88 resultados para Fluvial Channels
Distinct potassium, anion, and calcium channels in the plasma membrane and vacuolar membrane of plant cells have been identified and characterized by patch clamping. Primarily owing to advances in Arabidopsis genetics and genomics, and yeast functional complementation, many of the corresponding genes have been identified. Recent advances in our understanding of ion channel genes that mediate signal transduction and ion transport are discussed here. Some plant ion channels, for example, ALMT and SLAC anion channel subunits, are unique. The majority of plant ion channel families exhibit homology to animal genes; such families include both hyperpolarization- and depolarization-activated Shaker-type potassium channels, CLC chloride transporters/channels, cyclic nucleotide-gated channels, and ionotropic glutamate receptor homologs. These plant ion channels offer unique opportunities to analyze the structural mechanisms and functions of ion channels. Here we review gene families of selected plant ion channel classes and discuss unique structure-function aspects and their physiological roles in plant cell signaling and transport.
The influence of the immediate prestimulus EEG microstate (sub-second epoch of stable topography/map landscape) on the map landscape of visually evoked 47-channel event-related potential (ERP) microstates was examined using the frequent, non-target stimuli of a cognitive paradigm (12 volunteers). For the two most frequent prestimulus microstate classes (oriented left anterior-right posterior and right anterior-left posterior), ERP map series were selectively averaged. The post-stimulus ERP grand average map series was segmented into microstates; 10 were found. The centroid locations of positive and negative map areas were extracted as landscape descriptors. Significant differences (MANOVAs and t-tests) between the two prestimulus classes were found in four of the ten ERP microstates. The relative orientation of the two ERP microstate classes was the same as prestimulus in some ERP microstates, but reversed in others. — Thus, brain electric microstates at stimulus arrival influence the landscapes of the post-stimulus ERP maps and therefore, information processing; prestimulus microstate effects differed for different post-stimulus ERP microstates.
PURPOSE The anterior maxilla, sometimes also called premaxilla, is an area frequently requiring surgical interventions. The objective of this observational study was to identify and assess accessory bone channels other than the nasopalatine canal in the anterior maxilla using limited cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). METHODS A total of 176 cases fulfilled the inclusion criteria comprising region of interest, quality of CBCT image, and absence of pathologic lesions or retained teeth. Any bone canal with a minimum diameter of 1.00 mm other than the nasopalatine canal was analyzed regarding size, location, and course, as well as patient gender and age. RESULTS A total of 67 accessory canals ≥1.00 mm were found in 49 patients (27.8%). A higher frequency of accessory canals was observed in males (33.0%) than in females (22.7%) (p = 0.130). Accessory canals occurred more frequently in older rather than younger patients (p = 0.115). The mean diameter of accessory canals was 1.31 ± 0.26 mm (range 1.01-2.13 mm). Gender and age did not significantly influence the diameter. Accessory canals were found palatal to all anterior teeth, but most frequently palatal to the central incisors. In 56.7%, the accessory canals curved superolaterally and communicated with the ipsilateral alveolar extension of the canalis sinuosus. CONCLUSIONS The study confirms the presence of bone channels within the anterior maxilla other than the nasopalatine canal. More than half of these accessory bone canals communicated with the canalis sinuosus. From a clinical perspective, studies are needed to determine the content of these accessory canals.
