42 resultados para zone of silence


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South African land restitution, by way of which the post-apartheid state compensates victims of racial land dispossession, has been intimately linked to former homelands: prototypical rural claims are those of communities that lost their rights in land when being forcibly relocated to reserves and they now aspire to return to their former lands and homes from their despised ‘homelands’. However, white farmers, who were also dispossessed (although usually compensated) by the apartheid state in the latter’s endeavour to consolidate existing homelands, have lodged restitution claims as well. While the Land Claims Court has principally admitted such restitution claims and ruled upon the merits of individual cases, state bureaucrats, legal activists, as well as other members of the public have categorically questioned and challenged such claims to land rights by whites. Focussing on white land claimaints effected by the establishment of former KwaNdebele, this paper investigates the contested field of moral entitlements emerging from divergent discourses about the true victims and beneficiaries of apartheid. It pays particular attention to land claims pertaining to the western frontier of KwaNdebele – the wider Rust de Winter area, which used to be white farmland expropriated in the mid-1980s for consolidation (that never occurred) and currently vegetates as largely neglected no-man’s-(state-)land under multiple land claims. Being the point of reference for state officials, former white farmers, Ndebele traditionalists, local residents, and other citizens, this homeland frontier is hence analysed as a fateful zone of contestation, in which the terms of a new South African moral community are negotiated.


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In modern medico-legal literature, only a small number of publications deal with fatal injuries from black powder guns. Most of them focus on the morphological features such as intense soot soiling, blast tattooing and burn effects in close-range shots or describe the wound ballistics of spherical lead bullets. Another kind of "unusual" and potentially lethal weapons are handguns destined for firing only blank cartridges such as starter and alarm pistols. The dangerousness of these guns is restricted to very close and contact range shots and results from the gas jet produced by the deflagration of the propellant. The present paper reports on a suicide committed with a muzzle-loading percussion pistol cal. 45. An unusually large stellate entrance wound was located in the precordial region, accompanied by an imprint mark from the ramrod and a faint greenish discoloration (apparently due to the formation of sulfhemoglobin). Autopsy revealed an oversized powder cavity, multiple fractures of the anterior thoracic wall as well as ruptures of the heart, the aorta, the left hepatic lobe and the diaphragm. In total, the zone of mechanical destruction had a diameter of approx. 15 cm. As there was no exit wound and no bullet lodged in the body, the injury was caused exclusively by the inrushing combustion gases of the propellant (black powder) comparable with the gas jet of a blank cartridge gun. In contact shots to ballistic gelatine using the suicide's pistol loaded with black powder but no projectile, the formation of a nearly spherical cavity could be demonstrated by means of a high-speed camera. The extent of the temporary cavity after firing with 5 g of black powder roughly corresponded to the zone of destruction found in the suicide's body.


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BACKGROUND In experimental animal studies, pulsing the CO2 laser beam has been shown to reduce the thermal damage zone of excised oral mucosal tissue. However, there is still controversy over whether this is borne out under clinical conditions. OBJECTIVE To compare the outcome following excisional biopsies of fibrous hyperplasias using a pulsed (cf) versus a continuous wave (cw) CO2 laser mode regarding the thermal damage zone, duration of surgeries, intra- and postoperative complications, postoperative pain sensation, scarring and/or relapse during the initial 6 months. MATERIALS AND METHODS One hundred Swiss-resident patients with a fibrous hyperplasia in their buccal mucosa were randomly assigned to the cw mode (5 W) or the cf mode (140 Hz, 400 microseconds, 33 mJ, 4.62 W) group. All excisions were performed by one single oral surgeon. Postoperative pain (2 weeks) was recorded by visual analogue scale (VAS; ranging from 0 to 100). Intake of analgesics and postoperative complications were recorded in a standardized study form. The maximum width of the collateral thermal damage zone was measured (µm) in excision specimens by one pathologist. Intraoral photographs at 6-month follow-up examinations were evaluated regarding scarring (yes/no). RESULTS Median duration of the excision was 65 seconds in the cw and 81 seconds in the cf group (P = 0.13). Intraoperative bleeding occurred in 16.3% of the patients in the cw and 17.7% of the cf group. The median value of the thermal damage zone was 161(±228) μm in the cw and 152(± 105) μm in the cf group (P = 0.68). The reported postoperative complications included swelling in 19% and minor bleeding in 6% without significant differences between the two laser modes. When comparing each day separately or the combined mean VAS scores of both groups between Days 1-3, 1-7, and 1-15, there were no significant differences. However, more patients of the cw group (25%) took analgesics than patients of the cf group (9.8%) resulting in a borderline significance (P = 0.04). Scarring at the excision site was found in 50.6% of 77 patients after 6 months, and more scars were identified in cases treated with the cf mode (P = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS Excision of fibrous hyperplasias performed with a CO2 laser demonstrated a good clinical outcome and long-term predictability with a low risk of recurrence regardless of the laser mode (cf or cw) used. Scarring after 6 months was only seen in 50.6% of the cases and was slightly more frequent in the cf mode group. Based on the findings of the present study, a safety border of 1 mm appears sufficient for both laser modes especially when performing a biopsy of a suspicious soft tissue lesion to ensure a proper histopathological examination.


