146 resultados para Eichler, Margrit


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Long-term follow up of patients with total hip arthroplasty (THA) revealed a marked deterioration of walking capacities in Charnley class B after postoperative year 4. We hypothesized that a specific group of patients, namely those with unilateral hip arthroplasty and an untreated but affected contralateral hip was responsible for this observation. Therefore, we conducted a study taking into consideration the two subclasses that make up Charnley class B: patients with unilateral THA and contralateral hip disease and patients with bilateral THA. A sample of 15,160 patients with 35,773 follow ups that were prospectively collected over 10 years was evaluated. The sample was categorized into four classes according to a new modified Charnley classification. Annual analyses of the proportion of patients with ambulation longer than 60 min were conducted. The traditionally labeled Charnley class B consists of two very different patient groups with respect to their walking capacities. Those with unilateral THA and contralateral hip disease have underaverage walking capacities and a deterioration of ambulation beginning 3 to 4 years after surgery. Those with bilateral THA have stable overaverage walking capacities similar to Charnley class A. An extension of the traditional Charnley classification is proposed, taking into account the two different patient groups in Charnley class B. The new fourth Charnley class consists of patients with bilateral THA and was labeled BB in order to express the presence of two artificial hip joints and to preserve the traditional classification A through C.


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The heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (HB-EGF) has been implicated in wound-healing processes of various tissues. However, it is not known whether HB-EGF may represent a factor implicated in overstimulated wound-healing processes of the retina during proliferative retinopathies. Therefore, we investigated whether human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, which are crucially involved in proliferative retinopathies, express and respond to HB-EGF. RPE cells express mRNAs for various members of the EGF-related growth factor family, among them for HB-EGF, as well as for the EGF receptors ErbB1, -2, -3, and -4. The gene expression of HB-EGF is stimulated in the presence of transforming and basic fibroblast growth factors and by oxidative stress and is suppressed during chemical hypoxia. Exogenous HB-EGF stimulates proliferation and migration of RPE cells and the gene and protein expression of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). HB-EGF activates at least three signal transduction pathways in RPE cells including the extracellular signal-regulated kinases (involved in the proliferation-stimulating action of HB-EGF), p38 (mediates the effects on chemotaxis and secretion of VEGF), and the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (necessary for the stimulation of chemotaxis). In epiretinal membranes of patients with proliferative retinopathies, HB-EGF immunoreactivity was partially colocalized with the RPE cell marker, cytokeratins; this observation suggests that RPE cell-derived HB-EGF may represent one factor that drives the uncontrolled wound-healing process of the retina. The stimulating effect on the secretion of VEGF may suggest that HB-EGF is also implicated in the pathological angiogenesis of the retina.


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The molecular basis for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), a relatively common complication of heparin therapy, is not yet fully understood. We found that pretreatment of platelets with AR-C66096 (formerly FPL 66096), a specific platelet adenosine diphosphate (ADP) receptor antagonist, at a concentration of 100 to 200 nmol/L that blocked ADP-dependent platelet aggregation, resulted in complete loss of platelet aggregation responses to HIT sera. AR-C66096 also totally inhibited HIT serum-induced dense granule release, as judged by measurement of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) release. Apyrase, added to platelets at a concentration that had only minor effects on thrombin- or arachidonic acid-induced aggregation, also blocked completely HIT serum-induced platelet aggregation. Furthermore, AR-C66096 inhibited platelet aggregation and ATP release induced by cross-linking Fc gamma RIIA with specific antibodies. These data show that released ADP and the platelet ADP receptor play a pivotal role in HIT serum-induced platelet activation/aggregation. The thromboxane receptor inhibitor, Daltroban, had no effect on HIT serum-induced platelet activation whereas GPIIb-IIIa antagonists blocked platelet aggregation but had only a moderate effect on HIT serum-induced dense granule release. Pretreatment of platelets with chondroitinases but not with heparinases resulted in concentration dependent inhibition of HIT serum-induced platelet aggregation. These novel data relating to the mechanism of platelet activation induced by HIT sera suggest that the possibility should be examined that ADP receptor antagonists or compounds that inhibit ADP release may be effective as therapeutic agents for the prevention or treatment of complications associated with heparin therapy.


