90 resultados para Integrin beta3


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Dendritic cell (DC) migration via lymphatic vessels to draining lymph nodes (dLNs) is crucial for the initiation of adaptive immunity. We imaged this process by intravital microscopy (IVM) in the ear skin of transgenic mice bearing red-fluorescent vasculature and yellow-fluorescent DCs. DCs within lymphatic capillaries were rarely transported by flow, but actively migrated within lymphatics and were significantly faster than in the interstitium. Pharmacologic blockade of the Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK), which mediates nuclear contraction and de-adhesion from integrin ligands, significantly reduced DC migration from skin to dLNs in steady-state. IVM revealed that ROCK blockade strongly reduced the velocity of interstitial DC migration, but only marginally affected intralymphatic DC migration. By contrast, during tissue inflammation, ROCK blockade profoundly decreased both interstitial and intralymphatic DC migration. Inhibition of intralymphatic migration was paralleled by a strong up-regulation of ICAM-1 in lymphatic endothelium, suggesting that during inflammation ROCK mediates de-adhesion of DC-expressed integrins from lymphatic-expressed ICAM-1. Flow chamber assays confirmed an involvement of lymphatic-expressed ICAM-1 and DC-expressed ROCK in DC crawling on lymphatic endothelium. Overall, our findings further define the role of ROCK in DC migration to dLNs and reveal a differential requirement for ROCK in intralymphatic DC crawling during steady-state and inflammation.


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The reconstruction of large bone defects after injury or tumor resection often requires the use of bone substitution. Artificial scaffolds based on synthetic biomaterials can overcome disadvantages of autologous bone grafts, like limited availability and donor side morbidity. Among them, scaffolds based on nanofibers offer great advantages. They mimic the extracellular matrix, can be used as a carrier for growth factors and allow the differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells. Differentiation is triggered by a series of signaling processes, including integrin and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), which act in a cooperative manner. The aim of this study was to analyze whether these processes can be remodeled in artificial poly-(l)-lactide acid (PLLA) based nanofiber scaffolds in vivo. Electrospun matrices composed of PLLA-collagen type I or BMP-2 incorporated PLLA-collagen type I were implanted in calvarial critical size defects in rats. Cranial CT-scans were taken 4, 8 and 12 weeks after implantation. Specimens obtained after euthanasia were processed for histology and immunostainings on osteocalcin, BMP-2 and Smad5. After implantation the scaffolds were inhomogeneously colonized and cells were only present in wrinkle- or channel-like structures. Ossification was detected only in focal areas of the scaffold. This was independent of whether BMP-2 was incorporated in the scaffold. However, cells that migrated into the scaffold showed an increased ratio of osteocalcin and Smad5 positive cells compared to empty defects. Furthermore, in case of BMP-2 incorporated PLLA-collagen type I scaffolds, 4 weeks after implantation approximately 40 % of the cells stained positive for BMP-2 indicating an autocrine process of the ingrown cells. These findings indicate that a cooperative effect between BMP-2 and collagen type I can be transferred to PLLA nanofibers and furthermore, that this effect is active in vivo. However, this had no effect on bone formation. The reason for this seems to be an unbalanced colonization of the scaffolds with cells, due to insufficient pore size.


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In the healthy individuum lymphocyte traffic into the central nervous system (CNS) is very low and tightly controlled by the highly specialized blood-brain barrier (BBB). In contrast, under inflammatory conditions of the CNS such as in multiple sclerosis or in its animal model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) circulating lymphocytes and monocytes/macrophages readily cross the BBB and gain access to the CNS leading to edema, inflammation and demyelination. Interaction of circulating leukocytes with the endothelium of the blood-spinal cord and blood-brain barrier therefore is a critical step in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases of the CNS. Leukocyte/endothelial interactions are mediated by adhesion molecules and chemokines and their respective chemokine receptors. We have developed a novel spinal cord window preparation, which enables us to directly visualize CNS white matter microcirculation by intravital fluorescence videomicroscopy. Applying this technique of intravital fluorescence videomicroscopy we could provide direct in vivo evidence that encephalitogenic T cell blasts interact with the spinal cord white matter microvasculature without rolling and that alpha4-integrin mediates the G-protein independent capture and subsequently the G-protein dependent adhesion strengthening of T cell blasts to microvascular VCAM-1. LFA-1 was found to neither mediate the G-protein independent capture nor the G- protein dependent initial adhesion strengthening of encephalitogenic T cell blasts within spinal cord microvessel, but was rather involved in T cell extravasation across the vascular wall into the spinal cord parenchyme. Our observation that G-protein mediated signalling is required to promote adhesion strengthening of encephalitogenic T cells on BBB endothelium in vivo suggested the involvement of chemokines in this process. We found functional expression of the lymphoid chemokines CCL19/ELC and CCL21/SLC in CNS venules surrounded by inflammatory cells in brain and spinal cord sections of mice afflicted with EAE suggesting that the lymphoid chemokines CCL19 and CCL21 besides regulating lymphocyte homing to secondary lymphoid tissue might be involved in T lymphocyte migration into the immuneprivileged CNS during immunosurveillance and chronic inflammation. Here, I summarize our current knowledge on the sequence of traffic signals involved in T lymphocyte recruitment across the healthy and inflamed blood-brain and blood-spinal cord barrier based on our in vitro and in vivo investigations.


