 695 pregnancies in 580 women were included in the study, of which 115 (17%) were subsequent pregnancies. Median maternal age was 32 years (IQR 28-36 years) and 104 (15%) women reported any history of injecting drug use (IDU). Overall, 233 of 695 (34%) women had a delayed visit in the year after delivery and 84 (12%) women were lost to follow-up. Being lost to follow-up was significantly associated with a history of IDU [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 2.79; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.32-5.88; P = 0.007] and not achieving an undetectable HIV viral load (VL) at delivery (aOR 2.42; 95% CI 1.21-4.85; P = 0.017) after adjusting for maternal age, ethnicity and being on antiretroviral therapy (ART) at conception. Forty-three of 84 (55%) women returned to care after LTFU. Half of them (20 of 41) with available CD4 had a CD4 count < 350 cells/μL and 15% (six of 41) a CD4 count < 200 cells/μL at their return. CONCLUSIONS A history of IDU and detectable HIV VL at delivery were associated with LTFU. Effective strategies are warranted to retain women in care beyond pregnancy and to avoid CD4 cell count decline. ART continuation should be advised especially if a subsequent pregnancy is planned.