50 resultados para Negative emotional state
Weight bias often results in the social exclusion of individuals with obesity. The direct, short-term psychological effects of social exclusion in obesity have not been investigated yet. This study experimentally tests whether social exclusion elicits stronger negative emotions in individuals with obesity compared to normal-weight controls. Specifically, we test whether social exclusion has a specific impact on shame. In total, N = 299 individuals (n = 130 with body mass index [BMI] ≤ 30 and n = 169 with BMI N 30) were randomly assigned to a social exclusion condition or a control condition that was implemented with an online Cyberball paradigm. Before and after, they filled out questionnaires assessing state emotionality. Social exclusion increased negative emotionality in both groups compared to the control condition (p b 0.001) according to a multivariate ANOVA. However, the interaction of group and social exclusion was also significant (p = 0.035) and arose from a significant, specific increase of shame in the group with obesity during social exclusion (p b 0.001, Cohen's d = 0.7). When faced with social exclusion, individuals with obesity do not respond with more intensive negative emotions in general compared to controls, but with a specific increase in shame. As social exclusion is frequent in individuals with obesity, psychological interventions focussing shame-related emotional distress could be crucial.
Background: Deception can distort psychological tests on socially sensitive topics. Understanding the cerebral processes that are involved in such faking can be useful in detection and prevention of deception. Previous research shows that faking a brief implicit association test (BIAT) evokes a characteristic ERP response. It is not yet known whether temporarily available self-control resources moderate this response. We randomly assigned 22 participants (15 females, 24.23 ± 2.91 years old) to a counterbalanced repeated-measurements design. Participants first completed a Brief-IAT (BIAT) on doping attitudes as a baseline measure and were then instructed to fake a negative doping attitude both when self-control resources were depleted and non-depleted. Cerebral activity during BIAT performance was assessed using high-density EEG. Results: Compared to the baseline BIAT, event-related potentials showed a first interaction at the parietal P1, while significant post hoc differences were found only at the later occurring late positive potential. Here, significantly decreased amplitudes were recorded for ‘normal’ faking, but not in the depletion condition. In source space, enhanced activity was found for ‘normal’ faking in the bilateral temporoparietal junction. Behaviorally, participants were successful in faking the BIAT successfully in both conditions. Conclusions: Results indicate that temporarily available self-control resources do not affect overt faking success on a BIAT. However, differences were found on an electrophysiological level. This indicates that while on a phenotypical level self-control resources play a negligible role in deliberate test faking the underlying cerebral processes are markedly different. Electronic supplementary material: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12868-016-0249-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
We tested the assumption that active relaxation following an ego-depletion task counteracts the negative effects of ego depletion on subsequent performance under evaluative pressure. N = 39 experienced basketball players were randomly assigned to a relaxation condition or to a control condition, and then performed a series of free-throws at two points of measurement (T1: baseline vs. T2: after working on a depleting task and either receiving active relaxation or a simple break). The results demonstrated that performance remained constant in the relaxation condition, whereas it significantly decreased in the control condition. The findings are in line with the notion that active relaxation leads to a quicker recovery from ego depletion.
Stereotypies are abnormal repetitive behaviour patterns that are highly prevalent in laboratory mice and are thought to reflect impaired welfare. Thus, they are associated with impaired behavioural inhibition and may also reflect negative affective states. However, in mice the relationship between stereotypies and behavioural inhibition is inconclusive, and reliable measures of affective valence are lacking. Here we used an exploration based task to assess cognitive bias as a measure of affective valence and a two-choice guessing task to assess recurrent perseveration as a measure of impaired behavioural inhibition to test mice with different forms and expression levels of stereotypic behaviour. We trained 44 CD- 1 and 40 C57BL/6 female mice to discriminate between positively and negatively cued arms in a radial maze and tested their responses to previously inaccessible ambiguous arms. In CD-1 mice (i) mice with higher stereotypy levels displayed a negative cognitive bias and this was influenced by the form of stereotypy performed, (ii) negative cognitive bias was evident in back-flipping mice, and (iii) no such effect was found in mice displaying bar-mouthing or cage-top twirling. In C57BL/6 mice neither route-tracing nor bar-mouthing was associated with cognitive bias, indicating that in this strain these stereotypies may not reflect negative affective states. Conversely, while we found no relation of stereotypy to recurrent perseveration in CD-1 mice, C57BL/6 mice with higher levels of route-tracing, but not bar-mouthing made more repetitive responses in the guessing task. Our findings confirm previous research indicating that the implications of stereotypies for animal welfare may strongly depend on the species and strain of animal as well as on the form and expression level of the stereotypy. Furthermore, they indicate that variation in stereotypic behaviour may represent an important source of variation in many animal experiments.
