64 resultados para Nerves


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Repeated sub-threshold nociceptive electrical stimulation resulting in temporal summation of the limb nociceptive withdrawal reflex is a well-established non-invasive model to investigate the wind-up phenomenon in horses. Due to structural similarities of the trigeminal sensory nucleus to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, temporal summation should be evoked by repeated transcutaneous electrical stimulation of trigeminal afferents. To evaluate this hypothesis repeated transcutaneous electrical stimulation was applied to the supraorbital and infraorbital nerves of 10 horses. Stimulation intensities varied between 0.5 and 1.3 times the trigemino-cervical reflex threshold defined for single stimulation. Evoked electromyographic activity of the orbicularis oculi, splenius and cleidomastoideus muscles was recorded and the signals analysed in the previously established epochs typical to the early and late component of the blink reflex and to the trigemino-cervical reflex. Behavioural reactions were evaluated with the aid of numerical rating scale. The nociceptive late component and the trigemino-cervical reflex were not elicited by sub-threshold intensity repeated transcutaneous electrical stimulation. Furthermore, the median reflex amplitude for the 10 horses showed a tendency to decline over the stimulation train so temporal summation of afferent trigeminal inputs could not be observed. Therefore, the modulation of trigeminal nociceptive processing attributable to repeated Aδ fibre stimulations seems to differ from spinal processing of similar inputs as it seems to have an inhibitory rather than facilitatory effect. Further evaluation is necessary to highlight the underlying mechanism.


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PURPOSE Neural invasion (NI) is a histopathologic feature of colon cancer that receives little consideration. Therefore, we conducted a morphologic and functional characterization of NI in colon cancer. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN NI was investigated in 673 patients with colon cancer. Localization and severity of NI was determined and related to patient's prognosis and survival. The neuro-affinity of colon cancer cells (HT29, HCT-116, SW620, and DLD-1) was compared with pancreatic cancer (T3M4 and SU86.86) and rectal cancer cells (CMT-93) in the in vitro three-dimensional (3D)-neural-migration assay and analyzed via live-cell imaging. Immunoreactivity of the neuroplasticity marker GAP-43, and the neurotrophic-chemoattractant factors Artemin and nerve growth factor (NGF), was quantified in colon cancer and pancreatic cancer nerves. Dorsal root ganglia of newborn rats were exposed to supernatants of colon cancer, rectal cancer, and pancreatic cancer cells and neurite density was determined. RESULTS NI was detected in 210 of 673 patients (31.2%). Although increasing NI severity scores were associated with a significantly poorer survival, presence of NI was not an independent prognostic factor in colon cancer. In the 3D migration assay, colon cancer and rectal cancer cells showed much less neurite-targeted migration when compared with pancreatic cancer cells. Supernatants of pancreatic cancer and rectal cancer cells induced a much higher neurite density than those of colon cancer cells. Accordingly, NGF, Artemin, and GAP-43 were much more pronounced in nerves in pancreatic cancer than in colon cancer. CONCLUSION NI is not an independent prognostic factor in colon cancer. The lack of a considerable biologic affinity between colon cancer cells and neurons, the low expression profile of colonic nerves for chemoattractant molecules, and the absence of a major neuroplasticity in colon cancer may explain the low prevalence and impact of NI in colon cancer.


