71 resultados para Bulbourethral Glands


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Glucocorticoids (GC) are lipophilic hormones commonly used as therapeutics in acute and chronic inflammatory disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease due to their attributed anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive actions. Although the adrenal glands are the major source of endogenous GC, there is increasing evidence for the production of extra-adrenal GC in the brain, thymus, skin, vasculature, and the intestine. However, the physiological relevance of extra-adrenal-produced GC remains still ambiguous. Therefore, this review attracts attention to discuss possible biological benefits of extra-adrenal-synthesized GC, especially focusing on the impact of locally synthesized GC in the regulation of intestinal immune responses.


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Canalicular adenomas are uncommon, benign epithelial neoplasms of the salivary glands that usually involve the upper lip and buccal mucosa of elderly people. Differential diagnosis of the canalicular adenoma versus adenocarcinoma is important, as it may result in unjustified radiotherapy or extensive and aggressive surgery. Despite the benign nature of canalicular adenomas, complete surgical removal and a regular clinical follow-up are recommended. The present article describes the diagnostic procedures, surgical management, and follow-up of a canalicular adenoma involving the palate of a 71-year-old man.


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Procyclic forms of Trypanosoma brucei reside in the midgut of tsetse flies where they are covered by several million copies of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins known as procyclins. It has been proposed that procyclins protect parasites against proteases and/or participate in tropism, directing them from the midgut to the salivary glands. There are four different procyclin genes, each subject to elaborate levels of regulation. To determine if procyclins are essential for survival and transmission of T. brucei, all four genes were deleted and parasite fitness was compared in vitro and in vivo. When co-cultured in vitro, the null mutant and wild type trypanosomes (tagged with cyan fluorescent protein) maintained a near-constant equilibrium. In contrast, when flies were infected with the same mixture, the null mutant was rapidly overgrown in the midgut, reflecting a reduction in fitness in vivo. Although the null mutant is patently defective in competition with procyclin-positive parasites, on its own it can complete the life cycle and generate infectious metacyclic forms. The procyclic form of T. brucei thus differs strikingly from the bloodstream form, which does not tolerate any perturbation of its variant surface glycoprotein coat, and from other parasites such as Plasmodium berghei, which requires the circumsporozoite protein for successful transmission to a new host.


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PURPOSE: To determine how the ADC value of parotid glands is influenced by the choice of b-values. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In eight healthy volunteers, diffusion-weighted echo-planar imaging (DW-EPI) was performed on a 1.5 T system, with b-values (in seconds/mm2) of 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500, 750, and 1000. ADC values were calculated by two alternative methods (exponential vs. logarithmic fit) from five different sets of b-values: (A) all b-values; (B) b=0, 50, and 100; (C) b=0 and 750; (D) b=0, 500, and 1000; and (E) b=500, 750, and 1000. RESULTS: The mean ADC values for the different settings were (in 10(-3) mm2/second, exponential fit): (A) 0.732+/-0.019, (B) 2.074+/-0.084, (C) 0.947+/-0.020, (D) 0.890+/-0.023, and (E) 0.581+/-0.021. ADC values were significantly (P <0.001) different for all pairwise comparisons of settings (A-E) of b-values, except for A vs. D (P=0.172) and C vs. D (P=0.380). The ADC(B) was significantly higher than ADC(C) or ADC(D), which was significantly higher than ADC(E). ADC values from exponential vs. logarithmic fit (P=0.542), as well as left vs. right parotid gland (P=0.962), were indistinguishable. CONCLUSION: The ADC values calculated from low b-value settings were significantly higher than those calculated from high b-value settings. These results suggest that not only true diffusion but also perfusion and saliva flow may contribute to the ADC.


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Apoptosis is essential to eliminate secretory epithelial cells during the involution of the mammary gland. The environmental regulation of this process is however, poorly understood. This study tested the effect of HAMLET (human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells) on mammary cells. Plastic pellets containing HAMLET were implanted into the fourth inguinal mammary gland of lactating mice for 3 days. Exposure of mammary tissue to HAMLET resulted in morphological changes typical for apoptosis and in a stimulation of caspase-3 activity in alveolar epithelial cells near the HAMLET pellets but not more distant to the pellet or in contralateral glands. The effect was specific for HAMLET and no effects were observed when mammary glands were exposed to native a-lactalbumin or fatty acid alone. HAMLET also induced cell death in vitro in a mouse mammary epithelial cell line. The results suggest that HAMLET can mediate apoptotic cell death in mammary gland tissue.


