75 resultados para Hf-in-zircon


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of a possible interaction between dietary fat and physical inactivity on whole-body insulin sensitivity and intramyocellular lipids (IMCLs). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Eight healthy male volunteers were studied on two occasions. After 2 days of an equilibrated diet and moderate physical activity, participants remained inactive (bed rest) for 60 h and consumed either a high-saturated fat (45% fat, of which approximately 60% was saturated fat [BR-HF]) or a high-carbohydrate (70% carbohydrate [BR-HCHO]) diet. To evaluate the effect of a high-fat diet alone, six of the eight volunteers were restudied after a 2-day equilibrated diet followed by 60 h on a high-saturated fat diet and controlled physical activity (PA-HF). Insulin sensitivity was measured by hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp and IMCL concentrations by (1)H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy. RESULTS: Insulin-mediated glucose disposal was decreased by BR-HF condition (-24 +/- 6%, P < 0.05) but did not change with BR-HCHO (+19 +/- 10%, NS). BR-HF and BR-HCHO increased IMCL levels (+32 +/- 7%, P < 0.05 and +17 +/- 8%, P < 0.0011, respectively). Although the increase in IMCL levels with PA-HF (+31 +/- 19%, P = 0.12) was similar to that during BR-HF, insulin-mediated glucose disposal (-7 +/- 9%, NS) was not decreased. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that physical inactivity and a high-saturated fat diet may interact to reduce whole-body insulin sensitivity. IMCL content was influenced by dietary lipid and physical inactivity but was not directly associated with insulin resistance.


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BACKGROUND: Standard first-line combination antiretroviral treatment (cART) against human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) contains either a nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) or a ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor (PI/r). Differences between these regimen types in the extent of the emergence of drug resistance on virological failure and the implications for further treatment options have rarely been assessed. METHODS: We investigated virological outcomes in patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study initiating cART between January 1, 1999, and December 31, 2005, with an unboosted PI, a PI/r, or an NNRTI and compared genotypic drug resistance patterns among these groups at treatment failure. RESULTS: A total of 489 patients started cART with a PI, 518 with a PI/r, and 805 with an NNRTI. A total of 177 virological failures were observed (108 [22%] PI failures, 24 [5%] PI/r failures, and 45 [6%] NNRTI failures). The failure rate was highest in the PI group (10.3 per 100 person-years; 95% confidence interval [CI], 8.5-12.4). No difference was seen between patients taking a PI/r (2.7; 95% CI, 1.8-4.0) and those taking an NNRTI (2.4; 95% CI, 1.8-3.3). Genotypic test results were available for 142 (80%) of the patients with a virological treatment failure. Resistance mutations were found in 84% (95% CI, 75%-92%) of patients taking a PI, 30% (95% CI, 12%-54%) of patients taking a PI/r, and 66% (95% CI, 49%-80%) of patients taking an NNRTI (P < .001). Multidrug resistance occurred almost exclusively as resistance against lamivudine-emtricitabine and the group-specific third drug and was observed in 17% (95% CI, 9%-26%) of patients taking a PI, 10% (95% CI, 0.1%-32%) of patients taking a PI/r, and 50% (95% CI, 33%-67%) of patients taking an NNRTI (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: Regimens that contained a PI/r or an NNRTI exhibited similar potency as first-line regimens. However, the use of a PI/r led to less resistance in case of virological failure, preserving more drug options for the future.


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Seventy-six human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients with Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage were randomized to treatment groups receiving intranasal mupirocin or placebo twice daily for 5 days. Nasal cultures for S. aureus were obtained at 1, 2, 6, and 10 weeks after therapy. At 1 week, 88% of mupirocin-treated patients had negative nasal cultures compared with 8% in placebo patients (P<.001). The percentage of mupirocin-treated patients with persistently negative nasal cultures decreased over time (63%, 45%, and 29% at 2, 6, and 10 weeks, respectively) but remained significantly greater than the placebo group (3% at 2, 6, and 10 weeks). In mupirocin-treated patients, most (16/19) instances of nasal recolonization were with pretreatment strains (determined by means of by pulsed field gel electrophoresis); mupirocin resistance was not observed. Five days of treatment with mupirocin eliminated S. aureus nasal carriage in HIV-infected patients for several weeks; however, since the effect waned over time, intermittent dosing regimens should be considered for long-term eradication.