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This study aimed to characterize the nociceptive withdrawal reflex (NWR) and to define the nociceptive threshold in 25 healthy, non-medicated experimental sheep in standing posture. Electrical stimulation of the dorsal lateral digital nerves of the right thoracic and the pelvic limb was performed and surface-electromyography (EMG) from the deltoid (all animals) and the femoral biceps (18 animals) or the peroneus tertius muscles (7 animals) was recorded. The behavioural reaction following each stimulation was scored on a scale from 0 (no reaction) to 5 (strong whole body reaction). A train-of-five 1 ms constant-current pulse was used and current intensity was stepwise increased until NWR threshold intensity was reached. The NWR threshold intensity (It) was defined as the minimal stimulus intensity able to evoke a reflex with a minimal Root-Mean-Square amplitude (RMSA) of 20 μV, a minimal duration of 10 ms and a minimal reaction score of 1 (slight muscle contraction of the stimulated limb) within the time window of 20 to 130 ms post-stimulation. Based on this value, further stimulations were performed below (0.9It) and above threshold (1.5It and 2It). The stimulus-response curve was described. Data are reported as medians and interquartile ranges. At the deltoid muscle It was 4.4 mA (2.9–5.7) with an RMSA of 62 μV (30–102). At the biceps femoris muscle It was 7.0 mA (4.0–10.0) with an RMSA of 43 μV (34–50) and at the peroneus tertius muscle It was 3.4 mA (3.1–4.4) with an RMSA of 38 μV (32–46). Above threshold, RMSA was significantly increased at all muscles. Below threshold, RMSA was only significantly smaller than at It for the peroneus tertius muscle but not for the other muscles.


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An odorant's code is represented by activity in a dispersed ensemble of olfactory sensory neurons in the nose, activation of a specific combination of groups of mitral cells in the olfactory bulb and is considered to be mapped at divergent locations in the olfactory cortex. We present here an in vitro model of the mammalian olfactory system developed to gain easy access to all stations of the olfactory pathway. Mouse olfactory epithelial explants are cocultured with a brain slice that includes the olfactory bulb and olfactory cortex areas and maintains the central olfactory pathway intact and functional. Organotypicity of bulb and cortex is preserved and mitral cell axons can be traced to their target areas. Calcium imaging shows propagation of mitral cell activity to the piriform cortex. Long term coculturing with postnatal olfactory epithelial explants restores the peripheral olfactory pathway. Olfactory receptor neurons renew and progressively acquire a mature phenotype. Axons of olfactory receptor neurons grow out of the explant and rewire into the olfactory bulb. The extent of reinnervation exhibits features of a postlesion recovery. Functional imaging confirms the recovery of part of the peripheral olfactory pathway and shows that activity elicited in olfactory receptor neurons or the olfactory nerves is synaptically propagated into olfactory cortex areas. This model is the first attempt to reassemble a sensory system in culture, from the peripheral sensor to the site of cortical representation. It will increase our knowledge on how neuronal circuits in the central olfactory areas integrate sensory input and counterbalance damage.


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Low back pain is a common ailment in dogs, particularly in specific breeds such as the German shepherd dog. A number of structures such as facet joint capsules, ligaments, dorsal root ganglia, periosteum, vertebral endplates and meninges have been associated with this condition. Yet, in spite of all diagnostic efforts, the origin of pain remains obscure in a substantial proportion of all cases. A further structure often being involved in vertebral column disorders is the intervertebral disc. The presence of nerves, however, is a precondition for pain sensation and, consequently, structures lacking innervation can be left out of consideration as a cause for low back pain. Nerve fibres have been demonstrated at the periphery of the intervertebral disc in man, rabbit and rat. With regard to the dog, however, the extent of intervertebral disc innervation is still being disputed. The goal of the present study, therefore, was to substantiate and expand current knowledge of intervertebral disc innervation. Protein gene product (PGP) 9.5 was used for immunohistochemical examination of serial transversal and sagittal paraffin sections of lumbar discs from adult dogs. This general marker revealed nerve fibres to be confined to the periphery of the intervertebral discs. These results indicate that even limited pathological processes affecting the outer layers of the intervertebral disc are prone to cause low back pain.


