105 resultados para HEMORRHAGIC-SHOCK


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STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: AuTi alloys with 1.6% to 1.7% (wt%) Ti provide sufficient bond strength to veneering ceramics, but the strength of entire metal-ceramic restorations fabricated from these alloys is not known. However, this information is important to assess the clinical performance of such materials. PURPOSE: This in vitro study evaluated the fracture strength and thermal shock resistance of metal-ceramic crowns with AuTi frameworks produced by milling or casting. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Frameworks of the alloy Au-1.7Ti-0.1Ir (wt%) (Esteticor Vision) were produced by milling or casting (test groups). A high-gold alloy (Esteticor Special) was used as the control. The frameworks were veneered with ceramic (VMK 95). Specimens (n=7) were loaded until fracture. Loads at failure (N) were recorded and the mean values statistically evaluated using 1-way analysis of variance and a post hoc Dunnett test (alpha=.05). To assess the crazing resistance of the veneering ceramic, 6 additional crowns of each group were subjected to a thermal shock test. Fractured surfaces were documented by scanning electron microscopy. Coefficients of thermal expansion of the materials used were measured (n=2) to assess the thermal compatibility between alloys and ceramic. RESULTS: The mean fracture strength of the crowns with machined AuTi frameworks (1294 +/- 236 N) was significantly lower (P=.012) than that of the cast AuTi frameworks (1680 +/- 150 N), but statistically not different than the high-gold alloy (1449 +/- 159 N). Bonding failure to the AuTi alloy predominantly occurred at the alloy-oxide interface. For the high-gold alloy, more ceramic residues were observed. In the thermal shock test, crowns with milled AuTi frameworks showed significantly higher thermal shock resistance compared to the other groups. The coefficients of thermal expansion (Esteticor Vision cast: 14.5 microm/m.K; Esteticor Vision milled: 14.3 microm/m.K; Esteticor Special cast: 13.7 microm/m.K) did not correlate with the results of the thermal shock test. CONCLUSION: The in vitro fracture strength of crowns with milled AuTi frameworks is lower than that obtained with cast AuTi frameworks, but comparable to those crowns produced with a high-gold alloy.


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Clinical studies evaluating the use of phenylephrine in septic shock are lacking. The present study was designed as a prospective, crossover pilot study to compare the effects of norepinephrine (NE) and phenylephrine on systemic and regional hemodynamics in patients with catecholamine-dependent septic shock. In 15 septic shock patients, NE (0.82 +/- 0.69 mug.kg.min) was replaced with phenylephrine (4.39 +/- 5.23 mug.kg.min) titrated to maintain MAP between 65 and 75 mmHg. After 8 h of phenylephrine infusion treatment was switched back to NE. Data from right heart catheterization, acid-base balance, thermo-dye dilution catheter, gastric tonometry, and renal function were obtained before, during, and after replacing NE with phenylephrine. Variables of systemic hemodynamics, global oxygen transport, and acid-base balance remained unchanged after replacing NE with phenylephrine except for a significant decrease in heart rate (phenylephrine, 89 +/- 18 vs. NE, 93 +/- 18 bpm; P < 0.05). However, plasma disappearance rate (phenylephrine, 13.5 +/- 7.1 vs. NE, 16.4 +/- 8.7%.min) and clearance of indocyanine green (phenylephrine, 330 +/- 197 vs. NE, 380 +/- 227mL.min.m), as well as creatinine clearance (phenylephrine, 81.3 +/- 78.4 vs. NE, 94.3 +/- 93.5 mL.min) were significantly decreased by phenylephrine infusion (each P < 0.05). In addition, phenylephrine increased arterial lactate concentrations as compared with NE infusion (1.7 +/- 1.0 vs. 1.4 +/- 1.1 mM; P < 0.05). After switching back to NE, all variables returned to values obtained before phenylephrine infusion except creatinine clearance and gastric tonometry values. Our results suggest that for the same MAP, phenylephrine causes a more pronounced hepatosplanchnic vasoconstriction as compared with NE.


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While it is well established that proximity to wetlands is a risk factor for contracting Buruli ulcer, it is not clear what proportion of a population living in an area where the etiologic agent, Mycobacterium ulcerans, is endemic is actually exposed to this disease. Immunological cross-reactivity among mycobacterial species complicates the development of a specific serological test. Among immunodominant proteins recognized by a panel of anti-M. ulcerans monoclonal antibodies, the M. ulcerans homologue of the M. leprae 18-kDa small heat shock protein (shsp) was identified. Since this shsp has no homologues in M. bovis and M. tuberculosis, we evaluated its use as a target antigen for a serological test. Anti-18-kDa shsp antibodies were frequently found in the sera of Buruli ulcer patients and of healthy household contacts but rarely found in controls from regions where the infection is not endemic. The results indicate that only a small proportion of M. ulcerans-infected individuals contract the clinical disease.