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The new fluoroquinolone trovafloxacin was tested against a ciprofloxacin-sensitive, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strain in the rabbit model of endocarditis. Trovafloxacin was more effective than vancomycin (CFU/g of vegetation, 2.65 +/- 1.87 versus 4.54 +/- 2.80 [mean +/- standard deviation]; P < 0.05) or ampicillin-sulbactam plus rifampin (4.9 +/- 1.1 CFU/g). The addition of ampicillin-sulbactam to trovafloxacin tended to reduce titers further.


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PURPOSE: The primary purpose of the clinical trial was to assess the safety and efficacy of once-a-day compared with three-times-a-day gentamicin in patients with serious infections who had protocol-determined peak serum aminoglycoside concentrations. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 249 hospitalized patients with suspected or proven serious infections were randomized in a 2:2:1 ratio to gentamicin given three times a day with ticarcillin-clavulanate (TC), gentamicin once a day with TC, or ticarcillin-clavulanate (TC) alone. The gentamicin once-a-day dosage for patients with estimated creatinine clearance values of > or =80 mL/min was 5.1 mg/kg. With lower creatinine clearance estimates, the mg/kg dosage of gentamicin was decreased, and the dosage intervals (once daily or three times a day) were maintained. Evaluability required documentation of achievement of protocol-defined peak serum gentamicin levels. RESULTS: Of the total 175 evaluable patients, there were no significant differences found between treatment regimens with respect to clinical or microbiologic efficacy. Bedside audiometry proved impractical due to the frequency of altered mental state in ill patients. Based on the traditional increase in serum creatinine values from baseline values, no differences in renal toxicity between the treatment groups was identified. When changes in renal function were reanalyzed based on maintaining, as opposed to worsening, of renal function, preservation of renal function was better in the gentamicin once-a-day patients as opposed to the gentamicin three-times-a-day patients, P <0.01. CONCLUSIONS: Gentamicin once a day plus TC, gentamicin three times a day plus TC, and TC alone had similar effects in seriously ill hospitalized patients. The incidence of nephrotoxicity was similar in the three treatment groups. Using a nonvalidated post-hoc analysis, renal function was better preserved in gentamicin once-a-day + TC and TC-only patients as opposed to gentamicin three-times-a-day + TC.


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Endocarditis is a relatively frequent infection in intravenous drug users. We compared features in the cases of 102 patients with those in intravenous drug users with other causes of fever to identify risk factors predictive of endocarditis. Logistic regression analysis showed cocaine use to be strongly associated with endocarditis. This special risk involving cocaine use has not been reported previously; the explanation for it may provide insight into the pathogenesis of endocarditis.


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To determine the efficacy and toxicity of SCH 39304 in the treatment and suppression of cryptococcal meningitis, we conducted a prospective, noncomparative study in three groups of patients: patients with acute cryptococcal meningitis, patients with acute cryptococcal meningitis in whom other therapies have failed (salvage), and patients who required maintenance therapy. As primary therapy, the patients received up to 14 days or 1 g of amphotericin B followed by SCH 39304 200 mg once daily for 12 weeks. As maintenance therapy, the patients received SCH 39304 600 mg once weekly for 12 months. Of five salvage patients, none completed the study. Two patients died, two patients clinically deteriorated, and one patient was noncompliant. Two of three patients with acute cryptococcal meningitis completed the 12-week primary therapy, and one patient was discontinued from therapy because of a skin rash (95% confidence interval, 14-100%). All four patients who were receiving weekly maintenance therapy followed up to 27 weeks were clinically stable with no change in their serum cryptococcal antigen titer from baseline when the study was prematurely terminated. Elevation of liver function test results developed in three patients and skin rash developed in one patient. The unique pharmacologic and pharmacokinetic properties of SCH 39304 (low incidence of toxicity, long serum half-life, and good penetration into the cerebrospinal fluid) lend promise to pursue other triazole antifungals at higher doses as primary therapy and less frequent dosing for maintenance therapy.