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Erosive demineralisation causes characteristic histological features. In enamel, mineral is dissolved from the surface, resulting in a roughened structure similar to an etching pattern. If the acid impact continues, the initial surface mineral loss turns into bulk tissue loss and with time a visible defect can develop. The microhardness of the remaining surface is reduced, increasing the susceptibility to physical wear. The histology of eroded dentine is much more complex because the mineral component of the tissue is dissolved by acids whereas the organic part is remaining. At least in experimental erosion, a distinct zone of demineralised organic material develops, the thickness of which depends on the acid impact. This structure is of importance for many aspects, e.g. the progression rate or the interaction with active agents and physical impacts, and needs to be considered when quantifying mineral loss. The histology of experimental erosion is increasingly well understood, but there is lack of knowledge about the histology of in vivo lesions. For enamel erosion, it is reasonable to assume that the principal features may be similar, but the fate of the demineralised dentine matrix in the oral cavity is unclear. As dentine lesions normally appear hard clinically, it can be assumed that it is degraded by the variety of enzymes present in the oral cavity. Erosive tooth wear may lead to the formation of reactionary or reparative dentine.


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A natural smoky quartz crystal from Shandong province, China, was characterised by laser ablation ICP-MS, electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and solution ICP-MS to determine the concentration of twenty-four trace and ultra trace elements. Our main focus was on Ti quantification because of the increased use of this element for titanium in- quartz (TitaniQ) thermobarometry. Pieces of a uniform growth zone of 9 mm thickness within the quartz crystal were analysed in four different LA-ICP-MS laboratories, three EPMA laboratories and one solution-ICP-MS laboratory. The results reveal reproducible concentrations of Ti (57 ± 4 lg g-1),Al (154 ± 15 lg g-1), Li (30 ± 2 lg g-1), Fe (2.2 ± 0.3 lg g-1), Mn (0.34 ± 0.04 lg g-1), Ge (1.7 ± 0.2 lg g-1) and Ga (0.020 ± 0.002 lg g-1) and detectable, but less reproducible, concentrations of Be, B, Na, Cu, Zr, Sn and Pb. oncentrations of K, Ca, Sr, Mo, Ag, Sb, Ba and Au were below the limits of detection of all three techniques. The uncertainties on the average concentration determinations by multiple techniques and laboratories for Ti, Al, Li, Fe, Mn, Ga and Ge are low; hence, this quartz can serve as a reference material or a secondary reference material for microanalytical applications involving the quantification of trace elements in quartz.


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This paper discusses the effects of global change in African mountains, with the example of Mount Kenya. The geographical focus is the northwestern, semi-arid foot zone of the mountain (Laikipia District). Over the past 50 years, this area has experienced rapid and profound transformation, the respective processes of which are all linked to global change. The main driving forces behind these processes have been political and economic in nature. To these an environmental change factor has been added in recent years – climate change. After introducing the area of research, the paper presents three dimensions of global change that are manifested in the region and largely shape its development: Socio-political change, economic change, environmental change. For the regions northwest of Mount Kenya, climate models predict important changes in rainfall distribution that will have a profound impact on freshwater availability and management. The results presented here are based on research undertaken northwest of Mount Kenya within the framework of a series of long-term Kenyan-Swiss research programmes that began in the early 1980s.


