53 resultados para Dangerous consumptions


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1. Predation is a prime force of natural selection. Vulnerability to predation is typically highest early in life, hence effective antipredator defences should work already shortly after birth. Such early defences may be innate, transmitted through non-genetic parental effects or acquired by own early experience. 2. To understand potential joint effects of these sources of antipredator defences on pheno- typic expression, they should be manipulated within the same experiment. We investigated innate, parental and individual experience effects within a single experiment. Females of the African cichlid Simochromis pleurospilus were exposed to the offspring predator Ctenochromis horei or a benign species until spawning. Eggs and larvae were hand-reared, and larvae were then exposed to odour cues signalling the presence or absence of predators in a split-brood design. 3. Shortly after independence of maternal care, S. pleurospilus undergo a habitat shift from a deeper, adult habitat to a shallow juvenile habitat, a phase where young are thought to be par- ticularly exposed to predation risk. Thus, maternal effects induced by offspring predators pres- ent in the adult habitat should take effect mainly shortly after independence, whereas own experience and innate antipredator responses should shape behaviour and life history of S. pleurospilus during the later juvenile period. 4. We found that the manipulated environmental components independently affected different offspring traits. (i) Offspring of predator-exposed mothers grew faster during the first month of life and were thus larger at termination of maternal care, when the young migrate from the adult to the juvenile habitat. (ii) The offspring’s own experience shortly after hatching exerted lasting effects on predator avoidance behaviour. (iii) Finally, our results suggest that S. pleuro- spilus possess a genetically inherited ability to distinguish dangerous from benign species. 5. In S. pleurospilus, maternal effects were limited to a short but critical time window, when young undergo a niche shift. Instead, own environmental sampling of predation risk combined with an innate predisposition to correctly identify predators appears to prepare the young best for the environment, in which they grow up as juveniles.


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The Chakhama Valley, a remote area in Pakistan-administered Kashmir, was badly damaged by the 7.6-magnitude earthquake that struck India and Pakistan on 8 October 2005. More than 5% of the population lost their lives, and about 90% of the existing housing was irreparably damaged or completely destroyed. In early 2006, the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) initiated a multisector, community-driven reconstruction program in the Chakhama Valley on the premise that the scale of the disaster required a response that would address all aspects of people's lives. One important aspect covered the promotion of disaster risk management for sustainable recovery in a safe environment. Accordingly, prevailing hazards (rockfalls, landslides, and debris flow, in addition to earthquake hazards) and existing risks were thoroughly assessed, and the information was incorporated into the main planning processes. Hazard maps, detailed site investigations, and proposals for precautionary measures assisted engineers in supporting the reconstruction of private homes in safe locations to render investments disaster resilient. The information was also used for community-based land use decisions and disaster mitigation and preparedness. The work revealed three main problems: (1) thorough assessment of hazards and incorporation of this assessment into planning processes is time consuming and often little understood by the population directly affected, but it pays off in the long run; (2) relocating people out of dangerous places is a highly sensitive issue that requires the support of clear and forceful government policies; and (3) the involvement of local communities is essential for the success of mitigation and preparedness.


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Introduction: The aim was to investigate retrospectively use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in the treatment of patients with organ transplantation in Switzerland. Methods: Members of the Swiss transplant association completed a questionnaire about CAM use retrospectively. Five different stages were differentiated: CAM usage (1) during underlying disease, (2) before transplant, (3) during hospitalisation/ rehabilitation from transplant, (4) for transplant complications and (5) after transplant for other diseases. Results: Of the 267 patients contacted, 124 (46%) completed the questionnaire, and data of 118 (44%) participants could be analyzed: 55 women (47%), mean age 56 years. Overall, 64 (54%) indicated CAM use, with about 30% usage at every stage (except during hospitalization with only 10%). Different methods were most common: during underlying disease classical homeopathy (15% of all participants), before transplant dietary supplements (13%), during hospitalization meditation (3%), for transplantation complications dietary supplements (10%), and after transplant for other diseases massage (11%). Among the 64 CAM-users, the most important reasons for the usage were improvement of general condition (36%) and abatement of adverse effects of conventional treatment (25%). Among the 54 non-CAM-users, most frequent reasons for not choosing CAM were insecurity about interactions with conventional treatment (46%), and ignorance of this option (28%). About 35% of the CAM-users reported an improved general condition, while 30% noticed an abatement of side effects of conventional treatment. Conclusions: To prevent dangerous interactions with conventional treatment, more information on possibilities of CAM in the treatment of patients with transplantations is needed for doctors and patients.