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Whether or not there are molecular differences, at the intra- and extracellular level, between aortic dilatation in patients with bicuspid (BAV) and those with a tricuspid aortic valve (TAV) has remained controversial for years. We have performed 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry coupled with dephosphorylation and phosphostaining experiments to reveal and define protein alterations and the high abundant structural phosphoproteins in BAV compared to TAV aortic aneurysm samples. 2-D gel patterns showed a high correlation in protein expression between BAV and TAV specimens (n=10). Few proteins showed significant differences, among those a phosphorylated form of heat shock protein (HSP) 27 with significantly lower expression in BAV compared to TAV aortic samples (p=0.02). The phosphoprotein tracing revealed four different phosphoproteins including Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor 1, calponin 3, myosin regulatory light chain 2 and four differentially phosphorylated forms of HSP27. Levels of total HSP27 and dually phosphorylated HSP27 (S78/S82) were investigated in an extended patient cohort (n=15) using ELISA. Total HSP27 was significantly lower in BAV compared to TAV patients (p=0.03), with no correlation in levels of phospho-HSP27 (S78/S82) (p=0.4). Western blots analysis showed a trend towards lower levels of phospho-HSP27 (S78) in BAV patients (p=0.07). Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that differences in HSP27 occur in the cytoplasma of VSMC's and not extracellularly. Alterations in HSP27 may give early evidence for intracellular differences in aortic aneurysm of patients with BAV and TAV. Whether HSP27 and the defined phosphoproteins have a specific role in BAV associated aortic dilatation remains to be elucidated.


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We examined whether experimental pneumococcal meningitis induced the 72-kd heat shock protein (HSP72), a sensitive marker of neuronal stress in other models of central nervous system (CNS) injury. Brain injury was characterized by vasculitis, cerebritis, and abscess formation in the cortex of infected animals. The extent of these changes correlated with the size of the inoculum (P less than 0.003) and with pathophysiologic parameters of disease severity, i.e., cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lactate (r = 0.61, P less than 0.0001) and CSF glucose concentrations (r = -0.55, P less than 0.0001). Despite the presence of numerous cortical regions having morphologic evidence of injury, HSP72 was not detected in most animals. When present, only rare neurons were HSP72 positive. Western blot analysis of brain samples confirmed the paucity of HSP72 induction. The lack of neuronal HSP72 expression in this model suggests that at least some of the events leading to neuronal injury in meningitis are unique, when compared with CNS diseases associated with HSP72 induction.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review will discuss the rationale and clinical utility of percutaneous left ventricular assist devices in the management of patients with cardiogenic shock. RECENT FINDINGS: Left ventricular assist devices maintain partial or total circulatory support in case of severe left ventricular failure. Currently, two percutaneous left ventricular assist devices are available for clinical use: the TandemHeart and the Impella Recover LP system. Compared with the intraaortic balloon pump, the TandemHeart has been shown to significantly reduce preload and to augment cardiac output. In a randomized comparison between the TandemHeart and intraaortic balloon pump support in patients with cardiogenic shock, the improved cardiac index afforded by the left ventricular assist device resulted in a more rapid decrease in serum lactate and improved renal function. There were, however, no significant differences with respect to 30-day mortality, and complications including limb ischemia and severe bleeding were more frequent with left ventricular assist devices than intraaortic balloon pump support. SUMMARY: The advent of percutaneous left ventricular assist devices constitutes an important advance in the management of patients with severe cardiogenic shock and may serve as bridge to recovery or heart transplantation in carefully selected patients. While improvement of hemodynamic parameters appears promising, it remains to be determined whether this benefit translates into improved clinical outcome.


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Cardiogenic shock complicates up to 7% of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarctions and 2.5% of non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarctions, with an associated mortality of 50% to 70%. Primary cardiac pump failure is followed by secondary vital organ hypoperfusion and subsequent activation of various cascade pathways, resulting in a downward spiral leading to multiple organ failure and, ultimately, death. Immediate restoration of cardiac output by means of percutaneous ventricular assist devices restores hemodynamic -stability and is an important advance in the management of patients with severe left ventricular dysfunction and cardiogenic shock. This article reviews available evidence supporting the use of percutaneous ventricular assist devices in patients suffering from cardiogenic shock.