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Recombinant human tumour necrosis factor (TNF) has a selective effect on angiogenic vessels in tumours. Given that it induces vasoplegia, its clinical use has been limited to administration through isolated limb perfusion (ILP) for regionally advanced melanomas and soft tissue sarcomas of the limbs. When combined with the alkylating agent melphalan, a single ILP produces a very high objective response rate. In melanoma, the complete response (CR) rate is around 80% and the overall objective response rate greater than 90%. In soft tissue sarcomas that are inextirpable, ILP is a neoadjuvant treatment resulting in limb salvage in 80% of the cases. The CR rate averages 20% and the objective response rate is around 80%. The mode of action of TNF-based ILP involves two distinct and successive effects on the tumour-associated vasculature: first, an increase in endothelium permeability leading to improved chemotherapy penetration within the tumour tissue, and second, a selective killing of angiogenic endothelial cells resulting in tumour vessel destruction. The mechanism whereby these events occur involves rapid (of the order of minutes) perturbation of cell-cell adhesive junctions and inhibition of alphavbeta3 integrin signalling in tumour-associated vessels, followed by massive death of endothelial cells and tumour vascular collapse 24 hours later. New, promising approaches for the systemic use of TNF in cancer therapy include TNF targeting by means of single chain antibodies or endothelial cell ligands, or combined administration with drugs perturbing integrin-dependent signalling and sensitizing angiogenic endothelial cells to TNF-induced death.


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The organic material of our teeth consists of collagens and a number of calcium-binding phosphoproteins. Six of these phosphoproteins have recently been grouped in the family of the SIBLINGs (small integrin-binding ligand, N-linked glycoproteins), namely osteopontin, bone sialoprotein, dentin matrix protein (DMP1), dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP), matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein (MEPE) and enamelin. We prepared a cDNA library from rat incisors in order to identify the genes involved in tooth formation. The library was screened by subtractive hybridization with two probes; one specific for teeth, the other for bone. We found that the vast majority of the clones from our library were expressed at similar levels in bone and teeth, demonstrating the close relationship of the two tissues. Only 7% of all the clones were expressed in a tooth-specific fashion. These included clones for the enamel proteins; amelotin, amelogenin, ameloblastin and enamelin; for the dentin proteins DSPP and DMP1; and for the intermediate filament protein cytokeratin 13. Several typical bone proteins, including collagen I, osteocalcin, alkaline phosphatase and FATSO, were also expressed at significantly higher levels in teeth than in bone, probably due to the extreme growth rate of rat incisors. The amino acid sequence of rat amelotin showed 62% identity with the sequence from humans. It was expressed considerably later than the other enamel proteins, suggesting that amelotin may serve a function different from those of amelogenin, ameloblastin and enamelin.