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Auxin (IAA) is an important regulator of plant development and root differentiation. Although recent studies indicate that salicylic acid (SA) may also be important in this context by interfering with IAA signaling, comparatively little is known about its impact on the plant’s physiology, metabolism, and growth characteristics. Using carbon-11, a short-lived radioisotope (t 1/2 = 20.4 min) administered as 11CO2 to maize plants (B73), we measured changes in these functions using SA and IAA treatments. IAA application decreased total root biomass, though it increased lateral root growth at the expense of primary root elongation. IAA-mediated inhibition of root growth was correlated with decreased 11CO2 fixation, photosystem II (PSII) efficiency, and total leaf carbon export of 11C-photoassimilates and their allocation belowground. Furthermore, IAA application increased leaf starch content. On the other hand, SA application increased total root biomass, 11CO2 fixation, PSII efficiency, and leaf carbon export of 11C-photoassimilates, but it decreased leaf starch content. IAA and SA induction patterns were also examined after root-herbivore attack by Diabrotica virgifera to place possible hormone crosstalk into a realistic environmental context. We found that 4 days after infestation, IAA was induced in the midzone and root tip, whereas SA was induced only in the upper proximal zone of damaged roots. We conclude that antagonistic crosstalk exists between IAA and SA which can affect the development of maize plants, particularly through alteration of the root system’s architecture, and we propose that the integration of both signals may shape the plant’s response to environmental stress.


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This study reviews and synthesizes the present knowledge on the Sesia–Dent Blanche nappes, the highest tectonic elements in the Western Alps (Switzerland and Italy), which comprise pieces of pre-Alpine basement and Mesozoic cover. All of the available data are integrated in a crustal-scale kinematic model with the aim to reconstruct the Alpine tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Sesia–Dent Blanche nappes. Although major uncertainties remain in the pre-Alpine geometry, the basement and cover sequences of the Sesia–Dent Blanche nappes are seen as part of a thinned continental crust derived from the Adriatic margin. The earliest stages of the Alpine evolution are interpreted as recording late Cretaceous subduction of the Adria-derived Sesia–Dent Blanche nappes below the South-Alpine domain. During this subduction, several sheets of crustal material were stacked and separated by shear zones that rework remnants of their Mesozoic cover. The recently described Roisan-Cignana Shear Zone of the Dent Blanche Tectonic System represents such a shear zone, indicating that the Sesia–Dent Blanche nappes represent a stack of several individual nappes. During the subsequent subduction of the Piemonte–Liguria Ocean large-scale folding of the nappe stack (including the Roisan-Cignana Shear Zone) took place under greenschist facies conditions, which indicates partial exhumation of the Dent Blanche Tectonic System. The entrance of the Briançonnais micro-continent within the subduction zone led to a drastic change in the deformation pattern of the Alpine belt, with rapid exhumation of the eclogite-facies ophiolite bearing units and thrust propagation towards the foreland. Slab breakoff probably was responsible for allowing partial melting in the mantle and Oligocene intrusions into the most internal parts of the Sesia–Dent Blanche nappes. Finally, indentation of the Adriatic plate into the orogenic wedge resulted in the formation of the Vanzone back-fold, which marks the end of the pervasive ductile deformation within the Sesia–Dent Blanche nappes during the earliest Miocene.


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PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to analyze the removal of implant-supported crowns retained by three different cements using an air-accelerated crown remover and to evaluate the patients' response to the procedure. MATERIALS AND METHODS This controlled clinical trial was conducted with 21 patients (10 women, 11 men; mean age: 51 ± 10.2 years) who had received a total of 74 implants (all placed in the posterior zone of the mandible). Four months after implant surgery, the crowns were cemented on standard titanium abutments of different heights. Three different cements (two temporary: Harvard TEMP and Improv; and one definitive: Durelon) were used and randomly assigned to the patients. Eight months later, one blinded investigator removed all crowns. The number of activations of the instrument (CORONAflex, KaVo) required for crown removal was recorded. The patients completed a questionnaire retrospectively to determine the impact of the procedure and to gauge their subjective perception. A linear regression model and descriptive statistics were used for data analysis. RESULTS All crowns could be retrieved without any technical complications or damage. Both abutment height (P = .019) and cement type (P = .004) had a significant effect on the number of activations, but the type of cement was more important. An increased total number of activations had no or only a weak correlation to the patients' perception of concussion, noise, pain, and unwillingness to use the device. CONCLUSIONS Cemented implant crowns can be removed, and the application of an air-accelerated device is a practicable method. A type of cement with appropriate retention force has to be selected. The impact on the patients' subjective perception should be taken into account.


