92 resultados para Dementia mild cognitive impairment
Objective: To review the literature to identify and synthesize the evidence on risk factors for patient falls in geriatric rehabilitation hospital settings. Data sources: Eligible studies were systematically searched on 16 databases from inception to December 2010. Review methods: The search strategies used a combination of terms for rehabilitation hospital patients, falls, risk factors and older adults. Cross-sectional, cohort, case-control studies and randomized clinical trials (RCTs) published in English that investigated risks for falls among patients ≥65 years of age in rehabilitation hospital settings were included. Studies that investigated fall risk assessment tools, but did not investigate risk factors themselves or did not report a measure of risk (e.g. odds ratio, relative risk) were excluded. Results: A total of 2,824 references were identified; only eight articles concerning six studies met the inclusion criteria. In these, 1,924 geriatric rehabilitation patients were followed. The average age of the patients ranged from 77 to 83 years, the percentage of women ranged from 56% to 81%, and the percentage of fallers ranged from 15% to 54%. Two were case-control studies, two were RCTs and four were prospective cohort studies. Several intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors for falls were identified. Conclusion: Carpet flooring, vertigo, being an amputee, confusion, cognitive impairment, stroke, sleep disturbance, anticonvulsants, tranquilizers and antihypertensive medications, age between 71 and 80, previous falls, and need for transfer assistance are risk factors for geriatric patient falls in rehabilitation hospital settings.
The brain is one of the first organs affected during sepsis development resulting in apoptosis for a short-term and cognitive impairment for a long-term. Despite its importance, the mechanisms of brain dysfunction during sepsis are not fully elucidated. Thus, we here, in an animal model of sepsis, evaluated apoptosis in the dentate gyrus cell layer of the hippocampus to document the involvement of caspase-3 in the pathogenesis of neuronal apoptosis. Wistar rats sham-operated or submitted to the cecal ligation and perforation (CLP) procedure were killed at 12, 24, 48 h, and 10 days after surgery for the determination of caspase-3 and apoptosis rate. In a separate cohort of animals, a caspase-3-specific inhibitor was administered and animals were killed at 12 h after sepsis. An increase in the number of apoptotic cells 12, 24, and 48 h by histopathological evaluations and an increase of caspase-3 apoptotic cells 12 and 24 h after sepsis induction were observed. The caspase-3 inhibitor decreases the number of apoptotic cells by histopathological evaluations but not by immunohistochemistry evaluations. Caspase-3 is involved in part in apoptosis in the dentate gyrus cell layer of the hippocampus in septic rats submitted by CLP.
Background: visual and cognitive impairments are common in later life. Yet there are very few cognitive screening tests for the visually impaired. Objective: to screen for cognitive impairment in the visually impaired. Methods: case-control study including 150 elderly participants with visual impairment (n = 74) and a control group without visual impairment (n = 76) using vision-independent cognitive tests and cognitive screening tests (MMSE and clock drawing tests (CDT)) which are in part vision dependent. Results: the scoring of the two groups did not differ in the vision-independent cognitive tests. Visually impaired patients performed poorer than controls in the vision-dependent items of the MMSE (T = 7.3; df: 148; P < 0.001) and in CDT (T = 3.1; df: 145; P = 0.003). No group difference was found when vision-independent items were added to MMSE and CDT. The test score gain by the use of vision-independent items correlated with the severity of visual impairment (P < 0.002). Conclusion: visually impaired patients benefit from cognitive tests, which do not rely on vision. The more visually impaired the greater the benefit.
Background: Knowledge about HD in China is lacking in the international literature. We have therefore analyzed the Chinese literature to thoroughly explore the clinical characteristics of Huntington disease in China. Methods: A computer-based online search of China National Knowledge Infrastructure was performed to review case reports concerning HD published between January 1980 and April of 2011, and the clinical characteristics were extracted. Results: A total of 92 studies involving 279 patients (157 males and 122 females) were collected, 82.0% of which were from provinces of North China. Most of the cases (97.8%) had a family history of HD, and paternal inheritance (65.5%) was higher than maternal inheritance (34.5%). Onset age was 35.8 (± 11.8) years, death occurred with 45.6 (± 13.5) years after a course of 11.6 (± 5.6) years. Involuntary movements were the most frequent reported presentation (found in 52.3%, including 64.4% in the entire body, 19.8% in the upper limbs, and 13.7% in the head and face). Psychiatric symptoms at onset were reported in 16.1%, and cognitive impairment in 1.8%. With disease progression, 99.6% of patients had abnormal movements, 67.9% cognitive impairment, and 35.0% suffered psychiatric symptoms. Of the reported patients, only 22 underwent IT15 gene testing with positive results. Conclusion: HD is a well-reported entity in Chinese medical literature, however, only a small number of instances have been proven by molecular diagnosis. Most of the features resemble what is known in other countries. The highly predominant motor presentation, and the higher male prevalence as well as the apparent concentration in Northern China may be due to observational bias. There is therefore a need to prospectively examine cohorts of patients with appropriate comprehensive assessment tools including genetic testing.