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Snake venoms are complex mixtures of biologically active proteins and peptides. Many affect haemostasis by activating or inhibiting coagulant factors or platelets, or by disrupting endothelium. Snake venom components are classified into various families, such as serine proteases, metalloproteinases, C-type lectin-like proteins, disintegrins and phospholipases. Snake venom C-type lectin-like proteins have a typical fold resembling that in classic C-type lectins such as the selectins and mannose-binding proteins. Many snake venom C-type lectin-like proteins have now been characterized, as heterodimeric structures with alpha and beta subunits that often form large molecules by multimerization. They activate platelets by binding to VWF or specific receptors such as GPIb, alpha2beta1 and GPVI. Simple heterodimeric GPIb-binding molecules mainly inhibit platelet functions, whereas multimeric ones activate platelets. A series of tetrameric snake venom C-type lectin-like proteins activates platelets by binding to GPVI while another series affects platelet function via integrin alpha2beta1. Some act by inducing VWF to bind to GPIb. Many structures of these proteins, often complexed with their ligands, have been determined. Structure-activity studies show that these proteins are quite complex despite similar backbone folding. Snake C-type lectin-like proteins often interact with more than one platelet receptor and have complex mechanisms of action.


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Leukocyte-platelet interaction is important in mediating leukocyte adhesion to a thrombus and leukocyte recruitment to a site of vascular injury. This interaction is mediated at least in part by the beta2-integrin Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18) and its counter-receptor on platelets, glycoprotein Ibalpha (GPIbalpha). High molecular weight kininogen (HK) was previously shown to interact with both GPIbalpha and Mac-1 through its domains 3 and 5, respectively. In this study we investigated the ability of HK to interfere with the leukocyte-platelet interaction. In a purified system, HK binding to GPIbalpha was inhibited by HK domain 3 and the monoclonal antibody (mAb) SZ2, directed against the epitope 269-282 of GPIbalpha, whereas mAb AP1, directed to the region 201-268 of GPIbalpha had no effect. In contrast, mAb AP1 inhibited the Mac-1-GPIbalpha interaction. Binding of GPIbalpha to Mac-1 was enhanced 2-fold by HK. This effect of HK was abrogated in the presence of HK domains 3 or 5 or peptides from the 475-497 region of the carboxyl terminus of domain 5 as well as in the presence of mAb SZ2 but not mAb AP1. Whereas no difference in the affinity of the Mac-1-GPIbalpha interaction was observed in the absence or presence of HK, maximal binding of GPIbalpha to Mac-1 doubled in the presence of HK. Moreover, HK/HKa increased the Mac-1-dependent adhesion of myelomonocytic U937 cells and K562 cells transfected with Mac-1 to immobilized GPIbalpha or to GPIbalpha-transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells. Finally, Mac-1-dependent adhesion of neutrophils to surface-adherent platelets was enhanced by HK. Thus, HK can bridge leukocytes with platelets by interacting via its domain 3 with GPIbalpha and via its domain 5 with Mac-1 thereby augmenting the Mac-1-GPIbalpha interaction. These distinct molecular interactions of HK with leukocytes and platelets contribute to the regulation of the adhesive behavior of vascular cells and provide novel molecular targets for reducing atherothrombotic pathologies.


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Acute thrombotic arterial occlusion is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the Western world. Von Willebrand factor is thought to be the only indispensable adhesive substrate to promote thrombus formation in high shear environments. We found that thrombospondin-1, a glycoprotein enriched in arteriosclerotic plaques, might function as an alternative substrate for thrombus formation. Platelets adhered to thrombospondin-1 in a shear dependent manner with an optimum shear as found in stenosed arteries. Adhesion is extremely firm, with no detachment of platelets up to a shear rate of 4000 s(-1). Experiments using platelets from a patient completely lacking von Willebrand factor showed that von Willebrand factor is not involved in platelet binding to thrombospondin-1. Platelet adhesion to thrombospondin-1 is not mediated via beta3-integrins or GPIa. CD36 partially mediates the adhesion of pre-activated platelets. We identified GPIb as high shear adhesion-receptor for thrombospondin-1. Soluble GPIb, as well as antibodies against the GPIb, blocked platelet adhesion almost completely. The new discovered thrombospondin-1-GPIb adhesion axis under arterial shear conditions might be important, not only during thrombus formation but also for pathological processes where other cells bind to the endothelium or subendothelium, including arteriosclerosis, inflammation and tumor metastasis, and a promising therapeutic target.


