62 resultados para Hey, Valerie
CASPARIAN STRIP MEMBRANE DOMAIN PROTEINS (CASPs) are four-membrane-span proteins that mediate the deposition of Casparian strips in the endodermis by recruiting the lignin polymerization machinery. CASPs show high stability in their membrane domain, which presents all the hallmarks of a membrane scaffold. Here, we characterized the large family of CASP-like (CASPL) proteins. CASPLs were found in all major divisions of land plants as well as in green algae; homologs outside of the plant kingdom were identified as members of the MARVEL protein family. When ectopically expressed in the endodermis, most CASPLs were able to integrate the CASP membrane domain, which suggests that CASPLs share with CASPs the propensity to form transmembrane scaffolds. Extracellular loops are not necessary for generating the scaffold, since CASP1 was still able to localize correctly when either one of the extracellular loops was deleted. The CASP first extracellular loop was found conserved in euphyllophytes but absent in plants lacking Casparian strips, an observation that may contribute to the study of Casparian strip and root evolution. In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), CASPL showed specific expression in a variety of cell types, such as trichomes, abscission zone cells, peripheral root cap cells, and xylem pole pericycle cells.
Since the publication of "A Compendium of Strategies to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections in Acute Care Hospitals" in 2008, prevention of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) has become a national priority. Despite improvements, preventable HAIs continue to occur. The 2014 updates to the Compendium were created to provide acute care hospitals with up-to-date, practical, expert guidance to assist in prioritizing and implementing their HAI prevention efforts. They are the product of a highly collaborative effort led by the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA), the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), the American Hospital Association (AHA), the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC), and The Joint Commission, with major contributions from representatives of a number of organizations and societies with content expertise, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society (PIDS), the Society for Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), the Society for Hospital Medicine (SHM), and the Surgical Infection Society (SIS).
Decisions require careful weighing of the risks and benefits associated with a choice. Some people need to be offered large rewards to balance even minimal risks, whereas others take great risks in the hope for an only minimal benefit. We show here that risk-taking is a modifiable behavior that depends on right hemisphere prefrontal activity. We used low-frequency, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to transiently disrupt left or right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) function before applying a well known gambling paradigm that provides a measure of decision-making under risk. Individuals displayed significantly riskier decision-making after disruption of the right, but not the left, DLPFC. Our findings suggest that the right DLPFC plays a crucial role in the suppression of superficially seductive options. This confirms the asymmetric role of the prefrontal cortex in decision-making and reveals that this fundamental human capacity can be manipulated in normal subjects through cortical stimulation. The ability to modify risk-taking behavior may be translated into therapeutic interventions for disorders such as drug abuse or pathological gambling.
Humans restrain self-interest with moral and social values. They are the only species known to exhibit reciprocal fairness, which implies the punishment of other individuals' unfair behaviors, even if it hurts the punisher's economic self-interest. Reciprocal fairness has been demonstrated in the Ultimatum Game, where players often reject their bargaining partner's unfair offers. Despite progress in recent years, however, little is known about how the human brain limits the impact of selfish motives and implements fair behavior. Here we show that disruption of the right, but not the left, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) by low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation substantially reduces subjects' willingness to reject their partners' intentionally unfair offers, which suggests that subjects are less able to resist the economic temptation to accept these offers. Importantly, however, subjects still judge such offers as very unfair, which indicates that the right DLPFC plays a key role in the implementation of fairness-related behaviors.