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The family of Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and their membrane bound ligands, the ephrins, are involved in a wide variety of morphogenic processes during embryonic development and adult tissue homeostasis. Receptor-ligand interaction requires direct cell-cell contact and results in forward and reverse signaling originating from the receptor and ligand, respectively. We have previously shown that EphB4 and ephrinB2 are differentially expressed during the development of the adult mammary parenchyma. Overexpression of EphB4 in the mammary epithelium of transgenic mice leads to perturbations in mammary epithelial morphology, motility and growth. To investigate the role of ephrinB2 signaling in mammary gland biology, we have established transgenic mice exhibiting conditional ephrinB2 knockout in the mammary epithelium. In homozygote double transgenic CreLox mice, specific knockout of ephrinB2 occurred in the mammary epithelium during the first pregnancy-lactating period. Abolishing ephrinB2 function led to severe interference with the architecture and functioning of the mammary gland at lactation. The morphology of the transgenic lactating glands resembled that of involuting controls, with decreased epithelial cell number and collapsed lobulo-alveolar structures. Accordingly, massive epithelial cell death and expression of involution-specific genes were observed. Interestingly, in parallel to cell death, significant cell proliferation was apparent, suggestive of tissue regeneration.


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Cholesterol in milk is derived from the circulating blood through a complex transport process involving the mammary alveolar epithelium. Details of the mechanisms involved in this transfer are unclear. Apolipoprotein-AI (apoA-I) is an acceptor of cellular cholesterol effluxed by the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter A1 (ABCA1). We aimed to 1) determine the binding characteristics of (125)I-apoA-I and (3)H-cholesterol to enriched plasma membrane vesicles (EPM) isolated from lactating and non-lactating bovine mammary glands (MG), 2) optimize the components of an in vitro model describing cellular (3)H-cholesterol efflux in primary bovine mammary epithelial cells (MeBo), and 3) assess the vectorial cholesterol transport in MeBo using Transwell(®) plates. The amounts of isolated EPM and the maximal binding capacity of (125)I-apoA-I to EPM differed depending on the MG's physiological state, while the kinetics of (3)H-cholesterol and (125)I-apoA-I binding were similar. (3)H-cholesterol incorporated maximally to EPM after 25±9 min. The time to achieve the half-maximum binding of (125)I-apoA-I at equilibrium was 3.3±0.6 min. The dissociation constant (KD) of (125)I-apoA-I ranged between 40-74 nmol/L. Cholesterol loading to EPM increased both cholesterol content and (125)I-apoA-I binding. The ABCA1 inhibitor Probucol displaced (125)I-apoA-I binding to EPM and reduced (3)H-cholesterol efflux in MeBo. Time-dependent (3)H-cholesterol uptake and efflux showed inverse patterns. The defined binding characteristics of cholesterol and apoA-I served to establish an efficient and significantly shorter cholesterol efflux protocol that had been used in MeBo. The application of this protocol in Transwell(®) plates with the upper chamber mimicking the apical (milk-facing) and the bottom chamber corresponding to the basolateral (blood-facing) side of cells showed that the degree of (3)H-cholesterol efflux in MeBo differed significantly between the apical and basolateral aspects. Our findings support the importance of the apoA-I/ABCA1 pathway in MG cholesterol transport and suggest its role in influencing milk composition and directing cholesterol back into the bloodstream.


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BACKGROUND Foxi3 is a member of the large forkhead box family of transcriptional regulators, which have a wide range of biological activities including manifold developmental processes. Heterozygous mutation in Foxi3 was identified in several hairless dog breeds characterized by sparse fur coat and missing teeth. A related phenotype called hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED) is caused by mutations in the ectodysplasin (Eda) pathway genes. RESULTS Expression of Foxi3 was strictly confined to the epithelium in developing ectodermal appendages in mouse embryos, but no expression was detected in the epidermis. Foxi3 was expressed in teeth and hair follicles throughout embryogenesis, but in mammary glands only during the earliest stages of development. Foxi3 expression was decreased and increased in Eda loss- and gain-of-function embryos, respectively, and was highly induced by Eda protein in embryonic skin explants. Also activin A treatment up-regulated Foxi3 mRNA levels in vitro. CONCLUSIONS Eda and activin A were identified as upstream regulators of Foxi3. Foxi3 is a likely transcriptional target of Eda in ectodermal appendage placodes suggesting that HED phenotype may in part be produced by compromised Foxi3 activity. In addition to hair and teeth, Foxi3 may have a role in nail, eye, and mammary, sweat, and salivary gland development.