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Petrography, geochemical whole-rock composition, and chemical analyses of tourmaline were performed in order to determine the source areas of Lower Cretaceous Mora, El Castellar, and uppermost Camarillas Formation sandstones from the Iberian Chain, Spain. Sandstones were deposited in intraplate subbasins, which are bound by plutonic and volcanic rocks of Permian, Triassic, and Jurassic age, Paleozoic metamorphic rocks, and Triassic sedimentary rocks. Modal analyses together with petrographic and cathodoluminescence observations allowed us to define three quartz-feldspathic petrofacies and recognize diagenetic processes that modified the original framework composition. Results from average restored petrofacies are: Mora petrofacies = P/F >1 and Q(r)70 F(r)22 R(r)9; El Castellar petrofacies = P/F >1 and Q(r)57 F(r)25 R(r)18; and Camarillas petrofacies = P/F ∼ zero and Q(r)64 F(r)28 R(r)7 (P—plagioclase; F—feldspar; Q—quartz; R—rock fragments; r—restored composition). Trace-element and rare earth element abundances of whole-rock analyses discriminate well between the three petrofacies based on: (1) the Rb concentration, which is indicative of the K content and reflects the amount of K-feldspar modal abundance, and (2) the relative modal abundance of heavy minerals (tourmaline, zircon, titanite, and apatite), which is reproduced by the elements hosted in the observed heavy mineral assemblage (i.e., B and Li for tourmaline; Zr, Hf, and Ta for zircon; Ti, Ta, Nb, and their rare earth elements for titanite; and P, Y, and their rare earth elements for apatite). Tourmaline chemical composition for the three petrofacies ranges from Fe-tourmaline of granitic to Mg-tourmaline of metamorphic origin. The three defined petrofacies suggest a mixed provenance from plutonic and metamorphic source rocks. However, a progressively major influence of granitic source rocks was detected from the lowermost Mora petrofacies toward the uppermost Camarillas petrofacies. This provenance trend is consistent with the uplift and erosion of the Iberian Massif, which coincided with the development of the latest Berriasian synrift regional unconformity and affected all of the Iberian intraplate basins. The uplifting stage of Iberian Massif pluton caused a significant dilution of Paleozoic metamorphic source areas, which were dominant during the sedimentation of the lowermost Mora and El Castellar petrofacies. The association of petrographic data with whole-rock geochemical compositions and tourmaline chemical analysis has proved to be useful for determining source area characteristics, their predominance, and the evolution of source rock types during the deposition of quartz-feldspathic sandstones in intraplate basins. This approach ensures that provenance interpretation is consistent with the geological context.


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In Switzerland there is a shortage of population-based information on heart failure (HF) incidence and case fatalities (CF). The aim of this study was to estimate HF event rates and both in- and out-of-hospital CF rates.


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Heart rate variability (HRV) and cardiorespiratory coordination, i.e. the temporal interplay between oscillations of heartbeat and respiration, reflect information related to the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous system. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between spectral measures of HRV and measures of cardiorespiratory coordination. In 127 subjects from a normal population a 24 h Holter ECG was recorded. Average heart rate (HR) and the following HRV parameters were calculated: very low (VLF), low (LF) and high frequency (HF) oscillations and LF/HF. Cardiorespiratory coordination was quantified using average respiratory rate (RespR), the ratio of heart rate and respiratory rate (HRR), the phase coordination ratio (PCR) and the extent of cardiorespiratory coordination (PP). Pearson's correlation coefficient r was used to quantify the relationship between each pair of the variables across all subjects. HR and HRR correlated strongest during daytime (r = 0.89). LF/HF and PP showed a negative correlation to a reasonable degree (r = -0.69). During nighttime sleep these correlations decreased whereas the correlation between HRR and RespR (r = -0.47) as well as between HRR and PCR (r = 0.73) increased substantially. In conclusion, HRR and PCR deliver considerably different information compared to HRV measures whereas PP is partially linked reciprocally to LF/HF.