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Alboluxin, a potent platelet activator, was purified from Trimeresurus albolabris venom with a mass of 120 kDa non-reduced and, after reduction, subunits of 17 and 24 kDa. Alboluxin induced a tyrosine phosphorylation profile in platelets that resembles those produced by collagen and convulxin, involving the time dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of Fc receptor gamma chain (Fc gamma), phospholipase Cgamma2 (PLCgamma2), LAT and p72SYK. Antibodies against both GPIb and GPVI inhibited platelet aggregation induced by alboluxin, whereas antibodies against alpha2beta1 had no effect. Inhibition of alphaIIb beta3 reduced the aggregation response to alboluxin, as well as tyrosine phosphorylation of platelet proteins, showing that activation of alphaIIb beta3 and binding of fibrinogen are involved in alboluxin-induced platelet aggregation and it is not simply agglutination. N-terminal sequence data from the beta-subunit of alboluxin indicates that it belongs to the snake C-type lectin family. The C-type lectin subunits are larger than usual possibly due to post-translational modifications such as glycosylation. Alboluxin is a hexameric (alphabeta)3 snake C-type lectin which activates platelets via both GPIb and GPVI.


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Glanzmann's thrombasthenia (GT) arises from a qualitative or quantitative defect in the GPIIb-IIIa complex (integrin alphaIIbbeta3), the mediator of platelet aggregation. We describe a patient in whom clinical and laboratory findings typical of type I GT were found together with a second pathology involving neurological and other complications symptomatic of tuberous sclerosis. Analysis of platelet proteins by Western blotting revealed trace amounts of normally migrating GPIIb and equally small amounts of GPIIIa of slightly slower than normal migration. Flow cytometry confirmed a much decreased binding to platelets of monoclonal antibodies to GPIIb, GPIIIa or GPIIb-IIIa, and an antibody to the alphav subunit also showed decreased binding. Nonradioactive PCR single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis followed by direct sequencing of PCR-amplified DNA fragments showed a homozygous point mutation (T to C) at nucleotide 1722 of GPIIIa cDNA and which led to a Cys542-->Arg substitution in the GPIIIa protein. The mutation gave rise to a HinP1 I restriction site in exon 11 of the GPIIIa gene and allele-specific restriction enzyme analysis of family members confirmed that a single mutated allele was inherited from each parent. This amino acid substitution presumably changes the capacity for disulphide bond formation within the cysteine-rich core region of GPIIIa and its study will provide new information on GPIIb-IIIa and alphavbeta3 structure and biosynthesis.


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Simple collagen-related peptides (CRPs) containing a repeat Gly-Pro-Hyp sequence are highly potent platelet agonists. Like collagen, they must exhibit tertiary (triple-helical) and quaternary (polymeric) structure to activate platelets. Platelet signaling events induced by the peptides are the same as most of those induced by collagen. The peptides do not recognize the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin. To identify the signaling receptor involved, we have evaluated the response to the CRP, Gly-Lys-Hyp(Gly-Pro-Hyp)10-Gly-Lys-Hyp-Gly of platelets with defined functional deficiencies. These studies exclude a primary recognition role for CD36, von Willebrand factor (vWF), or glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa. Thus, both CD36 and vWF-deficient platelets exhibited normal aggregation, normal fibrinogen binding, and normal expression of CD62 and CD63, measured by flow cytometry, in response to the peptide, and there was normal expression of CD62 and CD63 on thrombasthenic platelets. In contrast, GPVI-deficient platelets were totally unresponsive to the peptide, indicating that this receptor recognizes the Gly-Pro-Hyp sequence in collagen. GPVI-deficient platelets showed some fibrinogen binding in response to collagen but failed to aggregate and to express CD62 and CD63. Collagen, but not CRP-XL, contains binding sites for alpha 2 beta 1. Therefore, it is possible that collagen still induces some signaling via alpha 2 beta 1, leading to activation of GPIIb/IIIa. Our findings are consistent with a two-site, two-step model of collagen interaction with platelets involving recognition of specific sequences in collagen by an adhesive receptor such as alpha 2 beta 1 to arrest platelets under flow and subsequent recognition of another specific collagen sequence by an activatory receptor, namely GPVI.


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Platelets have important roles in atherosclerosis and thrombosis and their inhibition reduces the risk of these disorders. There is still a need for platelet inhibitors affecting pathways that reduce thrombosis and atherosclerosis while leaving normal hemostasis relatively unaffected, thus reducing possible bleeding complications. Although combinations show progress in achieving these goals none of the present inhibitors completely fulfill these requirements. Collagen receptors offer attractive possibilities as alternative targets at early stages in platelet activation. Three major collagen receptors are assessed in this review; the alpha2beta1 integrin, responsible primarily for platelet adhesion to collagen; GPVI, the major signaling receptor for collagen; and GPIb-V-IX, which is indirectly a collagen receptor via von Willebrand factor. Several thrombosis models and experimental approaches suggest that all three are interesting targets and merit further investigation.