In the present in situ hybridization and immunocytochemical studies in the mouse central nervous system (CNS), a strong expression of spastin mRNA and protein was found in Purkinje cells and dentate nucleus in the cerebellum, in hippocampal principal cells and hilar neurons, in amygdala, substantia nigra, striatum, in the motor nuclei of the cranial nerves and in different layers of the cerebral cortex except piriform and entorhinal cortices where only neurons in layer II were strongly stained. Spastin protein and mRNA were weakly expressed in most of the thalamic nuclei. In selected human brain regions such as the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, amygdala, substania nigra and striatum, similar results were obtained. Electron microscopy showed spastin immunopositive staining in the cytoplasma, dendrites, axon terminals and nucleus. In the mouse pilocarpine model of status epilepticus and subsequent temporal lobe epilepsy, spastin expression disappeared in hilar neurons as early as at 2h during pilocarpine induced status epilepticus, and never recovered. At 7 days and 2 months after pilocarpine induced status epilepticus, spastin expression was down-regulated in granule cells in the dentate gyrus, but induced expression was found in reactive astrocytes. The demonstration of widespread distribution of spastin in functionally different brain regions in the present study may provide neuroanatomical basis to explain why different neurological, psychological disorders and cognitive impairment occur in patients with spastin mutation. Down-regulation or loss of spastin expression in hilar neurons may be related to their degeneration and may therefore initiate epileptogenetic events, leading to temporal lobe epilepsy.
BACKGROUND: Social isolation is associated with poorer health, and is seen by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as one of the major issues facing the industrialised world. AIM: To explore the significance of social isolation in the older population for GPs and for service commissioners. DESIGN OF STUDY: Secondary analysis of baseline data from a randomised controlled trial of health risk appraisal. SETTING: A total of 2641 community-dwelling, non-disabled people aged 65 years and over in suburban London. METHOD: Demographic details, social network and risk for social isolation based on the 6-item Lubben Social Network Scale, measures of depressed mood, memory problems, numbers of chronic conditions, medication use, functional ability, self-reported use of medical services. RESULTS: More than 15% of the older age group were at risk of social isolation, and this risk increased with advancing age. In bivariate analyses risk of social isolation was associated with older age, education up to 16 years only, depressed mood and impaired memory, perceived fair or poor health, perceived difficulty with both basic and instrumental activities of daily living, diminishing functional ability, and fear of falling. Despite poorer health status, those at risk of social isolation did not appear to make greater use of medical services, nor were they at greater risk of hospital admission. Half of those who scored as at risk of social isolation lived with others. Multivariate analysis showed significant independent associations between risk of social isolation and depressed mood and living alone, and weak associations with male sex, impaired memory and perceived poor health. CONCLUSION: The risk of social isolation is elevated in older men, older persons who live alone, persons with mood or cognitive problems, but is not associated with greater use of services. These findings would not support population screening for individuals at risk of social isolation with a view to averting service use by timely intervention. Awareness of social isolation should trigger further assessment, and consideration of interventions to alleviate social isolation, treat depression or ameliorate cognitive impairment.
INTRODUCTION: Cognitive complaints, such as poor concentration and memory deficits, are frequent after whiplash injury and play an important role in disability. The origin of these complaints is discussed controversially. Some authors postulate brain lesions as a consequence of whiplash injuries. Potential diffuse axonal injury (DAI) with subsequent atrophy of the brain and ventricular expansion is of particular interest as focal brain lesions have not been documented so far in whiplash injury. OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether traumatic brain injury can be identified using a magnetic resonance (MR)-based quantitative analysis of normalized ventricle-brain ratios (VBR) in chronic whiplash patients with subjective cognitive impairment that cannot be objectively confirmed by neuropsychological testing. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MR examination was performed in 21 patients with whiplash injury and symptom persistence for 9 months on average and in 18 matched healthy controls. Conventional MR imaging (MRI) was used to assess the volumes of grey and white matter and of ventricles. The normalized VBR was calculated. RESULTS: The values of normalized VBR did not differ in whiplash patients when compared with that in healthy controls (F = 0.216, P = 0.645). CONCLUSIONS: This study does not support loss of brain tissue following whiplash injury as measured by VBR. On this basis, traumatic brain injury with subsequent DAI does not seem to be the underlying mechanism for persistent concentration and memory deficits that are subjectively reported but not objectively verifiable as neuropsychological deficits.