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RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Heart failure (HF) is a severe chronic disease and impairs health-related quality of life (HRQL). While validated specific HRQL instruments are required for evaluation of treatment and rehabilitation in patients with HF, a single validated measure to document changes in HRQL for patients with different heart disease diagnoses would be invaluable. The purpose of this analysis was the psychometric analysis of the German MacNew Heart Disease Questionnaire (MacNew) in HF patients, which has previously been shown to be reliable and valid in patients with myocardial infarction, angina pectoris and arrhythmia. METHODS: We recruited 89 patients (61.7+/-11.5 years; 84.3% male) in two Austrian and one Swiss cardiology department with documented HF (effect sizes 28.9+/-10.1%). The self-administered MacNew, the Short Form-36 (SF-36) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were completed. Internal consistency reliability (Cronbach's alpha), discriminative and evaluative validity were assessed. RESULTS: Cronbach's alpha exceeded 0.80. Each MacNew scale differentiated between patients with and without anxiety (3.9+/-1.0 vs. 5.3+/-0.8, all P<0.001), with and without depression (4.2+/-1.2 vs. 5.2+/-0.9 all P<0.03) and by the SF-36 health transition item (deteriorate=4.39, no change=4.95, improve=5.45, all P<0.02). Evaluative validity was demonstrated with effect sizes >0.70 for a subsample attending a 12-week outpatient rehabilitation programme. CONCLUSIONS: The German language version of the MacNew demonstrates consistently acceptable psychometric properties of reliability, validity and responsiveness in patients with documented HF. Together with previous documentation of reliability, validity and responsive, these findings strengthen the argument for the MacNew as a potential 'core' HRQL measure, at least in the German language.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this single-blind randomized crossover study was to evaluate specific effects of manual acupuncture on central and vegetative nervous system activity measured by quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) and heart rate variability (HRV). DESIGN: Twenty (20) healthy volunteers (mean: 25.2 +/- 3.6 years) were monitored simultaneously using a qEEG system and a 12-channel electrocardiogram recorder during verum acupuncture (VA) at acupuncture point Large Intestine 4 (Hegu) (LI4) or placebo acupuncture (PA) at a sham point. RESULTS: In the EEG conduction of the occipital area, needle stimulation in VA increased alpha1-frequency significantly, and the ratio alpha1/theta was shifted to the benefit of alpha1 over all electrodes. The HRV parameters showed a significant increase of the low frequency/high frequency (HF) ratio during the first minute of stimulation in VA, indicating an initial increase of sympathetic activation. However, an increase of HF power in the minute after stimulation followed by a decrease in heart rate suggests delayed vagal activation. De qi (a sensation that is typical of acupuncture needling) occurred in 16 subjects during VA and in 9 volunteers during PA (80% versus 45%). CONCLUSIONS: Manual stimulation on LI4 seems to lead to specific changes in alpha EEG-frequency and in HRV parameters. A linear relationship between the HRV parameters and the alpha EEG band might point to a specific modulation of cerebral function by vegetative effects during acupuncture.


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BACKGROUND: The link between decreased heart rate variability (HRV) and atherosclerosis progression is elusive. We hypothesized that reduced HRV relates to increased levels of prothrombotic factors previously shown to predict coronary risk. METHODS: We studied 257 women (aged 56 +/- 7 years) between 3 and 6 months after an acute coronary event and obtained very low frequency (VLF), low frequency (LF), and high frequency (HF) power, and LF/HF ratio from 24-hour ambulatory ECG recordings. Plasma levels of activated clotting factor VII (FVIIa), fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor antigen (VWF:Ag), and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) activity were determined, and their levels were aggregated into a standardized composite index of prothrombotic activity. RESULTS: In bivariate analyses, all HRV indices were inversely correlated with the prothrombotic index explaining between 6% and 14% of the variance (p < 0.001). After controlling for sociodemographic factors, index event, menopausal status, cardiac medication, lifestyle factors, self-rated health, metabolic variables, and heart rate, VLF power, LF power, and HF power explained 2%, 5%, and 3%, respectively, of the variance in the prothrombotic index (p < 0.012). There were also independent relationships between VLF power and PAI-1 activity, between LF power and fibrinogen, VWF:Ag, and PAI-1 activity, between HF power and FVIIa and fibrinogen, and between the LF/HF power ratio and PAI-1 activity, explaining between 2% and 3% of the respective variances (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Decreased HRV was associated with prothrombotic changes partially independent of covariates. Alteration in autonomic function might contribute to prothrombotic activity in women with coronary artery disease (CAD).