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OBJECTIVE Successful repair of defects in the avascular zone of meniscus remains a challenge in orthopedics. This proof of concept study aimed to investigate a guided tissue regeneration approach for treatment of tears in meniscus avascular zone in a goat model. DESIGN Full-depth longitudinal tear was created in the avascular zone of the meniscus and sutured. In the two treatment groups, porcine collagen membrane was wrapped around the tear without (CM) or with injection of expanded autologous chondrocytes (CM+cells), whereas in the control group the tear remained only sutured. Gait recovery was evaluated during the entire follow-up period. On explantation at 3 and 6 months, macroscopic gross inspection assessed healing of tears, degradation of collagen membrane, potential signs of inflammation, and osteoarthritic changes. Microscopic histology scoring criteria were developed to evaluate healing of tears, the cellular response, and the inflammatory response. RESULTS Gait recovery suggested protective effect of collagen membrane and was supported by macroscopical evaluation where improved tear healing was noted in both treated groups. Histology scoring in CM compared to suture group revealed an increase in tear margins contact, newly formed connective tissue between margins, and cell formations surrounded with new matrix after 3 months yet not maintained after 6 months. In contrast, in the CM+cells group these features were observed after 3 and 6 months. CONCLUSIONS A transient, short-term guided tissue regeneration of avascular meniscal tears occurred upon application of collagen membrane, whereas addition of expanded autologous chondrocytes supported more sustainable longer term tear healing.


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No single mechanism can account for the full amplitude of past atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration variability over glacial–interglacial cycles. A build-up of carbon in the deep ocean has been shown to have occurred during the Last Glacial Maximum. However, the mechanisms responsible for the release of the deeply sequestered carbon to the atmosphere at deglaciation, and the relative importance of deep ocean sequestration in regulating millennial-timescale variations in atmospheric CO2 concentration before the Last Glacial Maximum, have remained unclear. Here we present sedimentary redox-sensitive trace metal records from the Antarctic Zone of the Southern Ocean that provide a reconstruction of transient changes in deep ocean oxygenation and, by inference, respired carbon storage throughout the last glacial cycle. Our data suggest that respired carbon was removed from the abyssal Southern Ocean during the Northern Hemisphere cold phases of the deglaciation, when atmospheric CO2 concentration increased rapidly, reflecting—at least in part— a combination of dwindling iron fertilization by dust and enhanced deep ocean ventilation. Furthermore, our records show that the observed covariation between atmospheric CO2 concentration and abyssal Southern Ocean oxygenation was maintained throughout most of the past 80,000 years. This suggests that on millennial timescales deep ocean circulation and iron fertilization in the Southern Ocean played a consistent role in modifying atmospheric CO2 concentration.


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Patterns of size inequality in crowded plant populations are often taken to be indicative of the degree of size asymmetry of competition, but recent research suggests that some of the patterns attributed to size‐asymmetric competition could be due to spatial structure. To investigate the theoretical relationships between plant density, spatial pattern, and competitive size asymmetry in determining size variation in crowded plant populations, we developed a spatially explicit, individual‐based plant competition model based on overlapping zones of influence. The zone of influence of each plant is modeled as a circle, growing in two dimensions, and is allometrically related to plant biomass. The area of the circle represents resources potentially available to the plant, and plants compete for resources in areas in which they overlap. The size asymmetry of competition is reflected in the rules for dividing up the overlapping areas. Theoretical plant populations were grown in random and in perfectly uniform spatial patterns at four densities under size‐asymmetric and size‐symmetric competition. Both spatial pattern and size asymmetry contributed to size variation, but their relative importance varied greatly over density and over time. Early in stand development, spatial pattern was more important than the symmetry of competition in determining the degree of size variation within the population, but after plants grew and competition intensified, the size asymmetry of competition became a much more important source of size variation. Size variability was slightly higher at higher densities when competition was symmetric and plants were distributed nonuniformly in space. In a uniform spatial pattern, size variation increased with density only when competition was size asymmetric. Our results suggest that when competition is size asymmetric and intense, it will be more important in generating size variation than is local variation in density. Our results and the available data are consistent with the hypothesis that high levels of size inequality commonly observed within crowded plant populations are largely due to size‐asymmetric competition, not to variation in local density.