In spite of improved antimicrobial therapy, bacterial meningitis still results in brain damage leading to significant long-term neurological sequelae in a substantial number of survivors, as confirmed by several recent studies. Meningitis caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae is associated with a particularly severe outcome. Experimental studies over the past few years have increased our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the events that ultimately lead to brain damage during meningitis. Necrotic damage to the cerebral cortex is at least partly mediated by ischemia and oxygen radicals and therefore offers a promising target for adjunctive therapeutic intervention. Neuronal apoptosis in the hippocampus may represent the major pathological process responsible for cognitive impairment and learning disabilities in survivors. However, the mechanisms involved in causing this damage remain largely unknown. Anti-inflammatory treatment with corticosteroids aggravates hippocampal damage, thus underlining the potential shortcomings of current adjuvant strategies. In contrast, the combined inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase and tumour necrosis factor-alpha converting enzyme protected both the cortex and hippocampus in experimental meningitis, and may represent a promising new approach to adjunctive therapy. It is the hope that a more refined molecular understanding of the pathogenesis of brain damage during bacterial meningitis will lead to new adjunctive therapies.
Perceptual-cognitive impairment after general anaesthesia may affect the ability to reliably report pain severity with the standard visual analog scale (VAS). To minimise these limitations, we developed 'PAULA the PAIN-METER' (PAULA): it has five coloured emoticon faces on the forefront, it is twice as long as a standard VAS scale, and patients use a slider to mark their pain experience. Forty-eight postoperative patients rated descriptive pain terms on PAULA and on a standard VAS immediately after admission and before discharge from the postanaesthesia care unit. Visual acuity was determined before both assessments. The values obtained with PAULA showed less variance than those obtained with the standard VAS, even at the first assessment, where only 23% of the patients had regained their visual acuity. Furthermore, the deviations of the absolute VAS values in individual patients for each descriptive pain term were significantly smaller with PAULA than with the standard VAS.
OBJECTIVE: Visual hallucinations are under-reported by patients and are often undiscovered by health professionals. There is no gold standard available to assess hallucinations. Our objective was to develop a reliable, valid, semi-structured interview for identifying and assessing visual hallucinations in older people with eye disease and cognitive impairment. METHODS: We piloted the North-East Visual Hallucinations Interview (NEVHI) in 80 older people with visual and/or cognitive impairment (patient group) and 34 older people without known risks of hallucinations (control group). The informants of 11 patients were interviewed separately. We established face validity, content validity, criterion validity, inter-rater agreement and the internal consistency of the NEVHI, and assessed the factor structure for questions evaluating emotions, cognitions, and behaviours associated with hallucinations. RESULTS: Recurrent visual hallucinations were common in the patient group (68.8%) and absent in controls (0%). The criterion, face and content validities were good and the internal consistency of screening questions for hallucinations was high (Cronbach alpha: 0.71). The inter-rater agreements for simple and complex hallucinations were good (Kappa 0.72 and 0.83, respectively). Four factors associated with experiencing hallucinations (perceived control, pleasantness, distress and awareness) were identified and explained a total variance of 73%. Informants gave more 'don't know answers' than patients throughout the interview (p = 0.008), especially to questions evaluating cognitions and emotions associated with hallucinations (p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: NEVHI is a comprehensive assessment tool, helpful to identify the presence of visual hallucinations and to quantify cognitions, emotions and behaviours associated with hallucinations.
OBJECTIVE To investigate the evolution of delirium of nursing home (NH) residents and their possible predictors. DESIGN Post-hoc analysis of a prospective cohort assessment. SETTING Ninety NHs in Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS Included 14,771 NH residents. MEASUREMENTS The Resident Assessment Instrument Minimum Data Set and the Nursing Home Confusion Assessment Method were used to determine follow-up of subsyndromal or full delirium in NH residents using discrete Markov chain modeling to describe long-term trajectories and multiple logistic regression analyses to determine predictors of the trajectories. RESULTS We identified four major types of delirium time courses in NH. Increasing severity of cognitive impairment and of depressive symptoms at the initial assessment predicted the different delirium time courses. CONCLUSION More pronounced cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms at the initial assessment are associated with different subsequent evolutions of delirium. The presence and evolution of delirium in the first year after NH admission predicted the subsequent course of delirium until death.
Introduction: Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is the most common autoimmune subepidermal blistering disease of the skin and mucosae. BP typically affects the elderly and manifests with severe itch, localised or generalised eczematous, urticated and/or bullous lesions. Its morbidity and impact on the quality of life are important. The disease is significantly associated with neurological disorders, such as stroke, Parkinson disease, major cognitive impairment and multiple sclerosis. Diagnosis of BP critically relies on immunopathologic examinations, particularly direct immunofluorescence microscopy studies. Areas covered: This paper looks at the evidence of therapies commonly used in bullous pemphigoid. Expert opinion: Treatment of BP has been a challenge, given the relative rarity of the disease, lack of good quality randomised controlled trials, the presence of co-morbidities in the affected elderly population and the high mortality rate. Recent controlled studies have indicated that potent topical corticosteroids constitute a more effective therapy for BP when compared to oral corticosteroids in terms of control of the disease, side effect profile and overall survival. Other therapies have been employed with varying success, but are not validated yet. Improved knowledge of the pathophysiology of BP will hopefully allow the development of new immunomodulatory treatments for this debilitating disease.
