92 resultados para Clonal variants


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Aims Phenotypic optimality models neglect genetics. However, especially when heterozygous genotypes ire fittest, evolving allele, genotype and phenotype frequencies may not correspond to predicted optima. This was not previously addressed for organisms with complex life histories. Methods Therefore, we modelled the evolution of a fitness-relevant trait of clonal plants, stolon internode length. We explored the likely case of air asymmetric unimodal fitness profile with three model types. In constant selection models (CSMs), which are gametic, but not spatially explicit, evolving allele frequencies in the one-locus and five-loci cases did not correspond to optimum stolon internode length predicted by the spatially explicit, but not gametic, phenotypic model. This deviation was due to the asymmetry of the fitness profile. Gametic, spatially explicit individual-based (SEIB) modeling allowed us relaxing the CSM assumptions of constant selection with exclusively sexual reproduction. Important findings For entirely vegetative or sexual reproduction, predictions. of the gametic SEIB model were close to the ones of spatially explicit CSMs gametic phenotypic models, hut for mixed modes of reproduction they appoximated those of gametic, not spatially explicit CSMs. Thus, in contrast to gametic SEIB models, phenotypic models and, especially for few loci, also CSMs can be very misleading. We conclude that the evolution of trails governed by few quantitative trait loci appears hardly predictable by simple models, that genetic algorithms aiming at technical optimization may actually, miss the optimum and that selection may lead to loci with smaller effects, in derived compared with ancestral lines.


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BACKGROUND: Increased aldosterone concentrations and volume expansion of normal pregnancies are hallmarks of normal pregnancies and blunted in pre-eclampsia. Accordingly, we hypothesized an active mineralocorticoid system to protect from pre-eclampsia. METHODS: In pregnant women (normotensive n = 44; pre-eclamptic n = 48), blood pressure, urinary tetrahydro-aldosterone excretion and activating polymorphisms (SF-1 site and intron 2) of the aldosterone synthase gene (CYP11B2) were determined; 185 non-pregnant normotensive individuals served as control. Amino acid-changing polymorphisms of the DNA- and agonist-binding regions of the mineralocorticoid receptor were evaluated by RT-PCR, SSCP and sequencing. RESULTS: Urinary tetrahydro-aldosterone excretion was reduced in pre-eclampsia as compared to normal pregnancy (P < 0.05). It inversely correlated with blood pressure (r = 0.99, P < 0.04). Homozygosity for activating CYP11B2 polymorphisms was preferably present in normotensive as compared to pre-eclamptic pregnancies, identified (intron 2, P = 0.005; SF-1 site, P = 0.016). Two mutant haplotypes decreased the risk of developing pre-eclampsia (RR 0.16; CI 0.05-0.54; P < 0.001). In contrast, intron 2 wild type predisposed to pre-eclampsia (P < 0.0015). No functional mineralocorticoid receptor mutant has been observed. CONCLUSIONS: High aldosterone availability is associated with lower maternal blood pressure. In line with this observation, gain-of-function variants of the CYP11B2 reduce the risk of developing pre-eclampsia. Mutants of the mineralocorticoid receptor cannot explain the frequent syndrome of pre-eclampsia.


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Increasing evidence indicates that Staphylococcus aureus might be a facultative intracellular pathogen. In particular, certain subpopulations, called small colony variants (SCVs), seem to be well adapted to the intracellular milieu. When compared to 'normal' staphylococcal strains, SCVs show increased uptake by host cells, resistance to intracellular defenses and reduced stimulation of host defenses. We propose that the ability to form two subpopulations with different phenotypes might allow S. aureus the option for both extra- cellular and intra-cellular survival in the host.


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Fragmentation and vegetative regeneration from small fragments may contribute to population expansion, dispersal and establishment of new populations of introduced plants. However, no study has systematically tested whether a high capacity of vegetative regeneration is associated with a high degree of invasiveness. For small single-node fragments, the presence of internodes may increase regeneration capacity because internodes may store carbohydrates and proteins that can be used for regeneration. We conducted an experiment with 39 stoloniferous plant species to examine the regeneration capacity of small, single-node fragments with or without attached stolon internodes. We asked (1) whether the presence of stolon internodes increases regeneration from single-node fragments, (2) whether regeneration capacity differs between native and introduced species in China, and (3) whether regeneration capacity is positively associated with plant invasiveness at a regional scale (within China) and at a global scale. Most species could regenerate from single-node fragments, and the presence of internodes increased regeneration rate and subsequent growth and/or asexual reproduction. Regeneration capacity varied greatly among species, but showed no relationship to invasiveness, either in China or globally. High regeneration capacity from small fragments may contribute to performance of clonal plants in general, but it does not appear to explain differences in invasiveness among stoloniferous clonal species.


