48 resultados para Krankheit
Recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) is a multifactorial and polygenic disease. Affected horses are typically 7 years of age or older and show exercise intolerance, increased breathing effort, coughing, airway neutrophilia, mucus accumulation and hyperreactivity as well as cholinergic bronchospasm. The environmental factors responsible are predominantly allergens and irritants in haydust, but the immunological mechanisms underlying RAO are still unclear. Several studies have demonstrated a familiar predisposition for RAO and it is now proven that the disease has a genetic basis. In offspring, the risk of developing RAO is 3-fold increased when one parent is affected and increases to almost 5-fold when both parents have RAO. Segregation analysis in two high-prevalence families demonstrated a high heritability and a complex inheritance with several major genes. A whole genomescan showed chromosome-wide significant linkage of seven chromosomal regions with RAO. Of the microsatellites, which were located near atopy candidate genes, those in a region of chromosome 13 harboring the IL4R gene were strongly associated with the RAO phenotype in the offspring of one RAO-affected stallion. Furthermore, IgE-levels are influenced by hereditary factors in the horse, and we have evidence that RAO-affected offspring of the same stallion have increased levels of specific IgE against moldspore allergens. The identification of genetic markers and ultimately of the responsible genes will not only allow for an improved prophylaxis, i.e. early identification of susceptible individuals and avoidance of high-risk matings, but also improve our ability to find new therapeutic targets and to optimize existing treatments.
This report describes the clinical, laboratory and ultrasonographic findings in a Simmental heifer with a ceco-cecal intussusception. The general condition of the heifer was moderately reduced and it showed mild colic signs. Physical examination revealed a firm longish mass visible and palpable in the right flank. Findings upon rectal examination, fecal output und defecation were normal. Ultrasound examination of the mass revealed features typical for an intussusception. Based on the slow development of symptoms, normal fecal output and ultrasonography findings, a ceco-cecal intussusception was diagnosed. Right flank laparatomy was performed under general anaesthesia, and an end-to-side anastomosis between the jejunum and the spiral colon was made after resection of the intussuscepted intestines. Recovery was uneventful.
Eine Krebserkrankung bedingt die Auseinandersetzung mit der Krankheit an sich, Gedanken an den Tod und die weitere Lebensgestaltung. Darüber hinaus können sich Selbstkonzept und Selbstwertgefühl einer Frau aufgrund von Körperbildveränderungen und möglicher Infertilität massiv verändern. Rollenkonflikte in Bezug auf die Sorge für andere und die Sorge um sich selbst müssen bewältigt werden. Beziehungen werden in Frage gestellt und verändert. Wie reagieren Frauen unterschiedlichen Alters auf all diese Herausforderungen? Auf welche persönlichen und sozialen Ressourcen können sie zurückgreifen? Wie verändern sich das Selbstbild und die Lebensqualität der betroffenen Frauen durch die Erkrankung? Welche positiven psychologischen Veränderungen können sie als Ergebnis oder Folge ihres Adaptationsprozesses erleben? Diese Fragen stehen im Zentrum des Vortrags, in dem verschiedene Phasen des Loslassens, der Zielanpassung und des persönlichen Wachstums von Frauen mit einer Krebserkrankung thematisiert werden.