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Snake venoms contain components that affect the prey either by neurotoxic or haemorrhagic effects. The latter category affect haemostasis either by inhibiting or activating platelets or coagulation factors. They fall into several types based upon structure and mode of action. A major class is the snake C-type lectins or C-type lectin-like family which shows a typical folding like that in classic C-type lectins such as the selectins and mannose-binding proteins. Those in snake venoms are mostly based on a heterodimeric structure with two subunits alpha and beta, which are often oligomerized to form larger molecules. Simple heterodimeric members of this family have been shown to inhibit platelet functions by binding to GPIb but others activate platelets via the same receptor. Some that act via GPIb do so by inducing von Willebrand factor to bind to it. Another series of snake C-type lectins activate platelets by binding to GPVI while yet another series uses the integrin alpha(2)beta(1) to affect platelet function. The structure of more and more of these C-type lectins have now been, and are being, determined, often together with their ligands, casting light on binding sites and mechanisms. In addition, it is relatively easy to model the structure of the C-type lectins if the primary structure is known. These studies have shown that these proteins are quite a complex group, often with more than one platelet receptor as ligand and although superficially some appear to act as inhibitors, in fact most function by inducing thrombocytopenia by various routes. The relationship between structure and function in this group of venom proteins will be discussed.


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A new snake protein, named bilinexin, has been purified from Agkistrodon bilineatus venom by ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration chromatography. Under non-reducing conditions it has a mass of 110 kDa protein on SDS-PAGE. On reduction, it can be separated into five subunits with masses in the range 13-25 kDa. The N-terminal sequences of these subunits are very similar to those of convulxin or the alboaggregins, identifying bilinexin as a new member of the snake C-type lectin family, unusual in having multiple subunits. Bilinexin agglutinates fixed platelets. washed platelets and platelet rich plasma (PRP) without obvious activation (shape change) as confirmed by light microscope examination. Both inhibitory and binding studies indicate that antibodies against alpha2beta1 inhibit not only platelet agglutination induced by bilinexin, but also bilinexin binding to platelets. VM16d, a monoclonal anti-GPIbalpha antibody, completely inhibits platelet agglutination induced by bilinexin, and polyclonal antibodies against GPIbalpha prevent its binding to platelets. However, neither convulxin, polyclonal anti-GPVI antibodies, nor GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors affect its binding to and agglutination of platelets. Bilinexin neither activates GPIIb/IIIa integrin on platelets nor induces tyrosine phosphorylation of platelet proteins, nor increases intracellular Ca2+ in platelets. Like alboaggregin B, bilinexin agglutinates platelets, which makes it a good tool to investigate the differences in mechanism between snake C-type lectins causing platelet agglutination and those that induce full activation.


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- Glycoprotein VI (GPVI) is a platelet-specific receptor for collagen that figures prominently in signal transduction. An addition to binding to type I and III collagens, GPVI is also bound specifically by collagen-related peptide and convulxin (CVX), a snake venom protein. We developed a quantitative assay of platelet GPVI in which biotin-conjugated CVX binds selectively to GPVI in separated total platelet proteins by a ligand blot procedure. Using this approach, we have documented a 5-fold range in platelet GPVI content among 23 normal healthy subjects. In addition, we have determined that CVX-induced or collagen-related peptide-induced prothrombinase activity is directly proportional to the platelet content of GPVI. A statistically significant correlation was observed at 2 CVX concentrations: 14.7 ng/mL (R(2)=0.854 and P<0.001, n=11) and 22 ng/mL (R(2)=0.776 and P<0.001, n=12). In previous studies, we established a similar range of expression of the integrin collagen receptor alpha(2)beta(1) on platelets of normal subjects. Among 15 donors, there is a direct correlation between platelet alpha(2)beta(1) density and GPVI content (R(2)=0.475 and P=0.004). In view of the well-documented association of GPVI with platelet procoagulant activity, this study suggests that the variation in GPVI content is a potential risk factor that may predispose individuals to hemorrhagic or thromboembolic disorders.