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Phyllotaxis, the regular arrangement of leaves and flowers around the stem, is one of the most fascinating patterning phenomena in biology. Numerous theoretical models, that are based on biochemical, biophysical and other principles, have been proposed to explain the development of the patterns. Recently, auxin has been identified as the inducer of organ formation. An emerging model for phyllotaxis states that polar auxin transport in the plant apex generates local peaks in auxin concentration that determine the site of organ formation and thereby the different phyllotactic patterns found in nature. The PIN proteins play a primary role in auxin transport. These proteins are localized in a polar fashion, reflecting the directionality of polar auxin transport. Recent evidence shows that most aspects of phyllotaxis can be explained by the expression pattern and the dynamic subcellular localization of PIN1.


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This study aimed at analysing the erosive potential of 30 substances (drinks, candies, and medicaments) on deciduous enamel, and analyse the associated chemical factors with enamel dissolution. We analysed the initial pH, titratable acidity (TA) to pH 5.5, calcium (Ca), inorganic phosphate (Pi), and fluoride (F) concentration, and degree of saturation ((pK -pI)HAP, (pK -pI)FAP, and (pK-pI)CaF2) of all substances. Then, we randomly distributed 300 specimens of human deciduous enamel into 30 groups (n = 10 for each of the substances tested. We also prepared 20 specimens of permanent enamel for the sake of comparison between the two types of teeth, and we tested them in mineral water and Coca-Cola®. In all specimens, we measured surface hardness (VHN: Vickers hardness numbers) and surface reflection intensity (SRI) at baseline (SHbaseline and SRIbaseline), after a total of 2 min (SH2min) and after 4 min (SH4min and SRI4min) erosive challenges (60 ml of substance for 6 enamel samples; 30°C, under constant agitation at 95 rpm). There was no significant difference in SHbaseline between deciduous and permanent enamel. Comparing both teeth, we observed that after the first erosive challenge with Coca-Cola®, a significantly greater hardness loss was seen in deciduous (-90.2±11.3 VHN) than in permanent enamel (-44.3±12.2 VHN; p = 0.007), but no differences between the two types of teeth were observed after two challenges (SH4min). After both erosive challenges, all substances except for mineral water caused a significant loss in relative surface reflectivity intensity, and most substances caused a significant loss in surface hardness. Multiple regression analyses showed that pH, TA and Ca concentration play a significant role in initial erosion of deciduous enamel. We conclude that drinks, foodstuffs and medications commonly consumed by children can cause erosion of deciduous teeth and erosion is mainly associated with pH, titratable acidity and calcium concentration in the solution.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate differences in bacterial numbers, identity, and susceptibility in samples obtained from the tympanic cavity on entry (preflush) and after evacuation and lavage (postflush) and assess perioperative and empiric antimicrobial selection in dogs that underwent total ear canal ablation (TECA) with lateral bulla osteotomy (LBO) or reoperation LBO. DESIGN Prospective clinical study. ANIMALS 34 dogs. PROCEDURE TECA with LBO or reoperation LBO was performed on 47 ears. Pre- and postflush aerobic and anaerobic samples were obtained from the tympanic cavity. Isolates and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns were compared. RESULTS Different isolates (31/44 [70%] ears) and susceptibility patterns of isolate pairs (6/44 [14%] ears) were detected in pre- and postflush samples from 84% of ears. Evacuation and lavage of the tympanic cavity decreased the number of bacterial isolates by 33%. In 26% of ears, bacteria were isolated from post-flush samples but not preflush samples. Only 26% of isolates tested were susceptible to cefazolin. At least 1 isolate from 53% of dogs that received empirically chosen antimicrobials postoperatively was resistant to the selected drugs. Anaerobic bacteria were recovered from 6 ears. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Accurate microbiologic assessment of the tympanic cavity should be the basis for selection of antimicrobials in dogs undergoing TECA with LBO. Bacteria remain in the tympanic cavity after evacuation and lavage. Cefazolin was a poor choice for dogs that underwent TECA with LBO, as judged on the basis of culture and susceptibility testing results.


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PROBLEM Given the important role of regulatory T cells (Treg) for successful pregnancy, the ability of soluble maternal and fetal pregnancy factors to induce human Treg was investigated. METHOD OF STUDY Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) or isolated CD4+CD25‒ cells were cultured in the presence of pooled second or third trimester pregnancy sera, steroid hormones or supernatants from placental explants, and the numbers and function of induced CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ Treg were analysed. RESULTS Third trimester pregnancy sera and supernatants of early placental explants, but not sex steroid hormones, induced an increase of Tregs from PBMCs. Early placental supernatant containing high levels of tumour necrosis factor-α, interferon-γ, interleukins -1, -6 and -17, soluble human leucocyte antigen-G, and transforming growth factor-β1, increased the proportion of Treg most effectively and was able to induce interleukin-10-secreting-Treg from CD4+CD25‒cells. CONCLUSIONS Compared with circulating maternal factors, placental- and fetal-derived factors appear to exert a more powerful effect on numerical changes of Treg, thereby supporting fetomaternal tolerance during human pregnancy.