BACKGROUND It is unknown why patients with extensive ulcerative colitis (UC) have a higher risk of colorectal cancer compared with patients with left-sided UC. This study characterizes the inflammatory processes in left-sided UC, pancolitis, and UC-associated dysplasia at the transcriptional level to identify potential biomarkers and transcripts of importance for the carcinogenic behavior of chronic inflammation. METHODS The Affymetrix GeneChip Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 was applied on colonic biopsies from UC patients with left-sided UC, pancolitis, dysplasia, and controls. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry were performed for validating selected transcripts in the initial cohort and in 2 independent cohorts of patients with UC. Microarray data were analyzed by principal component analysis, and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry data by the Wilcoxon's rank-sum test. RESULTS The principal component analysis results revealed separate clusters for left-sided UC, pancolitis, dysplasia, and controls. Close clustering of dysplastic and pancolitic samples indicated similarities in gene expression. Indeed, 101 and 656 parallel upregulated and downregulated transcripts, respectively, were identified in specimens from dysplasia and pancolitis. Validation of selected transcripts hereof identified insulin receptor alpha (INSRA) and MAP kinase interacting serine/threonine kinase 2 (MKNK2) with an enhanced expression in dysplasia compared with left-sided UC and controls, whereas laminin γ2 (LAMC2) was found with a lower expression in dysplasia compared with the remaining 3 groups. CONCLUSIONS This study demonstrates pancolitis and left-sided UC as distinct inflammatory processes at the transcriptional level, and identifies INSRA, MKNK2, and LAMC2 as potential critical transcripts in the inflammation-driven preneoplastic process of UC.
The Mediterranean region has been identified as a global warming hotspot, where future climate impacts are expected to have significant consequences on societal and ecosystem well-being. To put ongoing trends of summer climate into the context of past natural variability, we reconstructed climate from maximum latewood density (MXD) measurements of Pinus heldreichii (1521–2010) and latewood width (LWW) of Pinus nigra (1617–2010) on Mt. Olympus, Greece. Previous research in the northeastern Mediterranean has primarily focused on inter-annual variability, omitting any low-frequency trends. The present study utilizes methods capable of retaining climatically driven long-term behavior of tree growth. The LWW chronology corresponds closely to early summer moisture variability (May–July, r = 0.65, p < 0.001, 1950–2010), whereas the MXD-chronology relates mainly to late summer warmth (July–September, r = 0.64, p < 0.001; 1899–2010). The chronologies show opposing patterns of decadal variability over the twentieth century (r = −0.68, p < 0.001) and confirm the importance of the summer North Atlantic Oscillation (sNAO) for summer climate in the northeastern Mediterranean, with positive sNAO phases inducing cold anomalies and enhanced cloudiness and precipitation. The combined reconstructions document the late twentieth—early twenty-first century warming and drying trend, but indicate generally drier early summer and cooler late summer conditions in the period ~1700–1900 CE. Our findings suggest a potential decoupling between twentieth century atmospheric circulation patterns and pre-industrial climate variability. Furthermore, the range of natural climate variability stretches beyond summer moisture availabilityobserved in recent decades and thus lends credibility to the significant drying trends projected for this region in current Earth System Model simulations.
The European Mediterranean region is governed by a characteristic climate of summer drought that is likely to increase in duration and intensity under predicted climate change. However, large-scale network analyses investigating spatial aspects of pre-instrumental drought variability for this biogeographic zone are still scarce. In this study we introduce 54 mid- to high-elevation tree-ring width (TRW) chronologies comprising 2186 individual series from pine trees (Pinus spp.). This compilation spans a 4000-km east–west transect from Spain to Turkey, and was subjected to quality control and standardization prior to the development of site chronologies. A principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to identify spatial growth patterns during the network's common period 1862–1976, and new composite TRW chronologies were developed and investigated. The PCA reveals a common variance of 19.7% over the 54 Mediterranean pine chronologies. More interestingly, a dipole pattern in growth variability is found between the western (15% explained variance) and eastern (9.6%) sites, persisting back to 1330 AD. Pine growth on the Iberian Peninsula and Italy favours warm early growing seasons, but summer drought is most critical for ring width formation in the eastern Mediterranean region. Synoptic climate dynamics that have been in operation for the last seven centuries have been identified as the driving mechanism of a distinct east–west dipole in the growth variability of Mediterranean pines.