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Background Plastic root-foraging responses have been widely recognized as an important strategy for plants to explore heterogeneously distributed resources. However, the benefits and costs of root foraging have received little attention. Methodology/Principal Findings In a greenhouse experiment, we grew pairs of connected ramets of 22 genotypes of the stoloniferous plant Potentilla reptans in paired pots, between which the contrast in nutrient availability was set as null, medium and high, but with the total nutrient amount kept the same. We calculated root-foraging intensity of each individual ramet pair as the difference in root mass between paired ramets divided by the total root mass. For each genotype, we then calculated root-foraging ability as the slope of the regression of root-foraging intensity against patch contrast. For all genotypes, root-foraging intensity increased with patch contrast and the total biomass and number of offspring ramets were lowest at high patch contrast. Among genotypes, root-foraging intensity was positively related to production of offspring ramets and biomass in the high patch-contrast treatment, which indicates an evolutionary benefit of root foraging in heterogeneous environments. However, we found no significant evidence that the ability of plastic foraging imposes costs under homogeneous conditions (i.e. when foraging is not needed). Conclusions/Significance Our results show that plants of P. reptans adjust their root-foraging intensity according to patch contrast. Moreover, the results show that the root foraging has an evolutionary advantage in heterogeneous environments, while costs of having the ability of plastic root foraging were absent or very small.


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The receptor tyrosine kinase MET is a prime target in clinical oncology due to its aberrant activation and involvement in the pathogenesis of a broad spectrum of malignancies. Similar to other targeted kinases, primary and secondary mutations seem to represent an important resistance mechanism to MET inhibitors. Here, we report the biologic activity of a novel MET inhibitor, EMD1214063, on cells that ectopically express the mutated MET variants M1268T, Y1248H, H1112Y, L1213V, H1112L, V1110I, V1206L, and V1238I. Our results demonstrate a dose-dependent decrease in MET autophosphorylation in response to EMD1214063 in five out of the eight cell lines (IC50 2-43nM). Blockade of MET by EMD1214063 was accompanied by a reduced activation of downstream effectors in cells expressing EMD1214063-sensitive mutants. In all sensitive mutant-expressing lines, EMD1214063 altered cell cycle distribution, primarily with an increase in G1 phase. EMD1214063 strongly influenced MET-driven biological functions, such as cellular morphology, MET-dependent cell motility and anchorage-independent growth. To assess the in vivo efficacy of EMD1214063, we used a xenograft tumor model in immunocompromised mice bearing NIH3T3 cells expressing sensitive and resistant MET mutated variants. Animals were randomized for the treatment with EMD1214063 (50mg/kg/day) or vehicle only. Remarkably, five days of EMD1214063 treatment resulted in a complete regression of the sensitive H1112L-derived tumors, while tumor growth remained unaffected in mice with L1213V tumors and in vehicle-treated animals. Collectively, the current data identifies EMD1214063 as a potent MET small molecule inhibitor with selective activity towards mutated MET variants.


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A comprehensive genetic analysis of 60 Mycoplasma sp. bovine group 7 isolates from different geographic origins and epidemiological settings is presented. Twenty-four isolates were recovered from the joints of calves during sporadic episodes of polyarthritis in geographically distinct regions of Queensland and New South Wales, Australia, including two clones of the type strain PG5O. A further three Australian isolates were also recovered from the tympanic bulla, retropharyngeal lymph node and the lung and another three isolates had unconfirmed histories. Six isolates originated from Germany, Portugal, Nigeria, and France. Twenty-four epidemiologically related isolates of Mycoplasma sp. bovine group 7 were recovered from multiple tissue sites and body fluids of infected calves with polyarthritis, mastitic milk, and from the stomach contents, lung and liver from aborted foetuses in three large, centrally managed dairy herds in New South Wales, Australia. Restriction endonuclease analysis (REA) of genomic DNA differentiated 29 Cfol profiles among these 60 isolates and grouped all 24 epidemiologically related isolates in a defined pattern showing a clonal origin. Three isolates of this clonal cluster were recovered from mastitic milk and the synovial exudate of clinically-affected calves and appeared sporadically for periods up to 18 months after the initial outbreak of polyarthritis indicating a persistent, close association of the organism with cattle in these herds. The Cfol profile representative of the clonal cluster was distinguishable from profiles of isolates recovered from multiple, unrelated cases of polyarthritis in Queensland and New South Wales and from other countries. All 24 isolates from the clonal cluster possessed a plasmid (pBG7AU) with a molecular size of 1022 bp. DNA sequence analysis of pBG7AU identified two open reading frames sharing 81 and 99% DNA sequence similarity with hypothetical replication control proteins A and B respectively, previously described in plasmid pADB201 isolated from M. mycoides subspecies mycoides. Other isolates of bovine group 7, epidemiologically unrelated to the clonal cluster, including two clones of the type strain PG5O, possessed a similar-sized plasmid. These data confirm that Mycoplasma sp. bovine group 7 is capable of migrating to, and multiplying within, different tissue sites within a single animal and among different animals within a herd.