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This research investigated how an individual’s endorsements of mitigation and adaptation relate to each other, and how well each of these can be accounted for by relevant social psychological factors. Based on survey data from two European convenience samples (N = 616 / 309) we found that public endorsements of mitigation and adaptation are strongly associated: Someone who is willing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation) is also willing to prepare for climate change impacts (adaptation). Moreover, people endorsed the two response strategies for similar reasons: People who believe that climate change is real and dangerous, who have positive attitudes about protecting the environment and the climate, and who perceive climate change as a risk, are willing to respond to climate change. Furthermore, distinguishing between (spatially) proximal and distant risk perceptions suggested that the idea of portraying climate change as a proximal (i.e., local) threat might indeed be effective in promoting personal actions. However, to gain endorsement of broader societal initiatives such as policy support, it seems advisable to turn to the distant risks of climate change. The notion that “localising” climate change might not be the panacea for engaging people in this domain is discussed in regard to previous theory and research.


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BACKGROUND High-dose benzodiazepine (BZD) dependence is associated with a wide variety of negative health consequences. Affected individuals are reported to suffer from severe mental disorders and are often unable to achieve long-term abstinence via recommended discontinuation strategies. Although it is increasingly understood that treatment interventions should take subjective experiences and beliefs into account, the perceptions of this group of individuals remain under-investigated. METHODS We conducted an exploratory qualitative study with 41 adult subjects meeting criteria for (high-dose) BZD-dependence, as defined by ICD-10. One-on-one in-depth interviews allowed for an exploration of this group's views on the reasons behind their initial and then continued use of BZDs, as well as their procurement strategies. Mayring's qualitative content analysis was used to evaluate our data. RESULTS In this sample, all participants had developed explanatory models for why they began using BZDs. We identified a multitude of reasons that we grouped into four broad categories, as explaining continued BZD use: (1) to cope with symptoms of psychological distress or mental disorder other than substance use, (2) to manage symptoms of physical or psychological discomfort associated with somatic disorder, (3) to alleviate symptoms of substance-related disorders, and (4) for recreational purposes, that is, sensation-seeking and other social reasons. Subjects often considered BZDs less dangerous than other substances and associated their use more often with harm reduction than as recreational. Specific obtainment strategies varied widely: the majority of participants oscillated between legal and illegal methods, often relying on the black market when faced with treatment termination. CONCLUSIONS Irrespective of comorbidity, participants expressed a clear preference for medically related explanatory models for their BZD use. We therefore suggest that clinicians consider patients' motives for long-term, high-dose BZD use when formulating treatment plans for this patient group, especially since it is known that individuals are more compliant with approaches they perceive to be manageable, tolerable, and effective.


