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With regard to protected areas, the concepts of ecosystem services and the cultural dimension of sustainable development (SD) are increasingly under debate. This contribution analyses the role of cultural aspects within the ecosystem services framework using the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment classification as a reference. The limits of the ecosystem services framework in capturing the cultural dimension are highlighted. Potential ways of strengthening the position of cultural values within this framework are discussed.
We investigated the distribution of commensal staphylococcal species and determined the prevalence of multi-drug resistance in healthy cats and dogs. Risk factors associated with the carriage of multi-drug resistant strains were explored. Isolates from 256 dogs and 277 cats were identified at the species level using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation-time of flight mass spectrometry. The diversity of coagulase-negative Staphylococci (CNS) was high, with 22 species in dogs and 24 in cats. Multi-drug resistance was frequent (17%) and not always associated with the presence of the mecA gene. A stay in a veterinary clinic in the last year was associated with an increased risk of colonisation by multi-drug resistant Staphylococci (OR = 2.4, 95% CI: 1.1˜5.2, p value LRT = 0.04). When identifying efficient control strategies against antibiotic resistance, the presence of mechanisms other than methicillin resistance and the possible role of CNS in the spread of resistance determinants should be considered.
Peri-procedural bleeding complications are feared adverse events in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). Little is known about the implications of peri-procedural bleeding on clinical outcome. In a prospective single-center registry of consecutive patients undergoing TAVI, we investigated incidence, predictors and clinical consequences of life-threatening and major bleeding as defined by the Valve Academic Research Consortium. Among 389 consecutive patients undergoing TAVI by a transfemoral (79.2%), transapical (19.6%) or trans-subclavian (1.3%) approach between July 2007 and October 2011, life-threatening or major peri-procedural bleeding events occurred in 64 (16.4%) and 125 patients (32.1%), respectively. Patients with peri-procedural bleeding events had a higher logistic EuroSCORE, more advanced renal disease, and were more symptomatic as assessed by New York Heart Association functional class at baseline as compared to patients with no bleeding. Life-threatening bleeding was associated with a higher all-cause (17.2 vs. 5.6 vs. 3.0%, p < 0.001) and cardiovascular mortality (10.9 vs. 5.6 vs. 2.5%, p = 0.02) at 30 days compared to patients with major bleeding or no bleeding. Multivariate analysis identified transapical access (OR 2.6, 95% CI 1.4-4.8; p = 0.002), glomerular filtration rate <30 ml/min (OR 2.3, 95% CI 1.1-4.7, p = 0.031), and diabetes (OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.001-3.2, p = 0.049) as independent predictors of life-threatening, peri-procedural bleeding. Life-threatening bleeding complications in patients undergoing TAVI are associated with increased mortality. Renal impairment, diabetes, and transapical approach were identified as independent risk factors for life-threatening bleeding events.
Dieses Lehrbuch erklärt eingehend und leicht fassbar alle gängigen Methoden der Gehörsabklärung bei Erwachsenen und Kindern. Reintonaudiometrie, Vertäubung, Sprachaudiometrie in Ruhe und im Störschall, Tympanometrie, die Messung otoakustischer Emissionen und die Ableitung und Auswertung auditorisch evozierter Potenziale werden anhand von zahlreichen Schemazeichnungen und typischen Befunden anschaulich dargestellt. Informative Kapitel über Hörgeräte, Cochlea-Implantate und Tinnitus geben eine Übersicht über Möglichkeiten und Grenzen moderner therapeutischer Ansätze.
Rumination und Suppression sind 2 maladaptive Emotionsregulationsstrategien, die im Zusammenhang mit pathologischem Verhalten wie übermäßigem Essen oder Trinken stehen. Ein Messinstrument, welches beide Strategien in Kurzform erfasst, fehlt bisher. Der RS-8 erfasst mit 8 Items die beiden Dimensionen Rumination und Suppression. Anhand von 2 klinischen (Patienten mit Alkoholabhängigkeit [n = 79], Patienten mit Adipositas [n = 53]) und einer nichtklinischen Stichprobe (n = 133) wurde die psychometrische Qualität der Skala überprüft. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der RS-8 ein valides und reliables Messinstrument ist. Die interne Konsistenz kann als gut und die faktorielle Validität als sehr gut bewertet werden. Der RS-8 ist ein ökonomisches Screening-Instrument, welches bei klinischen und nicht-klinischen Stichproben eingesetzt werden kann.
A 20-year old Swiss Warmblood mare was referred to the Swiss Institute of Equine Medicine with a history of poor performance, coughing and ataxia and hindlimb weakness which progressed to recumbency. Lung auscultation revealed pronounced wheezing, blood work showed signs of chronic inflammation and increased bone turnover and thoracic ultrasound indicated patchy pulmonary consolidation. Cerebrospinal fluid revealed only mild, unspecific changes allowing exclusion of meningoencephalomyelitis and clinically relevant bleeding. Despite medical treatment and support in a sling the mare did not improve and was euthanized. Necropsy revealed a poorly demarcated, non-encapsulated and invasively growing mass dorsally in the musculature at the level of the forth cervical vertebra (C4) infiltrating the vertebral body and the spinal canal at the level of C1–C2. Multiple nodular, firm masses were present in all lobes of the lung and appeared to be mainly located in vessels. Histologically the masses were composed of spindle cells with marked anisocytosis, anisocaryosis, a high mitotic activity and showed invasive growth. These neoplastic cells stained positive for CD31, an endothelial cell marker, which confirmed diagnosis of a hemangiosarcoma. Definite ante mortem diagnosis of hemangiosarcoma, which is rare in horses, is challenging. Besides the vertebral localization, disseminated, locally invasive and cutaneous forms of hemangiosarcoma exist and can be either acquired or congenital. Prognosis for equine hemangiosarcoma and response to treatment are usually poor and progression of clinical signs is rapid. Vertebral hemangiosarcoma is an uncommon cause of spinal ataxia in horses.
Auswirkungen von Störungen des emotionalen Erlebens auf psychopathologische Zustände und emotionszentrierte Ansätze der Psychotherapie werden erläutert. Nach einem historischen Abriss über die Rolle von Emotionen in Theorie und Praxis der Psychotherapie werden zunächst biologische und neuromodulatorische Prozesse der Emotionsregulation beschrieben. Anschließend werden auf der Basis psychologischer Konzepte Funktionen von Emotionen und emotionale Kontrollprozesse reflektiert. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden Veränderungen emotionaler Regulationsstrategien durch Psychotherapie erörtert und Möglichkeiten der emotionalen Kompetenzsteigerung diskutiert.