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BACKGROUND: Uncertainty exists about the performance of the Framingham risk score when applied in different populations. OBJECTIVE: We assessed calibration of the Framingham risk score (ie, relationship between predicted and observed coronary event rates) in US and non-US populations free of cardiovascular disease. METHODS: We reviewed studies that evaluated the performance of the Framingham risk score to predict first coronary events in a validation cohort, as identified by Medline, EMBASE, BIOSIS, and Cochrane library searches (through August 2005). Two reviewers independently assessed 1496 studies for eligibility, extracted data, and performed quality assessment using predefined forms. RESULTS: We included 25 validation cohorts of different population groups (n = 128,000) in our main analysis. Calibration varied over a wide range from under- to overprediction of absolute risk by factors of 0.57 to 2.7. Risk prediction for 7 cohorts (n = 18658) from the United States, Australia, and New Zealand was well calibrated (corresponding figures: 0.87-1.08; for the 5 biggest cohorts). The estimated population risks for first coronary events were strongly associated (goodness of fit: R2 = 0.84) and in good agreement with observed risks (coefficient for predicted risk: beta = 0.84; 95% CI 0.41-1.26). In 18 European cohorts (n = 109499), the corresponding figures indicated close association (R2 = 0.72) but substantial overprediction (beta = 0.58, 95% CI 0.39-0.77). The risk score was well calibrated on the intercept for both population clusters. CONCLUSION: The Framingham score is well calibrated to predict first coronary events in populations from the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. Overestimation of absolute risk in European cohorts requires recalibration procedures.


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A 8-year-old boy showed a traumatic ventricular septal rupture following a blunt chest trauma, and was scheduled for elective catheter closure. Two weeks later, a follow-up echocardiogram revealed a pseudoaneurysm of the anterior wall of the left ventricle. Because of the apical location of the VSD, it was decided to proceed with transcatheter occlusion. After successful VSD closure, the patient was taken to the operation room for surgical repair of the left ventricular pseudoaneurysm. Symptoms and signs seen in patients with ventricular pseudoaneurysms appear to be discrete and variable, and a high clinical index of suspicion with a very close echocardiographic follow-up is strongly recommended after occurrence of a blunt cardiac trauma. The combined 'hybrid' approach of transcatheter closure of the intraventricular rupture followed by surgical closure of the pseudoaneurysm allows for a less invasive and efficient management of this rare combination of post-traumatic ventricular free wall and septal rupture in a child.


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m Gegensatz zu Erwachsenen mit vorwiegend pulmonalen Erkrankungen wie der chronisch obstruktiven Lungenerkrankung, entsteht bei Kindern eine zentrale Zyanose meist durch angeborene Herzfehler. Zyanotische Herzfehler kommen mit einer Häufigkeit von ca. 13 pro 10.000 Lebendgeburten vor. Dadurch, dass heutzutage auch komplexe Herzfehler erfolgreich palliiert werden, steigt die Wahrscheinlichkeit stetig an, im Rettungsdienst Kindern mit einer zentralen Zyanose zu begegnen. Ursachen für das untersättigte Blut in den großen Arterien können eine Minderperfusion der Lungen oder eine vermehrte Durchmischung von arteriellen mit venösem Blut über einen Rechts-Links-Shunt sein. Der beste Indikator einer zentralen Zyanose ist die Zunge, da sie reichlich vaskularisiert und frei von Pigmenten ist. Je nach Altersklasse ist eher eine primäre Volumentherapie oder eine großzügige Sauerstoffapplikation essenziell, oder aber auch keine Notfalltherapie notwendig. Nach der präklinischen Versorgung ist eine stationäre Einweisung unabdingbar, bevorzugt in ein Zentrum mit der Option der kinderintensivmedizinischen oder kinderkardiologischen Betreuung.


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