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OBJECTIVE To develop and evaluate a method for ultrasound-guidance in performing the proximal paravertebral block for flank anaesthesia in cattle through a cadaveric study, followed by clinical application. STUDY DESIGN prospective experimental cadaveric study and clinical series. ANIMALS Previously frozen lumbar sections of cows without known spinal abnormalities were used. The clinical case group comprised of ten animals for which a right flank laparotomy was indicated. METHODS Twenty cow cadavers were used to perform ultrasound-guided bilateral injections of 1.0 mL dye (1.0 mL 1% Toluidine Blue in 1% Borax) at the intervertebral foramen at the level of T13, L1 and L2 spinal nerves. Distance and depth of injection, staining of the dorsal and ventral nerve branches, and deviation from the target were evaluated. The investigator's confidence as to visualisation and expected success at staining the nerve was assessed. Ten clinical cases received the ultrasound-guided proximal paravertebral anaesthesia. Analgesic success was evaluated using a 4-grade scoring system at 10 minutes after the injection and during surgery, respectively. Categorical variables were described using frequencies and proportions. RESULTS Both dorsal and ventral branches of the spinal nerves T13, L1 or L2 were at least partially stained in 41% of injections, while in 77% of injections one of the branches was stained. Five out of ten clinical cases had a satisfactory anaesthesia. There was no significant association between confidence at injection and either staining or analgesic success. CONCLUSION Results from the cadaveric and clinical study suggest no significant improvement using ultrasound guidance to perform proximal paravertebral block in cows compared to our previous clinical experience and to references in the literature using the blind method. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Further research should be conducted to improve the ultrasound-guided technique described in this study.


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OBJECTIVE To describe the nerve stimulator-guided sciatic-femoral nerve block in raptors undergoing surgical treatment of pododermatitis. STUDY DESIGN Prospective clinical trial. ANIMALS Five captive raptors (Falco peregrinus) aged 6.7 ± 1.3 years. METHODS Anaesthesia was induced and maintained with isoflurane in oxygen. The sciatic-femoral nerve block was performed with 2% lidocaine (0.05 mL kg(-1) per nerve) as the sole intra-operative analgesic treatment. Intraoperative physiological variables were recorded every 10 minutes from endotracheal intubation until the end of anaesthesia. Assessment of intraoperative nociception was based on changes in physiological variables above baseline values, while evaluation of postoperative pain relied on species-specific behavioural indicators. RESULTS The sciatic-femoral nerve block was feasible in raptors and the motor responses following electrical stimulation of both nerves were consistent with those reported in mammalian species. During surgery no rescue analgesia was required. The anaesthesia plane was stable and cardiorespiratory variables did not increase significantly in response to surgical stimulation. Iatrogenic complications, namely nerve damage and local anaesthetic toxicity, did not occur. Recovery was smooth and uneventful. The duration (mean ± SD) of the analgesic effect provided by the nerve block was 130 ± 20 minutes. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE The sciatic-femoral nerve block as described in dogs and rabbits can be performed in raptors as well. Further clinical trials with a control groups are required to better investigate the analgesic efficacy and the safety of this technique in raptors.


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This article describes the clinical applicability of a nerve stimulator–guided technique, previously described in dogs, to block the sciatic and the femoral nerves in 4 pet rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) undergoing hind limb surgeries. Preanesthetic intramuscular doses of medetomidine (0.08 mg/kg), ketamine (15 mg/kg), and buprenorphine (0.03 mg/kg) were administered to the rabbit patients. The rabbits were intubated and general anesthesia was maintained using isoflurane in oxygen. The sciatic-femoral nerve block was performed with 2% lidocaine at a volume of 0.05 mL/kg/nerve. Sciatic-femoral block was feasible in rabbits, and the motoric responses following electrical stimulation of both nerves were consistent with those reported in dogs after successful nerve location. Iatrogenic complications, namely nerve damage and local anesthetic toxicity, did not occur. Based on these results, the authors conclude that the sciatic-femoral nerve block described in dogs can be safely performed in rabbits. Clinical trials are required to assess the analgesic efficacy of the combined sciatic-femoral nerve block in rabbits as a part of multimodal pain management.


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Standard needle electromyography (EMG) of 56 muscles and nerve conduction velocities (NCV) of the ulnar and common peroneal nerves were investigated in each of six cats affected with hypertrophic feline muscular dystrophy, 10 related heterozygote carriers and 10 normal cats. The EMG findings were considered normal in carrier and control cats, and consisted of 33% normal readings, 22% myotonic discharges, 18% fibrillation potentials, 11% prolonged insertional potentials, 10% complex repetitive discharges and 6% positive sharp waves in affected cats. Muscles of the proximal limbs were most frequently affected. No differences in NCV were found between the three cat groups. It was concluded that dystrophin-deficient dystrophic cats have widespread and frequent EMG changes, predominantly myotonic discharges and fibrillation potentials, which are most pronounced in the proximal appendicular muscles.