Despite major progress, currently available treatment options for patients suffering from schizophrenia remain suboptimal. Antipsychotic medication is one such option, and is helpful in acute phases of the disease. However, antipsychotics cause significant side-effects that often require additional medication, and can even trigger the discontinuation of treatment. Taken together, along with the fact that 20-30% of patients are medication-resistant, it is clear that new medical care options should be developed for patients with schizophrenia. Besides medication, an emerging option to treat psychiatric symptoms is through the use of neurofeedback. This technique has proven efficacy for other disorders and, more importantly, has also proven to be feasible in patients with schizophrenia. One of the major advantages of this approach is that it allows for the influence of brain states that otherwise would be inaccessible; i.e. the physiological markers underlying psychotic symptoms. EEG resting-state microstates are a very interesting electrophysiological marker of schizophrenia symptoms. Precisely, a specific class of resting-state microstates, namely microstate class D, has consistently been found to show a temporal shortening in patients with schizophrenia compared to controls, and this shortening is correlated with the presence positive psychotic symptoms. Under the scope of biological psychiatry, appropriate treatment of psychotic symptoms can be expected to modify the underlying physiological markers accompanying behavioral manifestations of a disease. We reason that if abnormal temporal parameters of resting-state microstates seem to be related to positive symptoms in schizophrenia, regulating this EEG feature might be helpful as a treatment for patients. The goal of this thesis was to prove the feasibility of microstate class D contribution self-regulation via neurofeedback. Given that no other study has attempted to regulate microstates via neurofeedback, we first tested its feasibility in a population of healthy subjects. In the first paper we describe the methodological characteristics of the neurofeedback protocol and its implementation. Neurofeedback performance was assessed by means of linear mixed effects modeling, which provided a complete profile of the neurofeedback’s training response within and between-subjects. The protocol included 20 training sessions, and each session contained three conditions: baseline (resting-state) and two active conditions: training (auditory feedback upon self-regulation performance) and transfer (self-regulation with no feedback). With linear modeling we obtained performance indices for each of them as follows: baseline carryover (baseline increments time-dependent) and learning and aptitude for each of the active conditions. Learning refers to the increase/decrease of the microstate class D contribution, time-dependent during each active condition, and aptitude refers to the constant difference of the microstate class D contribution between each active condition and baseline independent of time. The indices provided are discussed in terms of tailoring neurofeedback treatment to individual profiles so that it can be applied in future studies or clinical practice. In our sample of participants, neurofeedback proved feasible, as all participants at least showed positive results in one of the aforementioned learning indices. Furthermore, between-subjects we observed that the contribution of microstate class D across-sessions increased by 0.42% during baseline, 1.93% during training trials, and 1.83% during transfer. This range is expected to be effective in treating psychotic symptoms in patients. In the second paper presented in this thesis, we explored the possible predictors of neurofeedback success among psychological variables measured with questionnaires. An interesting finding was the negative correlation between “motivational incongruence” and some of the neurofeedback performance indices. Even though this finding requires replication, we discuss it in terms of the interfering effects of incompatible psychological processes with neurofeedback training requirements. In the third paper, we present a meta-analysis on all available studies that have related resting-state microstate abnormalities and schizophrenia. We obtained medium effect sizes for two microstate classes, namely C and D. Combining the meta-analysis results with the fact that microstate class D abnormalities are correlated with the presence of positive symptoms in patients with schizophrenia, these results add further support for the training of this precise microstate. Overall, the results obtained in this study encourage the implementation of this protocol in a population of patients with schizophrenia. However, future studies will have to show whether patients will be able to successfully self-regulate the contribution of microstate class D and, if so, whether this regulation will have an impact on symptomatology.