BACKGROUND Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) may occur in patients after exposure to a life-threatening illness. About one out of six patients develop clinically relevant levels of PTSD symptoms after acute myocardial infarction (MI). Symptoms of PTSD are associated with impaired quality of life and increase the risk of recurrent cardiovascular events. The main hypothesis of the MI-SPRINT study is that trauma-focused psychological counseling is more effective than non-trauma focused counseling in preventing posttraumatic stress after acute MI. METHODS/DESIGN The study is a single-center, randomized controlled psychological trial with two active intervention arms. The sample consists of 426 patients aged 18 years or older who are at 'high risk' to develop clinically relevant posttraumatic stress symptoms. 'High risk' patients are identified with three single-item questions with a numeric rating scale (0 to 10) asking about 'pain during MI', 'fear of dying until admission' and/or 'worrying and feeling helpless when being told about having MI'. Exclusion criteria are emergency heart surgery, severe comorbidities, current severe depression, disorientation, cognitive impairment and suicidal ideation. Patients will be randomly allocated to a single 45-minute counseling session targeting either specific MI-triggered traumatic reactions (that is, the verum intervention) or the general role of psychosocial stress in coronary heart disease (that is, the control intervention). The session will take place in the coronary care unit within 48 hours, by the bedside, after patients have reached stable circulatory conditions. Each patient will additionally receive an illustrated information booklet as study material. Sociodemographic factors, psychosocial and medical data, and cardiometabolic risk factors will be assessed during hospitalization. The primary outcome is the interviewer-rated posttraumatic stress level at three-month follow-up, which is hypothesized to be at least 20% lower in the verum group than in the control group using the t-test. Secondary outcomes are posttraumatic stress levels at 12-month follow-up, and psychosocial functioning and cardiometabolic risk factors at both follow-up assessments. DISCUSSION If the verum intervention proves to be effective, the study will be the first to show that a brief trauma-focused psychological intervention delivered within a somatic health care setting can reduce the incidence of posttraumatic stress in acute MI patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01781247.
While analysis and interpretation of structural epileptogenic lesion is an essential task for the neuroradiologist in clinical practice, a substantial body of epilepsy research has shown that focal lesions influence brain areas beyond the epileptogenic lesion, across ensembles of functionally and anatomically connected brain areas. In this review article, we aim to provide an overview about altered network compositions in epilepsy, as measured with current advanced neuroimaging techniques to characterize the initiation and spread of epileptic activity in the brain with multimodal noninvasive imaging techniques. We focus on resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and simultaneous electroencephalography/fMRI, and oppose the findings in idiopathic generalized versus focal epilepsies. These data indicate that circumscribed epileptogenic lesions can have extended effects on many brain systems. Although epileptic seizures may involve various brain areas, seizure activity does not spread diffusely throughout the brain but propagates along specific anatomic pathways that characterize the underlying epilepsy syndrome. Such a functionally oriented approach may help to better understand a range of clinical phenomena such as the type of cognitive impairment, the development of pharmacoresistance, the propagation pathways of seizures, or the success of epilepsy surgery.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease with an inflammatory and neurodegenerative pathology. Axonal loss and neurodegeneration occurs early in the disease course and may lead to irreversible neurological impairment. Changes in brain volume, observed from the earliest stage of MS and proceeding throughout the disease course, may be an accurate measure of neurodegeneration and tissue damage. There are a number of magnetic resonance imaging-based methods for determining global or regional brain volume, including cross-sectional (e.g. brain parenchymal fraction) and longitudinal techniques (e.g. SIENA [Structural Image Evaluation using Normalization of Atrophy]). Although these methods are sensitive and reproducible, caution must be exercised when interpreting brain volume data, as numerous factors (e.g. pseudoatrophy) may have a confounding effect on measurements, especially in a disease with complex pathological substrates such as MS. Brain volume loss has been correlated with disability progression and cognitive impairment in MS, with the loss of grey matter volume more closely correlated with clinical measures than loss of white matter volume. Preventing brain volume loss may therefore have important clinical implications affecting treatment decisions, with several clinical trials now demonstrating an effect of disease-modifying treatments (DMTs) on reducing brain volume loss. In clinical practice, it may therefore be important to consider the potential impact of a therapy on reducing the rate of brain volume loss. This article reviews the measurement of brain volume in clinical trials and practice, the effect of DMTs on brain volume change across trials and the clinical relevance of brain volume loss in MS.