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The nociceptive withdrawal reflex (NWR) model is used in animal pain research to quantify nociception. The aim of this study was to evaluate the NWR evoked by repeated stimulations in healthy, non-medicated standing sheep. Repeated electrical stimulations were applied at 5Hz for 2s to the digital nerves of the right thoracic and the pelvic limbs of 25 standing sheep. The stimulation intensities applied were fractions (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 and 1) of the individual previously determined nociceptive threshold (It) after single stimulation. Surface-electromyographic activity (EMG) was recorded from the deltoid, the femoral biceps or the peroneus tertius muscles. The repeated stimulation threshold (RS It) was reached if at least one stimulus in the train was followed by a reflex with a minimal root-mean-square-amplitude (RMSA) of 20μV. The behavioural reaction following each series of stimulations was scored on a scale from 0 (no reaction) to 5 (vigorous whole-body reaction). For the deltoid muscle, RS It was 2.3mA (1.6-3mA) with a reaction score of 2 (1-2) and at a fraction of 0.6 (0.5-0.8)×It. For the biceps femoris muscle, RS It was 2.9mA (2.6-4mA) with a reaction score of 1 (1-2) at a fraction of and 0.55 (0.4-0.7)×It while for the peroneus tertius muscle RS It was 3mA (2.8-3.5mA) with a reaction score of 1 (1-2) and at a fraction of 0.8 (0.8-0.95)×It. Both, RMSA and reaction scores increased significantly with increasing stimulation intensities in all muscles (p<0.001). The repeated application of electrical stimuli led to temporal summation of nociceptive inputs and therefore a reduction of the stimulus intensity evoking a withdrawal reaction in healthy, standing sheep. Data achieved in this study can now serve as reference for further clinical or experimental applications of the model in this species.


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REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: There is limited information on potential diffusion of local anaesthetic solution after various diagnostic analgesic techniques of the proximal metacarpal region. OBJECTIVE: To document potential distribution of local anaesthetic solution following 4 techniques used for diagnostic analgesia of the proximal metacarpal region. METHODS: Radiodense contrast medium was injected around the lateral palmar or medial and lateral palmar metacarpal nerves in 8 mature horses, using 4 different techniques. Radiographs were obtained 0, 10 and 20 min after injection and were analysed subjectively. A mixture of radiodense contrast medium and methylene blue was injected into 4 cadaver limbs; the location of the contrast medium and dye was determined by radiography and dissection. RESULTS: Following perineural injection of the palmar metacarpal nerves, most of the contrast medium was distributed in an elongated pattern axial to the second and fourth metacarpal bones. The carpometacarpal joint was inadvertently penetrated in 4/8 limbs after injections of the palmar metacarpal nerves from medial and lateral approaches, and in 1/8 limbs when both injections were performed from the lateral approach. Following perineural injection of the lateral palmar nerve using a lateral approach, the contrast medium was diffusely distributed in all but one limb, in which the carpal sheath was inadvertently penetrated. In 5/8 limbs, following perineural injection of the lateral palmar nerve using a medial approach, the contrast medium diffused proximally to the distal third of the antebrachium. CONCLUSIONS AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Inadvertent penetration of the carpometacarpal joint is common after perineural injection of the palmar metacarpal nerves, but less so if both palmar metacarpal nerves are injected using a lateral approach. Following injection of the lateral palmar nerve using a medial approach, the entire palmar aspect of the carpus may be desensitised.


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The present article reviews the different types of ophthalmologic complications following administration of intraoral local anesthesia. Since the first report by Brain in 1936, case reports about that topic have been published regularly in the literature. However, clinical studies evaluating the incidence of ophthalmologic complications after intraoral local anesthesia are rarely available. Previous data point to a frequency ranging from 0.03% to 0.13%. The most frequently described ophthalmologic complications include diplopia (double vision), ptosis (drooping of upper eyelid), and mydriasis (dilatation of pupil). Disorders that rather affect periorbital structures than the eye directly include facial paralysis and periorbital blanching (angiospasm). Diverse pathophysiologic mechanisms and causes have been reported in the literature, with the inadvertent intravascular administration of the local anesthetic considered the primary reason. The agent as well as the vasopressor is transported retrogradely via arteries or veins to the orbit or to periorbital structures (such as the cavernous sinus) with subsequent anesthesia of nerves and paralysis of muscles distant from the oral cavity. In general the ophthalmologic complications begin shortly after administration of the local anesthesia, and disappear once the local anesthesia has subsided.