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BACKGROUND Two varieties exist in the Chinese crested dog breed, namely hairless Chinese crested dogs presenting with hypotrichosis and dentition abnormalities, and the coated powderpuffs. Hairless Chinese crested dogs are obligate heterozygotes for a FOXI3 mutation, and this phenotype is classified as a form of canine ectodermal dysplasia. OBJECTIVES We provide a detailed histological description of hair follicles and their density for the three subphenotypes (true hairless, semi-coated and powderpuffs) of Chinese crested dogs. Apocrine and exocrine glands of the skin and other tissues were compared with findings reported from dogs with X-linked ectodermal dysplasia. ANIMALS Skin biopsies were collected from 22 Chinese crested dogs. Additionally, the glands of the skin and other tissues were examined from another two dogs available for postmortem examination. METHODS Skin biopsies and tissues were processed, stained and evaluated in a blinded fashion. RESULTS Hair follicular anomalies decreased with increasing number of hairs in the different phenotypes. The FOXI3 mutants had only simple primary hair follicles, whereas the nonmutant powderpuffs had compound follicles identical to other dog breeds. All Chinese crested dogs had an anagen-dominated hair cycle. Furthermore, apocrine glands in the skin and respiratory mucous glands of the mutant Chinese crested dogs were present and normal. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE We have identified striking histopathological differences between the three subphenotypes of Chinese crested dogs. We clearly demonstrated distinct differences between the canine ectodermal dysplasia in Chinese crested dogs and dogs with X-linked ectodermal dysplasia.


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BACKGROUND The GRP receptor shows high over-expression in prostatic adenocarcinoma and high grade PIN, but low expression in normal prostate glands. This represents the molecular basis for GRP receptor imaging of prostate cancer with radioactive compounds. However, a focal, high density GRP receptor expression can be observed in hitherto uncharacterized prostate glands. METHODS GRP receptors were quantitatively measured with in vitro receptor autoradiography using ¹²⁵I-Tyr⁴ -bombesin in samples from 115 prostates. On successive tissue sections, ¹²⁵I-Tyr⁴ -bombesin autoradiography was compared with H&E staining and MIB-1 and 34βE12 immunohistochemistry. RESULTS On one hand, it was confirmed that GRP receptors were expressed in adenocarcinoma and high grade PIN in high density and high incidence (77% and 73%, respectively), but in normal prostate glands in low density and low frequency (18%). On the other hand, a novel and intriguing observation was the existence of focal non-invasive prostate glands with high GRP receptor density, characterized by low grade nuclear atypia and increased proliferation, compatible with lower grade PIN. There was a significant GRP receptor density gradient (P ≤ 0.005), increasing from normal prostate glands (mean relative optical density, ROD, of ¹²⁵I-Tyr⁴ -bombesin binding: 0.17) over atypical glands without increased MIB-1 labeling (0.28) and atypical glands with increased MIB-1 expression (0.44) to high grade PIN and adenocarcinoma (0.64 and 0.58, respectively). CONCLUSIONS GRP receptor over-expression may be a novel, specific marker of early prostatic neoplastic transformation, arising in low grade PIN, and progressively increasing during malignant progression. This should be considered when interpreting in vivo GRP receptor imaging in males.


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Spiders have one pair of venom glands, and only a few families have reduced them completely (Uloboridae, Holarchaeidae) or modified them to another function (Symphytognathidae or Scytodidae, see Suter and Stratton 2013). All other 42,000 known spider species (99%) utilize their venom to inject it into prey items, which subsequently become paralysed or are killed. Spider venom is a complex mixture of hundreds of components, many of them interacting with cell membranes or receptors located mainly in the nervous or muscular system (Herzig and King 2013). Spider venom, as it is today, has a 300-million-yearlong history of evolution and adaptation and can be considered as an optimized tool to subdue prey. In Mesothelae, the oldest spider group with less than 100 species, the venom glands lie in the anterior part of the cheliceral basal segment. They are very small and do not support the predation process very effectively. In Mygalomorphae, the venom glands are well developed and fill the basal cheliceral segment more or less completely. Many of these 3,000 species are medium- to large-/very large-sized spiders, and they have created the image of being dangerous beasts, attacking and killing a variety of animals, including humans. Although this picture is completely wrong, it is persistent and contributes considerably to human arachnophobia. The third group of spiders, Araneomorphae or “modern spiders”, comprises 93% of all spider species. The venom glands are enlarged and extend to the prosoma; the openings of the venom ducts are moved from the convex to the concave side of the cheliceral fangs and enlarged as well. These changes save the chelicerae from the necessity of being large, and hence, on the average, araneomorph spiders are much smaller than mygalomorphs. Nevertheless, they possess relatively large venom glands, situated mainly in the prosoma, and may also have rather potent venom.