BACKGROUND Nicotine addiction is a major public health problem and is associated with primary glutamatergic dysfunction. We recently showed marked global reductions in metabotropic glutamate receptor type 5 (mGluR5) binding in smokers and recent ex-smokers (average abstinence duration of 25 weeks). The goal of this study was to examine the role of mGluR5 downregulation in nicotine addiction by investigating a group of long-term ex-smokers (abstinence >1.5 years), and to explore associations between mGluR5 binding and relapse in recent ex-smokers. METHODS Images of mGluR5 receptor binding were acquired in 14 long-term ex-smokers, using positron emission tomography with radiolabeled [11C]ABP688, which binds to an allosteric site with high specificity. RESULTS Long-term ex-smokers and individuals who had never smoked showed no differences in mGluR5 binding in any of the brain regions examined. Long-term ex-smokers showed significantly higher mGluR5 binding than recent ex-smokers, most prominently in the frontal cortex (42%) and thalamus (57%). CONCLUSIONS Our findings suggest that downregulation of mGluR5 is a pathogenetic mechanism underlying nicotine dependence and the high relapse rate in individuals previously exposed to nicotine. Therefore, mGluR5 receptor binding appears to be an effective biomarker in smoking and a promising target for the discovery of novel medication for nicotine dependence and other substance-related disorders.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS Smoking is a crucial environmental factor in inflammatory bowel disease [IBD]. However, knowledge on patient characteristics associated with smoking, time trends of smoking rates, gender differences and supportive measures to cease smoking provided by physicians is scarce. We aimed to address these questions in Swiss IBD patients. METHODS Prospectively obtained data from patients participating in the Swiss IBD Cohort Study was analysed and compared with the general Swiss population [GSP] matched by age, sex and year. RESULTS Among a total of 1770 IBD patients analysed [49.1% male], 29% are current smokers. More than twice as many patients with Crohn's disease [CD] are active smokers compared with ulcerative colitis [UC] [UC, 39.6% vs CD 15.3%, p < 0.001]. In striking contrast to the GSP, significantly more women than men with CD smoke [42.8% vs 35.8%, p = 0.025], with also an overall significantly increased smoking rate compared with the GSP in women but not men. The vast majority of smoking IBD patients [90.5%] claim to never have received any support to achieve smoking cessation, significantly more in UC compared with CD. We identify a significantly negative association of smoking and primary sclerosing cholangitis, indicative of a protective effect. Psychological distress in CD is significantly higher in smokers compared with non-smokers, but does not differ in UC. CONCLUSIONS Despite well-established detrimental effects, smoking rates in CD are alarmingly high with persistent and stagnating elevations compared with the GSP, especially in female patients. Importantly, there appears to be an unacceptable underuse of supportive measures to achieve smoking cessation.
In-depth molecular investigation of familial leukemia has been limited by the rarity of recognized cases. This study examines the genetic events initiating leukemia and details the clinical progression of disease across multiple families harboring germ-line CEBPA mutations. Clinical data were collected from 10 CEBPA-mutated families, representing 24 members with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Whole-exome (WES) and deep sequencing were performed to genetically profile tumors and define patterns of clonal evolution. Germline CEBPA mutations clustered within the N-terminal and were highly penetrant, with AML presenting at a median age of 24.5 years (range, 1.75-46 years). In all diagnostic tumors tested (n = 18), double CEBPA mutations (CEBPAdm) were detected, with acquired (somatic) mutations preferentially targeting the C-terminal. Somatic CEBPA mutations were unstable throughout the disease course, with different mutations identified at recurrence. Deep sequencing of diagnostic and relapse paired samples confirmed that relapse-associated CEBPA mutations were absent at diagnosis, suggesting recurrence was triggered by novel, independent clones. Integrated WES and deep sequencing subsequently revealed an entirely new complement of mutations at relapse, verifying the presentation of a de novo leukemic episode. The cumulative incidence of relapse in familial AML was 56% at 10 years (n = 11), and 3 patients experienced ≥3 disease episodes over a period of 17 to 20 years. Durable responses to secondary therapies were observed, with prolonged median survival after relapse (8 years) and long-term overall survival (10-year overall survival, 67%). Our data reveal that familial CEBPA-mutated AML exhibits a unique model of disease progression, associated with favorable long-term outcomes.