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Decreased heart rate variability (HRV) has been associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis. We hypothesized that a decrease in frequency domains of resting HRV would be associated with elevated plasma levels of interleukin (IL)-6 and soluble tissue factor (sTF) both previously shown to prospectively predict atherothrombotic events in healthy subjects. Subjects were 102 healthy and unmedicated black and white middle-aged men and women. We determined IL-6 and sTF antigen in plasma and HRV measures from surface electrocardiogram data using spectral analysis. All statistical analyses controlled for age, gender, ethnicity, smoking status, blood pressure, and body mass index. Low amounts of low frequency (LF) power (beta=-0.31, p=0.007) and high frequency (HF) power (beta=-0.36, p=0.002) were associated with increased amounts of IL-6, explaining 7% and 9% of the variance, respectively. Interactions between LF power and IL-6 (p=0.002) and between HF power and IL-6 (p=0.012) explained 8% and 5%, respectively, of the variance in sTF. Post hoc analyses showed associations between IL-6 and sTF when LF power (beta=0.51, p<0.001) and HF power (beta=0.48, p<0.001) were low but not when LF power and high HF power were high. The findings suggest that systemic low-grade inflammatory activity is associated with a decrease in HRV. Furthermore, there was a positive relationship between plasma levels of IL-6 and sTF antigen when HRV was low. Inflammation and related hypercoagulability might particularly contribute to atherothrombotic events in a setting of decreased HRV.


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BACKGROUND: Surfactant protein type B (SPB) is needed for alveolar gas exchange. SPB is increased in the plasma of patients with heart failure (HF), with a concentration that is higher when HF severity is highest. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between plasma SPB and both alveolar-capillary diffusion at rest and ventilation versus carbon dioxide production during exercise. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eighty patients with chronic HF and 20 healthy controls were evaluated consecutively, but the required quality for procedures was only reached by 71 patients with HF and 19 healthy controls. Each subject underwent pulmonary function measurements, including lung diffusion for carbon monoxide and membrane diffusion capacity, and maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test. Plasma SPB was measured by immunoblotting. In patients with HF, SPB values were higher (4.5 [11.1] versus 1.6 [2.9], P=0.0006, median and 25th to 75th interquartile), whereas lung diffusion for carbon monoxide (19.7+/-4.5 versus 24.6+/-6.8 mL/mm Hg per min, P<0.0001, mean+/-SD) and membrane diffusion capacity (28.9+/-7.4 versus 38.7+/-14.8, P<0.0001) were lower. Peak oxygen consumption and ventilation/carbon dioxide production slope were 16.2+/-4.3 versus 26.8+/-6.2 mL/kg per min (P<0.0001) and 29.7+/-5.9 and 24.5+/-3.2 (P<0.0001) in HF and controls, respectively. In the HF population, univariate analysis showed a significant relationship between plasma SPB and lung diffusion for carbon monoxide, membrane diffusion capacity, peak oxygen consumption, and ventilation/carbon dioxide production slope (P<0.0001 for all). On multivariable logistic regression analysis, membrane diffusion capacity (beta, -0.54; SE, 0.018; P<0.0001), peak oxygen consumption (beta, -0.53; SE, 0.036; P=0.004), and ventilation/carbon dioxide production slope (beta, 0.25; SE, 0.026; P=0.034) were independently associated with SPB. CONCLUSIONS: Circulating plasma SPB levels are related to alveolar gas diffusion, overall exercise performance, and efficiency of ventilation showing a link between alveolar-capillary barrier damage, gas exchange abnormalities, and exercise performance in HF.