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Intracerebral contusions can lead to regional ischemia caused by extensive release of excitotoxic aminoacids leading to increased cytotoxic brain edema and raised intracranial pressure. rCBF measurements might provide further information about the risk of ischemia within and around contusions. Therefore, the aim of the presented study was to compare the intra- and perilesional rCBF of hemorrhagic, non-hemorrhagic and mixed intracerebral contusions. In 44 patients, 60 stable Xenon-enhanced CT CBF-studies were performed (EtCO2 30 +/- 4 mmHg SD), initially 29 hours (39 studies) and subsequent 95 hours after injury (21 studies). All lesions were classified according to localization and lesion type using CT/MRI scans. The rCBF was calculated within and 1-cm adjacent to each lesion in CT-isodens brain. The rCBF within all contusions (n = 100) of 29 +/- 11 ml/100 g/min was significantly lower (p < 0.0001, Mann-Whitney U) compared to perilesional rCBF of 44 +/- 12 ml/100 g/min and intra/perilesional correlation was 0.4 (p < 0.0005). Hemorrhagic contusions showed an intra/perilesional rCBF of 31 +/- 11/44 +/- 13 ml/100 g/min (p < 0.005), non-hemorrhagic contusions 35 +/- 13/46 +/- 10 ml/100 g/min (p < 0.01). rCBF in mixed contusions (25 +/- 9/44 +/- 12 ml/100 g/min, p < 0.0001) was significantly lower compared to hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic contusions (p < 0.02). Intracontusional rCBF is significantly reduced to 29 +/- 11 ml/100 g/min but reduced below ischemic levels of 18 ml/100 g/min in only 16% of all contusions. Perilesional CBF in CT normal appearing brain closed to contusions is not critically reduced. Further differentiation of contusions demonstrates significantly lower rCBF in mixed contusions (defined by both hyper- and hypodense areas in the CT-scan) compared to hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic contusions. Mixed contusions may evolve from hemorrhagic contusions with secondary increased perilesional cytotoxic brain edema leading to reduced cerebral blood flow and altered brain metabolism. Therefore, the treatment of ICP might be individually modified by the measurement of intra- and pericontusional cerebral blood.


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BACKGROUND: Acute hemorrhagic edema is an uncommon leukocytoclastic small-vessel vasculitis of young children. OBJECTIVE: To determine clinical features and outcome of acute hemorrhagic edema of young children. METHODS: Seven new cases are reported. A search of the literature revealed 287 published cases. RESULTS: The 294 children (boys, 67%) ranged in age between 2 and 60 months (median, 11 months) and were in good general condition. In 195 children the disease developed after a simple acute infection. The exanthemata included large, round, red to purpuric plaques predominantly over the cheeks, ears, and extremities and mostly tender edema of the distal extremities, ears, and face. Involvement of body systems other than skin was rare. The children recovered spontaneously without sequelae. LIMITATIONS: Results of this review must be viewed with an understanding of the limitations of the analysis process, which incorporated data exclusively from single case reports or case series. CONCLUSIONS: Acute hemorrhagic edema of young children is a very benign vasculitis. Physicians might rapidly develop the skills necessary to diagnose this condition.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To describe the effects of arginine vasopressin other than its vasoconstrictive and antidiuretic potential in vasodilatory shock. RECENT FINDINGS: Arginine vasopressin influences substrate metabolism by stimulation of hepatic glucose release, gluconeogenesis, ureogenesis and fatty acid esterification. Although arginine vasopressin is a secretagogue of different hormones, only prolactin increases during arginine vasopressin therapy. Plasmatic and cellular coagulation are affected by arginine vasopressin, resulting in thrombocyte aggregation. Therefore, platelet count typically decreases following arginine vasopressin infusion in critically ill patients. In addition, arginine vasopressin reduces bile flow and may increase bilirubin concentrations. Despite its potential to decrease serum sodium, no change in electrolytes was observed in critically ill patients receiving arginine vasopressin. Although arginine vasopressin is an endogenous antipyretic, body temperature is not decreased by central venous arginine vasopressin infusion. In addition, arginine vasopressin modulates immune function through V1 receptors. Compared with norepinephrine, arginine vasopressin may have protective effects on endothelial function. Net arginine vasopressin effects on gastrointestinal motility seem to be inhibitory and are dose dependent. SUMMARY: Except for its antidiuretic and vasoconstrictive actions, the effects of arginine vasopressin in patients with vasodilatory shock have so far only been partially examined. Potential influences of arginine vasopressin on metabolism and immune, liver and mitochondrial function remain to be assessed in future studies.


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Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) implantation is the only established therapy for primary or secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death in patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM). Ineffectiveness of shock therapy for the termination of potentially fatal ventricular arrhythmias in ICD recipients is rare in the presence of appropriate arrhythmia detection by the device. We report the case of a 48-year-old woman with HCM and a single chamber ICD, who received five inefficient high-energy (35 Joules) shocks for the termination of an appropriately detected episode of Ventricular Tachycardia (VT). The episode was safely terminated with a subsequent application of Antitachycardia Pacing (ATP) by the device. At the following ICD control, an acceptable defibrillation threshold was detected.


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Left ventricular assist devices were developed to support the function of a failing left ventricle. Owing to recent technological improvements, ventricular assist devices can be placed by percutaneous implantation techniques, which offer the advantage of fast implantation in the setting of acute left ventricular failure. This article reviews the growing evidence supporting the clinical use of left ventricular assist devices. Specifically, we discuss the use of left ventricular assist devices in patients with cardiogenic shock, in patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction without shock, and during high-risk percutaneous coronary interventions.