BACKGROUND Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are systemic conditions that commonly display extraintestinal manifestations. Inflammatory articular disease (IAD: axial or peripheral) is the most common extraintestinal manifestation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and the clinical characteristics associated with IAD in patients with IBD. METHODS We analyzed patients enrolled in the Swiss IBD cohort study. IAD was defined as persistent or recurrent joint pain with an inflammatory pattern (night pain, progressive relief during the day, morning stiffness lasting at least 30 minutes) or the presence of arthritis as diagnosed by the physicians. A multivariate logistic regression was performed to analyze which disease characteristics were independently associated with the presence of IAD. RESULTS A total of 2353 patients with IBD, 1359 with Crohn's disease, and 994 with ulcerative colitis (UC) were included. Forty-four percent of patients fulfilled the criteria for IAD, whereas 14.5% presented with other extraintestinal manifestations. IAD was associated with Crohn's disease, with female sex, with older age, and generally in patients with more active intestinal disease. Only in UC, IAD was further associated with tobacco smoking and with increasing body mass index. CONCLUSIONS This population of patients with IBD displays a high prevalence of IAD. IAD was more strongly associated with Crohn's disease than UC. Other risk factors for IAD were female sex, advanced age, active digestive disease, and tobacco consumption in patients with UC, which is interesting given the established association between smoking and other inflammatory arthritides.
The role played by lung dendritic cells (DCs) which are influenced by external antigens and by their redox state in controlling inflammation is unclear. We studied the role played by nitric oxide (NO) in DC maturation and function. Human DCs were stimulated with a long-acting NO donor, DPTA NONOate, prior to exposure to lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Dose-and time-dependent experiments were performed with DCs with the aim of measuring the release and gene expression of inflammatory cytokines capable of modifying T-cell differentiation, towardsTh1, Th2 and Th17 cells. NO changed the pattern of cytokine release by LPS-matured DCs, dependent on the concentration of NO, as well as on the timing of its addition to the cells during maturation. Addition of NO before LPS-induced maturation strongly inhibited the release of IL-12, while increasing the expression and release of IL-23, IL-1β and IL-6, which are all involved in Th17 polarization. Indeed, DCs treated with NO efficiently induced the release of IL-17 by T-cells through IL-1β. Our work highlights the important role that NO may play in sustaining inflammation during an infection through the preferential differentiation of the Th17 lineage.
BACKGROUND While liver-related deaths in HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) co-infected individuals have declined over the last decade, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) may have increased. We described the epidemiology of HCC and other liver events in a multi-cohort collaboration of HIV/HCV co-infected individuals. METHODS We studied all HCV antibody-positive adults with HIV in the EuroSIDA Study, the Southern Alberta Clinic Cohort, the Canadian Co-infection Cohort, and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study from 2001 to 2014. We calculated the incidence of HCC and other liver events (defined as liver-related deaths or decompensations, excluding HCC) and used Poisson regression to estimate incidence rate ratios. RESULTS Our study comprised 7,229 HIV/HCV co-infected individuals (68% male, 90% white). During follow-up, 72 cases of HCC and 375 other liver events occurred, yielding incidence rates of 1.6 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.3, 2.0) and 8.6 (95% CI: 7.8, 9.5) cases per 1,000 person-years of follow-up, respectively. The rate of HCC increased 11% per calendar year (95% CI: 4%, 19%) and decreased 4% for other liver events (95% CI: 2%, 7%), but only the latter remained statistically significant after adjustment for potential confounders. High age, cirrhosis, and low current CD4 cell count were associated with a higher incidence of both HCC and other liver events. CONCLUSIONS In HIV/HCV co-infected individuals, the crude incidence of HCC increased from 2001 to 2014, while other liver events declined. Individuals with cirrhosis or low current CD4 cell count are at highest risk of developing HCC or other liver events.