49 resultados para 2-amino-2-deoxy-d-glucopyranose


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PURPOSE To describe the clinical outcome of corneal cross-linking (CXL) in a young child with keratoconus. METHODS This is a case report of a young girl with keratoconus with ophthalmologic findings and 3-year follow-up. Follow-up visits included visual acuity measurement, retinoscopy, corneal tomography, and topography. RESULTS A girl with Down syndrome was diagnosed with bilateral keratoconus and relative amblyopia at the age of 4 years. The best-corrected near visual acuity was 20/100 binocularly. Corneal tomography showed the following parameters: OD K(max) 47.2 diopters (D), thinnest location 442 μm; OS K(max) 49.6 D, thinnest location 432 μm. Three months later, the keratoconus in the left eye progressed (K(max) 50.2 D, thinnest location 424 μm), and CXL was performed. One year later, CXL was necessary also in the right eye because of progression. The girl was most recently reexamined at the age of 7 years. The corrected near visual acuity was 20/80 in both eyes. The corneal curvature slightly flattened, and the corneal thickness stabilized (OD K(max) 46.8 D, thinnest location 389 μm; OS K(max) 49.4 D, thinnest location 360 μm). CONCLUSIONS Onset of keratoconus can occur in early childhood, especially in patients with Down syndrome. In this case, CXL was performed at 4 and 5 years of age without complications and stopped further keratoconus progression.


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1995 an der Vierten Weltfrauenkonferenz in Beijing haben 189 Staaten eine visionäre Aktionsplattform als Leitlinie zur Förderung der Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann verabschiedet. Die Schweiz hat 1999 einen Aktionsplan zur Umsetzung erarbeitet mit Massnahmen in den Bereichen Bildung, Wirtschaft und Entscheidungspositionen, aber auch Armut, Gesundheit, Gewalt und Menschenrechten. In einem partizipativen Vorgehen mit Schlüsselpersonen im Bereich der Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann hat das IZFG diesen Aktionsplan bilanziert (1999 - 2014). Der Bericht beinhaltet Zahlen und Fakten in allen Themenbereichen, eine Bilanzierung des Umsetzungsstands auf nationaler und auf internationaler Ebene, Meilensteine und Best Practices sowie den Handlungsbedarf und Empfehlungen für künftiges Vorgehen im Bereich Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann.


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This in vivo study aimed to evaluate the influence of contact points on the approximal caries detection in primary molars, by comparing the performance of the DIAGNOdent pen and visual-tactile examination after tooth separation to bitewing radiography (BW). A total of 112 children were examined and 33 children were selected. In three periods (a, b, and c), 209 approximal surfaces were examined: (a) examiner 1 performed visual-tactile examination using the Nyvad criteria (EX1); examiner 2 used DIAGNOdent pen (LF1) and took BW; (b) 1 week later, after tooth separation, examiner 1 performed the second visual-tactile examination (EX2) and examiner 2 used DIAGNOdent again (LF2); (c) after tooth exfoliation, surfaces were directly examined using DIAGNOdent (LF3). Teeth were examined by computed microtomography as a reference standard. Analyses were based on diagnostic thresholds: D1: D 0 = health, D 1 –D 4 = disease; D2: D 0 , D 1 = health, D 2 –D 4 = disease; D3: D 0 –D 2 = health, D 3 , D 4 = disease. At D1, the highest sensitivity/specificity were observed for EX1 (1.00)/LF3 (0.68), respectively. At D2, the highest sensitivity/ specificity were observed for LF3 (0.69)/BW (1.00), respectively. At D3, the highest sensitivity/specificity were observed for LF3 (0.78)/EX1, EX2 and BW (1.00). EX1 showed higher accuracy values than LF1, and EX2 showed similar values to LF2. We concluded that the visual-tactile examination showed better results in detecting sound surfaces and approximal caries lesions without tooth separation. However, the effectiveness of approximal caries lesion detection of both methods was increased by the absence of contact points. Therefore, regardless of the method of detection, orthodontic separating elastics should be used as a complementary tool for the diagnosis of approximal noncavitated lesions in primary molars.


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Introduction: Although it seems plausible that sports performance relies on high-acuity foveal vision, it could be empirically shown that myoptic blur (up to +2 diopters) does not harm performance in sport tasks that require foveal information pick-up like golf putting (Bulson, Ciuffreda, & Hung, 2008). How myoptic blur affects peripheral performance is yet unknown. Attention might be less needed for processing visual cues foveally and lead to better performance because peripheral cues are better processed as a function of reduced foveal vision, which will be tested in the current experiment. Methods: 18 sport science students with self-reported myopia volunteered as participants, all of them regularly wearing contact lenses. Exclusion criteria comprised visual correction other than myopic, correction of astigmatism and use of contact lenses out of Swiss delivery area. For each of the participants, three pairs of additional contact lenses (besides their regular lenses; used in the “plano” condition) were manufactured with an individual overcorrection to a retinal defocus of +1 to +3 diopters (referred to as “+1.00 D”, “+2.00 D”, and “+3.00 D” condition, respectively). Gaze data were acquired while participants had to perform a multiple object tracking (MOT) task that required to track 4 out of 10 moving stimuli. In addition, in 66.7 % of all trials, one of the 4 targets suddenly stopped during the motion phase for a period of 0.5 s. Stimuli moved in front of a picture of a sports hall to allow for foveal processing. Due to the directional hypotheses, the level of significance for one-tailed tests on differences was set at α = .05 and posteriori effect sizes were computed as partial eta squares (ηρ2). Results: Due to problems with the gaze-data collection, 3 participants had to be excluded from further analyses. The expectation of a centroid strategy was confirmed because gaze was closer to the centroid than the target (all p < .01). In comparison to the plano baseline, participants more often recalled all 4 targets under defocus conditions, F(1,14) = 26.13, p < .01, ηρ2 = .65. The three defocus conditions differed significantly, F(2,28) = 2.56, p = .05, ηρ2 = .16, with a higher accuracy as a function of a defocus increase and significant contrasts between conditions +1.00 D and +2.00 D (p = .03) and +1.00 D and +3.00 D (p = .03). For stop trials, significant differences could neither be found between plano baseline and defocus conditions, F(1,14) = .19, p = .67, ηρ2 = .01, nor between the three defocus conditions, F(2,28) = 1.09, p = .18, ηρ2 = .07. Participants reacted faster in “4 correct+button” trials under defocus than under plano-baseline conditions, F(1,14) = 10.77, p < .01, ηρ2 = .44. The defocus conditions differed significantly, F(2,28) = 6.16, p < .01, ηρ2 = .31, with shorter response times as a function of a defocus increase and significant contrasts between +1.00 D and +2.00 D (p = .01) and +1.00 D and +3.00 D (p < .01). Discussion: The results show that gaze behaviour in MOT is not affected to a relevant degree by a visual overcorrection up to +3 diopters. Hence, it can be taken for granted that peripheral event detection was investigated in the present study. This overcorrection, however, does not harm the capability to peripherally track objects. Moreover, if an event has to be detected peripherally, neither response accuracy nor response time is negatively affected. Findings could claim considerable relevance for all sport situations in which peripheral vision is required which now needs applied studies on this topic. References: Bulson, R. C., Ciuffreda, K. J., & Hung, G. K. (2008). The effect of retinal defocus on golf putting. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 28, 334-344.