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INTRODUCTION Vertigo and dizziness are common neurological symptoms in general practice. Most patients have benign peripheral vestibular disorders, but some have dangerous central causes. Recent research has shown that bedside oculomotor examinations accurately discriminate central from peripheral lesions in those with new, acute, continuous vertigo/dizziness with nausea/vomiting, gait unsteadiness, and nystagmus, known as the acute vestibular syndrome. CASE REPORT A 56-year-old man presented to the emergency department with acute vestibular syndrome for 1 week. The patient had no focal neurological symptoms or signs. The presence of direction-fixed, horizontal nystagmus suppressed by visual fixation without vertical ocular misalignment (skew deviation) was consistent with an acute peripheral vestibulopathy, but bilaterally normal vestibuloocular reflexes, confirmed by quantitative horizontal head impulse testing, strongly indicated a central localization. Because of a long delay in care, the patient left the emergency department without treatment. He returned 1 week later with progressive gait disturbance, limb ataxia, myoclonus, and new cognitive deficits. His subsequent course included a rapid neurological decline culminating in home hospice placement and death within 1 month. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed restricted diffusion involving the basal ganglia and cerebral cortex. Spinal fluid 14-3-3 protein was elevated. The rapidly progressive clinical course with dementia, ataxia, and myoclonus plus corroborative neuroimaging and spinal fluid findings confirmed a clinicoradiographic diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease. CONCLUSIONS To our knowledge, this is the first report of an initial presentation of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease closely mimicking vestibular neuritis, expanding the known clinical spectrum of prion disease presentations. Despite the initial absence of neurological signs, the central lesion location was differentiated from a benign peripheral vestibulopathy at the first visit using simple bedside vestibular tests. Familiarity with these tests could help providers prevent initial misdiagnosis of important central disorders in patients presenting vertigo or dizziness.


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Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is one of the most dangerous human neurological infections occurring in Europe and Northern parts of Asia with thousands of cases and millions vaccinated against it. The risk of TBE might be assessed through analyses of the samples taken from wildlife or from animals which are in close contact with humans. Dogs have been shown to be a good sentinel species for these studies. Serological assays for diagnosis of TBE in dogs are mainly based on purified and inactivated TBEV antigens. Here we describe novel dog anti-TBEV IgG monoclonal antibody (MAb)-capture assay which is based on TBEV prME subviral particles expressed in mammalian cells from Semliki Forest virus (SFV) replicon as well as IgG immunofluorescence assay (IFA) which is based on Vero E6 cells transfected with the same SFV replicon. We further demonstrate their use in a small-scale TBEV seroprevalence study of dogs representing different regions of Finland. Altogether, 148 dog serum samples were tested by novel assays and results were compared to those obtained with a commercial IgG enzyme immunoassay (EIA), hemagglutination inhibition test and IgG IFA with TBEV infected cells. Compared to reference tests, the sensitivities of the developed assays were 90-100% and the specificities of the two assays were 100%. Analysis of the dog serum samples showed a seroprevalence of 40% on Åland Islands and 6% on Southwestern archipelago of Finland. In conclusion, a specific and sensitive EIA and IFA for the detection of IgG antibodies in canine sera were developed. Based on these assays the seroprevalence of IgG antibodies in dogs from different regions of Finland was assessed and was shown to parallel the known human disease burden as the Southwestern archipelago and Åland Islands in particular had considerable dog TBEV antibody prevalence and represent areas with high risk of TBE for humans.


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OBJECTIVE Floating aortic thrombus is an underrecognized source of systemic emboli and carries a life-threatening risk of stroke when located in the aortic arch. Optimal treatment is not established in available guidelines. We report our experience in managing floating thrombi in the aortic arch. METHODS Consecutive patients diagnosed with a floating aortic arch thrombus at a tertiary referral center between January 2008 and December 2014 were reviewed. Perioperative and midterm outcomes were assessed. RESULTS Ten patients (8 female) with a median age of 56 years (range, 47-82 years) were identified. Eight patients presented with a symptomatic embolic event, and 2 patients were asymptomatic. One patient presenting with stroke due to embolic occlusion of all supra-aortic vessels died 2 days after admission. Three patients (2 asymptomatic and 1 unfit for surgery) were treated conservatively by anticoagulation, leading to thrombus resolution in 2 patients. In the third patient, the thrombus persisted despite anticoagulation, resulting in recurrent embolic events. The remaining 6 patients underwent open thrombectomy of the aortic arch during deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. All patients treated by surgery had an uneventful postoperative course with no recurrent thrombus or embolic event during follow-up. Median follow-up of all patients was 17 months (range, 11-89 months). CONCLUSIONS Floating aortic arch thrombus is a dangerous source of systemic emboli. Surgical removal of the thrombus is easy to perform and followed by good clinical results. Conservative treatment with anticoagulation may be considered in asymptomatic, inoperable or high-risk patients.