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Argininosuccinic aciduria (ASA) is an autosomal recessive urea cycle disorder caused by deficiency of argininosuccinate lyase (ASL) with a wide clinical spectrum from asymptomatic to severe hyperammonemic neonatal onset life-threatening courses. We investigated the role of ASL transcript variants in the clinical and biochemical variability of ASA. Recombinant proteins for ASL wild type, mutant p.E189G, and the frequently occurring transcript variants with exon 2 or 7 deletions were (co-)expressed in human embryonic kidney 293T cells. We found that exon 2-deleted ASL forms a stable truncated protein with no relevant activity but a dose-dependent dominant negative effect on enzymatic activity after co-expression with wild type or mutant ASL, whereas exon 7-deleted ASL is unstable but seems to have, nevertheless, a dominant negative effect on mutant ASL. These findings were supported by structural modeling predictions for ASL heterotetramer/homotetramer formation. Illustrating the physiological relevance, the predominant occurrence of exon 7-deleted ASL was found in two patients who were both heterozygous for the ASL mutant p.E189G. Our results suggest that ASL transcripts can contribute to the highly variable phenotype in ASA patients if expressed at high levels. Especially, the exon 2-deleted ASL variant may form a heterotetramer with wild type or mutant ASL, causing markedly reduced ASL activity.


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Clonality is frequently positively correlated with plant invasiveness, but which aspects of clonality make some clonal species more invasive than others is not known. Due to their spreading growth form, clonal plants are likely to experience spatial heterogeneity in nutrient availability. Plasticity in allocation of biomass to clonal growth organs and roots may allow these plants to forage for high-nutrient patches. We investigated whether this foraging response is stronger in species that have become invasive than in species that have not. We used six confamilial pairs of native European clonal plant species differing in invasion success in the USA. We grew all species in large pots under homogeneous or heterogeneous nutrient conditions in a greenhouse, and compared their nutrient-foraging response and performance. Neither invasive nor non-invasive species showed significant foraging responses to heterogeneity in clonal growth organ biomass or in aboveground biomass of clonal offspring. Invasive species had, however, a greater positive foraging response in terms of root and belowground biomass than non-invasive species. Invasive species also produced more total biomass. Our results suggest that the ability for strong root foraging is among the characteristics promoting invasiveness in clonal plants.


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Hundreds of genetic variants in SCN5A, the gene coding for the pore-forming subunit of the cardiac sodium channel, Na(v) 1.5, have been described in patients with cardiac channelopathies as well as in individuals from control cohorts. The aim of this study was to characterize the biophysical properties of 2 naturally occurring Na(v) 1.5 variants, p.R689H and p.R689C, found in patients with cardiac arrhythmias and in control individuals. In addition, this study was motivated by the finding of the variant p.R689H in a family with sudden cardiac death (SCD) in children. When expressed in HEK293 cells, most of the sodium current (I(Na)) biophysical properties of both variants were indistinguishable from the wild-type (WT) channels. In both cases, however, an ∼2-fold increase of the tetrodotoxin-sensitive late I(Na) was observed. Action potential simulations and reconstruction of pseudo-ECGs demonstrated that such a subtle increase in the late I(Na) may prolong the QT interval in a nonlinear fashion. In conclusion, despite the fact that the causality link between p.R689H and the phenotype of the studied family cannot be demonstrated, this study supports the notion that subtle alterations of Na(v) 1.5 variants may increase the risk for cardiac arrhythmias.