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Trefoil factor 1 (TFF1) belongs to a family of secreted peptides that are mainly expressed in the gastrointestinal tract. Notably, TFF1 has been suggested to operate as a neuropeptide, however, its specific cellular expression, regulation and function remain largely unknown. We have previously shown that TFF1 is expressed in developing and adult rat ventral mesencephalic tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH-ir) dopaminergic neurons. Here, we investigated the expression of TFF1 in rat ventral mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons (embryonic day 14) grown in culture for 5, 7 or 10 days in the absence (controls) or presence of either glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), Forskolin or the combination. No TFF1-ir cells were identified at day 5 and only a few at day 7, whereas TH was markedly expressed at both time points. At day 10, several TFF1-ir cells were detected, and their numbers were significantly increased after the addition of GDNF (2.2-fold) or Forskolin (4.1-fold) compared to controls. Furthermore, the combination of GDNF and Forskolin had an additive effect and increased the number of TFF1-ir cells by 5.6-fold compared to controls. TFF1 expression was restricted to neuronal cells, and the percentage of TH/TFF1 co-expressing cells was increased to the same extent in GDNF and Forskolin-treated cultures (4-fold) as compared to controls. Interestingly, the combination of GDNF and Forskolin resulted in a significantly increased co-expression (8-fold) of TH/TFF1, which could indicate that GDNF and Forskolin targeted different subpopulations of TH/TFF1 neurons. Short-term treatment with Forskolin resulted in an increased number of TFF1-ir cells, and this effect was significantly reduced by the MEK1 inhibitor PD98059 or the protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor H89, suggesting that Forskolin induced TFF1 expression through diverse signaling pathways. In conclusion, distinct populations of cultured dopaminergic neurons express TFF1, and their numbers can be increased by factors known to influence survival and differentiation of dopaminergic cells.


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Background: Reactive oxygen species (ROS) protect the host against a large number of pathogenic microorganisms. ROS have different effects on parasites of the genus Leishmania: some parasites are susceptible to their action, while others seem to be resistant. The role of ROS in L. amazonensis infection in vivo has not been addressed to date. Methods: In this study, C57BL/6 wild-type mice (WT) and mice genetically deficient in ROS production by phagocytes (gp91phox−/− ) were infected with metacyclic promastigotes of L. amazonensis to address the effect of ROS in parasite control. Inflammatory cytokines, parasite loads and myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity were evaluated. In parallel, in vitro infection of peritoneal macrophages was assessed to determine parasite killing, cytokine, NO and ROS production. Results: In vitro results show induction of ROS production by infected peritoneal macrophages, but no effect in parasite killing. Also, ROS do not seem to be important to parasite killing in vivo, but they control lesion sizes at early stages of infection. IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-10 production did not differ among mouse strains. Myeloperoxidase assay showed augmented neutrophils influx 6 h and 72 h post - infection in gp91phox−/− mice, indicating a larger inflammatory response in gp91phox−/− even at early time points. At later time points, neutrophil numbers in lesions correlated with lesion size: larger lesions in gp91phox−/− at earlier times of infection corresponded to larger neutrophil infiltrates, while larger lesions in WT mice at the later points of infection also displayed larger numbers of neutrophils. Conclusion: ROS do not seem to be important in L. amazonensis killing, but they regulate the inflammatory response probably by controlling neutrophils numbers in lesions.


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The presence of polyoxymethylene (POM) in cometary grains has been debated years ago. Although never proven, its presence can not be excluded. Rosetta, the ESA mission to comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, may answer this question. On board the spacecraft, COSIMA (COmetary Secondary Ion Mass Analyzer) will analyze the grains ejected from the nucleus using a Time Of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (TOF-SIMS). In this paper we report the extent to which COSIMA will be able to detect POM if this compound is present on cometary grains. We have analyzed two kinds of POM polymers with a laboratory model of COSIMA. Positive mass spectra display alternating sequence of peaks with a separation of 30.011 Da between 1 and 600 Da related to formaldehyde and its oligomers but also to the fragmentation of these oligomers. The separation of 30.011 Da of numbers peaks, corresponding to the fragmentation into H2CO is characteristic of POM and we show that it could be highlight by mathematical treatment. POM lifetime on COSIMA targets have also been studied as POM is thermally instable. It can be concluded that the cometary grains analysis have to be planned not too long after their collection in order to maximize the chances to detect POM. This work was supported by the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES).


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ight standard inbred mouse strains were evaluated for ethanol effects on a refined battery of behavioral tests in a study that was originally designed to assess the influence of rat odors in the colony on mouse behaviors. As part of the design of the study, two experimenters conducted the tests, and the study was carefully balanced so that equal numbers of mice in all groups and times of day were tested by each experimenter. A defect in airflow in the facility compromised the odor manipulation, and in fact the different odor exposure groups did not differ in their behaviors. The two experimenters, however, obtained markedly different results for three of the tests. Certain of the experimenter effects arose from the way they judged behaviors that were not automated and had to be rated by the experimenter, such as slips on the balance beam. Others were not evident prior to ethanol injection but had a major influence after the injection. For several measures, the experimenter effects were notably different for different inbred strains. Methods to evaluate and reduce the impact of experimenter effects in future research are discussed.