159 resultados para Anthropologie linguistique
The perception of the human body as container is widespread in cognitive linguistics, psychology and anthropology and is estimated to be universal. But what can we say about the specific context of the Hebrew Bible as well as Ancient-Near-Eastern texts and material culture, and more especially about anthropomorphic vessels in the Levant? Biblical, Egyptian and Mesopotamian texts compare the human body with pottery in order to emphasize its status of having been created (Geschöpflichkeit) on the one hand, and its fragility (Zerbrechlichkeit) on the other. Not in every case does the metaphor refer to an individual. Very often, however, it is used with relation to groups of people (nations) and requires particular caution when it comes to drawing a conclusion about the embodiment. The archaeological-iconographic record demonstrates that the human body, especially the female body, was imagined as a container. The fact that vessels in the shape of female bodies are the majority can partly be explained with the association between container and pregnancy. This essay aims at stimulating the discussion about embodiment in the Ancient Near East, concepts of emotion the body as a container in the Hebrew Bible, and its relation to the material culture.
Unterricht in der Schule sieht sich heute unter den Anspruch der Kompetenzorientierung gestellt. Diese Orientierung an "Kompetenz" ist in der Erziehungswissenschaft bekanntlich nicht unwidersprochen geblieben. Stein des Anstoßes ist dabei insbesondere der Versuch, "Kompetenz" vorschnell mit "Bildung" zu harmonisieren, ohne den Differenzen zwischen beiden Begriffen hinreichend Beachtung zu schenken. Vor allem Autoren, die gemeinhin als "Bildungstheoretiker" bezeichnet werden (oder sich selbst so bezeichnen), stellen sich vehement gegen eine Gleichsetzung von "Bildung" und "Kompetenz". Ein Einwand, der in diesem Zusammenhang immer wieder vorgebracht wird, lautet, Kompetenzorientierung beruhe letztlich auf einem problematischen Bild vom Menschen. Der Mensch, so die Kritiker, werde in einem ausschließlich an "Kompetenz" orientierten Unterricht zum "Humankapital" degradiert und in diesem Sinne für gesellschaftliche Zwecke instrumentalisiert. In diesem Beitrag [geht der Autor der Frage nach], auf welchem Menschenbild die hier skizzierte bildungstheoretische Kritik ihrerseits beruht. Was ist das Menschenbild, das Bildungstheoretiker in ihrer Bestimmung von Bildung zur Orientierung dient und von dem her sie Argumente gegen eine aus ihrer Sicht instrumentell angelegte Kompetenzorientierung generieren? (DIPF/Orig.).
Until today, linguistics as an academic field does not aim at responding to the expectations of the job market. However, on the backdrop of an increasing interrelation of politics, economy and science, questions as to the applicability of linguistics to labour processes and the employability of linguists are raised and need to be answered. In analysing data gained in the course of 21 interviews conducted with linguists working in the private sector of economy, several issues have shown to be of major interest. This paper addresses firstly in what ways linguistics was likely to be seen as relevant for the jobs held by the various interviewees from the point of view of their employers, which is then compared to the interviewees' own evaluations on the relevance of linguistic knowledge for their daily work. On the one hand it becomes clear that there are differences between the three comparable situations in which the analysed transfer of knowledge takes place (Quereinstieg, Schnittstellenjob, "sprachperformativer Job"). One the other hand linguistic expertise in the extra-academic field seems to be most salient or approved of when it comes to language competence in text production or communicative situations, which further complicates the attempt to make linguistics transparent for non-linguists.