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Mycobacterium bovis populations in countries with persistent bovine tuberculosis usually show a prevalent spoligotype with a wide geographical distribution. This study applied mycobacterial interspersed repetitive-unit-variable-number tandem-repeat (MIRU-VNTR) typing to a random panel of 115 M. bovis isolates that are representative of the most frequent spoligotype in the Iberian Peninsula, SB0121. VNTR typing targeted nine loci: ETR-A (alias VNTR2165), ETR-B (VNTR2461), ETR-D (MIRU4, VNTR580), ETR-E (MIRU31, VNTR3192), MIRU26 (VNTR2996), QUB11a (VNTR2163a), QUB11b (VNTR2163b), QUB26 (VNTR4052), and QUB3232 (VNTR3232). We found a high degree of diversity among the studied isolates (discriminatory index [D] = 0.9856), which were split into 65 different MIRU-VNTR types. An alternative short-format MIRU-VNTR typing targeting only the four loci with the highest variability values was found to offer an equivalent discriminatory index. Minimum spanning trees using the MIRU-VNTR data showed the hypothetical evolution of an apparent clonal group. MIRU-VNTR analysis was also applied to the isolates of 176 animals from 15 farms infected by M. bovis SB0121; in 10 farms, the analysis revealed the coexistence of two to five different MIRU types differing in one to six loci, which highlights the frequency of undetected heterogeneity.


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Variants in the EDNRB, KIT, MITF, PAX3 and TRPM1 genes are known to cause white spotting phenotypes in horses, which can range from the common white markings up to completely white horses. In this study, we investigated these candidate genes in 169 horses with white spotting phenotypes not explained by the previously described variants. We identified a novel missense variant, PAX3:p.Pro32Arg, in Appaloosa horses with a splashed white phenotype in addition to their leopard complex spotting patterns. We also found three novel variants in the KIT gene. The splice site variant c.1346+1G>A occurred in a Swiss Warmblood horse with a pronounced depigmentation phenotype. The missense variant p.Tyr441Cys was present in several part-bred Arabians with sabino-like depigmentation phenotypes. Finally, we provide evidence suggesting that the common and widely distributed KIT:p.Arg682His variant has a very subtle white-increasing effect, which is much less pronounced than the effect of the other described KIT variants. We termed the new KIT variants W18-W20 to provide a simple and unambiguous nomenclature for future genetic testing applications.


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In cattle, at least 39 variants of the 4 casein proteins (α(S1)-, β-, α(S2)- and κ-casein) have been described to date. Many of these variants are known to affect milk-production traits, cheese-processing properties, and the nutritive value of milk. They also provide valuable information for phylogenetic studies. So far, the majority of studies exploring the genetic variability of bovine caseins considered European taurine cattle breeds and were carried out at the protein level by electrophoretic techniques. This only allows the identification of variants that, due to amino acid exchanges, differ in their electric charge, molecular weight, or isoelectric point. In this study, the open reading frames of the casein genes CSN1S1, CSN2, CSN1S2, and CSN3 of 356 animals belonging to 14 taurine and 3 indicine cattle breeds were sequenced. With this approach, we identified 23 alleles, including 5 new DNA sequence variants, with a predicted effect on the protein sequence. The new variants were only found in indicine breeds and in one local Iranian breed, which has been phenotypically classified as a taurine breed. A multidimensional scaling approach based on available SNP chip data, however, revealed an admixture of taurine and indicine populations in this breed as well as in the local Iranian breed Golpayegani. Specific indicine casein alleles were also identified in a few European taurine breeds, indicating the introgression of indicine breeds into these populations. This study shows the existence of substantial undiscovered genetic variability of bovine casein loci, especially in indicine cattle breeds. The identification of new variants is a valuable tool for phylogenetic studies and investigations into the evolution of the milk protein genes.


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Background. Drug-resistant human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) minority variants (MVs) are present in some antiretroviral therapy (ART)–naive patients. They may result from de novo mutagenesis or transmission. To date, the latter has not been proven. Methods. MVs were quantified by allele-specific polymerase chain reaction in 204 acute or recent seroconverters from the Zurich Primary HIV Infection study and 382 ART-naive, chronically infected patients. Phylogenetic analyses identified transmission clusters. Results. Three lines of evidence were observed in support of transmission of MVs. First, potential transmitters were identified for 12 of 16 acute or recent seroconverters harboring M184V MVs. These variants were also detected in plasma and/or peripheral blood mononuclear cells at the estimated time of transmission in 3 of 4 potential transmitters who experienced virological failure accompanied by the selection of the M184V mutation before transmission. Second, prevalence between MVs harboring the frequent mutation M184V and the particularly uncommon integrase mutation N155H differed highly significantly in acute or recent seroconverters (8.2% vs 0.5%; P < .001). Third, the prevalence of less-fit M184V MVs is significantly higher in acutely or recently than in chronically HIV-1–infected patients (8.2% vs 2.5%; P = .004). Conclusions. Drug-resistant HIV-1 MVs can be transmitted. To what extent the origin—transmission vs sporadic appearance—of these variants determines their impact on ART needs to be further explored.