58 resultados para Jackson, Michael
Das Konzept des „Glaubens“ ist eine zentrale Grundlage von Polanyis Wissenschaftstheorie, und schon früh hat er sich explizit mit dem Verhältnis von Religion und Wissenschaft beschäftigt. Entsprechend wohlwollend ist seine Philosophie im Gespräch von Theologie und Naturwissenschaften aufgenommen worden. Seine deutschsprachige Rezeption blieb dabei bislang recht spärlich, während er in dem angelsächsischen Gespräch der Wissenschaften früh reiche Wirkung entfaltet und nahezu paradigmatische Bedeutung gewonnen hat. Die 2005 erschienene umfangreiche Polanyibiographie von William T. Scott und Martin X. Moleski, S.J. informiert auch über die Facetten von Polanyis eigenen Glauben. Sie stellt damit eine wesentliche Interpretationshilfe da, wie man eine Streitfrage der angelsächsischen Polanyi-Rezeption betreffs der Realität des Gegenstandes der Religion in seiner Philosophie beurteilen kann. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass er mit Tillich den Existenzbegriff in seiner Anwendung auf Gott abgelehnt hat und die Gelwick/Torrance-Prosch-Debatte, die um die Frage der unabhängigen Existenz Gottes in Polanyis Denken kreist, deswegen mehr oder weniger sinnlos ist.
Ein Artikel über die Figur des Erzengels Michael und das theologische Engelsverständnis in einer kirchlichen Zeitschrift für ein allgemeines Publikum.
Fatty acid derivatives are of central importance for plant immunity against insect herbivores; however, majorregulatory genes and the signals that modulate these defense metabolites are vastly understudied, especiallyin important agro-economic monocot species. Here we show that products and signals derived from a singleZea mays (maize) lipoxygenase (LOX), ZmLOX10, are critical for both direct and indirect defenses to herbiv-ory. We provide genetic evidence that two 13-LOXs, ZmLOX10 and ZmLOX8, specialize in providing substratefor the green leaf volatile (GLV) and jasmonate (JA) biosynthesis pathways, respectively. Supporting the spe-cialization of these LOX isoforms, LOX8 and LOX10 are localized to two distinct cellular compartments, indi-cating that the JA and GLV biosynthesis pathways are physically separated in maize. Reduced expression ofJA biosynthesis genes and diminished levels of JA in lox10 mutants indicate that LOX10-derived signaling isrequired for LOX8-mediated JA. The possible role of GLVs in JA signaling is supported by their ability to par-tially restore wound-induced JA levels in lox10 mutants. The impaired ability of lox10 mutants to produceGLVs and JA led to dramatic reductions in herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) and attractiveness toparasitoid wasps. Because LOX10 is under circadian rhythm regulation, this study provides a mechanistic linkto the diurnal regulation of GLVs and HIPVs. GLV-, JA- and HIPV-deficient lox10 mutants display compro-mised resistance to insect feeding, both under laboratory and field conditions, which is strong evidence thatLOX10-dependent metabolites confer immunity against insect attack. Hence, this comprehensive gene toagro-ecosystem study reveals the broad implications of a single LOX isoform in herbivore defense.
For Michael Polanyi, religion and science fight abreast to protect the occidental culture from totalitarian threat. Both are belief-based endeavors, Polanyi is convinced. While this is not surprising at all regarding religion, it is surely a provocation regarding science. The article tries to explore this original thought of Polanyi and to examine how it is rooted in his personal convictions and beliefs. Special emphasis is given to Polanyi’s critique of contemporary biology, as expressed in his article on “Science and Religion”, in some ways a response to Paul Tillich’s theology. Contemporary biology’s findings undermine exactly what Polanyi is fighting for, hence he is convinced that its findings are somewhat flawed. This should however not lead to the false conclusion that Polanyi had anything to do with creationism or would have favored Intelligent Design in our days.