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Venom glands are alreadypresent in theoldes t spider group, the Mesothelae. Theglands lie in the anterior portion of the cheliceral basal segment but are very small, and it is doubtful how much the venom contributes to the predatory success. In mygalomorph spiders, the well-developed venom glands are still in the basal segment of the chelicerae and produce powerful venom that is injected via the cheliceral fangs into a victim. In all other spiders (Araneomorphae), the venom glands have become much larger and reach into the prosoma where they can take up a considerable proportion of this body part. Only a few spiders have reduced their venom glands, either partially or completely (Uloboridae, Holarchaeidae and Symphytognathidae are usually mentioned) or modified them significantly (Scytodidae, see Suter and Stratton 2013). As well as using venom, spiders may also use their chelicerae to overwhelm an item of prey. It is primarily a question of size whether a spider chews up small arthropods without applying venom or if it injects venom first. Very small and/or defenceless arthropods are picked up and crashed with the chelicerae, while larger, dangerous or well-defended items are carefully approached and only attacked with venom injection. Some spiders specialize on prey groups, such as noctuid moths (several genera of bola spiders among Araneidae), web spiders (Mimetidae), ants (Zodarion species in Zodariidae, aphantochiline thomisids, several genera among Theridiidae, Salticidae, Clubionidae and Gnaphosidae) or termites (Ammoxenidae). However, these more or less monophagous species amount only to roughly 2 % of all known spider species, while 98 % are polyphagous. From these considerations, it follows that the majority of spider venoms are not tailored to any given invertebrate or insect group but are rather unspecialized to be effective over a broad spectrum of prey types that spiders naturally encounter.


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Myoepithelioma is a dimorphic neoplasm with contractile-epithelial phenotype, originally interpreted as deriving from, but not actually restricted to the salivary glands. As a novel addition to the list of exquisitely rare intracranial salivary gland-type tumors and tumor-like lesions, we report on an example of myoepithelioma encountered in the left cerebellopontine angle of a 32-year-old male. Clinically presenting with ataxia and dizziness, this extraaxial mass of 4 × 3.5 × 3 cm was surgically resected, and the patient is alive 6 years postoperatively. Histologically, the tumor exhibited a continuum ranging from compact fascicles of spindle cells to epithelial nests and trabeculae partitioned by hyalinized septa, while lacking tubular differentiation. Regardless of architectural variations, there was robust immunoexpression of S100 protein, smooth muscle actin, GFAP, cytokeratin, and vimentin. Cytologic atypia tended to be modest throughout, and the MIB1 labeling index averaged less than 1%. Fluorescent in situ hybridization indicated no rearrangement of the EWSR1 locus. We interpret these results to suggest that myoepithelioma of the posterior fossa - along with related salivary epithelial tumors in this ostensibly incongruous locale - may possibly represent analogous neoplasms to their orthotopic counterparts, ones arising within aberrant salivary anlagen. The presence of the latter lends itself to being mechanistically accounted for by either postulating placodal remnants in the wake of branchial arch development, or linking them to exocrine glandular nests within endodermal cysts. Alternatively, myoepithelioma at this site could be regarded as a non tissue-specific lesion similar to its relatives ubiquitously occurring in the soft parts.


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Docetaxel (DCT) is an anticancer drug which acts by disrupting microtubule dynamics in the highly mitotic cancer cells. Thus, this drug has a potential to affect function and organization of tissues exhibiting high cellular turnover. We investigated, in the rabbit, the effects of a single human equivalent dose (6.26mg/kg, i.v.) of DCT on the olfactory mucosa (OM) through light and electron microscopy, morphometry, Ki-67 immunostaining, TUNEL assay and the buried food test for olfactory sensitivity. On post-exposure days (PED) 5 and 10, there was disarrangement of the normal cell layering in the olfactory epithelium (OE), apoptotic death of cells of the OE, Bowman's glands and axon bundles, and the presence (including on PED 3) of blood vessels in the bundle cores. A decrease in bundle diameters, olfactory cell densities and cilia numbers, which was most significant on PED 10 (49.3%, 63.4% and 50%, respectively), was also evident. Surprisingly by PED 15, the OM regained normal morphology. Furthermore, olfactory sensitivity decreased progressively until PED 10 when olfaction was markedly impaired, and with recovery from the impairment by PED 15. These observations show that DCT transiently alters the structure and function of the OM suggesting a high regenerative potential for this tissue.


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Immunoglobulin light-chain (AL) amyloidosis is a form of systemic amyloidosis in which the fibrils are derived from monoclonal light chains. We report a case of a 66-year-old woman presenting with nail changes, parchment-like hand changes, progressive alopecia and sicca syndrome. Histopathological studies of biopsy specimens of the scalp, the nail, minor labial salivary glands and abdominal skin revealed deposits of AL κ-type amyloid. Urine protein electrophoresis exhibited a weak band of κ-type light chains. Based on this striking case, we here review the characteristic nail and hair manifestations associated with systemic amyloidosis. Knowledge of these signs is important for an early diagnosis of systemic amyloidosis, identification of the underlying disease and patient management.