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A 58-year-old male patient was admitted to our emergency department at a large university hospital due to acute onset of general weakness. It was reported that the patient was bradycardic at 30/min and felt an increasing weakness of the limbs. At admission to the emergency department, the patient was not feeling any discomfort and denied dyspnoea or pain. The primary examination of the nervous system showed the cerebral nerves II-XII intact, muscle strength of the lower extremities was 4/5, and a minimal sensory loss of the left hemisphere was found. In addition, the patient complained about lazy lips. During ongoing examinations, the patient developed again symptomatic bradycardia, accompanied by complete tetraplegia. The following blood test showed severe hyperkalemia probably induced by use of aldosterone antagonists as the cause of the patient's neurologic symptoms. Hyperkalemia is a rare but treatable cause of acute paralysis that requires immediate treatment. Late diagnosis can delay appropriate treatment leading to cardiac arrhythmias and arrest.


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INTRODUCTION Retrorectal tumors are uncommon and the etiology diverse. Literature to define the preoperative diagnosis and plan the intraoperative management are uncommon. PRESENTATION OF CASE We describe a case of a 44 year old patient with a laparoscopic approach for the removal of a retrorectal tumor and emphasize on the preoperative diagnostics and the intraoperative, minimal invasive approach. DISCUSSION Especially because these tumors are rare and often an incidental finding in gynecologic surgery, it is important to know the various differential diagnoses and its consequences with the laparoscopic approach. CONCLUSION We suggest the laparoscopic approach in cases of retroperitoneal cysts of unknown origin is ideal also because anatomic structures, mostly nerves, can be easily spared.


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Unrepaired defects in the annulus fibrosus of intervertebral disks are associated with degeneration and persistent back pain. A clinical need exists for a disk repair strategy that can seal annular defects, be easily delivered during surgical procedures, and restore biomechanics with low risk of herniation. Multiple annulus repair strategies were developed using poly(trimethylene carbonate) scaffolds optimized for cell delivery, polyurethane membranes designed to prevent herniation, and fibrin-genipin adhesive tuned to annulus fibrosus shear properties. This three-part study evaluated repair strategies for biomechanical restoration, herniation risk and failure mode in torsion, bending and compression at physiological and hyper-physiological loads using a bovine injury model. Fibrin-genipin hydrogel restored some torsional stiffness, bending ROM and disk height loss, with negligible herniation risk and failure was observed histologically at the fibrin-genipin mid-substance following rigorous loading. Scaffold-based repairs partially restored biomechanics, but had high herniation risk even when stabilized with sutured membranes and failure was observed histologically at the interface between scaffold and fibrin-genipin adhesive. Fibrin-genipin was the simplest annulus fibrosus repair solution evaluated that involved an easily deliverable adhesive that filled irregularly-shaped annular defects and partially restored disk biomechanics with low herniation risk, suggesting further evaluation for disk repair may be warranted. Statement of significance Lower back pain is the leading cause of global disability and commonly caused by defects and failure of intervertebral disk tissues resulting in herniation and compression of adjacent nerves. Annulus fibrosus repair materials and techniques have not been successful due to the challenging mechanical and chemical microenvironment and the needs to restore biomechanical behaviors and promote healing with negligible herniation risk while being delivered during surgical procedures. This work addressed this challenging biomaterial and clinical problem using novel materials including an adhesive hydrogel, a scaffold capable of cell delivery, and a membrane to prevent herniation. Composite repair strategies were evaluated and optimized in quantitative three-part study that rigorously evaluated disk repair and provided a framework for evaluating alternate repair techniques.