Human embryonic kidney cells 293 (HEK293) are widely used as cellular heterologous expression systems to study transfected ion channels. This work characterizes the endogenous expression of TRPM4 channels in HEK293 cells. TRPM4 is an intracellular Ca(2+)-activated non-selective cationic channel expressed in many cell types. Western blot analyses have revealed the endogenous expression of TRPM4. Single channel 22pS conductance with a linear current-voltage relationship was observed using the inside-out patch clamp configuration in the presence of intracellular Ca(2+). The channels were permeable to the monovalent cations Na(+) and K(+), but not to Ca(2+). The open probability was voltage-dependent, being higher at positive potentials. Using the whole-cell patch clamp "ruptured patch" configuration, the amplitude of the intracellular Ca(2+)-activated macroscopic current was dependent on time after patch rupture. Initial transient activation followed by a steady-increase reaching a plateau phase was observed. Biophysical analyses of the macroscopic current showed common properties with those from HEK293 cells stably transfected with human TRPM4b, with the exception of current time course and Ca(2+) sensitivity. The endogenous macroscopic current reached the plateau faster and required 61.9±3.5μM Ca(2+) to be half-maximally activated versus 84.2±1.5μM for the transfected current. The pharmacological properties, however, were similar in both conditions. One hundred μM of flufenamic acid and 9-phenanthrol strongly inhibited the endogenous current. Altogether, the data demonstrate the expression of endogenous TRMP4 channels in HEK293 cells. This observation should be taken into account when using this cell line to study TRPM4 or other types of Ca(2+)-activated channels.
Peripheral neuropathic pain is a disabling condition resulting from nerve injury. It is characterized by the dysregulation of voltage-gated sodium channels (Navs) expressed in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) sensory neurons. The mechanisms underlying the altered expression of Na(v)s remain unknown. This study investigated the role of the E3 ubiquitin ligase NEDD4-2, which is known to ubiquitylate Navs, in the pathogenesis of neuropathic pain in mice. The spared nerve injury (SNI) model of traumatic nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain was used, and an Na(v)1.7-specific inhibitor, ProTxII, allowed the isolation of Na(v)1.7-mediated currents. SNI decreased NEDD4-2 expression in DRG cells and increased the amplitude of Na(v)1.7 and Na(v)1.8 currents. The redistribution of Na(v)1.7 channels toward peripheral axons was also observed. Similar changes were observed in the nociceptive DRG neurons of Nedd4L knockout mice (SNS-Nedd4L(-/-)). SNS-Nedd4L(-/-) mice exhibited thermal hypersensitivity and an enhanced second pain phase after formalin injection. Restoration of NEDD4-2 expression in DRG neurons using recombinant adenoassociated virus (rAAV2/6) not only reduced Na(v)1.7 and Na(v)1.8 current amplitudes, but also alleviated SNI-induced mechanical allodynia. These findings demonstrate that NEDD4-2 is a potent posttranslational regulator of Na(v)s and that downregulation of NEDD4-2 leads to the hyperexcitability of DRG neurons and contributes to the genesis of pathological pain.
Introduction: Myotonia congenita (MC) is caused by congenital defects in the muscle chloride channel CLC-1. This study used muscle velocity recovery cycles (MVRCs) to investigate how membrane function is affected. Methods: MVRCs and responses to repetitive stimulation were compared between 18 patients with genetically confirmed MC (13 recessive, 7 dominant) and 30 age-matched normal controls. Results: MC patients exhibited increased early supernormality, but treatment with sodium channel blockers prevented this. After multiple conditioning stimuli, late supernormality was enhanced in all MC patients, indicating delayed repolarization. These abnormalities were similar between the MC subtypes, but recessive patients showed a greater drop in amplitude during repetitive stimulation. Discussion: MVRCs indicate that chloride conductance only becomes important when muscle fibers are depolarized. The differential responses to repetitive stimulation suggest that in dominant MC the affected chloride channels are activated by strong depolarization, consistent with a positive shift of the CLC-1 activation curve. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and post-IR IRSL are applied to small aliquots and single grains to determine the equivalent dose (De) of eleven alluvial and fluvial sediment samples collected in the Pativilca valley, Central Peru at ca. 10°S latitude. Small aliquot De distributions are rather symmetric and display over-dispersion values between 15 and 46%. Small aliquot g-values range between 4 and 8% per decade for the IRSL and 1 and 2% per decade for the post-IR IRSL signal. The single grain De distributions are highly over-dispersed with some of them skewed to higher doses, implying partial bleaching; this is especially true for the post-IR IRSL. Measurements of a modern analog reveal that residuals due to partial bleaching are present in both the IRSL as well as the post-IR IRSL signal. The g-values of individual grains exhibit a wide range with high individual uncertainties and might contribute significantly to the spread of the single grain De values, at least for the IRSL data. Electron Microprobe Analysis performed on single grains reveal that a varying K-content can be excluded as the origin of over-dispersion. Final ages for the different approaches are calculated using the Central Age Model and the Minimum Age Model (MAM). The samples are grouped into well-beached, potentially well-bleached and partially bleached according to the evaluation of the single grain distributions and the agreement of age estimates between methods. The application of the MAM to the single grain data resulted in consistent age estimates for both the fading corrected IRSL and the post-IR IRSL ages, and suggests that both approaches are suitable for dating these samples. Keywords
In this chapter, we discuss the factors controlling the mechanisms and rates of hillslope failure in temperate environments with a major focus on the Swiss Alps. We frame this presentation by defining Alpine hillslopes as either strength- or transport-limited hillslopes. We organize this discussion into individual sections that outline how hillslope processes are related to (1) the mechanical strength and bedding orientation of bedrock, (2) the competition between channelized and hillslope processes, (3) hillslope–channel coupling relationships, and (4) fluvial erosion rates. We find that hillslope angles depend on bedrock strength along nonincised channels, but are not related to this parameter in inner gorges. We also find that valley flanks host deep-seated landslides where the bedrock dips parallel to the topographic slope. In the opposite case, the valley sides are dissected by a network of bedrock channels bordered by strength-limited hillslopes. In this chapter, we illustrate that a high ratio between sediment discharge on hillslopes and in channels explains the formation of smooth landscapes with low channel densities and long response times. This chapter considers the formation of strength-limited hillslopes as a consequence of an upslope-directed coupling between channels and hillslopes. The chapter also discusses that soil-mantled hillslopes occur where fluvial incision rates are less than weathering rates of bedrock, which are limited to 0.1–0.3 mm yr−1. We finally present evidence for a decreasing trend of hillslope-derived sediment discharge during the Holocene, but predict an opposite trend in the nearest future as winters are warmer and wetter.
The coupling relationships between hillslope and channel network are fundamental for the understanding of mountainous landscapes' evolution. Here, we applied dendrogeomorphic methods to identify the hillslope–channel relationship and the sediment transfer dynamics within an alpine catchment, at the highest possible resolution. The Schimbrig catchment is located in the central Swiss Alps and can be divided into two distinct geomorphic sectors. To the east, the Schimbrig earth flow is the largest sediment source of the basin, while to the west, the Rossloch channel network is affected by numerous shallow landslides responsible for the supply of sediment from hillslopes to channels. To understand the connectivity between hillslopes and channels and between sources and sink, trees were sampled along the main Rossloch stream, on the Schimbrig earth flow and on the Rossloch depositional area. Geomorphic observations and dendrogeomophic results indicate different mechanisms of sediment production, transfer and deposition between upper and lower segments of the channel network. In the source areas (upper part of the Rossloch channel system), sediment is delivered to the channel network through slow movements of the ground, typical of earth flow, shallow landslides and soil creep. Contrariwise, in the depositional area (lower part of the channel network), the mechanisms of sediment transfer are mainly due to torrential activity, floods and debris flows. Tree analysis allowed the reconstruction of periods of high activity during the last century for the entire catchment. The collected dataset presents a very high temporal resolution but we encountered some limitations in establishing the source-to-sink connectivity at the catchment-wide scale. Despite these uncertainties, for decennial timescales the results suggest a direct coupling between hillslopes and neighbouring channels in the Rossloch channel network, and a de-coupling between sediment sources and sink farther downstream, with connections possible only during extraordinary events.